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%% filter bank implementation in matlab.

The codes passes the given signal thro ugh the 6 band pass filters independently (6 band pass Butterworth filters cente red at 2,4,6,8,10,12 Hz. % ) and then plots the filtered waveforms. % You can edit this code for any sampling and cutoff frequencies by simply chang ing the corresponding values. Read the comments and just make the appropriate ed its % Author: Avinash Parnandi, xx = [0:100]; f=30; %% sampling frequency data = sin(188*xx); % 2*pi*30 = 188 %here data is the signal that will be passe d through the filter bank % suppose we want to supress anything below x hz and above y hz, with sampling f requency z hz, then % normalized freqs for band pass is = fnorm = [x y]/(z/2) % fnorm should be between (0,1) fnorm1 = [1 3]/15; % for bandpass, here 1 and 3 are the lower and upper cutoff r espectively % [b,a] = butter(n,Wn) % n = order of the filter, wn is the normalized % cutoff freq [b1,a1] = butter(10,fnorm1); % here the order of the filter is 10 data_1 = filtfilt(b1,a1,data); % band pass filter fnorm2 = [3 5]/15; % for bandpass [b2,a2] = butter(10,fnorm2); data_2 = filtfilt(b2,a2,data); % band pass filter fnorm3 = [5 7]/15; % for bandpass [b3,a3] = butter(10,fnorm3); data_3 = filtfilt(b3,a3,data); % band pass filter fnorm4 = [7 9]/15; % for bandpass [b4,a4] = butter(10,fnorm4); data_4 = filtfilt(b4,a4,data); % band pass filter fnorm5 = [9 11]/15; % for bandpass [b5,a5] = butter(10,fnorm5); data_5 = filtfilt(b5,a5,data); % band pass filter fnorm6 = [11 14]/15; % for bandpass [b6,a6] = butter(10,fnorm6); data_6 = filtfilt(b6,a6,data); % band pass filter figure subplot(3,1,1), plot(data), title('actual') subplot(3,1,2), plot(data_1), title('centered at 2hz') subplot(3,1,3), plot(data_2), title('centered at 4hz') figure subplot(4,1,1), subplot(4,1,2), subplot(4,1,3), subplot(4,1,4), plot(data_3), plot(data_4), plot(data_5), plot(data_5), title('centered at 6hz') title('centered at 8hz') title('centered at 10hz') title('remaining frequencies')

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