4 - Three Side Road - House Examples

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Three Side Road



East, North & South Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :



Road is towards East, causing men folk enjoying sound health. West neighbor's construction is at equal level, causing no effect. Road is towards North, causing female folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards South. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards North & East, this building would not receive any vastu energy. Because of vastu defects, energy does flow out to neighbor's constructions in West. Even small vastu defects in this building are severe.

On the ground floor there is street thrust towards North-NorthWest. Shelf is abutting NorthWest corner. On the terrace, no vasstu defects. In this building, female folk being unwell. Indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Third & Seventh child if female severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords are indicated.

Severe Effects: There is road thrust in North-NorthWest portion, causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, i n s o l v e n c y, c o u r t cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords.

Minor Effects: Loft is abutting N o r t h We s t c o r n e r causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, problems with administration are indicated.

Construct two wall at least 4 inches thick and 8 feet high (at least 4 inches apart) opposite the thrusting street, leaving just adequate space between this wall and main walls.

See the given below figure to understand well the remedy of road thrust.
Walls Height 8 Feet & width 4.5 inches

Open place Main wall

Building Equal

Road Normal

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

Ground Floor (as is now)

Terrace (as is now)

Main Door Road


Toilet Lobby

There is no any vastu defect on terrace.

Road Kitchen

Covering over the staircase Water tank



Road S Road

Road Hit


Road Hit



W Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies) E

Main Door Road

Toilet Lobby

N Road
Road Hit


Prayer room should be in SouthWest thus making The Lord head of the house so that He Himself protects the residents.


Room Loft

Open place

4 Inches

Main wall

Loft may be constructed as shown.

Open place Main wall

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Three Side Road



East, North & South Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards East, causing men folk enjoying sound health. West neighbor's construction is at high level, causing increased self confidence among male folk. Road is towards North, causing female folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards South. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards North & East, this building would not receive any vastu energy. Because of vastu defects, energy does flow out to neighbor's constructions in West. Even small vastu defects in this building are severe.


High Good

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

Main road is towards East and basement is constructed in the complete building. On the ground floor septic tank is towards North-NorthWest. Stair case is abutting NorthEast corner. Wall is constructed on central area. On the terrace, toilet is on SouthEast corner. Stair case cover is adjoining NorthEast corner. In this building, female folk being severely unwell. Head of the family and earning members being a worried lot. Financial stringency, family having no progress, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, insolvency, fire & theft hazard, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. First, Second, Fourth & Sixth child having severe troubled life and marital discords. Third & Seventh child if female severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords are indicated.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Main road is in East and basement is constructed in whole building. According to vastu road is also the portion of the house. Causes East portion becoming higher and West lower, causing serious ailments among men folk, insecurity feelings, loss of name & fame, financial stringency, court cases problems with administration, being child less, abortionss are indicated. Head of the family and male members having bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible. Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining NorthNorthEast wall causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society and first & fourth child (if female) having troublesome life and martial discords. Construction in the prime cental area has mild adverse effects.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut North & East wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall. Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground. Shift the wall to clear the prime central area as shown. Fill the basement with sand & level the ground. It is benevolent to maintain the floor level up to 2.5 feet higher than road.

Boring Road Main Door Basement

Boring Main Door Road

Room Road Toilet







Severe Effects: Septic tank is towards NorthNorthWest wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.



Temple Room

Kitchen Temple Room

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

Construct stair case cover minimum 3 feet away from East wall as shown. 1. Remove the roof of stair case cover, the adverse effects being reduced. 2. If however, stair case cover needs to be cover, the same should be shifted by at least 3 feet from North & East walls as shown. It would reduce the adverse effects more. 3. To remove the adverse effects totally, new stair case and stair case cover may be constructed adjoining West wall as shown by the dotted lines. 4. Such construction should be away from the corners by at least 3 feet.

W Terrace (as is now) E

Road Toilet Covering over the staircase

Severe Effects: Toilet is adjoining SouthEast corner causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining NorthEast corner causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society and first & fourth child having troublesome life and martial discords.


Toilet Covering over the staircase Road


Road Roof

Road Roof

Three Side Road



East, North & South Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards East, causing men folk enjoying sound health. West is empty, causing low self confidence among male folk. Road is towards North, causing female folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards South. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards North & East, this building would not receive any vastu energy. Consequent to no neighbor's construction is West & South, energy does not flow out from here. Effects of vastu defects in this building are normal.

Building Empty



Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor septic tank is towards East-SouthEast. Stair case is abutting East wall and sited on SouthEast corner. Shelf is abutting NorthWest corner. Wall is constructed on central area. On the terrace, toilet is on NrothEast corner and water tank over it multiplying effects of vastu defect. Stair case cover is adjoining East wall & SouthEast corner. In this building, complete family being unwell, men folk being having short temper and low esteem. Financial stringency is indicated. Head of the family and earning members being a worried lot, family having no progress, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazard, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. First & Fourth child having severe troubled life and marital discords. Second & Sixth child if male severe and if female mild troubled life and marital discords are indicated.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining SouthEast corner & East-SouthEast wall as also septic tank is in East-SouthEast, causing male & female folk being unwell, having no male issues, abortionss, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut East wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall. Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground. Shift the wall to clear the prime central area as shown. Loft may be constructed as shown.


Main Door Boring

Main Door
Road Septic tank


Construction in the prime cental area has mild adverse effects.

Room Septic tank






Minor Effects: Loft is abutting NorthWest corner causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, problems with administration are indicated.









W Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)



W Terrace (as is now)

Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining SouthEast corner & East-SouthEast wall as also septic tank is in EastSouthEast, causing male & female folk being unwell, having no male issues, abortionss, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Toilet is adjoining NorthEast corner causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, f i n a n c i a l s t r i n g e n c y, n o recognition in society and first & fourth child having troublesome life and martial discords.

1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut East wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall.

Water Tank



Toilet Open Area

1. Demolish the roof of toilet. 2. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 3. For this purpose construction material may be same or lighter than that of the room. 4. Slope of shed should be towards NorthEast.

Covered Area

Mesh Roof



Mesh Roof


Water Tank


Shift the water tank as shown.

Three Side Road


East, North & South Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Road Road Road

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards East, causing men folk enjoying sound health. West is empty, causing low self confidence among male folk. Road is towards North, causing female folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards South.

Main road is towards East and basement is constructed in the complete building. On the ground floor main door and boring in East are towards SouthEast. Wall is constructed on central area. On the terrace, stair case cover is on SouthWest corner. In this building, men folk being severely unwell and have low esteem. Financial stringency, having no male issues, abortionss and court cases are possible. Head of the family, First & Fifth child may live away from the house.

Construction in the prime cental area has mild adverse effects.

Severe Effects: Main road is in East and basement is constructed in whole building. According to vastu road is also the portion of the house. Causes East portion becoming higher and West lower, causing serious ailments among men folk, insecurity feelings, loss of name & fame, financial stringency, court cases problems with administration, being child less, abortionss are indicated. Head of the family and male members having bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible.

Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining SouthWest corner causing more problems and living out of the house to head of the family & first/fifth child.

Empty Bad

Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards North & East, this building would not receive any vastu energy. Consequent to no neighbor's construction is West & South, energy does not flow out from here. Effects of vastu defects in this building are normal.

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Main door & boring in East are towards SouthEast, causing serious ailments among men folk, insecurity feelings, loss of name & fame, financial s t r i n g e n c y, c o u r t c a s e s p r o b l e m s w i t h administration, being child less or abortionss etc.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the bore well to the East as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.

Road Boring

Road Boring


Shop Room Road





Road Shutter

Bath room


Road Shutter

Bath room Basement




Fill the basement with sand & level the ground. It is benevolent to maintain the floor level up to 2.5 feet higher than road.

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies) E


Terrace (as is now) E

Road Road Roof

Water Tank Road

Water Tank Covering over the staircase Road


Roof Covering over the staircase

Construct stair case cover minimum 3 feet away from East wall as shown.

W For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road



East, North & South Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards North, causing female folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards South. Road is towards East, causing men folk enjoying sound health. West neighbor's construction is at high level, causing increased self confidence among male folk.


W High


Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards North & East, this building would not receive any vastu energy. Because of vastu defects, energy does flow out to neighbor's constructions in West. Even small vastu defects in this building are severe.

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor Stair case is abutting NorthEast corner. Septic tank is towards South-SouthWest. Balcony is constructed on North wall. On the terrace, toilet is on NorthWest corner. Stair case cover is adjoining East-NorthEast corner. In this building, complete family being unwell. Head of the family and earning members being a worried lot. Financial stringency, family having no progress, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. First & Fourth child if male severe and if female mild troubled life and marital discords are indicated. Third & Seventh child having severe troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Balcony is constructed on North wall causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, irritable temper and loss of name and fame.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

As shown in the figure erect pillars under the balcony, on each floor up to the terrace so that weight on North wall is reduced. Or else complete balcony may be demolished.


Road Boring Main Door



Verandah Center


Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining East-NorthEast wall & NorthEast corner, causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society and first & fourth child having troublesome life and martial discords. Severe Effects: Septic tank is towards South-SouthWest causing first lady, first & fifth child (if female) being unwell, loss of name & fame, irritable temper, becoming stubborn and mental worries.


Road Pillar Boring

Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground. 1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut North & East wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall.




Toilet Covering over the staircase

Loft Road






Terrace (as is now)

Severe Effects: To i l e t i s a d j o i n i n g NorthWest corner causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, p r o b l e m s w i t h administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining EastNorthEast wall causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society and first & fourth child (if male) having troublesome life and martial discords.

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

As shown in the figure erect pillars under the balcony, on each floor up to the terrace so that weight on North wall is reduced. Or else complete balcony may be demolished.


N Road


1. Demolish the roof of stair case cover. 2. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 3. F o r t h i s p u r p o s e construction material may be same or lighter than that of the room. 4. Slope of shed should be towards NorthEast.



Covered Area

Road Water Tank Room

Water Tank Room



For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road

Road Bad Down


East, North & South Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards North, causing female folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards South. Road is towards East, causing men folk enjoying sound health. West neighbor's construction is at lower level, causing low self confidence among male folk.


Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards North & East, this building would not receive any vastu energy. Because of vastu defects, energy does flow out to neighbor's constructions in West. Even small vastu defects in this building are severe.

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door is towards North-NorthWest. Stair case is abutting East wall. On the terrace, construction is adjoining SouthEast corner and East wall. In this building, complete family being unwell. Men folk having irritable temper and low esteem. Having no male issues, abortionss, financial stringency, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, insolvency, fire & theft hazards, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Second & Sixth child having severe troubled life and marital discords. Third & Seventh child if female severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords are indicated.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Main door is towards North-NorthWest causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies) N

Road Open Area Projection

Prayer room should be in SouthWest thus making The Lord head of the house so that He Himself protects the residents.



Open Area


Temple Room

Room Toilet

Shift the main door towards NorthNorthEast as shown.



Toilet Temple

Open Center Area



Room Store Toilet Lobby

Store Road Projection

Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining East wall causing serious ailments among men folk, insecurity feelings, loss of name & fame, financial stringency, court cases problems with administration, being child less or abortionss etc.

Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the stair case abut the East wall.


Open Area

Room Room Store Toilet








S Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

S Terrace (as is now) N

Open Area Road


Covering over the staircase Roof


Room Water Tank

Severe Effects: Construction is adjoining East wall & SouthEast wall causing male & female folk being unwell, having no male issues, abortionss, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, p r o b l e m s w i t h administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life & martial discords.

1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 2. F o r t h i s p u r p o s e construction material may be similar than that of the room. 3. Roof level should be uniform.

Open Area



Covered Area


Covering over the staircase Room

Water Tank


S Road

Minor Effects: SouthWest corner is constricted in construction, causing more problems and living out of the house to head of the family & first/fifth child.

Shift the water tank as shown.


For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road



East, North & South Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards North, causing female folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards South. Road is towards East, causing men folk enjoying sound health. West neighbor's construction is at lower level, causing low self confidence among male folk.

Down Toilet Toilet Loft Water Tank

Bad Road

Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards North & East, this building would not receive any vastu energy. Because of vastu defects, energy does flow out to neighbor's constructions in West. Even small vastu defects in this building are severe.

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor boring is towards North-NorthWest. Stair case is abutting NorthEast corner. On the terrace, stair case cover is adjoining NorthEast corner. In this building, complete family being unwell. Head of the family and earning members being a worried lot & have low esteem. Family having no progress, financial stringency, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. First & Fourth child having severe troubled life and marital discords. Third & Seventh child if female severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords are indicated.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Balcony is constructed on North wall causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, irritable temper and loss of name and fame.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

As shown in the figure erect pillars under the balcony, on each floor up to the terrace so that weight on North wall is reduced. Or else complete balcony may be demolished.

Road Boring Septic tank Main Door Projection


Severe Effects: Boring is towards NorthWest causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords.

Projection Pillar Road Septic Boring tank Main Door Pillar

Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground.


Shift the bore well to the NorthEast as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.


Kitchen Lobby



Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining NorthEast corner, causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society and first & fourth child having troublesome life and martial discords.

Toilet Road

Kitchen Lobby


1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut North & East wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall.


Road S

Terrace (as is now)


Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

N Road

Open Area

Covering over the staircase

Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining NorthEast corner, causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society and first & fourth child having troublesome life and martial discords.

Pillar Covering over the staircase

Water Tank

As shown in the figure erect pillars under the balcony, on each floor up to the terrace so that weight on North wall is reduced. Or else complete balcony may be demolished.

W Toilet
Covered Area


Open Area

1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 2. F o r t h i s p u r p o s e construction material may be similar than that of the room. 3. Roof level should be uniform.




S Road

S Road

For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road



East, North & South Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :




Road is towards South. Road is towards North, causing female folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards East, causing men folk enjoying sound health. West neighbor's construction is at equal level, causing no effect.

Road Normal N

Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards North & East, this building would not receive any vastu energy. Because of vastu defects, energy does flow out to neighbor's constructions in West. Even small vastu defects in this building are severe.

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door & boring are towards South-SouthWest. Septic tank is towards NorthWest. Stair case is abutting NorthEast corner. NorthEast corner of balcony is constricted. Kitchen slab is abutting East wall. On the terrace, stair case cover is adjoining NorthEast corner. Room is constructed on East wall. In construction, West-NorthWest is extended. In this building, complete family being unwell. Head of the family and earning members being a worried lot & have low esteem. Family having no progress, having no male issues, abortionss, financial stringency, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. First, Third, Fourth & Seventh child having severe troubled life and marital discords. Second & Sixth child if female severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords are indicated.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Boring is towards South-SouthEast wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Main door is towards SouthSouthWest causing first lady, first & fifth child (if female) being unwell, loss of name & fame, irritable temper, becoming stubborn and mental worries. S

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the main door towards SouthSouthEast as shown.

Road Projection

Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining NorthEast corner and this corner of balcony is constricted, causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society and first & fourth child having troublesome life and martial discords.


Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting East wall, causing mental tension and non compatibility among couples.

1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus Projection Road separating the two. Boring 2. In no case shall the stair case abut North & East wall. 3. To with stand the Room weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the Center main wall.





UP Toilet Road

Shift the bore well to the NorthEast as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.

Boring Road

Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground.

Severe Effects: Septic tank is towards NorthWest causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords.

Cover the constricted portion of balcony as shown (shaded area) to make it rectangular. For this purpose use lighter material as fiber sheet or tin shed.

Terrace (as is now)

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)


Open Area Road Room Covering over the staircase Store Balcony Road

Severe Effects: Room is adjoining East wall causing serious ailments among men folk, insecurity feelings, loss of name & fame, financial stringency, court cases problems with administration, being child less or abortionss etc. Minor Effects: Terrace is rectangular but the West-NorthWest portion is extended in construction, causing male W folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining NorthEast corner, causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society and first & fourth child having troublesome life and martial discords.


1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 2. For this purpose construction material may be similar than that of the room. 3. R o o f l e v e l should be uniform.
Covered Area


Covering over the Store staircase Balcony


For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road



East, North & South Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards South. Road is towards North, causing female folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards East, causing men folk enjoying sound health. West neighbor's construction is at lower level, causing low self confidence among male folk.



Road Bad

Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards North & East, this building would not receive any vastu energy. Because of vastu defects, energy does flow out to neighbor's constructions in West. Even small vastu defects in this building are severe.

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor & terrace, there is no vastu defects

Ground Floor (as is now) S

Road Main Door Open Area Toilet Room Temple Projection


Center Room

There is no any vastu defect on ground floor.

Boring Lobby

Kitchen Toilet


N Terrace (as is now) S





There is no any vastu defect on terrace.

Toilet Water Tank Road

For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road



East, North & South Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards South. Road is towards North, causing female folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards East, causing men folk enjoying sound health. West neighbor's construction is at higher level, causing increased self confidence among male folk. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards North & East, this building would not receive any vastu energy. Because of vastu defects, energy does flow out to neighbor's constructions in West. Even small vastu defects in this building are severe.



Road Good

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor Stair case is abutting NorthEast corner & North wall. Kitchen slab is abutting East wall. Wall is constructed in central area. Boring is towards NorthWest. On the terrace, stair case cover is adjoining NorthEast corner and water tank over this has multiplying effects of vastu defect. Kitchen is adjoining East wall. In this building, complete family being unwell, men folk have low esteem and short temper. Head of the family and earning members being a worried lot, family having no progress, having no male issues, abortionss, financial stringency, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. First, Third, Fourth & Seventh child having severe troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Construction in the prime cental area has mild adverse effects.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies) S

Prayer room should be in SouthWest thus making The Lord head of the house so that He Himself protects the residents. Cut the concrete between wall and kitchen slab (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the kitchen slab abut the East wall.

Road Main Door Room Arch Road Room Temple Projection



Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting SouthEast wall, causing mental tension and non compatibility among couples. Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining NorthEast corner and North wall causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society and first & fourth child (if female severe & if male mild) having troublesome life and martial discords.

Main Door Room Road Arch Room

Temple Center Room Kitchen

1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut North & East wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall.

Room Kitchen Toilet Boring

Toilet Septic tank



Septic tank


Severe Effects: Boring is towards NorthWest causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords.

Shift the bore well to the East as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 2. For this purpose construction material may be similar than that of the room. 3. Roof level should be uniform.

Terrace (as is now)

Severe Effects: Kitchen is adjoining East wall, causing serious ailments among men folk, insecurity feelings, loss of name & fame, financial stringency, court cases problems with administration, being child less or abortionss etc. Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining NorthEast corner and water tank is over it, causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, f i n a n c i a l s t r i n g e n c y, n o recognition in society and first & fourth child having troublesome life and martial discords.


Room Road

Shift the water tank as shown.

Room Water Tank

E Road

Kitchen Roof Water Tank Covering over the staircase Road

1. Demolish the roof of stair case cover. 2. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 3. F o r t h i s p u r p o s e construction material may be same or lighter than that of the room. 4. Slope of shed should be towards NorthEast.
Road Kitchen

Covered Area

Covered Area

For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.


Three Side Road



East, North & West Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards East, causing men folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards West. Road is towards North, causing female folk enjoying sound health. South neighbor's construction is at equal level, causing no effect. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards North & East, this building would not receive any vastu energy. Because of vastu defects, energy does flow out to neighbor's constructions in South. Consequences of even small vastu defects in this building are severe.


Road Normal

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door is towards East-SouthEast. Septic tank is towards SouthWest. Balcony is extended towards West-SouthWest. Stair case is abutting NorthWest corner. Kitchen slab is abutting North wall. On the terrace, stair case cover is on NorthWest corner. Room is adjoining North wall. South-SouthWest is extended in construction. In this building, complete family being unwell. Head of the family, First & fifth child having bad habits, being convicted, going to jail, accidents and even death are indicated. Financial stringency, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, insolvency, fire & theft hazards, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Second & Sixth child if male severe and if female mild troubled life and marital discords are possible. Third & Seventh child having severe troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now) E

Boring Road

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground. Shift the main door towards East-NorthEast as shown.

Severe Effects: Main door is towards East-SouthEast causing male folk being unwell, having no male issues, abortionss, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords. Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting North wall, causing increased kitchen expenditures and non compatibility among couples. Severe Effects: Septic tank is towards SouthWest & West-SouthWest portion of balcony is extended, causing head of the family, first & fifth child being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible.

Boring Road

Room Room Road Kitchen


Shift the kitchen to the shown place so that the other doors may be shift to exalted place.





Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the stair case abut the North wall.


Lobby Road

Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining NorthWest corner causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords. W Demolish the extended portion of balcony to make it straight. Shift the toilet to the shown place so that the other doors may be shift to exalted place.

Terrace (as is now) E


Severe Effects: Room is adjoining North wall, causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, irritable temper and loss of name and fame. Minor Effects: S o u t h - S o u t h We s t p o r t i o n i s extended in construction, causing female folk in particular first lady being unwell, loss of name & fame, irritable temper, becoming stubborn and mental worries. Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining NorthWest corner causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords.

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies) E


1. C o v e r t h e o p e n space as shown (shaded area). 2. For this purpose construction material may be similar than that of the room. 3. Roof level should be uniform.

Covered Area




Room Covering over the staircase Road

Room Covering over the staircase Road


Store Balcony

For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road

Road Road


East, North & West Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards East, causing men folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards West. Road is towards North, causing female folk enjoying sound health. South neighbor's construction is at higher level, causing increased self confidence among female folk.


Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards North & East, this building would not receive any vastu energy. Because of vastu defects, energy does flow out to neighbor's constructions in South. Consequences of even small vastu defects in this building are severe.


Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor Stair case is abutting NorthWest corner. Septic tanks is towards West-NorthWest. Boring is towards SouthWest. Wall is constructed on the central area. On the terrace, consequent to construction Eastern portion has become higher and West lower. Stair case cover is on NorthWest corner and water tank is over it causing multiplying the effects of vastu defect. SouthWest is constricted in construction. In this building, complete family being unwell and have low esteem. Having no male issues, abortionss, financial stringency, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Head of the family, First & fifth child having bad habits, being convicted, going to jail, accidents and even death are indicated. Third & Seventh child if male severe and if female mild troubled life and marital discords are possible.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Construction of balcony on East wall is not a vastu defect because another balcony is also constructed on West wall. It must be noted that the thickness, size and weight of East side balcony should be equal to West side balcony.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the bore well to the NorthEast as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.

Construction in the prime cental area has mild adverse effects. Severe Effects: Septic tank is towards WestNorthWest and stair case is adjoining NorthWest corner, causing male & female folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if male severe & if female mild) having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Boring is towards SouthWest causing head of the family, first & fifth child being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible.
Road Main Door Room

Shift the wall to clear the prime central area as Projection shown. Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the stair case abut the North wall.

Road Main Door Room Projection

Septic tank


Room Road



Road Room Temple Toilet



Boring Septic tank


Prayer room should be in SouthWest thus making The Lord head of the house so that He Himself protects the residents.


Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)
1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 2. For this purpose construction material may be similar than that of the room. 3. R o o f l e v e l should be uniform.

Terrace (as is now)

Severe Effects: Consequent to construction of room, East is elevated causing serious ailments among men folk, insecurity feelings, loss of name & fame, financial stringency, court cases problems with administration, being child less or abortionss etc. Severe Effects: Kitchen is adjoining North wall, causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, irritable temper and loss of name and fame. Minor Effects: SouthWest & West portion is constricted in construction, causing head of the family, first & fifth child being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible.




Room Road Kitchen



Roof Water Tank Covering over the staircase Road

Covered Area

Shift the water tank as shown.

Covering over the staircase Road Water Tank

Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining NorthWest corner and water tank is over it, causing female folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords.

For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road E



East, North & West Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards East, causing men folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards West. Road is towards North, causing female folk enjoying sound health. South neighbor's construction is at lower level, causing low self confidence among female folk.


Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards North & East, this building would not receive any vastu energy. Because of vastu defects, energy does flow out to neighbor's constructions in South. Consequences of even small vastu defects in this building are severe.



Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor almirah is abutting North-NorthEast corner. There is street thrust in North-NorthWest portion. Balcony is constructed on North Wall. Wall is constructed on the central area. On the terrace, North, East and NorthEast portion is constricted in construction. In this building, complete family being unwell. Complete family and in particular head of the family & earning members being a worried lot. Financial stringency, family having no progress, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Third & Seventh child if male severe and if female mild troubled life and marital discords are possible. First & Fourth child being severe troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Minor Effects: Almirah is abutting North-NorthEast wall, causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society and first & fourth child (if female) having troublesome life .

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

As shown in the figure erect pillars under the balcony, on each floor up to the terrace so that weight on North wall is reduced. Or else complete balcony may be demolished. Construct two wall at least 4 inches thick and 8 feet high (at least 4 inches apart) opposite the thrusting street, leaving just adequate space between this wall and main walls. Almirah may be constructed as shown.


Main Door Boring Lobby

Road Shutter Room

Severe Effects: Balcony is constructed on North wall, causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, irritable temper and loss of name and fame. Severe Effects: There is road thrust in North-NorthWest portion, N causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if female) Road Hit having troublesome life & martial discords.

Road Main Door Boring


Shutter Room


Room Road




Center Road


Kitchen Toilet

Toilet Bathroom

Store room Almirah Almirah Room


Kitchen Store room Almirah Almirah Room

Walls Height 8 Feet & width 4.5 inches

4 Inches

Road Hit

Empty area



Open place Main wall




Main wall

Open place Main wall

Construction in the prime cental area has mild adverse effects.

Demolish the wall to clear the prime central area. An door can be placed there.

Terrace (as is now)


Terrace (After Vastu Remedies) E

Covering over the staircase

Minor Effects: North, East & NorthEast portion is constricted in construction, causing all family members specially earning N members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial s t r i n g e n c y, n o recognition in society having no male issues, abortionss and first & fourth child having Road Hit troublesome life and martial discords.

Open Area


As shown in the figure erect pillars under the balcony, on each floor up to the terrace so that weight on North wall is reduced. Or else complete balcony may be demolished.



Open Area

Covering over the staircase


Covered Area
Water Tank Kitchen Toilet Open Area

1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 2. F o r t h i s p u r p o s e construction material may be same or lighter than that of the room. 3. Slope of shed should be towards NorthEast.

Water Tank Kitchen Toilet Open Area

Open Area

Store Open Area

Room Open Area Road




Open Area W Road

Three Side Road



East, North & West Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards North, causing female folk enjoying sound health. South neighbor's construction is at higher level, causing increased self confidence among female folk. Road is towards East, causing men folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards West. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards North & East, this building would not receive any vastu energy. Because of vastu defects, energy does flow out to neighbor's constructions in South. Consequences of even small vastu defects in this building are severe.


High Good S

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

Main road is towards North and basement is constructed in complete building. On the ground floor main door & boring are towards NorthNorthWest. Septic tanks is towards West-SouthWest. Wall is constructed on the central area. On the terrace, stair case cover is on NorthWest corner. Toilet is on NorthEast corner. In this building, complete family being unwell, have irritable temper and low esteem. Head of the family & earning members being a worried lot. Head of the family, First & fifth child (if male) having bad habits, being convicted and going to jail are indicated. Financial stringency, family having no progress, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Third & Seventh child if female severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords are possible. First & Fourth child being severe troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Main door and boring are towards North-NorthWest portion, causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground.

Road Boring

Severe Effects: Main road is in North and basement is constructed in whole building. According to vastu road is also the portion of the house. Causes Norht portion becoming higher than South, causing financial stringency, female folk in particular first lady being unwell, loss of name & fame, irritable temper, becoming stubborn and mental worries.
Septic tank Road Boring

Shift the main door & bore well to the North-NorthEast as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.







Road Kitchen Temple Room


Kitchen Septic tank Temple Room

Fill the basement with sand & level the ground. It is benevolent to maintain the floor level up to 2.5 feet higher than road.

Construction in the prime cental area has mild adverse effects.

Severe Effects: Septic tank is towards WestSouthWest wall causing head of the family, first & fifth child (if male) being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible.

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)
Construct stair case cover minimum 3 feet away from North wall as shown.

Terrace (as is now)

Road Toilet Covering over the staircase Road Road

Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining NorthWest corner, causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords.


Toilet Covering over the staircase Road Road


Severe Effects: Toilet is adjoining NorthEast corner, causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society and first & fourth child having troublesome life and martial discords.


1. Remove the roof of the toilet, the adverse effects being reduced. 2. If this is not possible, then demolish the toilet totally. 3. New toilet may be constructed in the shown by the dotted lines. 4. S u c h construction should be away from the corners by at least 3 feet.

For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road



East, North & West Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards North, causing female folk enjoying sound health. South neighbor's construction is at equal level, causing no effect. Road is towards East, causing men folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards West. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards North & East, this building would not receive any vastu energy. Because of vastu defects, energy does flow out to neighbor's constructions in South. Consequences of even small vastu defects in this building are severe.

Building Equal



Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door is towards North-NorthWest. Stair case, kitchen slab and shelf are abutting East wall. There is street thrust on West-SouthWest side. On the terrace, stair case cover is adjoining East-NorthEast wall and water tank over it causing multiplying effects of vastu defects. In this building, complete family being unwell. Financial stringency is indicated. Head of the family & earning members being a worried lot. Head of the family, First & fifth child (if male) having bad habits, being convicted, going to jail, accidents & even death are indicated. Indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Third & Seventh child if female severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords are possible.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Main door is towards North-NorthWest portion, causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining East wall, causing serious ailments among men folk, insecurity feelings, loss of name & fame, financial stringency, court cases p r o b l e m s w i t h administration, being child less or abortionss etc.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)


Shift the main door towards North-NorthEast as shown. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the stair case abut the East wall.






Shift the kitchen to the shown place so that the other doors may be shift to exalted place. Loft may be constructed as shown.


ch Kit en

Road Hit


Road Hit

Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting East wall, causing mental tension and non compatibility among couples. Minor Effects: Loft is abutting EastSouthEast wall, causing male folk being unwell, insecurity feeling, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, p r o b l e m s w i t h administration and second & sixth child (if male) having troublesome life.






Severe Effects: There is road thrust in WestSouthWest portion, causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, menta

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)


Terrace (as is now)

Road Covering over the staircase Water Tank Road


Roof Road hit

Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining East-NorthEast wall, causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society and first & fourth child (if m a l e ) h a v i n g troublesome life and martial discords.

Covering over the staircase Road Water Tank Road

Roof Road hit

Shift the water tank as shown.

1. Remove the roof of stair case cover, the adverse effects being reduced. 2. If however, stair case cover needs to be cover, the same should be shifted by at least 3 feet from East wall as shown. It would reduce the adverse effects more. 3. To remove the adverse effects totally, new stair case and stair case c o v e r m a y b e constructed adjoining South wall as shown by the dotted lines. 4. Such construction should be away from the corners by at least 3 feet.

Main wall

Construct two wall at least 4 inches thick and 8 feet high (at least 4 inches apart) opposite the thrusting street, leaving just adequate space between this wall and main walls. Shape of balcony at roof must be rectangular. This corner should not be constricted.

4 Inches

Open place Main wall

Open place Main wall

Walls Height 8 Feet & width 4.5 inches

Three Side Road

Building Empty


East, North & West Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards North, causing female folk enjoying sound health. South is empty, causing low self confidence among female folk. Road is towards East, causing men folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards West. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards North & East, this building would not receive any vastu energy. However there being no neighbor's constructions in South & West, no energy flowss out either. Effects of vastu defects in this building are normal.



Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door & boring are towards North-NorthWest. Stair case is abutting NorthEast corner and North wall. Kitchen slab is abutting East wall. Shelf is abutting SouthEast corner. Wall is constructed on the central area. On the terrace, toilet is constructed on NorthWest corner and water tank over it causing multiplying effects of vastu defect. stair case is abutting NorthEast corer and North wall. In this building, female folk being severely unwell, have irritable temper and low esteem. Complete family in particular head of the family & earning members being a worried lot and unwell. Having no progress, financial stringency, family indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Third & Seventh child if female severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords are possible. First & Fourth child being severe troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Main door and boring are towards North-NorthWest portion, causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining NorthEast corner and North wall, causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society and first & fourth child (if female severe & if male mild) having troublesome life and martial discords.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the bore well to the NorthNorthEast as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same. 1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut the North & East wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall. Shift the kitchen to the shown place so that the other doors may be shift to exalted place.

Road Septic Boring tank

Road Septic tank






Construction in the prime cental area has mild adverse effects. Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting East wall, causing mental tension and non compatibility among couples. Minor Effects: Loft is abutting East-SouthEast wall, causing male folk being unwell, insecurity feeling, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, problems with administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life.





Loft may be constructed as shown.





Prayer room should be in SouthWest thus making The Lord head of the house so that He Himself protects the residents.


S Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the water tank as shown. 1. Demolish the roof of toilet.



Terrace (as is now)

Severe Effects: Toilet is adjoining NorthWest corner, causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords.

Water Tank Road


2. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 3. F o r t h i s p u r p o s e construction material may be same or lighter than that of the room. 4. Slope of shed should be towards NorthEast.

Covered Area


Open Area


Water Tank Road

Mesh Roof

Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining NorthEast corner and North wall, causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society and first & fourth child (if female severe & if male mild) having troublesome life and martial discords.

Road Mesh Roof

1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut the North & East wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall.

Three Side Road



East, North & West Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards West. Road is towards East, causing men folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards North, causing female folk enjoying sound health. South neighbor's construction is at lower level, causing low self confidence among female folk. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards North & East, this building would not receive any vastu energy. Because of vastu defects, energy does flow out to neighbor's constructions in South. Consequences of even small vastu defects in this building are severe.

Down Toilet Loft Water Tank



Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor boring is towards West. Septic tank is towards West-NorthWest. Stair case is abutting NorthWest corner and North-NorthWest wall. Shelf is abutting SouthEast corner. On the terrace, stair case cover is on NrothWest corner. Consequent to room construction total Eastern portion has become higher and western low. In this building, complete family being unwell. Men folk having short temper & low esteem, having bad habits, being convicted and going to jail are possible. Having no male issues, abortionss, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Third & Seventh child having severe troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Boring is towards West, causing head of the family and male members being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible. Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining NorthWest corner & North Septic Road tank wall as also septic tank in Projection West-NorthWest, causing Main Door female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, p r o b l e m s w i t h administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords. N

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Prayer room should be in SouthWest thus making The Lord head of the house so that He Himself protects the residents. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the stair case abut the North wall.

Road Main Door Projection




Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground.

Toilet Lobby


Kitchen Lobby

Loft may be constructed as shown.




Minor Effects: Loft is abutting SouthEast corner, causing female folk b e i n g u n w e l l , indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, p r o b l e m s w i t h administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life.


Septic tank


Shift the bore well to the NorthEast as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.




Terrace (as is now)

Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining NorthWest corner & North wall, causing female folk b e i n g u n w e l l , indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, p r o b l e m s w i t h administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords.

E Terrace (After Vastu Remedies) W

Road Covering over the staircase

Covering over the staircase

Water Tank

S Toilet

Open Area

Severe Effects: C o n s e q u e n t t o construction of room, East is elevated causing serious ailments among men folk, insecurity feelings, loss of name & fame, financial stringency, court cases p r o b l e m s w i t h administration, being child less or abortionss etc.


Covered Area

1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 2. For this purpose construction material may be similar than that of the room.




3. Roof level should be uniform.


E Road

Three Side Road



East, North & West Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards West. Road is towards East, causing men folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards North, causing female folk enjoying sound health. South neighbor's construction is at Higher level, causing increased self confidence among female folk. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards North & East, this building would not receive any vastu energy. Because of vastu defects, energy does flow out to neighbor's constructions in South. Consequences of even small vastu defects in this building are severe.

S High

Good Road

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door is towards West. Boring is towards West-NorthWest. Stair case is abutting North wall. Shelf is abutting SouthEast corner. On the terrace, toilet is on SouthWest corner. Stair case cover is on Nroth wall. Consequent to room construction total Eastern portion has become higher and western low. In this building, complete family being unwell. Men folk having short temper & low esteem, may live away from the house, having bad habits, being convicted and going to jail are possible. Having no male issues, abortionss, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Third & Seventh child if male severe and if female mild troubled life and marital discords are indicated.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Main door is towards West, causing head of the family and male members being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible. Severe Effects: Boring is towards WestNorthWest, causing male folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining North wall, causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, irritable temper and loss of name and fame. Minor Effects: Loft is abutting SouthEast corner, causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, problems with administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the main door towards West-NorthWest as shown.


Road Boring



1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut the North wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall.






L o f t m a y b e constructed as shown.




Road Road


E Terrace (as is now)

Shift the bore well to the NorthEast as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.

Toilet Covering over the staircase



Severe Effects: Toilet is adjoining SouthWest corner, causing head of the family, first & fifth child being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible. Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining North wall, causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, irritable temper and loss of name and fame. Severe Effects: Consequent to construction of room, East is elevated causing serious ailments among men folk, insecurity feelings, loss of name & fame, financial stringency, court cases problems with administration, being child less or abortionss etc.

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

Road Toilet Covering over the staircase covered area


Water Tank Road

Water Tank Road

1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 2. For this purpose construction material may be similar than that of the room. 3. Roof level should be uniform.





Three Side Road



East, North & West Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards West. Road is towards East, causing men folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards North, causing female folk enjoying sound health. South neighbor's construction is at lower level, causing low self confidence among female folk. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards North & East, this building would not receive any vastu energy. Because of vastu defects, energy does flow out to neighbor's constructions in South. Consequences of even small vastu defects in this building are severe.



Bad Road

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door is towards West-SouthWest. Stair case is abutting North wall. On the terrace, construction is on NorthEast corner and adjoining North wall. In this building, complete family being unwell. Head of the family, first & fifth child (if male) having bad habits, being convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible. Complete family and in particular head of the family and earning members being a worried lot. Having no progress and financial stringency are indicated. First & Fourth child having severe troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Main door is towards West-SouthWest, causing head of the family, first & fifth child (if male) being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the main door towards WestNorthWest as shown.

Road Open Area Projection Temple Room Room

Road Open Area Projection Temple Room Room Toilet

Open space towards West would not be treated as vastu defect because there is also same open space in neighbor's houses in this lane.

Kitchen Open Area Toilet


Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining North wall, causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, irritable temper and loss of name and fame.



Open Area Toilet Room

Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the stair case abut the North wall.

re Sto


Room Toilet Toilet Lobby

re Sto


Lobby Road


E Terrace (After Vastu Remedies) W


E Terrace (as is now) W

Road Open Area

Covering over the staircase

Kitchen Road



Toilet Road Water Tank

Severe Effects: Construction is adjoining North wall and NorthEast corner, causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial s t r i n g e n c y, n o recognition in society and first & fourth child having troublesome life and martial discords.

Open Area

Shift the water tank as shown.

Water Tank Covering over the staircase Covered Area Kitchen


1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 2. For this purpose construction material may be similar than that of the room. 3. Roof level should be uniform.


Toilet Road

For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road



East, North & West Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards West. Road is towards East, causing men folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards North, causing female folk enjoying sound health. South neighbor's construction is at equal level, causing no effect. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards North & East, this building would not receive any vastu energy. Because of vastu defects, energy does flow out to neighbor's constructions in South. Consequences of even small vastu defects in this building are severe.


Road N

Normal Road

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door is towards West. Stair case is abutting North wall. A shop is there in SouthWest having no entrance from there to the residence thus SouthWest corner is constricted. Consequent to rounding off of the balcony, SouthWest corner is further constricted. Wall is constructed on the central area. On the terrace, stair case cover is adjoining North wall and water tank over it causing multiplying effects of vastu defects. In this building, complete family being unwell, have irritable temper and low esteem. Head of the family, men folk, First & fifth child having bad habits, being convicted, going to jail, and living outside the house is possible. Financial stringency is also indicated.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Construct a door as shown from shop to inside the home. This door must be use regularly. Demolish the rounded portion of balcony to make it straight.




Severe Effects: West-SouthWest corner of balcony is constricted due to rounded portion in West, the same corner in further constricted being no entrance from the shop to inside the house, causing head of the family, first & fifth child (if male) being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible. Severe Effects: Main door is towards West causing head of the family and male members being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible.


Shift the main door towards WestNorthWest as shown.


Toilet Kitchen





Toilet Lobby





Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining North wall, causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, irritable temper and loss of name and fame.


1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut the North wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall.


Construction of balcony on East wall is not a vastu defect because another balcony is also constructed on West wall. It must be noted that the thickness, size and weight of East side balcony should be equal to West side balcony.



Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

Terrace (as is now)

Road Water Tank Covering over the staircase


Shift the water tank as shown. 1. Remove the roof of stair case cover, the adverse effects being reduced. 2. If however, stair case cover needs to be cover, the same should be shifted by at least 3 feet from North wall as shown. It would reduce the adverse effects more. 3. To remove the adverse effects totally, new stair case and stair case cover may be constructed adjoining South wall as shown by the dotted lines. 4. Such construction should be away from the corners by at least 3 feet.


Water Tank

Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining North wall and water tank is over it, causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, irritable temper and loss of name and fame.

Covering over the staircase




For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road

Road Road


East, South & West Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards East, causing men folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards West. Road is towards South. North neighbor's construction is at lower level, causing female folk enjoying sound health.

Down Toilet Kitchen

Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards North, this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions in South & West, energy would not flow out. Even severe vastu defects in this building are mild.

Good Road

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door & septic tank are towards East-SouthEast. Stair case is abutting SouthEast corner. Shelf & kitchen slab is abutting North wall. On the terrace, stair case cover is on SouthEast corner. Toilet is constructed on North-NorthEast wall. Kitchen is adjoining North wall. In this building, complete family being unwell. Financial stringency, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Second & Sixth child if male severe and if female mild troubled life and marital discords are possible. First & Fourth child if female severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords are possible.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Main door & septic tank are towards East-SouthEast as also stair case is adjoining SouthEast corner, causing male & female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life & martial discords. Minor Effects: Loft is abutting NorthNorthWest wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries and third & seventh child (if female) having troublesome life.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the main door towards East-NorthEast as shown.

Boring Septic tank

Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in East. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground. 1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut the East wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall.

Boring Septic tank Road


Shop Road

Toilet Kitchen




Toilet Kitchen


Loft Room

Cut the concrete between wall and kitchen slab (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the kitchen slab abut the North wall.



Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is adjoining North wall, causing kitchen expenditures and non compatibility among couples.

Loft may be constructed as shown.

Loft Road

Terrace (as is now)

Severe Effects: Toilet is adjoining North-NorthEast wall causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society and first & fourth child (if female) having troublesome life and martial discords.

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

Road Covering over the staircase Water Tank

1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 2. F o r t h i s p u r p o s e construction material may be similar than that of the room.

Covering over the staircase

Water Tank

Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining SouthEast corner, causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life & martial discords.



Covered Area

3. Roof level should be uniform.



Severe Effects: Toilet is adjoining North corner, causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, irritable temper and loss of name and fame.





Three Side Road



East, South & West Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards East, causing men folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards West. Road is towards South. North neighbor's construction is at higher level, causing female folk being unwell.


Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards North, this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions in South & West, energy would not flow out. Even severe vastu defects in this building are mild.

