Quant Question 201-250 and Solutions

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A Problem Booklet for IIM-CAT 2008 School of Management Quantitative Aptitude (Volume IV)

A Sample Booklet( not for sale) Rahul Kumar Jha Mar-Nov 2008

Foreword This is the fourth set in the series. hope you had fun in the rst three sets, like the third set this set also has solutions and keys, kindly check at the end. I have taken proper care to select nice problems and tried to give one of the best if not the best solution. Still if you cant understand teh solution or you have a better approach, you know how to nd me.

Problem Set 4 201) How many zeros at the end of binary expansion of 100!? a) 20 b) 24 c) 50 d) 75 e) 97

202) How many number are there in range of 10 to 106 such that their digit sum is 18 ? For ex. 99000, 9072, 90027, 66006.. . a) 23 C5 b) 23 C5 +13 C5 e) 23 C5 6.13 C5 c)

C5 13 C5



C5 + 6.13 C5

203) Find the unit digit in LCM of 73001 1 and 73001 + 1 a) 1 b) 2 c) 4 d) 8 e) none of these

204) Find the area of right angle triangle whose inradius is 4 and circumradius is 10? a) 28 b) 56 c) 96 d) 192 e) none of these

205) Find the number of triplets of real numbers (x, y, z) which satisfy (x + y)3 = z (y + z)3 = x (z + x)3 = y 1

a) 0

b) 1

c) 2

d) 3

e) none of these

206) Find the sum of all 3 digit numbers which are equal to 25 times the sum of their digits. a) 150 b) 225 c) 375 d) 600 e) 750

207 Let , , , be the roots of (x2 + 7x + 6)2 + 7(x2 + 7x + 6) + 6 = x. Given that . Find a) 2 2 b) 2 3 c) 2 d) 1 + 2 3 e) 1 + 2+ 3

208) If x2 + y 2 = 1 and x, y . Let p, q be the largest and smallest possible value of x + y respectively. Then compute pq a) 0 b)
1 2


1 2

d) 2

e) 2 . Then which of them

209) Let y = is true?

x2 + x + 1 +

x2 x + 1, where x

a) 0 < y < 1 e) y < 1

b) 1 < y < 0

c) 1 < y < 1

d) y > 1

210) Six distinct positive integers are randomly chosen between 1 and 2008, inclusive. What is the probability that some pair of these integers has a dierence that is a multiple of 5? (A)
1 2


3 5


2 3


4 5

(E) 1

211) Find the number of triplets (x, y, z) of positive numbers such that x+y+z =1 x4 + y 4 + z 4 = xyz a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3 e) none of these

212) Find the number of pairs of positive integers (a, b) such that a! + b! = ab 2

a) 0

b) 1

c) 2

d) 3

e) none of these

213) Ganesh and sarath walk up an escalator which moves up with a constant speed. For every two steps that ganesh takes, sarath takes one step. Ganesh gets to the top of the escalator after having taken 30 steps, while sarath takes only 20 steps to reach the top.If the escalator were turned o, how many steps should each o them take to reach the top? a) 30 b) 40 c) 45 d) 60 e) none of these x + y + z + t = 3 2 x + y 2 + z 2 + t2 = 9 and x3 + y 3 + z 3 + t3 = 27 4 x + y 4 + z 4 + t4 = 81

214) Let x, y, z, t

Then nd S = x2008 + y 2009 + z 2010 + t2011 a) 32008 b)32009 determined c) 32010 d) 32011 e) Can not be uniquely

215) Find the number of pairs of real numbers x, y such that (x2 + 8x + 17)(y 2 2y + 6) = 5 a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3 e) 4

216) Find the no of triplets (x, y, z) of positive integers such that xy + yz + zx = xyz a) 0 b) 1 c) 4 d) 7 e) 10

217) In the gure shown above, ABCD is a square alongwith two other squares which are inscribed in ABCD. Find the ratio of the area of S to the area of ABCD a) 25/54 b) 71/81 c) 30/81 d) 10/9 e) none of these

218) If the lcm of (10!)(18!) and (12!)(17!) is expressed as a!b!/c! where a, b are two digit positive numbers and c is a one digit positive number. Then abc equals ? a) 54 b) 648 c) 216 d) 324 e) none of these

219)Find the remainder when 2184 is divided by 343 a) 0 b) 1 c) 49 d) 341 e) none of these

