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Pre-Clinical Endodontics Laboratory Manual

DENT 336 2013

Course Coordinator Dr Nawaf Al-Hazaimeh

DENT 336: CONSERVATIVE DENTISTRY 2 (4 credit hours: 1 theory, 3 practical) Jordan University of Science and Technology Faculty of Dentistry Department of Conservative Dentistry Second Semester Course Syllabus Course Information Course Title Course Code Prerequisites Course Website Instructor Office Location Office Phone Office Hours E-mail Teaching Assistant(s) Conservative Dentistry 2 Dent 336 N-A N-A Dr. Nawaf Al-Hazaimeh Dental Teaching Centre N-A N-A N-A N-A

Course Description Lectures and laboratory exercises include the basic theory and practice of endodontic therapy. Topics include pulp canal anatomy and the techniques, materials and instruments used to clean, shape, obturate and retreat root-canal spaces. Text Book Title Author(s) Publisher Year Edition Book Website References Assessment Policy Assessment Type Midterm First Exam Second Exam Final Exam Assignments Attendance And attitude to learning Participation C ourse Objectives Endodontics Principles and Practice Torabinejad M, Walton RE W.B. Saunders Co 2009 4th Edition N-A Harty FJ. (2004). Endodontics in Clinical Practice. 5th edition. Wright Co. N-A 40% (This includes a theoretical and continuous assessment) N-A 55% (This includes theoretical and practical examinations) N-A 5% N-A Weights

Recognize basic endodontic instruments and use them correctly. Identify patent pulp chambers and canals by knowledge of pulp anatomy and use of radiography. Recognize canal systems with extreme curvatures, calcifications and other complicating features. Appropriately prepare access cavities for all tooth categories. Correctly determine working length. Prepare uncomplicated root canals for all tooth categories using hand instruments and the step back technique. Adequately fill root canals of all teeth using cold lateral compaction technique. Identify, prevent and manage procedural errors that occur during root canal treatment. Self assess the quality of root canal performed. Teaching & Learning Methods Classroom lectures. Tests and exams Review of exams Textbook reading assignments

Weight is distributed equally on the listed objectives

Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to Related Objective(s) Reference Recognize basic endodontic 1. instruments and use them correctly. Identify patent pulp chambers 2. and canals by knowledge of pulp anatomy and use of radiography. Recognize canal systems with 3. extreme curvatures, calcifications and other complicating features. Appropriately prepare access 4. cavities for all tooth categories. Correctly determine working 5. length. Prepare uncomplicated root canals for all tooth categories 6. using hand instruments and the step back technique. Identify, prevent and manage 7. procedural errors that occur during root canal treatment. 8. Self assess the quality of root

canal performed. Useful Resources Course Content Lectures timetable Week 3/2/2013 10/2 17/2 Access cavity preparation RCT 24/2 3/3 10/3 17/3 24/3 31/3 7/4 14/4 21/4 28/4 5/5 Working Length determination, Endodontic radiography Cleaning and shaping of root canal system Obturation of root canal system Intracanal medicaments, Temporizations Intra-semester Examination Biology of dental pulp and periradicular tissues Pulp and periradicular pathosis Diagnosis and treatment planning Procedural accidents Revision and discussion Chapter 1 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 18 Topics Introduction to the course. Moisture control Introduction to Endodontics. Endodontic instruments Internal anatomy of root canal system Chapter in text Handouts Chapter 12 Chapter 14 and Appendix A Chapter 14 and Appendix A Chapters 11, 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 17 Chapter 15

Laboratory timetable 3/2/2013 10/2 17/2 24/2 3/3 Lab rules, lab sheets, distribute instruments. Demonstrate radiographic taking and processing Identify endodontic instruments & extracted teeth for RCT Preoperative radiographs to select teeth for RCT Access preparation for anterior teeth U1,L1,Canine Mounting teeth in acrylic moulds Access preparation for mounted anterior teeth: U1, L1, canine Working length Determination and straight line access: U1, Canine, L1 Apical enlargement and MAF determination