Bad Road

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door is towards East-SouthEast. Stair case is abutting SouthEast corner. Shelf & kitchen slab are abutting North wall. On the terrace, Toilet is constructed on NorthEast corner. Water tank is adjoining North wall. In this building, complete family being unwell. Head of the family & earning members being a worried lot. Financial stringency, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Second & Sixth child if male severe and if female mild troubled life and marital discords are possible. First & Fourth child having severe troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Main door & septic tank are towards East-SouthEast as also stair case is adjoining SouthEast corner, causing male & female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life & martial discords. Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is adjoining North wall, causing kitchen expenditures and non compatibility among couples. Minor Effects: Loft is abutting NorthNorthWest wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries and third & seventh child (if female) having troublesome life.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the stair case abut the East wall.

Road Boring

Shift the main door & bore well to the East-NorthEast as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.

Road Boring

Room Room




Cut the concrete between wall and kitchen slab (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the kitchen slab abut the North wall.

Kitchen Loft Room





Loft may be constructed as shown.


Loft Road

Terrace (as is now)

Severe Effects: Toilet is adjoining NorthEast corner, causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society and first & fourth child having troublesome life and martial discords.

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)


Road Toilet


1. Demolish the roof of stair case cover and mumty both. 2. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area).
Covered Area


Severe Effects: Water tank is adjoining North corner, causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, irritable temper and loss of name and fame.

Water Tank

Covering over the Road staircase S

3. F o r t h i s p u r p o s e construction material may be same or lighter than that of the room. 4. Slope of shed should be towards NorthEast.

Road S

Water Room Tank

Room Road Road

Shift the water tank as shown.

Three Side Road E



East, South & West Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards East, causing men folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards West. Road is towards South. North neighbor's construction is at equal level, causing no effect.


Normal Road

Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards North, this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions in South & West, energy would not flow out. Even severe vastu defects in this building are mild.

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

Main road is towards East and basement is constructed in complete building. On the ground floor balcony being rounded has constricted EastNorthEast corner. Kitchen slab is abutting NorthWest corner. Wall is constructed in central area. On the terrace, consequent to construction, East has become higher and West lower. In this building, men folk being unwell, have short temper & low esteem. Financial stringency, having no male issues and abortionss are possible. Head of the family and earning members being a worried lot. First & Fourth child if male severe and if female mild troubled life and marital discords are possible.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: East-NorthEast corner of balcony is constricted due to rounded shape of balcony in middle, all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society and first & fourth child (if male) having troublesome life and martial discords. Severe Effects: Main road is in East and basement is constructed in whole building. According to vastu road is also the portion of the house. Causes East portion becoming higher than West, causing serious ailments among men folk, insecurity feelings, loss of name & fame, financial stringency, court cases problems with administration, being child less or abortionss etc. Construction in the prime cental area has mild adverse effects. Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting NorthWest corner, causing mental tension and non compatibility among couples. Construction of balcony on East wall is not a vastu defect because another balcony is also constructed on West wall. It must be noted that the thickness, size and weight of East side balcony should be equal to West side balcony.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Fill the basement with sand & level the ground. It is benevolent to maintain the floor level up to 2.5 feet higher than road. Shift the wall to clear the prime central area Demolish the rounded portion of balcony to make it straight.

Road Main Door Projection

Road Main Door Toilet Toilet


Basemernt Toilet
Toilet Room Lobby





Cut the concrete between wall and kitchen slab (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the kitchen slab abut the North wall. Prayer room should be in SouthWest thus making The Lord head of the house so that He Himself protects the residents.



Terrace (as is now)











Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)




Covering over the staircase

Severe Effects: Consequent to construction of room, East is elevated causing serious ailments among men folk, insecurity feelings, loss of name & fame, financial stringency, court cases problems with administration, being child less or abortionss etc.


1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area).

Covering over the staircase

Water Tank

2. For this purpose N construction material may be similar than that of the room.


Water Tank


3. Roof level should be uniform.

Covered Area

Open Area Road

W W Road

Three Side Road



East, South & West Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards South. North neighbor's construction is at higher level, causing female folk being unwell. Road is towards East, causing men folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards West.

Road Bad

Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards North, this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions in South & West, energy would not flow out. Even severe vastu defects in this building are mild.


Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor boring is towards South-SouthWest. Stair case is abutting East-SouthEast wall. Wall is constructed in central area. On the terrace, stair case cover is on SouthEast corner. Toilet is constructed on SouthWest corner. In this building, Complete family being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, court cases and problems with administrations are possible. Second & Sixth child having severe troubled life and marital discords are possible. Head of the family, First & Fifth child may be mildly unwell and having bad habits.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Boring is towards South-SouthEast and stair case is abutting EastSouthEast wall, causing male & female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life & martial discords.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Prayer room should be in SouthWest thus making The Lord head of the house so that He Himself protects the residents. 1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut the East wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall.

Road Projection



Benevolent Effects: There is road in South and basement is constructed in the complete building, causes More higher space in South, It is benevolent. This results in reduction in severe effects.


Temple Room Road


Room Road





Demolish the wall to clear the prime central area. An door can construct there. Shift the bore well to the East-NorthEast as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.


Road Kitchen

Construction in the prime cental area has mild adverse effects.

Septic tank

Septic tank Room

Temple Room


Terrace (as is now) Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

Severe Effects: To i l e t i s a d j o i n i n g SouthWest corner causing more problems and living out of the house to head of the family & first/fifth child.

Road Toilet Covering over the staircase

Construct toilet minimum 3 feet away from corner as shown.

Road Toilet

Covering over the staircase Road


Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining SouthEast corner, causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life & martial discords.




Construct stair case cover minimum 3 feet away from East wall as shown.


For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road



East, South & West Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )


Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :


Road is towards South. North neighbor's construction is at equal level, causing no effect. Road is towards East, causing men folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards West. Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards North, this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions in South & West, energy would not flow out. Even severe vastu defects in this building are mild.




On the ground floor shelf is abutting NorthEast, NorthWest corners and North wall. On the terrace, no vastu defects. In this building, female folk being unwell, have irritable temper and low esteem. Financial stringency is indicated.

Benevolent Effects: There is road thrust in East-NorthEast portion. It is benevolent. This results in reduction in severe effects.

Minor Effects: Loft is abutting NorthEast & NorthWest corners and North wall, causing all family members being unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, mental tension, fights & disputes, first, third, fourth & seventh child having troublesome life.


Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

Ground Floor (as is now) S

Road Main Door Toilet Lobby Projection

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies) S

Road Main Door Toilet Projection

Road Hit

Prayer room should be in SouthWest thus making The Lord head of the house so that He Himself protects the residents.

Road Loft Room Loft




Road Kitchen

Road Hit

Loft Loft


Loft may be constructed as shown.

Terrace (as is now) S

Road Covering over the staircase Water Tank

There is no any vastu defect on terrace.


Road Roof

N For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road



East, South & West Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards South. North is empty, causing female folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards East, causing men folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards West.
Good Road




Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards North & East, this building would not receive any vastu energy. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions in South & West, energy would not flow out. Even vastu defects in this building are normal.

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor septic tank is towards South-SouthWest. Boring is towards South. Shelf is abutting North wall adjoining NorthEast & NorthWest corners. Wall is constructed in central area. On the terrace, toilet is adjoining SouthEast corner and water tank is over it causing multiplying effects of vastu defect. Open area is towards South. In this building, first lady and female children being severely unwell, have irritable temper, mental tension and low esteem. Indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, court cases and problems with administrations are possible. Second & Sixth child having severe troubled life and marital discords are possible. First & fifth child if female severe troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Septic tank is towards South-SouthWest, causing female folk in particular first lady, first & fifth child (if female) being unwell, loss of name & fame, irritable temper, becoming stubborn and mental worries. Severe Effects: Boring is towards South causing female folk in particular first lady being unwell, loss of name & fame, irritable temper, becoming stubborn and mental worries. Construction in the prime cental area has mild adverse effects.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Prayer room should be in SouthWest thus making The Lord head of the house so that He Himself protects the residents.

Road Main Door Projection

Road Main Door Septic tank Projection

Toilet Room



Shift the walls to clear the prime central area

Road Kitchen Septic tank

Almirah Loft



Minor Effects: Loft is abutting NorthEast & NorthWest corners and North wall, causing all family members being unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, mental tension, fights & disputes, first, third, fourth & seventh child having troublesome life.



Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in East. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground.

Loft Room Boring

Almirah Loft



Shift the bore well to the East-NorthEast as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.

Loft may be constructed as shown.

Terrace (as is now)

Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining SouthWest corner causing more problems and living out of the house to head of the family & first/fifth child. Severe Effects: To i l e t i s a d j o i n i n g SouthEast corner and water tank is over it, causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, p r o b l e m s w i t h administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Open space in South causing female folk in particular first lady being unwell, loss of name & fame, irritable temper, becoming stubborn and mental worries.

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

Construct stair case cover to cover the stairs, this construction should be minimum 3 feet away from corner as shown.


Road Water Tank Open Area


1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 2. Fo r th i s p u rp o se construction material may be similar than that of the room.

Covered Area


Water Tank




Roof Mesh

3. Roof level should be uniform.



Shift the water tank as shown.

Three Side Road



East, South & West Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards West. Road is towards East, causing men folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards South. North neighbor's construction is at higher level, causing female folk being unwell.


Road Bad

Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards North, this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions in South & West, energy would not flow out. Even severe vastu defects in this building are mild.

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door is towards West-SouthWest. Septic tank is towards East-SouthEast. Stair case is abutting East-SouthEast wall & SouthEast corner. Wall is constructed in central area. On the terrace, stair case cover is on SouthEast corner and water tank is over it causing multiplying effects of vastu defect. NorthEast and East portions are constricted in construction. In this building, Complete family being unwell. Head of the family and earning members being a worried lot. Financial stringency, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, court cases and problems with administrations are possible. Second & Sixth child if male severe and if female mild troubled life and marital discords are possible. Head of the family, First & Fifth child (if male) being unwell, having bad habits, getting convicted and going to jail are possible.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Projection Road

Severe Effects: Main door is towards West-SouthWest causing head of the family, first & fifth child (if male) being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible. Construction in the prime cental area has mild adverse effects.

Projection Road

Shift the main door towards West-NorthWest as shown.

Room Arch Road Room

Room Arch Road Room

Shift the wall to clear the prime central area


Temple Kitchen Toilet

Temple Kitchen Toilet Boring Room



Septic tank

Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining SouthEast corner and East wall and septic tank is also towards East-SouthEast, causing male & female folk being unwell, having no male issues, abortionss, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life & martial discords.

Road Septic tank

Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in East. Fill the earlier tank with sand & l e v e l t h e ground.

Construction of balcony on East wall is not a vastu defect because another balcony is also constructed on West wall. It must be noted that the thickness, size and weight of East side balcony should be equal to West side balcony.

1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut the East wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall.

Terrace (as is now)

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the water tank as shown.




Severe Effects: East-SouthEast portion is extended in construction, causing male folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Water Tank Room

1. Demolish the roof of stair case cover.

Kitchen Roof Covering over the staircase

Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining SouthEast corner and water tank is over it, causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life & martial discords.


2. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 3. For this purpose construction material may be same or lighter than that of the room. 4. S l o p e o f s h e d should be towards NorthEast.


Covered Area

Water Tank



For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road



East, South & West Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards West. Road is towards East, causing men folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards South. North neighbor's construction is at equal level, causing no effect.


Road Normal

Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards North, this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions in South & West, energy would not flow out. Even severe vastu defects in this building are mild.

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor boring is towards West-SouthWest. Stair case is abutting SouthEast corner. On the terrace, stair case cover is on SouthEast corner. Store is constructed on North-NorthEast wall. In this building, Complete family being unwell. Head of the family and earning members being a worried lot. Financial stringency, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, court cases and problems with administrations are possible. Second & Sixth child having severe troubled life and marital discords. Head of the family, First & Fifth child (if male) being unwell, having bad habits, getting convicted and going to jail are possible.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Boring is towards West- Projection SouthWest causing head of the family, first & fifth child (if male) being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible. Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining SouthEast corner and East wall ,causing male & female folk being unwell, having no male issues, abortionss, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life & martial discords.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Road Projection

Boring Room

Main Door

Road Main Door


Center Kitchen

Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the stair case abut the East wall.





Septic tank

Septic tank Projection Toilet Projection


Shift the bore well to the East-NorthEast as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.



Construction of balcony on East wall is not a vastu defect because another balcony is also constructed on West wall. It must be noted that the thickness, size and weight of East side balcony should be equal to West side balcony.

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

Terrace (as is now)


W Road

S Road
Room Covering over the staircase Store

Severe Effects: Store is adjoining NorthNorthEast wall causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society and first & fourth child (if female) having troublesome life and martial discords.

Road Room Covering over the staircase

1. Demolish the store totally. 2. C o n s t r u c t t h e balcony in whole front as shown, this causes the shape of construction being rectangular and the corner being empty,



Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining SouthEast corner and East wall ,causing male & female folk being unwell, having no male issues, abortionss, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life & martial discords.

Three Side Road



East, South & West Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards West. Road is towards East, causing men folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards South. North neighbor's construction is at lower level, causing female folk enjoying sound health. Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards North, this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions in South & West, energy would not flow out. Even severe vastu defects in this building are mild.


Road Good

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door is towards West-SouthWest. Stair case is abutting NorthWest corner. Kitchen slab is abutting North wall. Boring is towards SouthEast. On the terrace, Room is adjoining North wall. Toilet is constructed on North-NorthEast wall and water tank over it causing multiplying effects of vastu defect. In this building, Complete family being unwell. Financial stringency, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, insolvency, court cases and problems with administrations are possible. Second, Third, Sixth & Seventh child having severe troubled life and marital discords. Head of the family, First & Fifth child (if male) being unwell, having bad habits, getting convicted and going to jail are possible. First & Fourth child if female severe troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Main door is towards West-SouthWest causing head of the family, first & fifth child (if male) being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible. Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining NorthWest corner causing female folk being W unwell, indebtedness, fights & Road Projection disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & Lobby Toilet martial discords.
Room Temple Room Center Room Lobby Boring Toilet Road Kitchen

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the main door towards WestNorthWest as shown. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the stair case abut the North wall.

Projection Road

Toilet Lobby

Prayer room should be in SouthWest thus making The Lord head of the house so that He Himself protects the residents. Cut the concrete between wall and kitchen slab (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the kitchen slab abut the North wall. Shift the bore well to the East-NorthEast as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.




Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting SouthEast wall, causing mental tension and non compatibility among couples. Severe Effects: Boring is towards SouthEast causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life & martial discords.

Room Road Room

Kitchen Lobby Toilet Road Road

E Terrace (as is now)

Severe Effects: Room is adjoining North & N o r t h - N o r t h We s t wall, causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 2. For this purpose construction material may be similar than that of the room. 3. Roof level should be uniform.



Covered Area

Open Area





Open Area Water Tank

Severe Effects: Toilet is adjoining NorthNorthEast wall and water tank is over it, causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society and first & fourth child (if female) having troublesome life and martial discords.

1. Demolish the roof of toilet. 2. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 3. For this purpose construction material may be same or lighter than that of the room. 4. Slope of shed should be towards NorthEast.

Covered Area



E Road

E Road

Three Side Road



East, South & West Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :


Road is towards East, causing men folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards West. Road is towards South. North neighbor's construction is at lower level, causing female folk enjoying sound health. Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards North, this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions in South & West, energy would not flow out. Even severe vastu defects in this building are mild.

Good Road

On the ground floor boring & septic tank are towards SouthEast. Stair case & kitchen slab are abutting North wall. On the terrace, stair case cover is abutting North wall. In this building, female folk being unwell, have irritable temper and low esteem. Financial stringency, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, court cases and problems with administrations are possible. Second & Sixth child having severe troubled life and marital discords.

Severe Effects: Septic tank & boring are towards SouthEast causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life & martial discords.

Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining North wall, causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, irritable temper and loss of name and fame.

Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is adjoining North wall, causing kitchen expenditures and non compatibility among couples.

Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining North wall, causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, irritable temper and loss of name and fame.

For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.


Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

Ground Floor (as is now)

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the bore well to the NorthEast as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same. Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in East. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground.

Main Door Road Boring Septic tank

Open Area

Toilet Gallery Kitchen

Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the stair case abut the North wall.

Main Door Boring Septic tank Road Open Area


Room Toilet Room Road



Cut the concrete between wall and kitchen slab (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the kitchen slab abut the North wall.

Gallery Kitchen


Terrace (as is now) E

Road Open Area

Covering over the staircase

Roof Water Tank






Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

1. Remove the roof of stair case cover, the adverse effects being reduced. 2. If however, stair case cover needs to be cover, the same should be shifted by at least 3 feet from North wall as shown. It would reduce the adverse effects more. 3. To remove the adverse effects totally, new stair case and stair case cover may be constructed adjoining West wall as shown by the dotted lines. 4. Such construction should be away from the corners by at least 3 feet.

Road Open Area


Covering over the staircase


Roof Water Tank



Three Side Road



North, West & South Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards North, causing female folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards South. East neighbor's construction is at equal level, causing no effect. Road is towards West.
Equal Normal




Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards East. this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions in South & West, energy would not flow out. Even severe vastu defects in this building are mild.

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor boring is towards North-NorthWest. Septic tank is towards SouthEast. SouthWest corner of balcony is constricted. On the terrace, stair case cover is on SouthWest corner. Store is adjoining SouthEast corner. In this building, complete family being unwell. Financial stringency, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Second & Sixth child having severe troubled life and marital discords. Third & Seventh child if female severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords are possible. Head of the family, first & fifth child being unwell, having bad habits and may live away from the home.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Boring is towards NorthWest, causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the bore well to the NorthNorthEast as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.

Road Boring Main Door

Room Road

Severe Effects: Septic tank is towards SouthEast, causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life & martial discords.

Road Boring Main Door

Room Road

Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground.




Severe Effects: SouthWest corner of Balcony is constricted, causing more problems and living out of the house to head of the family & first/fifth Projection child.



Construct balcony in whole front as shown (dotted line). For this purpose construction material may be similar than that of the room. Roof level should be uniform.




S Terrace (as is now) N


Terrace (After Vastu Remedies) N





Room Covering over the staircase Store Projection Road

Severe Effects: Store is adjoining EastSouthEast wall causing male folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining SouthWest corner, causing more problems and living out of the house to head of the family & first/fifth child.


Demolish the store as shown. W


Covering over the staircase Road

Defect of mumty will remove automatically by constructing the balcony.


For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road



North, West & South Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :




Road is towards North, causing female folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards South. East neighbor's construction is at lower level, causing men folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards West. Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards East. this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions in South & West, energy would not flow out. Even severe vastu defects in this building are mild.


Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door is towards North-NorthWest. Stair case is adjoining NorthEast corner. Kitchen slab is abutting East-SouthEast wall. Boring is towards SouthWest. On the terrace, Room is constructed on East-NorthEast wall. Toilet is constructed on East-SouthEast wall and water tank over it causing multiplying effects of vastu defect. In this building, complete family being unwell. Financial stringency is indicated. Head of the family and earning members being a worried lot. Indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Third & Seventh child if female severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords are possible. Second & Sixth child if male severe and if female mild troubled life and marital discords are possible. Head of the family, first & fifth child being unwell, having bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail and accidents are possible.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Main door is towards NorthWest, causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords. There is fiber sheet projection on North wall and balcony is constructed on South wall. Fiber sheet is lighter than south side balcony so it is not vastu defect.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the main door and bore well to the North-NorthEast as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same. 1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut the North & East wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall. Cut the concrete between wall and kitchen slab (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the kitchen slab abut the East wall. Prayer room should be i n S o u t h We s t t h u s making The Lord head of the house so that He Himself protects the residents.

Fibre sheet Toilet Road Boring

Fibre sheet Road

Toilet Room Temple Room Center Room Boring Kitchen

Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining NorthEast corner causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society and first & fourth child having troublesome life and martial discords. Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting East-SouthEast wall, causing mental tension and non compatibility among couples.





Room Temple Kitchen Lobby Toilet Projection Road

Toilet Projection

Severe Effects: Boring is towards SouthWest causing head of the family, first & fifth child being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible.


Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

Terrace (as is now)

Road Open Area

Shift the water tank as shown.

Room Water Tank



Severe Effects: Room is adjoining East & East-NorthEast wall, causing male folk being unwell, insecurity feeling, having no male issues, abortionss, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and First & Fourth child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords.

1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area).

Covered Area


2. For this purpose construction material may be similar than that of the room. 3. Roof level should be uniform.

Roof Water Tank


Severe Effects: Toilet is adjoining East-SouthEast wall and water tank is over it, causing male folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords.


For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road



North, West & South Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards North, causing female folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards South. East neighbor's construction is at higher level, causing men folk being unwell. Road is towards West.
Bad High



Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards East. this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions in South & West, energy would not flow out. Even severe vastu defects in this building are mild.

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door is towards North-NorthWest. Boring is towards SouthEast. Wall is constructed on central area. Septic tank is towards South-SouthWest. On the terrace, Stair case cover is on SouthWest corner and water tank is over it causing multiplying effects of vastu defect. Consequent to room construction, North has become higher and South lower. In this building, female folk being severely unwell. Indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Third & Seventh child if female severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords are possible. Second & Sixth child having severe troubled life and marital discords. First lady, First & Fifth child being unwell and have severe troubled life.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Construction of balcony on North wall is not a vastu defect because another balcony is also constructed on South wall. It must be noted that the thickness, size and weight of North side balcony should be equal to South side balcony. Severe Effects: Main door is towards NorthNorthWest, causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords. Construction in the prime cental area has mild adverse effects.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies) N

Projection Road Septic tank Room


Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground.

Projection Road





Temple Kitchen Toilet



Severe Effects: Boring is towards SouthEast causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Septic tank is towards SouthSouthWest, causing female folk in particular first lady, first & fifth child (if female) being unwell, loss of name & fame, irritable temper, becoming stubborn and mental worries.

Temple Kitchen Toilet

Shift the main door & bore well to the NorthNorthEast as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same. Shift the wall to clear the central area as shown.