Directions for problem 220-221:Each question is followed by 2 statements X and Y. Answer each question using the following instructions Choose A if the question can be answered using X alone Choose B if the question can be answered using Y alone Choose C if the question can be answered using either X or (exclusive) Y Choose D if the question can be answered using X and Y together Choose E if the question can not be answered using X and Y also 220) If in triangles ABC and P QR let a, b, c and p, q, r represent the angles and a + b = p + q . Is c = r? X: aq + pb + pa + bq = cr 4

Y: cq rb = ra cp 221) If a, b, c, d, e are integers and p = 2a .3b and q = 2c .3d .5e . Is minating decimal? X: a > c Y: b > d 222)Two friends get home at 2:30 P.M. They both go to bed 10 P.M. If both friends will go to a park twice for 15 minutes, what is the probability that they will be able to see each other at any random time between the two time intervals? Assume that the travel to and from the park takes no time. (A) 25 225 (B) 8 15 (C) 27 225 (D) 29 225 (E) 3 17
p q

a ter-

223) Let p be a prime number such that f (p) = (2 + 3) (22 + 32 ) + (23 + 33 ) ... (2p1 + 3p1 ) + (2p + 3p ) is divisible by 5. If p1 , p2 and p3 are the three smallest such primes, then p1 + p2 + p3 equals a) 15 b) 19 c) 21 d) 25 e) 35

224)Let a, b, c be positive integers such that a2 + b2 = c2 (1 + ab). then which is true? a) a b b) b c c) b c d) a, b, c e) b, c

225) How many positive integral values of x and y satisfy xy = (y + 1)4 ? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) Innite

226) Positive integers x and y satisfy 3x2 8y 2 + 3x2 y 2 = 2008. Find the product x2 y a) 28 b) 49 c) 16 d) 98 e) 112 x and y

227) Let x and y be positive integers such that x > y and

are pure surds. Let T = ( x + y)222 + ( x y)222 . Which is/are always false? [.] indicates greatest integer function. b)[T ] = [( x + y)222 ] + 1 a) [T ] = [( x + y)222 ] [( x + y)222 ] 1 d) a and b e) a and c c) [T ] =

228) Let n be a 5-digit number, and let q and r be the quotient and remainder, respectively, when n is divided by 100. For how many values of n is q + r divisible by 11? (A) 8180 (B) 8181 (C) 8182 (D) 9000 (E) 9090

229) For prime numbers p and q, p + q = 102 and p > q. What is the least possible value of p q? a) 2 b) 4 c) 8 d) 12 e) 16

230) Amit has a total of n balls of which r, g, band w are red, green, blue and white respectively. His friend Sumit asks him about the balls he says, I have so many balls such that if I select four balls, probability of selecting four red balls is same as the probability of one ball of each kind and is same as probability of selecting one white and three red balls and is same as the probability of selecting two red, one white and one blue ball. Sumit asks him whether this is the minimum of such set of balls. Amit says yes. He tells him the value of r. What is it? a) 9 b) 10 c) 11 d) 12 e) 13

231) Amit asks the total number of balls, sumit answers correctly what is his answer? a) 17 b) 19 c) 21 d) 23 e) 25

232) Given that x2 + y 2 = 14x + 6y + 6, what is the largest possible value that 3x + 4y can have? (A) 72 (B) 73 (C) 74 (D) 75 (E) 76

233) The director of a marching band wishes to place the members into a formation that includes all of them and has no unlled positions. If they are arranged in a square formation, there are 5 members left over. The director realizes that if he arranges the group in a formation with 7 more rows than columns, there are no members left over. Find the maximum number of members this band can have. (A) 172 (B) 273 (C) 374 (D) 294 (E) 476

234) Let n be a positive integer such that 1335 + 1105 + 845 + 275 = n5 . Find n (A) 134 (B) 144 (C) 154 (D) 164 (E) 174

235) The perimeter of a right triangle is 60. The height to the hypotenuse is 12 what is the area? (A) 75 (B) 144 (C) 150 (D) 300 (E) noneof these

236) MN is the diameter of a semicircle, the full circle has center O. A and B are on the semicircle and C is a point on ON such that minor arc MA = 40 degrees, angle OAC = 10 degrees, and angle OBC is 10 degrees. nd the degree measure of minor arc BN. (A) 10 (B) 20 (C) 30 (D) 40 (E) none of these

237) Given that A be a set such that A={1,2,A}. Then n(A) equals? (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) can not be determined (E) none of these

238) 4 identical dice are tossed simultaneously. What is the probability that at least 3 of the four nos. shown are dierent? (A) 20 216 (B) 120 216 (C) 5 6 (D) 1200 1296 (E) none of these

