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This is the first title the audience are presented with, the title of the programme.

It is placed in the centre of the frame and in large text, in order to gain the audiences full attention. Also, the colour red associates with danger and this is reinforced by the blood drops placed around the title.

The following title is a name and this is placed at the bottom left of the screen. It is in smaller font and has less dramatic effect. This shows the title is of less significance however, still important as it is the first name shown.

This title is also similar to the first name shown however, demonstrated on the opposite side of the screen. The colour red is mirrored by the dripping blood at the top of the screen.

This title is presented in the centre of the screen but at the bottom of the frame, this makes the audience not take their full attention away from the camera movement but still acknowledges the title. The title is still red showing danger .

The title is still presented in the same font, colour and size. Again, the title is placed in the bottom left corner not steering the attention away from what is happening.

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