Boring Septic tank

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies) N


Terrace (as is now) N



Severe Effects: Consequent to construction of room, North is elevated causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, irritable temper and loss of name and fame.


1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 2. For this purpose construction material may be same or lighter than that of the room. 3. Slope of shed should be towards NorthEast.



Road Roof Covering over the staircase Water Tank

Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining SouthWest corner and water tank is over it, causing more problems and living out of the house to head of the family & first/fifth child.

Covered Area

Water Tank


Shift the water tank as shown.


For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road



North, West & South Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards North, causing female folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards South. East neighbor's construction is at lower level, causing men folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards West.


Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards East. this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions in South & West, energy would not flow out. Even severe vastu defects in this building are mild.

Road Good

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor stair case is adjoining NorthWest corner. Towards West is open area. Boring is towards South. On the terrace, Stair case cover is on NorthWest corner. In this building, complete family being unwell. Indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Third & Seventh child having severe troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining North-NorthWest wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the bore well to the North-NorthEast as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.

1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area).
Boring Road Main Door Open Area

Road Main Door


Open Area

Kitchen Center Almirah Room



Severe Effects: Open space in West, causing head of the family and male members being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible.

Open Area


2. For this purpose construction material may be similar than that of the room. 3. Roof level should be uniform.


Kitchen Lobby

Room Almirah Toilet Road


Severe Effects: Boring is towards South causing female folk in particular first lady being unwell, loss of name & fame, irritable temper, becoming stubborn and mental worries.

Boring Road

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies) N

Terrace (as is now) N

Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining NorthWest wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, p r o b l e m s w i t h administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords.
Road Open Area Covering over the staircase

Construct stair case cover minimum 3 feet away from East wall as shown.

Road Open Area Covering over the staircase




Open Area


S Road


For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road



North, West & South Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards South. Road is towards North, causing female folk enjoying sound health. East neighbor's construction is at higher level, causing men folk being unwell. Road is towards West.


Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards East. this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions in South & West, energy would not flow out. Even severe vastu defects in this building are mild.

Bad Road

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door & boring are towards South-SouthWest. Kitchen slab is abutting East wall. Shelf is abutting East-NorthEast wall. On the terrace, Stair case cover is on SouthEast corner. Consequent to room construction, North has become higher and South lower. In this building, female folk being severely unwell, have irritable temper and low esteem. Men folk having short temper. Financial stringency, Indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Second & Sixth having severe troubled life and marital discords. First lady, First & Fifth child (if female) being unwell and have severe troubled life.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Main door & boring are towards South-SouthWest, causing female folk in particular first lady, first & fifth child (if female) being unwell, loss of name & fame, irritable temper, becoming stubborn and mental worries. Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting East wall, causing mental tension and non compatibility among couples.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the main door towards South-SouthEast as shown.

Road Boring Road


Cut the concrete between wall and kitchen slab (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the kitchen slab abut the East wall.






Loft may be constructed as shown.



Minor Effects: Loft is abutting EastNorthEast wall, causing all family members being unwell, have irritable temper & low esteem, having no progress, financial stringency, First & Fourth child having troublesome life.

Loft Loft Room Road

Shift the bore well to the North-NorthEast as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.

Room Road


N Terrace (After Vastu Remedies) S


Terrace (as is now)

Severe Effects: Toilet is adjoining SouthEast corner causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life & martial discords.

Road Toilet Covering over the staircase Water Tank

1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 2. F o r t h i s p u r p o s e construction material may be similar than that of the room.

Toilet Covering over the staircase

Covered Area Water Tank

Roof (open area)

3. Roof level should be uniform.


Severe Effects: Consequent to construction of room, North is elevated causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, irritable temper and loss of name and fame.





For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road



North, West & South Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards South. Road is towards North, causing female folk enjoying sound health. East neighbor's construction is at lower level, causing men folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards West.



Good Road

Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards East. this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions in South & West, energy would not flow out. Even severe vastu defects in this building are mild.

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor kitchen slab is abutting East wall. Balcony is constructed on North wall. On the terrace, construction is adjoining NorthWest corner and water tank over it causing multiplying effects of vastu defect. NorthEast corner is constricted in construction. In this building, female folk being unwell. Head of the family and earning members being a worried lot, financial stringency, Indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Third & Seventh child having severe troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Open space towards South would not be treated as vastu defect because there is also same open space in neighbor's houses in this lane.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Prayer room should be in SouthWest thus making The Lord head of the house so that He Himself protects the residents.

Main Door Road Open Area Projection Road Room Room Store Store Lobby Projection Pillar

Main Door Road Projection Open Area

Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting East wall, causing mental tension and non compatibility among couples.

Room Room Toilet

Cut the concrete between wall and kitchen slab (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the kitchen slab abut the East wall.

Temple Room Room Toilet


As shown in the figure erect pillars under the balcony, on each floor up to the terrace so that weight on North wall is reduced. Or else complete balcony may be demolished.

Kitchen Open Area Toilet

Kitchen Open Area


Room Toilet

Severe Effects: Balcony is constructed on North wall causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, irritable temper and loss of name and fame.


Store Store Lobby




N Terrace (as is now)

Minor Effects: NorthEast corner is constricted in construction, causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society and first & fourth child having troublesome life and martial discords.

N Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

1. Remove the roof of the toilet, the adverse effects being reduced. 2. If this is not possible, then demolish the toilet totally. 3. New toilet may be constructed adjoining South or West wall as shown by the dotted lines. 4. Such construction should be away from the corners by at least 3 feet.

Road Open Area

Road Open Area


Severe Effects: Toilet is adjoining NorthWest corner and water tank is over it, causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords.

Covering over the staircase Roof

Road Room Water Tank Pillar


Covering over the staircase Roof



Room Water Tank

Toilet Road

As shown in the figure erect pillars under the balcony, on each floor up to the terrace so that weight on North wall is reduced. Or else complete balcony may be demolished.



For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road



North, West & South Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :



Road is towards South. Road is towards North, causing female folk enjoying sound health. East neighbor's construction is at lower level, causing men folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards West.

Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards East. this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions in South & West, energy would not flow out. Even severe vastu defects in this building are mild.

Good Road

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door & septic tank are towards South-SouthWest. Boring is towards South-SouthEast. Kitchen slab is abutting East wall. Shelf is abutting East-NorthEast wall. On the terrace, Stair case cover is on SouthWest corner. Consequent to room construction, North has become higher and South lower. In this building, complete family being unwell, have irritable temper and low esteem. Financial stringency, Indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Second & Sixth child if female severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords are indicated. First lady, First & Fifth child (if female) being unwell and have severe troubled life.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Main door & septic tank are towards South-SouthWest, causing female folk in particular first lady, first & fifth child (if female) being unwell, loss of name & fame, irritable temper, becoming stubborn and mental worries. Minor Effects: S Boring is towards SouthRoad SouthEast causing female folk Projection being unwell, indebtedness, Boring fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and Room second & sixth child (if ifemale) having troublesome life & martial discords. Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting East wall, causing mental tension and non compatibility among couples. Minor Effects: Loft is abutting East-NorthEast wall, causing all family members being unwell, have irritable temper & low esteem, having no progress, financial stringency, First & Fourth child having troublesome life. Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining SouthWest corner causing more problems and living out of the house to head of the family & first/fifth child.
Toilet Lobby

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Prayer room should be in SouthWest thus making The Lord head of the house so that He Himself protects the residents. Shift the kitchen to the shown place so that the other doors may be shift to exalted place. Shift the main door towards South-SouthEast as shown.

Road Projection

Septic tank



Kitchen Loft Room

Road Road Water Tank

Loft may be constructed as shown. Shift the bore well to the North-NorthEast as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same. Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground.






Terrace (as is now)

Shift the water tank over the stair case cover as shown.

Open Area





N Road Terrace (After Vastu Remedies) S

Road Covering over the staircase

Covering over the staircase

1. Remove the fiber sheet. 2. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 3. F o r t h i s p u r p o s e construction material may be similar than that of the room. 4. Roof level should be uniform.

Covered Area


Open Area


Severe Effects: Consequent to construction of room, North is elevated causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, irritable temper and loss of name and fame.

Road Room Road

Fibre Sheet



For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road



North, West & South Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards South. Road is towards North, causing female folk enjoying sound health. East is empty, causing men folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards West.





Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards North & East, this building would not receive vastu energy. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions in South & West, energy would not flow out. Even vastu defects in this building are normal.

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor boring is towards South-SouthWest. Septic tank is towards North-NorthWest. Wall is constructed on central area. On the terrace, Consequent to room construction, North has become higher and South lower. In this building, female folk being severely unwell, have irritable temper, mental tension and low esteem. Financial stringency, Indebtedness, fights & disputes, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Third & seventh child if female severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords are indicated. First lady, First & Fifth child (if female) being unwell and have severe troubled life.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Boring is towards SouthWest causing head of the family, first & fifth child being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies) S

Road Boring Main Door Projection

Road Main Door Projection


Construction in the prime cental area has mild adverse effects.

Prayer room should be in SouthWest thus making The Lord head of the house so that He Himself protects the residents.

Toilet Temple Room Road



Kitchen Almirah

Lobby Kitchen Almirah

Shift the wall to clear the central area as shown.

Room Septic tank Road


Room Projection Road Septic tank

Projection Boring

Shift the bore well to the North-NorthEast as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same. Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground.

Severe Effects: Septic tank is towards North-NorthWest, causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Terrace (as is now) S

Road Covering over the staircase

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies) S


1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 2. F o r t h i s p u r p o s e construction material may be similar than that of the room. 3. Roof level should be uniform.

Covering over the staircase Covered Area

Severe Effects: C o n s e q u e n t t o construction, North is elevated causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, irritable temper and loss of name and fame.

Roof (Open Area)


Kitchen Room Water Tank Covered Balcony Road Road

Verandah Kitchen


Room Water Tank Covered Balcony Road

Three Side Road



North, West & South Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards West. East neighbor's construction is at equal level, causing no effect. Road is towards North, causing female folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards South.





Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards East. this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions in South & West, energy would not flow out. Even severe vastu defects in this building are mild.

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door is towards West-SouthWest. Shelf is abutting NorthEast & SouthEast corners and East wall, Stair case & kitchen slab are abutting North wall. On the terrace, Stair case cover is on NorthWest corner and water tank over it causing multiplying effects of vastu defect. In this building, female folk being unwell, have irritable temper and low esteem. Men folk would develop short temper. Financial stringency, Indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Third & Seventh child having severe troubled life and marital discords. Head of the family, First & Fifth child (if male) being unwell, having bad habits, getting convicted and going to jail are indicated.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Main door is towards West-SouthWest wall causing head of the family, first & fifth child (if male) being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the main door towards West-NorthWest wall as shown.

Road Projection Toilet Lobby

Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining North causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, irritable temper and loss of name and fame.





Kitchen Road

Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting North wall, causing increased kitchen expenditures and non compatibility among couples. Minor Effects: Loft is abutting NorthEast, SouthEast corners and East wall, causing all family members being unwell, have irritable temper & low esteem, having no progress, financial stringency, First & Fourth child having troublesome life.

Road Kitchen

1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut the North wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall.



Road Hit


Road Hit




Benevolent Effects: There is road thrust in SouthSouthEast portion causing adverse effects being reduced.

Loft may be constructed as shown.

Cut the concrete between wall and kitchen slab (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the kitchen slab abut the North wall.

Terrace (as is now) W

Road Covering over the staircase Water Tank






Road hit

Road hit

For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.



Terrace (After Vastu Remedies) W

Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining NorthWest corner & NorthNorthWest wall and water tanks is over it, causing female folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, p r o b l e m s w i t h administration and third & seventh child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Road Covering over the staircase Water Tank

Construct stair case cover minimum 3 feet away from North wall as shown.

Three Side Road



North, West & South Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :



Road is towards West. East is empty, causing men folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards South. Road is towards North, causing female folk enjoying sound health.

Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards North & East, this building would not receive vastu energy. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions in South & West, energy would not flow out. Even vastu defects in this building are normal.



Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door & boring are towards West-SouthWest. Shelf is abutting NorthEast & SouthEast corners and East wall. Septic tank is towards West-NorthWest. Stair case is abutting NorthWest corner. Kitchen slab is abutting North wall. Wall is constructed on central area. On the terrace, open area towards West making this lighter. Toilet is on SouthWest corner and water tank over it causing multiplying effects of vastu defect. In this building, Head of the family, First & Fifth child and men folk being unwell, having bad habits & low esteem, getting convicted, going to jail and accidents are indicated. Financial stringency, Indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Third & Seventh child if male severe and if female mild troubled life and marital discords are indicated.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Main door & boring are towards WestSouthWest wall causing head of the family, first & fifth child (if male) being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible. Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining NorthWest corner and septic tank is also towards West-NorthWest, causing male & female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the main door towards WestNorthWest as shown. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the stair case abut the North wall. Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground.

Road Toilet

Road Septic tank

Boring Toilet Road Room


Construction in the prime cental area has adverse effects.

Room Road


Kitchen Road

N causing increased kitchen expenditures

and non compatibility among couples.

Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting North wall,

Kitchen Loft Loft Room Septic tank

Shift the kitchen to the shown place so that the other doors may be shift to exalted place.

Room Loft


Minor Effects: Loft is abutting NorthEast, SouthEast corners and East wall, causing all family members being unwell, have irritable temper & low esteem, having no progress, financial stringency, First & Fourth child having troublesome life.


Loft may be constructed as shown.

Shift the bore well to the North-NorthEast as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.

Terrace (as is now)

Severe Effects: Toilet is adjoining SouthWest corner and water tank is over it, causing more problems and living out of the house to head of the family & first/fifth child. Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining NorthWest corner, causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: There is open space in West, causing head of the family and male members being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible.

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the stair case abut the North wall. Construct stair case cover to cover the stairs, this may be minimum 3 feet away from North wall.

Road Water Toilet Tank Open Area

Road Toilet Water Tank

CoveredArea Covering over the staircase Road



Mesh Roof



1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 2. For this purpose construction material may be similar than that of the room. 3. Roof level should be uniform.


Three Side Road



North, West & South Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :


Bad Road

Road is towards West. East neighbor's construction is at higher level, causing men folk being unwell. Road is towards North, causing female folk enjoying sound health. Road is towards South. Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards East. this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions in South & West, energy would not flow out. Even severe vastu defects in this building are mild.


Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door & boring are towards West-SouthWest. Septic tank is towards South-SouthEast. On the terrace, toilet is constructed on NorthWest corner. Stair case cover is constructed on SouthWest corner. In this building, complete family being unwell. Indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Third & Seventh child having severe troubled life and marital discords. Head of the family, First & Fifth child (if male) being unwell, having bad habits, getting convicted and going to jail are indicated.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Main door & boring are towards West-SouthWest wall causing head of the family, first & fifth child (if male) being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the main door towards WestNorthWestas shown.

Road Boring



Severe Effects: Septic tank is towards South-SouthEast causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.



Benevolent Effects: Main road is in West and Projection basement is constructed in whole building. According to vastu road is also the portion of the house. Causes West portion Base becoming higher than ment East, causing adverse effects being reduced.

Projection Road

Prayer room should be in SouthWest thus making The Lord head of the house so that He Himself protects the residents.



Kitchen Septic tank Road

Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground.

Septic tank

Temple Room

Room Boring

Shift the bore well to the North-NorthEast as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.

Terrace (as is now)

Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining SouthWest corner causing more problems and living out of the house to head of the family & first/fifth child. Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining N o r t h W e s t c o r n e r, causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords.

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

Road Water Tank Covering over the staircase

Road Water Tank

Construct toilet minimum 3 feet away from NorthWest corner as shown.





Covering over the staircase



Construct stair case cover minimum 3 feet away from SouthWest corner as shown.

For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road



NorthEast, SouthWest & NorthWest Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )


Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards NorthEast causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. Road is towards SouthWest. SouthEast neighbor's construction is at higher level, causing female folk having low self confidence. Road is towards NorthWest. Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards SouthEast. this building would receive vastu energy. Consequenttovastudefects,energyflowsouttoo.Evenvastudefectsinthisbuildingareminimized.


Road Bad

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor boring is towards South. Septic tank is towards West. Kitchen slab is abutting West-NorthWest wall. Wall is constructed in central area. On the terrace, stair case cover is on West corner and water tank is over this. Room is constructed on North-NorthWest, NorthEast and EastSouthEast walls. Kitchen is adjoining NorthWest wall. In this building, complete family being unwell. Men folk would having bad habits, getting convicted and going to jail are possible. Financial stringency is indicated. Head of the family and earning members being a worried lot, no progress in family, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Second & Sixth child if male having severe and if female less troubled life and marital discords are indicated. Third & Seventh child if female severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords are possible. First & Fourth child having severe troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Construction of balcony on NorthEast wall is not a vastu defect because another balcony is also constructed on SouthWest wall. It must be noted that the thickness, size and weight of NorthEast side balcony should be equal to SouthWest side balcony.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground. Shift the bore well & main door to the East as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same. Demolish the wall from prime central Boring area as shown. An door can be placed there. Cut the concrete between wall and kitchen slab (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the kitchen slab abut the NorthWest wall. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the stair case a b u t t h e NorthWest wall.

Road Main Door Room Arch Room Road


Construction in the prime cental area has adverse effects. Severe Effects: Boring is towards South causing female folk in particular first lady being unwell, loss of name & fame, irritable temper, becoming stubborn and mental worries. Severe Effects: Septic tank is towards West causing head of the family and male members being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible. Severe Effects: Stair case & kitchen slab are adjoining WestNorthWest wall, causing male folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Projection Road Main Door Room Arch Room Road Temple Center Kitchen Room

Temple Kitchen Room

Toilet Boring




Terrace (as is now)

Severe Effects: Room is adjoining North-NorthWest & NorthEast walls covering North corner, causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration are indicated. First & Fourth child having troublesome life and martial discords. Third & Seventh child (if female) having troublesome life and martial discords. Severe Effects: Room is adjoining East corner & East-SouthEast wall causing male & female folk being unwell, having no male issues, abortionss, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: West portion is extended in construction, causing head of the family and male members being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible. Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining West-NorthWest wall and water tanks is over it, causing male folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Kitchen is adjoining NorthWest wall, causing female folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords.

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 2. For this purpose construction material may be similar than that of the room. 3. Roof level should be uniform.






Kitchen Roof



Water Tank

Covering over the staircase Road

Covered Area Covering over the staircase

Water Tank Road

Shift the w a t e r tank as shown.

Three Side Road



NorthEast, NorthWest & SouthWest Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Road Equal

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards NorthEast causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. Road is towards SouthWest. SouthEast neighbor's construction is at equal level, causing no effect. Road is towards NorthWest. Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards SouthEast. this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to vastu defects, energy flows out too. Even vastu defects in this building are minimized.

Road Normal

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor Septic tank is towards West. Stair case & Kitchen slab are abutting West-NorthWest wall. West corner of balcony is constricted. On the terrace, stair case cover and room are constructed on West-NorthWest wall. Store is constructed on South-SouthEast wall. In this building, complete family being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Second & Sixth child if female having severe and if male less troubled life and marital discords. Third & Seventh child if male severe and if female mild troubled life and marital discords are possible. Head of the family and men folk may live away from the house.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Stair case & kitchen slab are adjoining West-NorthWest wall, causing male folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: West corner of balcony is constricted, causing head of the family and male members being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies) E

Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground. Cut the concrete between wall and kitchen slab (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the kitchen slab abut the NorthWest wall.

Road Boring

Septic tank Boring Road

Main Door

Main Door


Room Road Kitchen

Road Kitchen


UP Septic tank Toilet


S W Severe Effects: Septic tank is towards South causing female folk in particular first lady being unwell, loss of name & fame, irritable temper, becoming stubborn and mental worries.

1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut the NorthWest wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall.

Toilet Road

W S Demolish the extended portion of balcony to make it straight.

Terrace (as is now)

Severe Effects: South portion is extended in construction, causing female folk in particular first lady being unwell, loss of name & fame, irritable temper, becoming stubborn and mental worries.

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)




Road Room

Covering over the staircase Road


Severe Effects: Store is adjoining SouthSouthEast wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Construct stair case cover and room minimum 3 feet away from NorthWest wall as shown.



Demolish the store as shown.

Covering over the staircase Road

Severe Effects: Stair case cover and room are adjoining West-NorthWest wall, causing male folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords.

For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road



NorthEast, SouthWest & NorthWest Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )


Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards NorthEast causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. Road is towards SouthWest. SouthEast neighbor's construction is at lower level, causing female folk having low self confidence. Road is towards NorthWest. Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards SouthEast. this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to vastu defects, energy flows out too. Even vastu defects in this building are minimized.


Road Bad

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor stair case is abutting East corner and NorthEast wall. Boring is towards West. Septic tank is towards SouthWest. On the terrace, toilet is constructed on South-SouthEast wall and water tank is over this. Room is constructed on North-NorthWest and East-SouthEast walls. In this building, female folk being unwell. Head of the family, men folk, first & fifth child being unwell, having bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and untimely deaths are possible. Indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Second & Sixth child having severe troubled life and marital discords. Third & Seventh child if female severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords are possible.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining East corner & East-NorthEast wall, causing male folk being unwell, insecurity feeling, having no male issues, abortionss, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and First & Fourth child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Boring is towards West, causing head of the family and male members being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible. Severe Effects: Septic tank is towards SouthWest, causing head of the family, first & fifth child being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies) E


Main Door Open Area

Toilet Room Temple Room Center

1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut the NorthEast & SouthEast walls. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall.

Shift the bore well & main door to the East as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.

Septic tank Road

Boring Main Door Open Area




Room Lobby Kitchen Boring Septic tank Road Toilet

Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground.




Prayer room should be in SouthWest thus making The Lord head of the house so that He Himself protects the residents.

