MTH302 Quiz 4 Spring 2011

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net MC110202713 : Hina Choudhary
Quiz Start Time: 11:42 AM

Question # 2 of 10 ( Start time: 11:42:40 AM ) An automatic production line breaks down every 2 hours.Special production requires uninterrupted operation Select correct option:

MC110202713 : Hina Choudhary

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Quiz Start Time: 11:42 AM Question # 3 of 10 ( Start time: 11:43:34 AM ) What is not a characteristic of poisson distribution. Select correct option: Total Marks: 1

MC110202713 : Hina Choudhary

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Quiz Start Time: 11:42 AM Question # 4 of 10 ( Start time: 11:44:39 AM ) The successive binomial trials are assumed to be Select correct option: Total Marks: 1

MC110202713 : Hina Choudhary

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Quiz Start Time: 11:42 AM Question # 5 of 10 ( Start time: 11:47:22 AM ) Total Marks: 1 In the excel formulation for Poisson distribution i-e "POISSON(x,mean,cumulative)", if x or mean is non-numeric then it gives Select correct option:

MC110202713 : Hina Choudhary

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Quiz Start Time: 11:42 AM Question # 6 of 10 ( Start time: 11:48:25 AM ) Total Marks: 1 A single card is to be drawn from a well shuffled deck of cards. What will be the probability of black cards? Select correct option:

MC110202713 : Hina Choudhary

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Quiz Start Time: 11:42 AM

Question # 7 of 10 ( Start time: 11:49:19 AM ) Total Marks: 1 A pair of fair die is rolled. What will be the probability of Sum of dots on upper sides is odd number? Select correct option:

MC110202713 : Hina Choudhary

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Quiz Start Time: 11:42 AM Question # 8 of 10 ( Start time: 11:50:33 AM ) For mutually exclusive events A and B Select correct option: Total Marks: 1

MC110202713 : Hina Choudhary

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Quiz Start Time: 11:42 AM Question # 9 of 10 ( Start time: 11:51:22 AM ) Total Marks: 1 A lottery has Rs.100 payout on average 20 turns.What will be expected win per turn. Select correct option:

MC110202713 : Hina Choudhary Quiz Start Time: 11:42 AM

Time Left


Question # 10 of 10 ( Start time: 11:52:27 AM ) Total Marks: 1 The number of false fire alarms in a suburb of London on averages 4 per day. Assuming that a Poisson distribution is appropriate, the probability that 3 false alarms will occur on a given day is given by Select correct option:

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