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Eddy Egan September 21, 2006

Tuliszewski Period ½
Reflective Essay

In our recent studies in Biology class I have learn a multitude of new things about
life and what defines it. I learned that there must be certain characteristics that an
something must follow in order for it to be classified as a living object. Some of these
characteristics included: being made of cells, organization, being able to reproduce and
many others. All of the examples and more were learned during our observation study
where we examined how objects in the same group related to each other and each
relationship was one of the seven characteristics of life. This new information that I had
learned changed my idea of the meaning of life due to expanding my knowledge on what
life really is. If I had found an unknown object I would be able to determine if that object
is a living organism or just a plain glob of slime. I found this experiment and this new
knowledge very interesting and I would be interested about learning more of the stimuli
and homeostasis characteristic of life and to study how an organism maintains what it has
to do to survive. Altogether, this experiment was an excitement and also taught me to
think outside the box with analyzing data.

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