Lobby Kitchen Temple Road Toilet

Terrace (as is now)

Severe Effects: Room is adjoining East-SouthEast wall causing male folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Room is adjoining North-NorthWest wall, causing female folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Toilet is adjoining South-SouthEast wall and water tank is over it, causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies) N

Road Open Area

1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 2. For this purpose construction material may be similar than that of the room. 3. Roof level should be uniform.

Road Open Area



Road Open Area

Covered area Water Tank Toilet Road

Shift the water tank as shown.

Toilet Water Tank Road

For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road

Road Road


NorthEast, NorthWest & SouthWest Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards NorthEast causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. Road is towards SouthWest. SouthEast neighbor's construction is at higher level, causing female folk having low self confidence. Road is towards NorthWest. Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards SouthEast. this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to vastu defects, energy flows out too. Even vastu defects in this building are minimized.


Road Bad

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor stair case is abutting North corner and NorthEast wall. Shelf is abutting SouthEast & NorthWest walls. On the terrace, stair case cover is constructed on North corner. Room is constructed on West-NorthWest and South-SouthEast walls. In this building, complete family being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Head of the family and earning members being a worried lot, being unwell and having no progress. Second & Sixth child if female severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords are possible. Third & Seventh child if male severe and if female mild troubled life and marital discords are possible.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Balcony is constructed on NorthEast wall causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society and first & fourth child having troublesome life and martial discords. Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining North corner & NorthEast wall causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society and first & fourth child having troublesome life and martial discords. Minor Effects: Loft is abutting NorthWest wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries and third & seventh child having troublesome life. Minor Effects: Loft is abutting SouthEast wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries and Second & Sixth child having troublesome life.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

As shown in the figure erect pillars under the balcony, on each floor up to the terrace so that weight on NorthEast wall is reduced. Or else complete balcony may be demolished.

1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least Road 3 inches) thus Projection separating the Septic two. tank Main Door 2. In no case shall the stair case abut Boring the NorthEast wall. Lobby 3. To with stand the Toilet weight of stair case erect a wall Kitchen at least 3 inches Center away from the main wall.


Road Septic tank



Main Door Boring

Toilet Road


Kitchen Loft





Temple Road

Loft may be constructed as shown.

Temple Road


Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

As shown in the figure erect pillars under the balcony, on each floor up to the terrace so that weight on NorthEast wall is reduced. Or else complete balcony may be demolished.

Terrace (as is now)

Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining North corner, causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, irritable temper and loss of name and fame. Severe Effects: Room is adjoining SouthSouthEast wall, causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: R o o m i s a d j o i n i n g We s t NorthWest wall, causing male folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Pillar Road

Pillar Projection

Covering over the staircase


Covered Area

Open Area

2. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 3. F o r t h i s p u r p o s e construction material may be same or lighter than that of the room. 4. Slope of shed should be towards NorthEast.


1. Demolish the roof of stair case cover.






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Three Side Road



NorthEast, SouthWest & NorthWest Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards NorthEast causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. Road is towards SouthWest. SouthEast neighbor's construction is at lower level, causing female folk having low self confidence. Road is towards NorthWest. Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards SouthEast. this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to vastu defects, energy flows out too. Even vastu defects in this building are minimized.



Down Bad

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor Boring is towards SouthWest. Septic tank is towards South. Stair case is abutting East corner and East-SouthEast wall. Wall is constructed on central area. On the terrace, stair case cover is constructed on East corner adjoining East-SouthEast wall. Room is constructed adjoining North-NorthWest and NorthEast walls covering North corner. In this building, complete family being unwell. Head of the family, men folk, first & fifth child having bad habits, getting convicted and going to jail are possible. Financial stringency is possible. Earning members being a worried lot, family having no progress, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Second & Sixth child if male severe and if female mild troubled life and marital discords are possible. Third & Seventh child if female severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords are possible.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Construction of balcony on NorthEast wall is not a vastu defect because another balcony is also constructed on SouthWest wall. It must be noted that the thickness, size and weight of NorthEast side balcony should be equal to SouthWest side balcony.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground. Shift the bore well to the East as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.

Road Main Door Temple Room

Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining EastProjection SouthEast wall causing male folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Septic tank Road Main Door Room

Room Road


Construction in the prime cental area has adverse effects.

Kitchen Room


1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus Boring separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut the SouthEast wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall. Demolish the wall from prime central area as shown. An door can be placed there. Prayer room should be in SouthWest thus making The Lord head of the house so that He Himself protects the residents.

Boring Septic tank

Severe Effects: Boring is towards SouthWest causing head of the family, first & fifth child being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible.





Temple Road


Severe Effects: Septic tank is towards South causing female folk in particular first lady being unwell, loss of name & fame, irritable temper, becoming stubborn and mental worries.

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies) N

Road Covering over the staircase

Terrace (as is now) N

Road Covering over the staircase

1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 2. For this purpose construction material may be similar than that of the room.
Covered area


Water Tank Road

Severe Effects: Room is adjoining North-NorthWest & NorthEast walls covering North corner, causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration are indicated. First & Fourth child having troublesome life and martial discords. Third & Seventh child (if female) having troublesome life and martial discords. Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining East corner & East-SouthEast wall causing male folk being unwell, having no male issues, abortionss, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords.




3. R o o f l e v e l should be uniform.

Water Tank

Shift the water tank as shown.



For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road



NorthEast, SouthWest & NorthWest Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards SouthWest. Road is towards NorthEast causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. SouthEast neighbor's construction is at lower level, causing female folk having low self confidence. Road is towards NorthWest. Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards SouthEast. this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to vastu defects, energy flows out too. Even vastu defects in this building are minimized.

Bad Road



Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door is towards SouthWest. Boring is towards West. Septic tank is towards NorthWest. Stair case is abutting NorthWest wall. Kitchen slab is abutting SouthEast wall. On the terrace, stair case cover is constructed on East corner adjoining East-SouthEast wall. Construction is adjoining NorthWest and covering North corner. Eastern corner is constricted in construction. In this building, female folk being unwell, having no male issues and abortionss are possible. Head of the family, men folk, first & fifth child having bad habits, getting convicted and going to jail are possible. Indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Third & Seventh child having severe troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Open space towards SouthWest is not a vastu defect because there is also same open space in all neighbor's houses in this lane.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Cut the concrete between wall and kitchen slab (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the kitchen slab abut the SouthEast wall.

Road Projection Open Area Boring



Room Toilet

Severe Effects: Main door is towards SouthWest causing head of the family, first & fifth childbeing unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible. Severe Effects: Boring is towards West causing head of the family and male members being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible.

Road Open Area Projection

Shift the main door towards South as shown. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the stair case abut the NorthWest wall. Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground. Shift the bore well to the East as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.

Open Area

Open Area

Room Room Septic tank


Room Room



Toilet Lobby Store Road


Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting SouthEast wall, causing mental tension and non compatibility among couples.

Severe Effects: Septic tank is towards NorthWest as also stair case is abutting NorthWest wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords.

Store Boring

Lobby Road Septic tank

Terrace (as is now)

Road Open Area

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

Road Open Area Water Tank Covered area Kitchen


Room Water Tank

Toilet Road

Minor Effects: East corner & NorthEast portion is constricted in construction, causing male folk being unwell, insecurity feeling, having no male issues, abortionss, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and First & Fourth child having troublesome life & martial discords.

Covering over the staircase Room Toilet


Covering over the staircase


Severe Effects: Construction is adjoining North corner & NorthWest wall, causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, indebtedness, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords.

Shift the water tank as shown.





1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 2. For this purpose construction material may be similar than that of the room. 3. Roof level should be uniform.


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Three Side Road



NorthEast, SouthWest & NorthWest Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Road Equal

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards SouthWest. Road is towards NorthEast causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. SouthEast neighbor's construction is at equal level, causing no effect. Road is towards NorthWest. Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards SouthEast. this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to vastu defects, energy flows out too. Even vastu defects in this building are minimized.

Normal Road

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door is towards West. Septic tank is towards NorthWest. Stair case is abutting West-NorthWest wall. Consequent to balcony being rounded, West & South corners are constricted. On the terrace, Construction is adjoining West-NorthWest and South-SouthEast walls. In this building, female folk being unwell. Head of the family and men folk having bad habits, getting convicted and going to jail are possible. Indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, insolvency, fire & theft hazards, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Second and Sixth child if female severe and if male less troubled life and marital discords are possible. Third & Seventh child if male severe and if female less troubled life and marital discords are indicated.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: South corner is constricted due to rounded shape of balcony in middle, causing female folk in particular first lady being unwell, loss of name & fame, irritable temper, becoming stubborn and mental worries.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the main door towards South as shown. Demolish the rounded portion of balcony to make it straight. 1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut the NorthWest wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall.


Severe Effects: West corner is constricted due to rounded shape of balcony in middle, causing head of the family and male members being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible. Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining West-NorthWest wall, causing male folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Septic tank is towards NorthWest causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords.


Room Lobby Toilet Kitchen Room






Road Room




Septic tank Room Road Gallery


Septic tank





Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground.

N Terrace (After Vastu Remedies) S


Benevolent Effects: Main road is in SouthWest and basement is constructed in whole building. According to vastu road is also the portion of the house. Causes SouthWest portion becoming higher than NorthEast, causing severe vastu defects in this house being minimized.

Terrace (as is now) S


1. C o v e r t h e open space as shown ( s h a d e d area). 2. F o r t h i s p u r p o s e construction material may be same or lighter than that of the room. 3. S l o p e o f shed should be towards NorthEast.


Covering over the staircase

Severe Effects: Room & stair case cover is adjoining WestNorthWest wall, causing male folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords.


Covering over the staircase Water Tank Road



Water Tank


Open Area

Severe Effects: Room is adjoining South-SouthEast wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Covered area



For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road



NorthEast, SouthWest & NorthWest Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )


Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards SouthWest. Road is towards NorthEast causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. SouthEast neighbor's construction is at higher level, causing female folk having low self confidence. Road is towards NorthWest. Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards SouthEast. this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to vastu defects, energy flows out too. Even vastu defects in this building are minimized.


Bad Road

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door and boring are towards West. Stair case is abutting West-NorthWest wall. Kitchen slab is abutting SouthEast wall. On the terrace, stair case cover is constructed on West-NorthWest wall. Toilet is constructed on South-SouthEast wall. Water tanks is adjoining SouthEast wall. Room is constructed on East-SouthEast, NorthEast and North-NorthWest walls. In this building, female folk being unwell. Head of the family and men folk being unwell, having bad habits, getting convicted and going to jail are possible. Indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, insolvency, fire & theft hazards, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Earning members being a worried lot. Family having no progress is possible. First, Second, Third, Fourth, Sixth and Seventh child having severe troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Main door & boring are towards West causing head of the family and male members being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible. Severe Effects: Stair case is abutting West-NorthWest wall, causing male folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords. Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting SouthEast wall, causing mental tension and non compatibility among couples.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)



Shift the main door towards North as shown. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the stair case abut the NorthWest wall.











Terrace (as is now)

Severe Effects: Toilet is adjoining South-SouthEast wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Water tank is adjoining SouthEast wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Room is adjoining East corner & East-NorthEast wall, causing male folk being unwell, insecurity feeling, having no male issues, abortionss, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and First & Fourth child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Room is adjoining North corner & NorthNorthWest wall, causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, indebtedness, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Shift the bore well to the East as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.



Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining WestNorthWest wall, causing male folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the water tank as shown.

Road Toilet

Water Tank



1. C o v e r t h e open space as s h o w n (shaded area). 2. F o r t h i s p u r p o s e construction material may be similar than that of the room. 3. R o o f l e v e l should be uniform.

Covering over the staircase Roof (open area) Water Tank Road

Covering over the staircase Covered area Road Room Road



For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.





Cut the concrete between wall and kitchen slab (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the kitchen slab abut the SouthEast wall.



Three Side Road



NorthEast, SouthWest & NorthWest Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )


Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards SouthWest. Road is towards NorthEast causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. SouthEast neighbor's construction is at lower level, causing female folk having low self confidence. Road is towards NorthWest. Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards SouthEast. this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to vastu defects, energy flows out too. Even vastu defects in this building are minimized.

Down Bad


Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door and septic tank are towards West. Stair case is abutting West-NorthWest wall. Boring is towards NorthWest. Kitchen slab is abutting SouthEast wall. Shelf is abutting East-SouthEast wall and East corner. On the terrace, stair case cover is constructed on West-NorthWest wall. Room is constructed on East-SouthEast, NorthEast and North-NorthWest walls. In this building, female folk being unwell. Head of the family and men folk being unwell, having bad habits, getting convicted and going to jail are possible. Indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, insolvency, fire & theft hazards, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Earning members being a worried lot. Family having no progress is possible. First, Third, Fourth & Seventh child having severe troubled life and marital discords. Second & Sixth child if male severe and if female mild troubled life and marital discords are indicated.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Boring is towards NorthWest causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Main door & septic tank are towards West causing head of the family and male members being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible. Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining West-NorthWest wall, causing male folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords. Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting SouthEast wall, causing mental tension and non compatibility among couples. Minor Effects: Loft is abutting East-SouthEast wall causing male folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries and Second & Sixth child (if male) having troublesome life.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the main door towards Prayer room should be in South as shown. SouthWest thus making The Lord head of the house so that He Himself protects the residents. Road S W
Open Area

Road Open Area Septic tank

Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the stair case abut the NorthWest wall. Shift the kitchen to the shown place so that the other doors may be shift to exalted place.



Toilet Toilet Lobby Kitchen Loft Road Septic tank


Kitchen Lobby

Loft may be constructed as shown.







Shift the bore well to the East as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.

Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground.

Terrace (as is now) Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

Road Water Tank Covering over the staircase

Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining West-NorthWest wall, causing male folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Room is adjoining East corner & East-SouthEast wall causing male folk being unwell, having no male issues, abortionss, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Construction is adjoining North corner & NorthNorthWest wall, causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, indebtedness, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.

1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 2. F o r t h i s purpose constructio n material may be similar than that of the room. 3. Roof level should be uniform.

Road Water Tank Covering over the staircase



Open Area




For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.


Covered area

Three Side Road

Road Road


NorthEast, SouthWest & NorthWest Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards NorthWest. SouthEast neighbor's construction is at higher level, causing female folk having low self confidence. Road is towards SouthWest. Road is towards NorthEast causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards SouthEast. this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to vastu defects, energy flows out too. Even vastu defects in this building are minimized.




On the ground floor main door is towards NorthWest. Stair case is abutting South-SouthEast wall. Kitchen slab is abutting West-NorthWest wall. Almirah is on East corner. On the terrace, Store is constructed on West-NorthWest wall. Stair case cover is constructed on South-SouthEast wall. In this building, female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, insolvency, fire & theft hazards, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Second & Sixth child if male severe and if female mild troubled life and marital discords are indicated. Third & Seventh child if female severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords are indicated.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting NorthWest wall, causing mental tension and non compatibility among couples. Severe Effects: Main door is towards NorthWest causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords.

Projection Toilet Road Road
Boring Road







Room Room Almirah



Boring Road

Severe Effects: Stair case & almirah are adjoining SouthEast wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life & martial discords.

Severe Effects: Store is adjoining West-NorthWest wall, causing male folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords.


Open Area


Open Area


Store Water Tank Roof Covering over the staircase Road

Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining South-SouthEast wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.


Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Cut the concrete between wall and kitchen slab (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the kitchen slab abut the NorthWest wall. Shift the main door towards North as shown.

Road Almirah



Minor Effects: Almirah is abutting East corner causing serious ailments among men folk, insecurity feelings, loss of name & fame, financial stringency, court cases problems with administration, being child less or abortionss etc.

Projection Almirah

Shift the almirah on the shown place.

Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the stair case abut the SouthEast wall.

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

Terrace (as is now)

Construct store minimum 3 feet away from NorthWest wall as shown.

Road Store Water Tank Covering over the staircase Roof


Construct stair case cover minimum 3 feet away from SouthEast wall as shown.

For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road



NorthEast, SouthWest & NorthWest Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )


Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards NorthWest. SouthEast is empty, causing female folk having low self confidence. Road is towards SouthWest. Road is towards NorthEast causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards NorthEast, NorthWest & SouthEast. this building would not receive any vastu energy. Having no neighbor's construction towards SouthEast, NorthWest & SouthWest, energy does not flow out either. Vastu defects in this building are normal.




Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door & boring are towards West. Stair case is abutting North corner and North-NorthWest wall. Kitchen slab is abutting NorthEast wall. Shelf is abutting East corner and SouthEast wall. On the terrace, Store is constructed on South-SouthEast wall. Toilet and stair case cover are constructed on NorthWest wall and water tank is over toilet. In this building, female folk being unwell is possible. Head of the family and male members being unwell, having bad habits, getting convicted and going to jail are possible. Indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, insolvency, fire & theft hazards, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Second & Sixth child if female severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords are indicated. Third & Seventh child having severe troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Main door & boring are towards West causing head of the family and male members being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible. Severe Effects: N Stair case cover is adjoining W Septic North corner & NorthRoad tank NorthWest wall, causing financial stringency, female Boring folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, indebtedness, insolvency, Toilet court cases, problems with Lobby administration and third & seventh child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords. Center
Road Road Kitchen

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & 1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut the North corner and NorhtWest wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall.

Road Septic tank


Lobby Road Road


Shift the main door towards North as shown.


Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting NorthEast wall, causing increased kitchen expenditures and non compatibility among couples.


Room Boring


Shift the bore well to the East as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.

Loft may be constructed as shown.

Minor Effects: Loft is abutting East corner & SouthEast wall, causing male folk being unwell, insecurity feeling, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, problems with administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life.

Terrace (as is now)

Severe Effects: Stair case and toilet are adjoining NorthWest wall and water tank is over it, causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Store is adjoining SouthSouthEast wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

Road Toilet Water Tank Road Room Road

Road Toilet Water Tank Room


1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut the and NorhtWest wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall. Shift the water tank as shown.



Roof (Open Area)


Roof (Open Area)



Construct store minimum 3 feet away from East wall as shown.

Three Side Road



NorthEast, SouthWest & NorthWest Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Road Road

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards NorthWest. SouthEast neighbor's construction is at higher level, causing female folk having low self confidence. Road is towards SouthWest. Road is towards NorthEast causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards SouthEast. this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to vastu defects, energy flows out too. Even vastu defects in this building are minimized.



Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

Main road is towards NorthWest and basement is constructed in the complete building. On the ground floor main door & boring are towards West. Stair case is abutting West-NorthWest wall. On the terrace, Toilet is constructed on North corner adjoining North-NorthWest wall. Stair case cover is constructed on West- NorthWest wall. In this building, female folk being unwell. Head of the family and male members being unwell, having bad habits, getting convicted and going to jail are possible. Indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, insolvency, fire & theft hazards, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Second, Third, Sixth & Seventh child having severe troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Main door & boring are towards West causing head of the family and male members being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the main door towards North as shown. Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North.


Boring Road





Septic tank

Kitchen Road

Room Temple

Severe Effects: Main road is in NorthWest and basement is constructed in whole building. According to vastu road is also the portion of the house. Causes NorhtWest portion becoming higher than SouthEast, causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, fire & theft hazards, court cases, p r o b l e m s w i t h administration and second, third, sixth & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords.

Prayer room should be in SouthWest thus making The Lord head of the house so that He Himself protects the residents.
Septic tank



Toilet Road Temple


Shift the bore well to the East as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same. Fill the basement with sand & level the ground. If needed, floor level can be maximum 9 inches higher than road.


Room Boring


Terrace (as is now)

Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining West-NorthWest wall, causing male folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

Construct stair case cover minimum 3 feet away from East wall as shown.


1. Remove the roof of the toilet, the adverse effects being reduced. 2. If this is not possible, then demolish the toilet totally. 3. New toilet may be constructed adjoining South or West wall as shown by the dotted lines.


Severe Effects: Toilet is adjoining North corner & NorthNorthWest wall, causing fi n a n ci a l stri n g e n cy, female folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, indebtedness, insolvency, court cases, p r o b l e m s w i t h administration and third & seventh child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Covering over the staircase Road Road Roof

Toilet Covering over the staircase Road Road


Three Side Road



NorthEast, SouthWest & NorthWest Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )


Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards NorthWest. SouthEast neighbor's construction is at equal level, causing no effects. Road is towards SouthWest. Road is towards NorthEast causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards SouthEast. this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to vastu defects, energy flows out too. Even vastu defects in this building are minimized.




Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door is towards NorthWest. Stair case, kitchen slab and shelf are abutting NorthEast wall. Another shelf is abutting East corner and SouthEast wall. On the terrace, Stair case cover is constructed on North corner adjoining North-NorthEast wall. In this building, female folk being unwell & financial stringency are possible. Head of the family and earning members being a worried lot. Family having no progress, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Second & Sixth child having troubled life. First, Third, Fourth & Seventh child having severe troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Main door is towards NorthWest causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: W N Stair case is adjoining Road NorthEast wall causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having Toilet no progress, financial Lobby stringency, no recognition in Temple society and first & fourth child having troublesome life and martial discords.
Road Road

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the toilet on the shown place to place the main door on exalted place. Shift the main door towards North as shown. 1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut the NorthEast wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall. Cut the concrete between wall and kitchen slab (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the kitchen slab abut the NorthEast wall.

Road Toilet Lobby Temple Road


Road Hit


Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting NorthEast wall, causing i n c r e a s e d k i t c h e n Road Hit expenditures and non compatibility among couples.




Benevolent Effects:

Road Loft

E There is road hit in South

portion, it is benevolent.

Loft may be constructed as shown.

Minor Effects: Loft is abutting East corner, SouthEast & East-NorthEast wall, causing male folk being unwell, insecurity feeling, financial stringency, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, problems with administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life.

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

Terrace (as is now)

Road Covering over the staircase Water Tank Road Road

Shift the water tank as shown.



Road Hit

Severe Effects: Room is adjoining North corner & North-NorthEast wall and water tank is over it, causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society and first & fourth child (if female) having troublesome life and Road Hit martial discords.

