February Bulletin

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February Bulletin

V i s c o u n t A l ex an d er P u b l i c S c h o o l Feb r u ar y 1 5 , 2 0 1 3

Well, its been an interesting month so far, and with the two inclement weather days weve had, there has been a need to make some changes to the February Calendar that went home at the beginning of the month! 1) Ecole de Neige (Grade 6 students):

The grade 6 trip to Ecole de Neige has been re-scheduled to February 25, 26, 27th. Parents and guardians of students who are attending will be asked to update the permission form that had previously been sent home. Lets keep our fingers crossed for good weather! 2) Science Fair:

Our school Science Fair was originally planned for Tuesday, February 26th. With our grade 6 students being away at Ecole de Neige, we have decided to reschedule the Science Fair to Thursday, February 28th. 3) Floor Hockey

The boys and girls floor hockey tournaments will be held on the same day, Wednesday, February 20th at TR Leger School (General Vanier Site). This decision was made by the tournament convener, in order to allow more schools to participate. 4) Spirit Assembly/Pink Shirt Day

Our February Spirit Assembly and Pink Shirt Day will remain on Wednesday, February 27th. The Spirit Assembly will begin at 2:25, and students are encouraged to wear pink to school, to raise awareness against bullying.

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