31/3 7/4 14/4 21/4 28/4 5/5 12/5/2013

Cleaning and shaping of root canal system for anterior teeth Calcium hydroxide placement and temporary restoration Obturation of root canal system of anterior teeth: U1, canine, L1 Finish obturation of the root canal system of anterior teeth Access preparation for Upper posterior teeth: unmounted premolar & molar Access preparation for Lower posterior teeth: unmounted premolar & molar Access preparation for posterior teeth: mounted U premolar, U6 and L6 Working length determination for posterior teeth Cleaning and shaping of root canals for posterior teeth (WL and MAF) Finish cleaning and shaping for posterior teeth Obturation of root canal system for posterior teeth Finish obturation of root canal systems for posterior teeth Retreatment of an obturated upper central incisor Catch up lab Final practical exam : access cavity for 3 teeth (anterior, upper premolar, molar)

Additional Notes 1. As previously advised, students must collect as many teeth as possible to be used in the practical part of this course. Extracted teeth must not be kept dry; but in diluted Sodium hypochlorite solution. This home bleaching agent is available in most supermarkets in a concentration of 6.5% and can be diluted by adding 3 volumes of water to 1 volume of bleach to obtain the concentration of 0.75%. 2. Students should keep an anterior, upper premolar and a molar tooth for the final practical exam 3. You should familiarize yourself with more clinically simulated conditions 4. 5. 6. Perform endodontic treatment in correct posture Effectively work with reflected images in the mouth mirror University rules regarding attendance, both in lecture, lab and make up

exams will be respected and strictly followed. Professionalism Gross violations of the formal codes are governed by University laws, which delineate the procedures to determine whether a violation of the code of ethics occurred and, if so, what remedies should be imposed. We encourage students to abide with the more sensitive approach to this by allowing the practice of a high Morality (or proper behavior), which defines right and wrong by the society, philosophy, religion, and individual conscience. Students and their instructors often make ethical choices reflexively/ But ethically sensitive situations, where time, emotions and marks are pressured, it becomes all too easy to be blind-sided by temptation/ The best antidote to ethical lapses is to commit in advance to a set of ethical principles - your personal ethical code that follows or grows to it. Any difficulty or concern during the course should be passed directly to the course coordinator. The Lab work should be finished during the lab sessions. Undelivered work will not be marked All the instruments you need should be brought as soon as possible/ A list of that will be provided. You should leave your worktop as clean as possible Marks are counted towards continuous assessment. Each student should set at the designated area/ The names will be mounted on each bench. Cooperation and professionalism in the lab time are very helpful and encouraged to facilitate your progress in the course. It is applicable when an acceptable and valid excuse is presented at the applicable time N/A It is unethical and illegal by any means JUST regulations will be applicable The work should be your own, otherwise it will scored zero. It is mandatory for all lectures and laboratory sessions Every students will be allocated to seat according to group assignments in the lab Attendance is encouraged at all times on time To receive course credit, a student should attend a minimum of 90% of the contact hours of the class.


Makeup Exams Drop Date Cheating



Students with Special needs

Participation Individual conferencing and consultations

Course changes

Students who are absent for the lecture must contact the course coordinator prior to the class. If absent from lectures, then the course coordinator will refer to related guidelines set by the university. Any student who is absent on a test day, will have to demonstrate an acceptable medical or social statement explaining the illness or personal crisis as instructed by their faculty. Individual instructors may accommodate by arrangements for a make-up test only when a written request is sent to and approved by the Dean. Any student who feels that s/he may need accommodation for any type of disability is encouraged to contact the course coordinator who will be happy to help in any way. Accommodations to the course plan can be tailored to the needs of specific individuals after consultations with the dean. All students are highly encouraged to participate in the classes and laboratory session. The course coordinator is always available to talk with the student when problems arise. If you have any problems that require the attention of an instructor, do not wait until the problem is insurmountable. If a student must talk with the course coordinator after office hours, an appointment can be made for that time. Do not allow tension to build-up to unsolvable proportions. Information contained in this course outline is correct at the time of publication. Content of the courses is revised on an ongoing basis to ensure relevance to changing educational, employment needs. The course coordinator reserves the right to add or delete material from courses and will endeavor to provide notice of changes to students as soon as possible. The timetable may also be revised accommodating to holidays and unexpected off days.

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