Water Tank


1. Remove the roof of stair case cover, the adverse effects being reduced. 2. If however, stair case cover needs to be cover, the same should be shifted by at least 3 feet from NorthWest & NorthEast walls as shown. It would reduce the adverse effects more. 3. To remove the adverse effects totally, new stair case and stair case cover may be constructed adjoining SouthWest wall as shown by the dotted lines. 4. Such construction should be away from the corners by at least 3 feet.

Covering over the staircase



Three Side Road

Road High


NorthEast, SouthWest & SouthEast Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )


Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards NorthEast causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. Road is towards SouthWest. NorthWest neighbor's construction is at higher level, causing low self confidence among female folk. Road is towards SouthEast. Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards NorthWest. this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to vastu defects, energy flows out too. Even vastu defects in this building are minimized.

Bad Road

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor Stair case is abutting East-SouthEast wall. Boring is towards SouthEast. Shelf & kitchen slab are abutting West-NorthWest wall. On the terrace, stair case cover is constructed on East-SouthEast wall. East corner is constricted in construction. In this building, complete family being unwell, having no male issues, abortionss, men folk having low esteem, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Second & Sixth child if male having severe and if female mild troubled life and marital discords. Third & Seventh child having troubled life.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining East-SouthEast wall causing male folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the bore well to the East as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.


Boring Main Door


Main Door

Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting NorthWest wall, causing mental tension and non compatibility among couples. Severe Effects: Boring is towards SouthEast causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life & martial discords. Minor Effects: Loft is adjoining WestNorthWest wall, causing male folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries and third & seventh child (if male) having troublesome life.



Boring Road




1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut the SouthEast wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall. Cut the concrete between wall and kitchen slab (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the kitchen slab abut the NorthWest wall. Loft may be constructed as shown.







Loft Road


Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

Terrace (as is now)



Covering over the staircase Room

Water Tank Open Area Road





Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining East-SouthEast wall causing male folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords.



Water Tank



Minor Effects: East corner is constricted in construction, causing serious ailments among men folk, insecurity feelings, loss of name & fame, financial s t r i n g e n c y, c o u r t c a s e s problems with administration, being child less or abortionss etc.

1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 2. For this purpose construction material may be similar than that of the room. 3. Roof level should be uniform.

Covering over the staircase Room Covered area

Shift the water tank as shown.


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Three Side Road



NorthEast, SouthWest & SouthEast Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )


Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards NorthEast causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. Road is towards SouthWest. NorthWest neighbor's construction is at lower level, causing low self confidence among female folk. Road is towards SouthEast. Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards NorthWest. this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to vastu defects, energy flows out too. Even vastu defects in this building are minimized.


Bad Road

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor Stair case is abutting SouthEast wall. Kitchen slab is abutting NorthWest wall. Septic tank is towards South. Wall is constructed on central area. On the terrace, construction is on South-SouthEast wall. West corner is constricted in construction. In this building, complete family being unwell, have irritable temper and low esteem. Indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Second & Sixth child if female having severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining SouthEast wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life & martial discords.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground. Shift the main door towards East as shown.

Main Door Road Open Area


Septic tank Road

Main Door Open Area Projection

Demolish the wall to clear the prime central area


Room Toilet


Kitchen Open Area Toilet

Open Area

Room Room Store Toilet Lobby

Room Room Store Toilet Lobby Septic tank Road


Severe Effects: Septic tank is towards South causing female folk in particular first lady being unwell, loss of name & fame, irritable temper, becoming stubborn and mental worries.




Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting NorthWest wall, causing mental tension and non compatibility among couples.


Room Toilet

Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the stair case abut the SouthEast wall.


Cut the concrete between wall and kitchen slab (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the kitchen slab abut the NorthWest wall.



Temple Road Projection


S Terrace (as is now)

Prayer room should be in SouthWest thus making The Lord head of the house so that He Himself protects the residents.

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies) N E

Road Open Area

Road Open Area


Roof (Open Area)

Kitchen Covering over the staircase Room Water Tank

Severe Effects: Construction is adjoining SouthEast wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life & martial discords.

1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 2. F o r t h i s p u r p o s e construction material may be similar than that of the room.

Covered area Kitchen Covering over the staircase

3. Roof level should be uniform.




Minor Effects: West corner is constricted in construction, causing head of the family living outside.

Water Tank



Shift the water tank as shown.

For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road



NorthEast, SouthWest & SouthEast Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards SouthWest. Road is towards NorthEast causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. NorthWest neighbor's construction is at equal level, causing no effects. Road is towards SouthEast. Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards NorthWest. this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to vastu defects, energy flows out too. Even vastu defects in this building are minimized.



Road Normal

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door is towards West. Boring is towards South. Stair case is abutting East corner. East corner of balcony is constricted. Kitchen slab is abutting SouthEast wall. On the terrace, stair case cover and room are constructed on East corner adjoining East-SouthEast wall. Store is constructed on North-NorthWest wall. In this building, complete family being unwell, men folk having short temper and low esteem, having no male issues, abortionss are possible. Indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Head of the family and men folk having bad habits, being convicted, going to jail and accidents are possible. Second & Sixth child if male having severe and if female mild troubled life and marital discords. Third & Seventh child if female having severe troubled life & marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Main door is towards West causing head of the family and male members being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible. Severe Effects: Boring is towards South causing female folk in particular first lady being unwell, loss of name & fame, irritable temper, becoming stubborn and mental worries. Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting SouthEast wall, causing mental tension and non compatibility among couples. Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining East corner as also this corner of balcony is constricted, causing serious ailments among men folk, insecurity feelings, loss of name & fame, financial stringency, court cases problems with administration, being child less or abortionss etc.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Cut the concrete between wall and kitchen slab (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the kitchen slab abut the NorthWest wall. 1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut the East corner. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall. Shift the main door towards South as shown.



Road Boring

W Projection


Room Road



Kitchen Toilet Boring Road Septic tank

Toilet Road Septic tank

Cover the constricted portion with lighter material as fiber or tin shed to make it rectangular.

Construction of balcony on NorthEast wall is not a vastu defect because another balcony is also constructed on SouthWest wall. It must be noted that the thickness, size and weight of NorthEast side balcony should be equal to SouthWest side balcony.

Shift the bore well to the East as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.

Terrace (as is now)

Severe Effects: Room is adjoining East-SouthEast wall causing male folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining East corner, causing serious ailments among men folk, insecurity feelings, loss of name & fame, financial stringency, court cases problems with administration, being child less or abortionss etc. Severe Effects: Store is adjoining North-NorthWest wall, causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords.

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies) S


1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 2. For this purpose construction material may be similar than that of the room. 3. Roof level should be uniform.
Room Covering over the staircase


Covered area


Road Room



4. If this is not possible then vastu defect being remove by demolishing the w h o l e construction.

Covering over the staircase



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Three Side Road S



NorthEast, SouthWest & SouthEast Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Road Down

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards SouthWest. Road is towards NorthEast causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. NorthWest neighbor's construction is at lower level, causing low self confidence among female folk. Road is towards SouthEast. Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards NorthWest. this building would receive vastu energy. Consequenttovastudefects,energyflowsouttoo.Evenvastudefectsinthisbuildingareminimized.

Road Bad

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door and boring are towards West. Open area is towards SouthWest. Stair case is abutting South-SouthEast wall. Kitchen slab is abutting North-NorthEast wall. On the terrace, room is constructed on West-NorthWest & South-SouthEast walls. Toilet is constructed on North corner and water tank is over it. In this building, female folk being unwell. Head of the family, men folk and first & fifth child being unwell, having bad habits, being convicted, going to jail and accidents are possible. Financial stringency, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Second & Sixth child if female having severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords. Third & Seventh child if male having severe and if female mild troubled life & marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now) S

Projection Road Boring Open Area Toilet Room

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the stair case abut the SouthEast wall. Shift the main door towards South as shown. 1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 2. F o r t h i s p u r p o s e construction material may be similar than that of the room. 3. Roof level should be uniform. 4. This portion should be cover at every floor. Prayer room should be in SouthWest thus making The Lord head of the house so that He Himself protects the residents. Cut the concrete between wall and kitchen slab (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the kitchen slab abut the NorthWest wall.

Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining South-SouthEast wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: There is open space in SouthWest, causing head of the family, first & fifth child being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible. Severe Effects: Main door & boring are towards West causing head of the family and male members being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible. Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting North-NorthWest wall, causing mental tension and non compatibility among couples.

Road Projection Toilet Covered area Temple Room

Room Road


Room Temple Lobby Kitchen Toilet Road

Room Road


Room Kitchen Lobby Toilet Boring Road

Construction of balcony on NorthEast wall is not a vastu defect because another balcony is also constructed on SouthWest wall. It must be noted that the thickness, size and weight of NorthEast side balcony should be equal to SouthWest side balcony.

Terrace (as is now) S

Road Open Area

Shift the bore well to the East as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.


Severe Effects: Room is adjoining West-NorthWest wall, causing male folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Room is adjoining South-SouthEast wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies) S

Road Covered Area Water Tank Room

Shift the water tank as shown.

1. Demolish the roof of toilet. 2. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area).

Road Open Area


Mesh Toilet Water Tank Road

Covered Area

Severe Effects: Toilet is adjoining North corner and water tank is over it, causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, irritable temper and loss of name and fame.

3. For this purpose construction material may be same or lighter than that of the room. 4. S l o p e o f s h e d should be towards NorthEast.


Three Side Road



NorthEast, SouthWest & SouthEast Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )


Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards SouthWest. Road is towards NorthEast causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. NorthWest neighbor's construction is at higher level, causing low self confidence among female folk. Road is towards SouthEast. Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards NorthWest. this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to vastu defects, energy flows out too. Even vastu defects in this building are minimized.


Road Bad

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door is towards SouthWest. Stair case is abutting East corner and East-NorthEast wall. Kitchen slab is abutting EastSouthEast wall. Wall is constructed on central area. On the terrace, stair case cover is constructed on East corner adjoining East-SouthEast wall and water tank is over it. Room is built on West-NorthWest and South-SouthEast walls. In this building, female folk being unwell, having no male issues and abortionss are possible. Head of the family, men folk and first & fifth child being unwell, having bad habits, being convicted, going to jail and accidents are possible. Financial stringency, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Second & Sixth child if female having severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords. Third & Seventh child if male having severe and if female mild troubled life & marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Main door is towards SouthWest causing head of the family, first & fifth child being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the kitchen to the shown place so that the other doors may be shift to exalted place. 1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut the East corner & NorthEast wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall. Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground. Shift the main door towards South as shown.



Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting SouthEast wall, causing mental tension and non compatibility among couples.
Arch Road


Room Arch Road Room


Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining East corner & East-NorthEast wall, causing male folk being unwell, insecurity feeling, having no male issues, abortionss, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and First & Fourth child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Road Room


Room Kitchen Toilet

Kitchen Toilet


Boring Septic tank

Construction in the prime cental area has adverse effects.

Septic tank



E Terrace (as is now)

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 2. F o r t h i s p u r p o s e construction material may be similar than that of the room. 3. Roof level should be uniform.
Room Road

Severe Effects: Room is adjoining West-NorthWest wall, causing male folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Room is adjoining South-SouthEast wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Shift the water tank as shown.




Water Tank

1. Demolish the roof of stair case cover.



Covered area

Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining East corner & East-NorthEast wall and water tank is over it, causing male folk being unwell, insecurity feeling, having no male issues, abortionss, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and First & Fourth child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords.

2. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area).

Roof Water Tank Covering over the staircase

3. F o r t h i s p u r p o s e construction material may be same or lighter than that of the room. 4. Slope of shed should be towards NorthEast.

Covered area



Three Side Road



NorthEast, SouthWest & SouthEast Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Road Road

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards SouthEast. NorthWest neighbor's construction is at equal level, causing no effect. Road is towards SouthWest. Road is towards NorthEast causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards NorthWest. this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to vastu defects, energy flows out too. Even vastu defects in this building are minimized.



Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor Stair case is abutting South-SouthEast wall. Shelf is abutting North corner and NorthWest wall. On the terrace, stair case cover is constructed on South-SouthEast wall. In this building, female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Second & Sixth child if female having severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining South-SouthEast wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the stair case abut the SouthEast wall.

Benevolent Effects: There is road thrust in North-NorthEast portion. It is benevolent, causing severe effects being mild.


Main Door Road


Main Door Toilet


Minor Effects: Loft is abutting Northern corner & NorthWest wall causing financial stringency, female folk b e i n g u n w e l l , indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, Road Hit p r o b l e m s w i t h administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life.


Prayer room should be in SouthWest thus making The Lord head of the house so that He Himself protects the residents.
Road Kitchen

Lobby Road




Road Hit

Temple Room Loft


Loft may be constructed as shown.



N W Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

N Terrace (as is now)

Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining South-SouthEast wall causing female folk b e i n g u n w e l l , indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.
Road Covering over the staircase Water Tank

Construct stair case cover minimum 3 feet away from SouthEast wall as shown.

Road Covering over the staircase Water Tank Road Road




Road Hit

Road Hit

For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.


Three Side Road



NorthEast, SouthWest & SouthEast Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Road Road

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards SouthEast. NorthWest is empty, causing low self confidence among female folk. Road is towards SouthWest. Road is towards NorthEast causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards NorthEast, NorthWest & SouthEast. this building would not receive any vastu energy. Having no neighbor's construction towards SouthEast, NorthWest & SouthWest, energy does not flow out either. Vastu defects in this building



Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor Stair case is abutting South-SouthEast wall. Shelf is abutting North corner and NorthWest wall. Septic tank is in South. On the terrace, Toilet is constructed on East corner. Stair case cover is adjoining South-SouthEast wall. In this building, complete family being unwell. Men having low esteem, having no male issues and abortionss are possible. Financial stringency, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Second & Sixth child having severe troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now) E

Main Door Boring Toilet Hall Road Road Road Septic tank

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

1. Cut the c o n c r e t e between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case a b u t t h e SouthEast wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall.

Severe Effects: Septic tank is towards South causing female folk in particular first lady being unwell, loss of name & fame, irritable temper, becoming stubborn and mental worries.

Road Main Door


Hall Road Road Kitchen





Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining SouthSouthEast wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.


Minor Effects: Loft is abutting Northern corner & NorthWest wall causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, problems with administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life.

Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground.

Septic tank


Loft Boring

Loft may be constructed as shown.

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies) E

Covering over the staircase

Terrace (as is now)

Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining South-SouthEast wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Road Toilet
Covering over the staircase

Water Tank

Construct stair case cover minimum 3 feet away from SouthEast wall as shown.

Water Tank


Kitchen Road Roof Open area Road

Severe Effects: Toilet is adjoining East corner, causing serious ailments among men folk, insecurity feelings, loss of name & fame, financial stringency, court cases problems with administration, being child less or abortionss etc.



Roof Open area


Mesh Room

Demolish the toilet from here and construct it as shown.

Mesh Room



Three Side Road



NorthEast, SouthWest & SouthEast Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Road Road

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards SouthEast. NorthWest neighbor's construction is at higher level, causing low self confidence among female folk. Road is towards SouthWest. Road is towards NorthEast causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards NorthWest. this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to vastu defects, energy flows out too. Even vastu defects in this building are minimized.



Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

Main road is towards SouthEast and basement is constructed in complete the building. On the ground floor Stair case is abutting EastSouthEast wall. Septic tank is towards SouthWest. On the terrace, stair case cover is constructed on East corner. Toilet is adjoining SouthSouthEast wall. In this building, complete family being unwell, men folk having low esteem, having no male issues and abortionss are possible. Financial stringency, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Head of the family and first & fifth child being unwell, having bad habits, being convicted and going to jail are possible. Second & Sixth child if female having severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords. Third & Seventh child having severe troubled life & marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining East-NorthEast wall causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society and first & fourth child (if male) having troublesome life and martial discords.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies) E

Boring Main Door Road

Boring Main Door Road


Toilet Road

Septic tank

Kitchen Road

Severe Effects: Main road is in SouthEast and basement is constructed in whole building. According to vastu road is also the portion of the house. Causes SouthEast portion becoming higher than NorthWest, causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second, third, sixth & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Septic tank is towards SouthWest causing head of the family, first & fifth child being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible.



Toilet Road

1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut the NorthEast wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall. Fill the basement with sand & level the ground. If needed, floor level can be maximum 9 inches higher than road. Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground.


Temple Septic tank Room

Temple Room

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

1. Remove the roof of the toilet, the adverse effects being reduced. 2. If this is not possible, then demolish the toilet totally. 3. New toilet may be constructed adjoining SouthWest wall as shown by the dotted lines. 4. Such construction should be away from the corners by at least 3 feet. 1. Remove the roof of stair case cover, the adverse effects being reduced. 2. If however, stair case cover needs to be c o v e r, t h e s a m e should be shifted by at least 3 feet from S o u t h E a s t & NorthEast walls as shown. It would reduce the adverse effects more. 3. To remove the adverse effects totally, new stair case and stair case cover may be constructed adjoining SouthWest wall as shown by the dotted lines. 4. Such construction should be away from the corners by at least 3 feet.

Terrace (as is now) E


Toilet Covering over the staircase Road Road

Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining East corner, causing serious ailments among men folk, insecurity feelings, loss of name & fame, financial stringency, court cases problems with administration, being child less or abortionss etc.




Severe Effects: Toilet is adjoining SouthSouthEast wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.



Covering over the staircase



Three Side Road



NorthEast, SouthWest & SouthEast Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards NorthEast causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. Road is towards SouthWest. Road is towards SouthEast. NorthWest neighbor's construction is at higher level, causing low self confidence among female folk. Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards NorthWest. this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to vastu defects, energy flows out too. Even vastu defects in this building are minimized.


Bad Road


Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor Stair case is abutting NorthWest wall. Main door is on North corner. On the terrace, stair case cover is constructed on NorthWest wall. In this building, female folk being unwell, having irritable temper and low esteem are possible. Financial stringency, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Third & Seventh child if female having severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the main door towards East as shown.

Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining NorthWest wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords.
Main Door Septic tank Road Open Area Boring

Road Septic tank Main Door Boring Open Area



Bath room

Room Kitchen

1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut the NorthWest wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall.





Bath room

Room Kitchen Road


Terrace (as is now)

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

Severe Effects: Stair case is a d j o i n i n g NorthWest wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child h a v i n g troublesome life & martial discords.
Road Open Area

Covering over the staircase Road Roof

Water Tank


1. Remove the roof of stair case cover, the adverse effects being reduced. 2. If however, stair case cover needs to be cover, the same should be shifted by at least 3 feet from NorthWest wall as shown. It would reduce the adverse effects more. 3. To remove the adverse effects totally, new stair case and stair case c o v e r m a y b e constructed adjoining S o u t h We s t w a l l a s shown by the dotted lines. 4. Such construction should be away from the corners by at least 3 feet.

Road Open Area

Covering over the staircase Roof Road

Water Tank


For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road

Road Road


NorthEast, SouthWest & SouthEast Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )


Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards SouthWest. Road is towards NorthEast causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. Road is towards SouthEast. NorthWest neighbor's construction is at lower level, causing low self confidence among female folk. Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards NorthWest. this building would receive vastu energy. Consequent to vastu defects, energy flows out too. Even vastu defects in this building are minimized.

Road Bad

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door is towards West corner. Stair case is abutting NorthWest wall. Kitchen slab is abutting SouthEast wall. On the terrace, stair case cover is constructed on NorthWest wall and water tank is over the same. In this building, Head of the family and men folk being unwell, having bad habits, being convicted and going to jail are possible. Female folk being unwell. Indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Third & Seventh child having severe troubled life & marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Main door is towards West causing head of the family and male members being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible. Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining NorthWest wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh c h i l d h a v i n g troublesome life & martial discords. Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting SouthEast wall, causing mental tension and non compatibility among couples.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the main door towards South as shown. 1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut the NorthWest wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall.

Road Main Door Temple Parking

Road Main Door Temple Parking



Toilet Toilet


Kitchen Toilet Toilet





Cut the concrete between wall and kitchen slab (at least 3 i n c h e s ) t h u s separating the two. In no case shall the kitchen slab abut the SouthEast wall.



Terrace (as is now) S

Road Water Tank

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies) S

Road Water Tank

Covering over the staircase Road Roof

Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining NorthWest wall and water tanks are above it, causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords.

Covering over the staircase Road Roof

Construct stair case cover minimum 3 feet away from NorthWest wall as shown.



For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road



SouthEast, NorthWest & NorthEast Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Road Road

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards NorthEast causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. SouthWest neighbor's construction is at equal level, causing no effect. Road is towards NorthWest & SouthEast. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards NorthEast, SouthEast & NorthWest, this building would not receive vastu energy. Consequent to vastu defects, energy flowss out towards SouthWestneighbor'sconstruction.Evenmildvastudefectsinthisbuildingbeingsevere.



Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor Stair case, shelf and kitchen slab are abutting SouthEast wall. There is street thrust towards West & West-NorthWest. On the terrace, stair case cover is constructed on East corner adjoining East-SouthEast wall and water tank is over it. In this building, complete family being unwell. Men folk having low esteem. Financial stringency, having no male issues, abortionss, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Second & Sixth child if female having severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords. Third & Seventh child if male having severe and if female mild troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Main Door Road Toilet Lobby
Road Road

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the main door towards East as shown. 1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus E separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut the SouthEast wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall.

Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining SouthEast wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life & martial discords.

Road Main Door Toilet Lobby
Road Road

Road Hit






Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting SouthEast wall, causing mental tension and non compatibility among couples.

Road Hit


Cut the concrete between wall and kitchen slab (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the kitchen slab abut the SouthEast wall. Loft may be constructed as

Room Loft

Severe Effects: There is road thrust in WestNorthWest portion, causing male folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Minor Effects: Loft is abutting South-SouthEast wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, problems with administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life. Construct two wall at least 4 inches thick and 8 feet high (at least 4 inches apart) opposite the thrusting street, leaving just adequate space between this wall and main walls. Shape of roof must be straight, this portion should not be constricted.

S shown.

Main wall

4 Inches

Open place Main wall

Terrace (as is now)

Road Covering over the staircase Water Tank Road Road Roof

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)


Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining East corner & East-SouthEast wall and water tanks is over it, causing male & female folk being unwell, having no male issues, abortionss, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords. 1. Remove the roof of stair case cover, the adverse effects being reduced. 2. If however, stair case cover needs to be cover, the same should be shifted by at least 3 feet from NorthEast & SouthEast walls as shown. It would reduce the adverse effects more. 3. To remove the adverse effects totally, new stair case and stair case cover may be constructed adjoining SouthWest wall as shown by the dotted lines. 4. Such construction should be away from the corners S by at least 3 feet.

Covering over the staircase Road

Road Roof

Road hit

Water Tank

Shift the water tank as shown.

For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Open place Main wall

Walls Height 8 Feet & width 4.5 inches

Three Side Road



SouthEast, NorthWest & NorthEast Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Road Road

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards NorthEast causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. SouthWest is empty, causing low self confidence among male folk. Road is towards NorthWest & SouthEast. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards NorthEast, SouthEast & NorthWest, this building would not receive any vastu energy. There being no neighbor's construction towards SouthEast, NorthWest & SouthWest, energy does not flow out. Vastu defects in this building being normal.



Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor Stair case is abutting East corner and NorthEast wall. Shelf and kitchen slab are abutting South-SouthEast wall. On the terrace, stair case is on East corner. Toilet is on North corner and water tank is over it. Store is constructed on West-NorthWest wall. In this building, complete family being unwell. Men folk having low esteem. Financial stringency, having no male issues, abortionss, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Head of the family and earning members being a worried lot, having no progress. Second & Sixth child having troubled life. Third & Seventh child if male having severe and if female mild troubled life and marital discords. First & Fourth child having severe troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining East corner & NorthEast wall, causing all family members being unwell, insecurity feeling, having no male issues, abortionss, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and First & Fourth child having troublesome life & martial discords.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground. Shift the main door towards East as shown. 1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut the East corner & NorthEast wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall. Shift the kitchen to the shown place so that the other doors may be shift to exalted place.

Septic tank Boring Toilet Road

Main Door

Main Door Boring


Septic tank

Construction in the prime ce n ta l a re a h a s mi l d adverse effects. Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting SouthEast wall, causing mental tension and non compatibility among couples. Minor Effects: Loft is abutting SouthSouthEast wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, p r o b l e m s w i t h administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life.


Toilet Lobby









Loft may be constructed as shown.




S Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the stair case abut the East corner & SouthEast wall.


S Terrace (as is now) N E


Water Tank

Severe Effects: Toilet is adjoining North corner and water tank is over it, causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, irritable temper and loss of name and fame. Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining East corner & East-NorthEast wall, causing male folk being unwell, insecurity feeling, having no male issues, abortionss, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and First & Fourth child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Store is adjoining West-NorthWest wall, causing male folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords.


1. Demolish the roof of toilet. 2. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area).


Open Area (-10 Feet)

Covered area

3. For this purpose construction material may be same or lighter than that of the room. 4. S l o p e o f s h e d should be towards NorthEast. Construct store minimum 3 feet away from East wall as shown.








Store Water Tank


Shift the water tank as shown.

Three Side Road N



SouthEast, NorthWest & NorthEast Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Road Road

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards NorthEast causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. SouthWest neighbor's construction is at higher level, causing increased self confidence among male folk. Road is towards NorthWest & SouthEast. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards NorthEast, SouthEast & NorthWest, this building would not receive any vastu energy. Consequent to vastu defects, energy flowss out towards SouthWest neighbor's construction. Even mild vastu defects in this building being severe.



Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

Main road is towards NorthEast and basement is constructed in the complete building. On the ground floor Stair case is abutting North corner and North-NorthWest wall. Wall is constructed on central area. Septic tank is toward West. On the terrace, stair case cover is constructed on North corner. Toilet is constructed on East corner. In this building, complete family being unwell, have irritable temper, low esteem. Having no male issues, abortionss and financial stringency are possible. Head of the family and earning members being unwell, be a worried lot and no progress. Indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Third & Seventh child if female having severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Main road is in NorthEast and basement is constructed in whole building, causes NorhtEast portion becoming higher than SouthWest, causing all family members specially head of the family & earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society and first, fourth & fifth child having troublesome life and martial discords. Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining North corner & North-NorthWest wall, causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords. Construction in the prime cental area has mild adverse effects. Severe Effects: Septic tank is towards West causing head of the family and male members being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the main door towards East as shown. Fill the basement with sand & level the ground. It is benevolent to maintain the floor level up to 2.5 feet higher than road.

Road Main Door Boring

Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground.

Septic tank Boring Main Door


Room Road
Bathroom & Toilet Center Kitchen



Room Septic tank Temple

1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut the NorthWest wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall.

Bathroom & Toilet




Room Temple

Terrace (as is now)

Severe Effects: Toilet is adjoining East corner, causing serious ailments among men folk, insecurity feelings, loss of name & fame, financial stringency, court cases p r o b l e m s w i t h administration, being child less or abortionss etc. Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining North corner & NorthNorthWest wall, causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.

W Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

Road Toilet Covering over the staircase Road

1. Remove the roof of the toilet, the adverse effects being reduced. 2. If this is not possible, then demolish the toilet totally. 3. New toilet may be constructed adjoining SouthWest wall as shown by the dotted lines. 4. Such construction should be away from the corners by at least 3 feet.

1. Remove the roof of stair case cover, the adverse effects being reduced. 2. If however, stair case cover needs to be cover, the same should be shifted by at least 3 feet from NorthEast & NorthWest walls as shown. It would reduce the adverse effects more. 3. To remove the adverse effects totally, new stair case and stair case cover may be constructed adjoining SouthWest wall as shown by the dotted lines. 4. Such construction should be away from the corners by at least 3 feet.



Toilet Covering over the staircase Road Road




Three Side Road



SouthEast, NorthWest & NorthEast Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards NorthWest & SouthEast. Road is towards NorthEast causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. SouthWest neighbor's construction is at lower level, causing low self confidence among male folk. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards NorthEast, SouthEast & NorthWest, this building would not receive any vastu energy. Consequent to vastu defects, energy flowss out towards SouthWest neighbor's construction. Even mild vastu defects in this building being severe.


S Bad Road


Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door is towards West. Stair case is abutting NorthEast wall. Kitchen slab is abutting East corner. On the terrace, construction is on East corner adjoining NorthEast wall. In this building, complete family being unwell. Men folk having low esteem, having bad habits, being convicted and going to jail, having no male issues, abortionss and financial stringency are possible. Head of the family and earning members being a worried lot and have no progress. First & Fourth child having severe troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Main door is towards West causing head of the family and male members being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible. Severe Effects: Open space in NorthWest causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining NorthEast wall causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society and first & fourth child having troublesome life and martial discords. Minor Effects: Slab is abutting East corner causing ailments among men folk, insecurity feelings, loss of name & fame are indicated.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the main door towards North as shown.

Road Open Area Projection

Road Open Area Projection Almirah Room Temple Room

Room Temple


Toilet Road

Open Area



Open Area


Room Store


Room Store Toilet



Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the stair case abut the NorthEast wall.





Slab may be constructed as shown.


Store Road


E Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the water tank as shown.

Terrace (as is now) W

Road Open Area

Road Open Area

Kitchen Covering over the staircase Roof Road Room Water Tank Toilet Road

Severe Effects: Construction is adjoining East corner & EastNorthEast wall and water tanks are over it, causing male folk being unwell, insecurity feeling, having no male issues, abortionss, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and First & Fourth child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Water Tank Kitchen Covering over the staircase Covered area Room

1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 2. F o r t h i s p u r p o s e construction material may be similar than that of the room. 3. Roof level should be uniform.

Toilet Road

For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road



SouthEast, NorthWest & NorthEast Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards NorthWest & SouthEast. Road is towards NorthEast causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. SouthWest neighbor's construction is at equal level, causing no



Normal Road

Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards NorthEast, SouthEast & NorthWest, this building would not receive any vastu energy. Consequent to vastu defects, energy flowss out towards SouthWest neighbor's construction. Even mild vastu defects in this building being severe.

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor boring is towards West. Stair case on North corner is abutting North-NorthEast and North-NorthWest walls. On the terrace, stair case cover is on North corner adjoining North-NorthEast and North-NorthWest walls. Toilet is on West corner. Room is constructed on East corner adjoining East-NorthEast & SouthEast walls. In this building, complete family being unwell, have irritable temper and low esteem. Head of the family & men folk having bad habits, being convicted and going to jail, having no male issues, abortionss and financial stringency are possible. Head of the family and earning members being a worried lot and have no progress. indebtedness, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, insolvency, court-cases and problems with administration are indicated. Third & Seventh child if female severe and if male troubled life and marital discords. First, Second, Fourth and Sixth child having severe troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now) W

Road Boring Main Door

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Prayer room should be in SouthWest thus making The Lord head of the house so that He Himself protects the residents. Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground.

Severe Effects: Boring is towards West causing head of the family and male members being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible.


Main Door Septic tank




Kitchen Lobby Septic tank




Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining NorthNorthWest & North-NorthEast walls covering North corner, causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no r e c o g n i t i o n i n s o c i e t y, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration are indicated. First, Third, Fourth & Seventh child (if female) having troublesome life and martial discords.






1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut the NorthEast and NorthWest walls. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall.


Room Boring

Terrace (as is now)

Severe Effects: Toilet is adjoining West corner, causing head of the family living outside. Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining NorthNorthWest & North-NorthEast walls covering North corner, causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration are indicated. First, Third, Fourth & Seventh child (if female) having troublesome life and martial discords.


Shift the bore well to the East as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)



Covering over the staircase



Covering over the staircase

Water Tank


Open Area

Severe Effects: Room is adjoining East corner & EastNorthEast wall, causing male folk being unwell, insecurity feeling, having no male issues, abortionss, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and First & Fourth child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Room is adjoining SouthEast wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life & martial discords.

Water Tank

1. C o v e r t h e open space as s h o w n (shaded area). 2. F o r t h i s p u r p o s e construction material may be similar than that of the room. 3. R o o f l e v e l should be uniform.


Covered area





Three Side Road



SouthEast, NorthWest & NorthEast Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards NorthWest & SouthEast. Road is towards NorthEast causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. SouthWest neighbor's construction is at higher level, causing increased self confidence among male folk. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards NorthEast, SouthEast & NorthWest, this building would not receive any vastu energy. Consequent to vastu defects, energy flowss out towards SouthWest neighbor's construction. Even mild vastu defects in this building being severe.


Good Road


Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door is towards NorthWest. Stair case is abutting North-NorthEast wall. Boring is towards South. Shelf is abutting South-SouthEast wall. On the terrace, Open area towards NorthWest, hence this area has become light. NorthEast is constricted in construction. In this building, female folk being unwell, financial stringency, indebtedness, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, insolvency, courtcases and problems with administration are indicated. Head of the family and earning members being unwell and worried lot are possible. First & Fourth child if female having severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords. Second, Third, Sixth and Seventh child having severe troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now) Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Projection Road

Severe Effects: Main door is towards NorthWest causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining North-NorthEast wall causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society and first & fourth child (if female) having troublesome life and martial discords. Minor Effects: Loft is abutting South-SouthEast wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, problems with administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life.

Shift the main door towards North as shown.

Road Projection








1. Cut the c o n c r e t e between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case a b u t t h e NorthEast wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall. Shift the bore well to the East as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.





Severe Effects: Boring is towards South causing female folk in particular first lady being unwell, loss of name & fame, irritable temper, becoming stubborn and mental worries.


Balconies on NorthWest and SouthEast side walls are similar to one another in thickness, size and weight, so it is not a vastu defect.


Loft Boring Room

Bath room


Loft may be constructed as shown.

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies) Terrace (as is now)

Road Open Area Covering over the staircase

Severe Effects: Open space in NorthWest causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords.

Road Covered Area Covering over the staircase

1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 2. For this purpose construction material may be similar than that of the room.


Roof (Open Area) Toilet


Bath room

Roof (Open Area)


Water Tank Room

Minor Effects: NorthEast portion is constricted in NorthEast, causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society and first & fourth child having troublesome life and martial discords.

Toilet Water

3. R o o f l e v e l should be uniform.




Three Side Road



SouthEast, NorthWest & NorthEast Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards NorthWest & SouthEast. Road is towards NorthEast causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. SouthWest neighbor's construction is at lower level, causing low self confidence among male folk. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards NorthEast, SouthEast & NorthWest, this building would not receive any vastu energy. Consequent to vastu defects, energy flowss out towards SouthWest neighbor's construction. Even mild vastu defects in this building being severe.


Bad Road


Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door is towards NorthWest. Boring is towards West. On the terrace, toilet is constructed on West-NorthWest wall. Room is constructed on South-SouthEast wall. In this building, complete family being unwell. head of the family and male members having bad habits, being convicted and going to jail are possible. Indebtedness, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, insolvency, court-cases and problems with administration are indicated. Second and Sixth child if female having severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords. Third and Seventh child if male having severe and if female mild troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Minor Effects: Boring is towards West causing head of the family and male members being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the main door towards North as shown.

Boring Projection Road


Severe Effects: Main door is towards NorthWest causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, p r o b l e m s w i t h administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords.





Septic tank

Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground.




Septic tank Room


Open Area Kitchen

Bath room

Open Area

Bath room




Shift the bore well to the East as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.

Road Road


Terrace (as is now)

Road Toilet Water Tank

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

Kitchen Road

Roof Room


Severe Effects: Room is adjoining SouthSouthEast wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Roof Room


Severe Effects: Toilet is adjoining WestNorthWest wall and water tank is over it, causing male folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords.


Water Tank


Construct toilet minimum 3 feet away from SouthEast wall as shown.


Shift the water tank as shown.

Construct room minimum 3 feet away from SouthEast wall as shown.


For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road



SouthEast, NorthWest & NorthEast Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards SouthEast & NorthWest. Road is towards NorthEast causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. SouthWest neighbor's construction is at higher level, causing increased self confidence among male folk. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards NorthEast, SouthEast & NorthWest, this building would not receive any vastu energy. Consequent to vastu defects, energy flowss out towards SouthWestneighbor'sconstruction.Evenmildvastudefectsinthisbuildingbeingsevere.



Road Good

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor boring is towards West. Stair case is abutting North corner and North-NorthWest wall. Kitchen slab is abutting NorthNorthEast wall. Wall is constructed on central area. On the terrace, Room is constructed on East corner adjoining East-NorthEast and SouthEast walls. Stair case cover is adjoining North corner and North-NorthEast wall. In this building, complete family being unwell, have irritable temper and low esteem. Financial stringency is indicated. Head of the family and male members having bad habits, being convicted, going to jail , accidents and untimely deaths are possible. Indebtedness, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, insolvency, court-cases and problems with administration are indicated. Head of the family and earning members being a worried lot and having no progress are indicated. First, Second, Fourth and Sixth child having severe troubled life and marital discords. Third and Seventh child if female having severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now) E

Road Projection Room Arch Room

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the bore well to the East as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same. Shift the wall to clear the prime central area

Construction in the prime cental area has mild adverse effects.

Boring Road Projection Room Arch

Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting NorthEast wall, causing extended kitchen expenditures and non compatibility among couples.


Temple Room Kitchen Toilet


Severe Effects: Boring is towards West causing head of the family and male members being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible.


Room Center Temple

Septic tank

Balconies on NorthWest and SouthEast side walls are similar to one another in thickness, size and weight, so it is not a vastu defect.

Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining North corner & North-NorthWest wall, causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Shift the kitchen & toilet to the shown place so that the other doors may be shift to exalted place.

Room Kitchen


Septic tank


Terrace (as is now)

Severe Effects: Room is adjoining SouthEast wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life & martial discords.

1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut the North corner & NorthWest wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall.

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)



1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 2. For this purpose construction material may be similar than that of the room. 3. R o o f l e v e l should be uniform.


Roof Covering over the staircase Water Tank Road

Severe Effects: Room is adjoining East corner & EastNorthEast wall, causing male folk being unwell, insecurity feeling, having no male issues, abortionss, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and First & Fourth child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining North corner, causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, irritable temper and loss of name and fame.




Covered Area

Covering over the staircase

Shift the water tank as shown.

Water Tank Road

Three Side Road



SouthEast, NorthWest & NorthEast Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards SouthEast & NorthWest. Road is towards NorthEast causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. SouthWest neighbor's construction is at equal level, causing no



Road Normal

Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards NorthEast, SouthEast & NorthWest, this building would not receive any vastu energy. Consequent to vastu defects, energy flowss out towards SouthWest neighbor's construction. Even mild vastu defects in this building being severe.

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door is towards South. Stair case is abutting North corner and North corner of balcony is constricted. Kitchen slab is abutting NorthEast wall. Septic tank is towards West. On the terrace, Stair case cover is constructed on North corner. Room is constructed on NorthEast wall. West is extended in construction. In this building, complete family being unwell, have irritable temper and low esteem. Financial stringency is indicated. Head of the family and male members having bad habits, being convicted, going to jail , accidents and untimely deaths are possible. Head of the family and earning members being a worried lot and having no progress are indicated. First & Fourth child if female having severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Main door is towards South causing female folk in particular first lady being unwell, loss of name & fame, irritable temper, becoming stubborn and mental worries. Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting NorthEast wall, causing increased kitchen expenditures and non compatibility among couples. Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining North corner as also this corner of balcony is constricted, causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, irritable temper and loss of name and fame. Severe Effects: Septic tank is towards West, causing head of the family and male members being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the kitchen to the shown place so that the other doors may be shift to exalted place. Shift the main door towards North as shown.

Road Projection Boring

Road Projection Boring





1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut the North corner. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall.



Septic Toilet tank Road

Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground.

Septic tank





Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). For this purpose construction material may be similar than that of the room. R o o f level should be uniform.

Terrace (as is now)

Minor Effects: West portion is extended in construction, causing head of the family and male members being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible. Severe Effects: Room is adjoining NorthEast wall causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society and first & fourth child having troublesome life and martial discords. Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining North corner, causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, irritable temper and loss of name and fame.

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies) E




Covered Area

1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 2. For this purpose construction material may be similar than that of the room. 3. R o o f l e v e l should be uniform.



Road Room Covering over the staircase Road Covering over the staircase Road Store


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Three Side Road



SouthEast, NorthWest & NorthEast Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )


Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards SouthEast & NorthWest. Road is towards NorthEast causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. SouthWest neighbor's construction is at lower level, causing low self confidence among male folk. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards NorthEast, SouthEast & NorthWest, this building would not receive any vastu energy. Consequent to vastu defects, energy flowss out towards SouthWest neighbor's construction. Even mild vastu defects in this building being severe.


Road Bad

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door is towards South. Stair case is abutting East corner. Boring is towards West. On the terrace, Room is constructed on East-NorthEast wall. In this building, complete family being unwell, have irritable temper and low esteem. Financial stringency, having no male issues and abortionss are possible. Head of the family and male members having bad habits, being convicted, going to jail , accidents and untimely deaths are possible. Head of the family and earning members being a worried lot and having no progress are indicated. First & Fourth child if male having severe and if female mild troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining East corner & East-SouthEast wall causing male & female folk being unwell, having no male issues, abortionss, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Main door is towards South causing female folk in particular first lady being unwell, loss of name & fame, irritable temper, becoming stubborn and mental worries.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the main door & bore well to the East as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same. Shift the stair case and toilet to the shown place. Stair case should be minimum 3 inches a w a y f r o m SouthEast wall. In no case shall the stair case abut the SouthEast wall. Prayer room should be in SouthWest thus making The Lord head of the house so that He Himself protects the residents.

Projection Road

Road Boring Projection






Room Room


Room Center


Room Center Room



Kitchen Toilet



Severe Effects: Boring is towards West causing head of the family and male members being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible.


Kitchen Toilet


Terrace (as is now) E

Road Open Area

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies) E S

Road Open Area

Severe Effects: Room is adjoining EastNorthEast wall, causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society and first & fourth child (if m a l e ) h a v i n g troublesome life and martial discords.

Construct room minimum 3 feet away from NorthEast wall as shown.




Open Area


Covered area


Water Tank Toilet



It is necessary to cover the back side portion of room as shown (shaded area) otherwise residents of ground floor rooms would face troubles. For this purpose construction material may be similar than that of the room. Roof level should be uniform. Construction should be minimum 3 feet away from NorthWest wall.

Open Area

For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road



SouthEast, NorthWest & NorthEast Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Road Road

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards SouthWest. NorthEast neighbor's construction is at equal level, causing no effects. Road is towards NorthWest & SouthEast. Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards NorthEast, this building would receive vastu energy. There being no neighbor's construction towards SouthEast, NorthWest & SouthWest, energy does not flow out. Even severe vastu defects in this building being mild.



Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door is towards SouthWest. Stair case is abutting West-NorthWest wall. Kitchen slab is abutting NorthWest wall. Shelf is abutting North-NorthWest & NorthEast walls. On the terrace, no vastu defect. In this building, complete family being unwell, financial stringency, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Head of the family, first & fifth child having bad habits, being convicted and going to jail are possible. Third & Seventh child if male having severe and if female mild troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Main door is towards SouthWest causing head of the family, first & fifth child being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible.

Road Projection

Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining WestNorthWest wall, causing male folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords. Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting NorthWest wall, causing mental tension and non compatibility among couples.


Road Road Toilet


Benevolent Effects: Road thrust in East portion is benevolent, causing adverse effects being reduced.

Road Hit


Minor Effects: Loft is abutting North, East corners and NorthEast wall, causing all family members being unwell, have irritable temper & low esteem, having no progress, financial stringency, First & Fourth child having troublesome life.



Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut the NorthWest wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall. Prayer room should be in SouthWest thus making The Lord head of the house so that He Himself protects the residents. Shift the main door towards South as shown.

Terrace (as is now)

There is no any vastu defect on terrace.



Road Water Tank Covering over the staircase

Lobby Road Road Road Toilet Roof Road

Cut the concrete between wall and kitchen slab (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the kitchen slab abut the NorthWest wall.

Kitchen Loft
Road Hit

Road Hit


Loft may be constructed as shown.

For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road

Road Road


SouthEast, NorthWest & SouthWest Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )


Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards SouthWest. NorthEast is empty, causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health. Road is towards NorthWest & SouthEast. Consequent to no neighbor's constructions towards NorthEast, SouthEast and NorthWest, this building would not receive any vastu energy. There being no neighbor's construction towards SouthEast, NorthWest&SouthWest,energydoesnotflowout.Vastudefectsinthisbuildingbeingnormal.



Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor septic tank is towards West. Stair case is abutting West-NorthWest wall. Boring is towards SouthEast. Kitchen slab is abutting NorthWest wall. Shelf is abutting NorthEast wall. On the terrace, toilet is constructed on South-SouthEast wall and water tank is over it. Stair case cover is adjoining NorthWest wall. In this building, complete family being unwell. Financial stringency, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Head of the family and men folk having bad habits, being convicted and going to jail are possible. Second and Sixth child if female having severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords. Third & Seventh child if male having severe and if female mild troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Boring is towards SouthEast causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Septic tank is towards West causing head of the family and male members being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the stair case abut the NorthWest wall. Cut the concrete between wall and kitchen slab (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the kitchen slab abut the NorthWest wall.


Road Main Door Toilet

Loft may be constructed as shown.


Road Main Door Septic tank


Lobby Boring
Road Road


Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining WestNorthWest wall, causing male folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords. Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting NorthWest wall, causing mental tension and non compatibility among couples.



Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground.






Minor Effects: Loft is abutting North, East corners and NorthEast wall, causing all family members being unwell, have irritable temper & low esteem, having no progress, financial stringency, First & Fourth child having troublesome life.


Septic tank

Shift the bore well to the East as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies) S

Road Toilet Water Tank Covering over the staircase

Terrace (as is now) S

Toilet Water Tank Road Covering over the staircase


Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining WestNorthWest wall, causing male folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: To i l e t i s a d j o i n i n g S o u t h SouthEast wall and water tank is over this, causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Construct stair case cover minimum 3 feet away from NorthWest wall as shown. Shift the water tank over it.








Construct toilet minimum 3 feet away from SouthEast wall as shown.

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Three Side Road



SouthEast, NorthWest & SouthWest Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Road Road

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards SouthWest. NorthEast neighbor's construction is at higher level, causing men folk and first child being unwell. Road is towards NorthWest & SouthEast. Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards NorthEast, this building would receive vastu energy. There being no neighbor's construction towards SouthEast, NorthWest & SouthWest, energy does not flow out. Even severe vastu defects in this building being mild.



Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor boring is towards South. Stair case is abutting South-SouthEast wall. Septic tank is towards NorthWest. Kitchen slab is abutting NorthWest wall. Wall is constructed on central area. On the terrace, stair case cover is constructed on South-SouthEast wall. Toilet is constructed on West-NorthWest wall. In this building, complete family being unwell, have irritable temper and low esteem. Indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, insolvency, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Second & Sixth child if female having severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords. Third & Seventh child if male having severe and if female mild troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Benevolent Effects: Main road is in SouthWest and basement is constructed in whole building. According to vastu road is also the portion of the house. Causes SouthWest portion becoming higher than NorthEast, causing severe vastu defects in this house being minimized. Severe Effects: Boring is towards South causing female folk in particular first lady being unwell, loss of name & fame, irritable temper, becoming stubborn and mental worries.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut the SouthEast wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall. Prayer room should be in SouthWest thus making The Lord head of the house so that He Himself protects the residents.

Boring Main Door Projection

Room Septic Toilet tank

Bath room Center

Severe Effects: Septic tank is towards NorthWest causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords. Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting NorthWest wall, causing mental tension and non compatibility among couples. Construction in the prime cental area has mild adverse effects.

Road Projection Main Door Temple Room

Base ment

Cut the concrete between wall and kitchen slab (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the kitchen slab abut the NorthWest wall. Demolish the wall to clear the prime central area. An door can be placed here.

Road Kitchen


Base ment

Toilet Bath room Kitchen Road



Room Temple


Septic tank

Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining South-SouthEast wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground.

Shift the bore well to the East as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.

Terrace (as is now) S

Road Toilet Covering over the staircase

Terrace (After Vastu Remedies) S

Road Toilet

Severe Effects: Toilet is adjoining West-NorthWest wall, causing male folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Construct t o i l e t minimum 3 feet away from NorthWest wall as shown.



Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining SouthSouthEast wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.


Covering over the staircase


Construct stair case cover minimum 3 feet away from SouthEast wall as shown.

Three Side Road

Road Road


SouthEast, NorthWest & SouthWest Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards NorthWest & SouthEast. Road is towards SouthWest. NorthEast neighbor's construction is at higher level, causing men folk and first child being unwell. Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards NorthEast, this building would receive vastu energy. There being no neighbor's construction towards SouthEast, NorthWest & SouthWest, energy does not flow out. Even severe vastu defects in this building being mild.


Road Bad

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door is towards West. Stair case is abutting South-SouthEast wall. Septic tank is towards SouthEast. Wall is constructed on central area. On the terrace, stair case cover is constructed on South-SouthEast wall and water tank is over it. Room is constructed on NorthWest & North-NorthEast walls. East corner is constricted in construction. In this building, complete family being unwell, men folk having short temper and low esteem are possible. Financial stringency, Indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Head of the family and male members having bad habits is possible. First, Second, Fourth & Sixth child if female having severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords. Third & Seventh child having severe troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Balconies on NorthWest and SouthEast side walls are similar to one another in thickness, size and weight, so it is not a vastu defect. Severe Effects: Main door is towards West causing head of the family and male members being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Road Projection Room

Septic tank

Shift the main door & septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground. 1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut the SouthEast wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall.


N Proj-

Construction in the prime cental area has ection mild adverse effects.
Road Room


Room Arch Road Room

Severe Effects: Septic tank is towards SouthEast causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life & martial discords.

Temple Center Kitchen Room Toilet

Temple Center Kitchen Room Toilet Septic tank Boring



Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining South-SouthEast wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.


Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

Terrace (as is now)





Severe Effects: Room is adjoining NorthWest & North-NorthEast walls covering North corner, causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration are indicated. First & Fourth child (if female) having troublesome life and martial discords. Third & Seventh child having troublesome life and martial discords. Minor Effects: South portion is extending in construction, causing female folk in particular first lady being unwell, loss of name & fame, irritable temper, becoming stubborn and mental worries.


Shift the water tank as shown. 1. C o v e r t h e open space as shown (shaded area). 2. F o r t h i s purpose construction material may be similar than that of the room. 3. Roof level should be uniform.

Water Tank




Roof Water Tank Covering over the staircase

Covering over the staircase



Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining South-SouthEast wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.

For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road



SouthEast, NorthWest & SouthWest Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )


Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards NorthWest & SouthEast. Road is towards SouthWest. NorthEast neighbor's construction is at equal level, causing no effect. Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards NorthEast, this building would receive vastu energy. There being no neighbor's construction towards SouthEast, NorthWest & SouthWest, energy does not flow out. Even severe vastu defects in this building being mild.


Road Normal

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor boring is towards West. Stair case is abutting South-SouthEast wall. Balcony is constructed on NorthWest wall. On the terrace, stair case cover is constructed on South-SouthEast wall. In this building, complete family being unwell. Head of the family and male members having bad habits, being convicted and going to jail are possible. Indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Second & Sixth child if female having severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords. Third & Seventh child if having troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Balcony is constructed on NorthWest wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Boring is towards West causing head of the family and male members being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible. Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining South-SouthEast wall causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, p r o b l e m s w i t h administration and second & sixth child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

1. Cut the concrete Shift the Septic tank to the place between wall and stair shown in North. Fill the earlier tank case (at least 3 inches) with sand & level the ground. thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut the SouthEast wall. W N 3. To with stand the weight Septic Road of stair case erect a wall tank at least 3 inches away Projection Main Door from the main wall.

Road Projection Boring Main Door


Road Kitchen


Construct balcony on complete SouthEast wall as shown. Be noted that width, thickness and weight of both side balconies must be same.


Road Kitchen




Septic tank

Shift the bore well to the East as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.





S Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

Terrace (as is now) W W



Roof Roof

Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining South-SouthEast wall causing female folk b e i n g u n w e l l , indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if female) having troublesome life & martial discords.


Road Room Room Covering over the staircase Projection Road

Construct balcony on complete SouthEast wall as shown. Be noted that width, thickness and weight of both side balconies must be same.

Covering over the staircase Projection


For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Three Side Road



SouthEast, NorthWest & SouthWest Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards SouthEast & NorthWest. Road is towards SouthWest. NorthEast neighbor's construction is at lower level, causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health.



Good Road

Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards NorthEast, this building would receive vastu energy. There being no neighbor's construction towards SouthEast, NorthWest & SouthWest, energy does not flow out. Even severe vastu defects in this building being mild.

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door and septic tank are towards South. Boring is towards SouthWest. Shelf and kitchen slab are abutting NorthEast wall. On the terrace, Toilet is constructed on East corner and water tank is over it. Room is constructed on NorthWest & North-NorthEast walls. In this building, complete family being unwell. Head of the family and male members having bad habits, being convicted and going to jail are possible. Indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Second & Sixth child if female having severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords. Third & Seventh child if having troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Main door and septic tank are towards South causing female folk in particular first lady being unwell, loss of name & fame, irritable temper, becoming stubborn and mental worries.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the main door towards East as shown. Shift the bore well to the East as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.

Severe Effects: Boring is towards SouthWest causing head of the family, first & fifth child being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible.

Road Boring


Septic tank


Shift the kitchen & toilet to the shown place so that the other doors may be shift to exalted place.



Kitchen Lobby

Lobby Loft

Kitchen Road

Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting NorthEast wall, causing increased kitchen expenses and non compatibility among couples.


Loft may be constructed as shown.




Minor Effects: Loft is abutting NorthEast wall, causing all family members being unwell, low esteem, having no progress, financial stringency, First & Fourth child having troublesome life.

Loft Room

Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground.

Room Septic tank

N Terrace (as is now)

Severe Effects: Toilet is adjoining East corner and water tank is over it, causing serious ailments among men folk, insecurity feelings, loss of name & fame, financial stringency, court cases problems with administration, being child less or abortionss etc. Severe Effects: Room is adjoining NorthWest & NorthNorthEast walls covering North corner, causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration are indicated. First & Fourth child (if female) having troublesome life and martial discords. Third & Seventh child having troublesome life and martial discords.


Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

1. C o v e r t h e open space as shown (shaded area). 2. F o r t h i s p u r p o s e construction material may be similar than that of the room. 3. R o o f l e v e l should be uniform.
Water Tank




Water Tank Covering over the staircase

Toilet Covering over the staircase

Open Area


Covered Area

Room Room

Shift the water tank as shown.



For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.


Three Side Road



SouthEast, NorthWest & SouthWest Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards SouthEast & NorthWest. Road is towards SouthWest. NorthEast neighbor's construction is at lower level, causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health.



Good Road

Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards NorthEast, this building would receive vastu energy. There being no neighbor's construction towards SouthEast, NorthWest & SouthWest, energy does not flow out. Even severe vastu defects in this building being mild.

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door is towards SouthEast. Boring is towards South. Septic tank is towards SouthWest. Kitchen slab is abutting NorthEast wall. On the terrace, Construction is adjoining West corner. North & East corners are constricted in construction. In this building, complete family being unwell, having irritable temper and low esteem are possible. Head of the family, first & fifth child having bad habits, being convicted and going to jail are possible. Financial stringency, Indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Second & Sixth child having troubled life and marital discords.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Open space in SouthEast, causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life & martial discords. Severe Effects: Main door is towards SouthEast causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life & martial discords. Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting NorthEast wall, causing increased kitchen expenses and non compatibility among couples. Severe Effects: Septic tank is towards SouthWest wall causing head of the family, first & fifth child being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible. Severe Effects: Boring is towards South causing female folk in particular first lady being unwell, loss of name & fame, irritable temper, becoming stubborn and mental worries.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the bore well to the East as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same. Cut the concrete between wall and kitchen slab (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the kitchen slab abut the NorthEast wall. Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground.

Boring Open Area Road

Projection Room

Road Open Area Boring



Kitchen Toilet Room Room Store Lobby Septic tank Road


Room Toilet Road

Kitchen Room Toilet Room Store Septic tank Lobby


Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). 2. F o r t h i s p u r p o s e construction material may be same or lighter than that of the room. 3. Slope of shed should be towards NorthEast.

Terrace (as is now)

Severe Effects: East corner is constricted in construction, causing serious ailments among men folk, insecurity feelings, loss of name & fame, financial stringency, court cases problems with administration, being child less or abortionss etc. Severe Effects: North corner is constricted in construction, causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, irritable temper and loss of name and fame.

Road Open Area

Kitchen Road
Covering over the staircase

Road Open Area

1. Cover the open space as shown (shaded area).
Kitchen Road
Covering over the staircase


Room Water Tank

2. F o r t h i s p u r p o s e construction material may be similar than that of the room. 3. Roof level should be uniform.

Severe Effects: Toilet is adjoining WestNorthWest wall, causing male folk being unwell, fights & disputes, mental worries, court cases, problems with administration and third & seventh child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords.


Room Water Tank


Construct toilet minimum 3 feet away from NorthWest wall as shown.



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Three Side Road



SouthEast, NorthWest & SouthWest Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards SouthEast & NorthWest. Road is towards SouthWest. NorthEast neighbor's construction is at equal level, causing no effects. Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards NorthEast, this building would receive vastu energy. There being no neighbor's construction towards SouthEast, NorthWest & SouthWest, energy does not flow out. Even severe vastu defects in this building being mild.


Normal Road


Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door & boring are towards SouthEast. Septic tank is towards South. Stair case is abutting East corner. On the terrace, stair case cover is on East corner adjoining East-SouthEast wall. In this building, men folk being unwell, having irritable temper and low esteem are possible. Having no male issues, abortionss, financial stringency, Indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Second & Sixth child if male severe and if female mild troubled life and marital discords are indicated.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Stair case is adjoining East corner causing serious ailments among men folk, insecurity feelings, loss of name & fame, financial stringency, court cases problems with administration, being child less or abortionss etc.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the main door & bore well to the East as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.

Road Toilet

Road Toilet Toilet

Septic tank

Boring Lobby



Severe Effects: Main door & boring are towards SouthEast causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life & martial discords.

1. Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. 2. In no case shall the stair case abut the SouthEast & NorthEast wall. 3. To with stand the weight of stair case erect a wall at least 3 inches away from the main wall.




















Severe Effects: Septic tank is towards South causing female folk in particular first lady being unwell, loss of name & fame, irritable temper, becoming stubborn and mental worries.

Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in North. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground.

Septic tank


Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

1. Remove the roof of stair case cover, the adverse effects being reduced. 2. If however, stair case cover needs to be cover, the same should be shifted by at least 3 feet from NorthEast & SouthEast walls as shown. It would reduce the adverse effects more. 3. To remove the adverse effects totally, new stair case and stair case cover may be constructed adjoining SouthWest wall as shown by the dotted lines. 4. Such construction should be away from the corners by at least 3 feet.

Terrace (as is now)

Road Covering over the staircase

Road Covering over the staircase

Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining East corner & EastSouthEast wall causing male & female folk being unwell, having no male issues, abortionss, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child (if male) having troublesome life & martial discords.






For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.



Three Side Road



SouthEast, NorthWest & SouthWest Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards SouthEast & NorthWest. Road is towards SouthWest. NorthEast neighbor's construction is at higher level, causing men folk and first child being unwell.


Bad Road

Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards NorthEast, this building would receive vastu energy. There being no neighbor's construction towards SouthEast, NorthWest & SouthWest, energy does not flow out. Even severe vastu defects in this building being mild.

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor main door is towards SouthEast. Boring is towards South. Shelf and kitchen slab are abutting North-NorthEast wall. On the terrace, toilet is constructed on East corner. Water tank is adjoining NorthEast wall. Room is constructed on NorthWest and North-NorthEast walls. In this building, complete family being unwell, having irritable temper and low esteem are possible. Having no male issues, abortionss, financial stringency, Indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental tension, fire & theft hazards, court cases and problems with administration are indicated. Second, Third, Sixth & Seventh child having severe troubled life and marital discords. First & Fourth child if female severe and if male mild troubled life and marital discords are indicated.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Severe Effects: Boring is towards South causing female folk in particular first lady being unwell, loss of name & fame, irritable temper, becoming stubborn and mental worries. Severe Effects: Main door is towards SouthEast causing female folk being unwell, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, fire & theft hazards, court cases, problems with administration and second & sixth child having troublesome life & martial discords. Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting NorthEast wall, causing increased kitchen expenses and non compatibility among couples.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the main door & bore well to the East as shown and fill up the earlier bore well with sand and level the same.

Road Boring

Road Boring



Cut the concrete between wall and kitchen slab (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the kitchen slab abut the NorthEast wall.




Road Loft

Loft may be constructed as shown.



Minor Effects: Loft is abutting North-NorthEast wall, causing all family members being unwell, have irritable temper & low esteem, having no progress, financial stringency, First & Fourth child (if female) having troublesome life.



Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

1. C o v e r t h e open space as shown ( s h a d e d area). 2. F o r t h i s p u r p o s e construction material may be similar than that of the room. 3. R o o f l e v e l should be uniform.
Room Road

Terrace (as is now)

Severe Effects: Toilet is adjoining East corner, causing serious ailments among men folk, insecurity feelings, loss of name & fame, financial stringency, court cases problems with administration, being child less or abortionss etc. Severe Effects: Water tank is adjoining NorthEast wall causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society and first & fourth child having troublesome life and martial discords. Severe Effects: Room is adjoining NorthWest & NorthNorthEast walls covering North corner, causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial stringency, no recognition in society, indebtedness, fights & disputes, mental worries, insolvency, court cases, problems with administration are indicated. First & Fourth child (if female) having troublesome life and martial discords. Third & Seventh child having troublesome life and martial discords.


Toilet Covered area




Covering over the staircase Roof (Open Area) Water Tank

Water Tank

Shift the water tank as shown.




For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

Covering over the staircase

Three Side Road



SouthEast, NorthWest & SouthWest Facing Construction

Wrong Construction Right Construction Main wall Construction Door ( Right ) Door ( Wrong )

Vastu effects on the residents of the shaded building :

Road is towards SouthEast & NorthWest. Road is towards SouthWest. NorthEast neighbor's construction is at lower level, causing men folk and first child enjoying sound health.



Good Road

Consequent to neighbor's constructions towards NorthEast, this building would receive vastu energy. There being no neighbor's construction towards SouthEast, NorthWest & SouthWest, energy does not flow out. Even severe vastu defects in this building being mild.

Adverse vastu effects on the whole building :

On the ground floor septic tank is towards South. Stair case is abutting East corner. Kitchen slab is abutting SouthEast wall. Due to open space, North corner is constricted in construction. On the terrace, stair case cover is adjoining East-NorthEast wall. In this building, complete family being unwell, having irritable temper and low esteem are possible. Having no male issues, abortionss, financial stringency are indicated. First & Fourth child if male severe and if female mild troubled life and marital discords are indicated.

Ground Floor (as is now)

Minor Effects: Kitchen slab is abutting SouthEast wall, causing mental tension and non compatibility among couples. Severe Effects: Septic tank is towards South causing female folk in particular first lady being unwell, loss of name & fame, irritable temper, becoming stubborn and mental worries.

Ground Floor (After Vastu Remedies)

Shift the Septic tank to the place shown in East. Fill the earlier tank with sand & level the ground. Cut the concrete between wall and kitchen slab (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the kitchen slab abut the SouthEast wall.

Cut the concrete between wall and stair case (at least 3 inches) thus separating the two. In no case shall the stair case abut the East wall.
Septic tank Boring Main Door Road

Severe Effects: Boring Stair case is adjoining East corner, causing serious ailments among men folk, insecurity feelings, loss of name & fame, financial stringency, court cases p r o b l e m s w i t h administration, being child less or abortionss etc.
Main Door Road

Septic tank





Hall Toilet Lobby Store room

Toilet Road


Minor Effects: North corner is constricted in construction, causing financial stringency, female folk being unwell, irritable temper and loss of name and fame.

Room Room Open Area Toilet Road

Cover the open space as shown (shaded area). For this purpose construction material may be similar than that of the room.

Store room Room Lobby Room Covered Area Toilet Road

W Terrace (After Vastu Remedies)

Terrace (as is now) E


Severe Effects: Stair case cover is adjoining EastNorthEast wall and water tanks are over it, causing all family members specially earning members being always worried, unwell, having no progress, financial s t r i n g e n c y, n o recognition in society and first & fourth child (if male) having troublesome life and martial discords.

Covering over the staircase Water Tank

Roof (Open Area)


Open Area


1. Remove the roof of stair case cover, the adverse effects being reduced. 2. If however, stair case cover needs to be cover, the same should be shifted by at least 3 feet from NorthEast & SouthEast walls as shown. It would reduce the adverse effects more. 3. To remove the adverse effects totally, new stair case and stair case cover may be constructed adjoining SouthWest wall as shown by the dotted lines. 4. Such construction should be away from the corners by at least 3 feet.


Covering over the staircase

Roof (Open Area)


Water Tank


Shift the water tank as shown.

For latest updates of Vastu & music, visit the webside dwarkadheeshvastu.com or FREE download.

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