239) In triangle ABC the medians AM and CN to sides BC and AB, respectively, intersect in point O. P is the midpoint of side AC, and M P intersects

CN in Q. If the area of triangle OM Q is n, then the area of triangle ABC is: (A) 16n (B) 18n (C) 21n (D) 24n (E) 27n

240) x, y, z, and w are real numbers. If x, y, z lies in interval of (1, ) and w is in interval of (0, ), and that: logx w = 24 logy w = 40 logxyz w = 12 Find the value of logz w. (A) 16 (B) 24 (C) 36 (D) 48 (E) 60

241) Let A and B be opposite vertices of a cube. A round-trip path is dened to be a path on the cube from A to B and then back to A, using the least possible number of edges, and without using the same edge more than once. How many round-trip paths are there? (A) 6 (B) 12 (C) 18 (D) 24 (E) 36

242) Find the number of pairs of positive integers (x, y) such that xy = y 50

(A) 6

(B) 7

(C) 8

(D) 5

(E) 10

243) Let n be a positive integer such that when we add 1 to the product of any n consecutive positive integers, the result is a perfect square, then n equals? (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (E) none of these

244) Let f (x) = |x p| + |x 15| + |x p 15|, where 0 < p < 15. Determine the minimum value taken by f (x) for x in the interval p x 15.

(A) 0

(B) 15

(C) 30

(D) 45

(E) none of these

245) Let x = 3a + 3b , where a and b are chosen independently from the integers 1 through 100 inclusive (with each integer having an equal likelihood of being chosen). Compute the probability that x is an integral multiple of 5. (A) 1 2 (B) 1 3 (C) 5 6 (D) 1 4 (E) none of these

246) Dene f (n) by: n if n is even 2 f (n) = n + 1023 if n is odd 2 Find the least positive integer k such that f (f (f (f (f (k))))) = k and the least positive integer m such that f (f (f (m))) = m. Then m + k equals (A) 2 (B) 34 (C) 342 (D) 374 (E) 1056

247) nd the number of ordered pairs of real numbers (x, y) such that x2 + y 2 + x + y = 8 xy + x + y = 5 (A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) 8 (E) 10

248) The equation x3 4x2 + 5x 1.9 has real roots r, s, and t. Find the area of the triangle with sides r, s, and t. 1 (A) 2 1 (B) 3 1 (C) 5 1 (D) 6 (E) none of these

249) Express the base 7 repeating decimal 0.023023023023... as a base 10 fraction in lowest terms. (A) 119 2400 (B) 23 999 (C) 17 342 (D) 23 666 (E) none of these

250) How many of the rst 1000 positive integers can be expressed in the form [2x] + [4x] + [6x] + [8x], where x is a real number, and [z] denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to z? 9

(A) 50

(B) 125

(C) 250

(D) 500

(E) 600

Answer Key 201) e) 202) c) 203) c) 10 204) c) 205) d)

206) 211) 216) 221) 226) 231) 236) 241) 246)

e) d) e) b) e) c) b) c) d)

207) e) 212) c) 217) a) 222) d) 227) e) 232) b) 237) b) 242) b) 247) a)

208) e) 213) d) 218) b) 223) e) 228) b) 233) d) 238) c) 243) c) 248) c)

209) c) 214) e) 219) e) 224) e) 229) e) 234) b) 239) d) 244) b) 249) c)

210) e) 215) c) 220) a) 225) d) 230) c) 235) c) 240) e) 245) d) 250) e)

Appropriate care has been taken to keep this document free. But, if you nd any errors, please report to the author at rahuljha.jha@gmail.com. This document is not for sale! Good Luck !

Short Hints 201) As it is binary expansion. we need to nd the power of 2 in 100! i.e 100 = 97 k=1 2k 202) we need to nd the number of integral solutions a + b + c + d + e + f = 18 which comes out as (18+61) C61 =23 C5 . But this will also include the numbers whose digit is greater than 9. which is not possible. So, we subtract those solutions. Let a = 10 + a then a + b + c + d + e + f = 18 becomes a + b + c + d + e + f = 8. number of solutions is 13 C5 . Now in place of a, we can have b, c, d, e and f so 6.13 C5 11

nal solution


C5 6.13 C5

203) these are two consecutive even nos.so the lcm is (73001 1)(73001 + 1)/2 (76002 1)/2. The cyclicity of 7 is 4 and 6002 = 4.1500 + 2 so unit digit of (76002 1) is 9 1 = 8 so unit digit of (76002 1)/2 = 8/2 = 4 204)let a, b be the other sides hypotenuse= 2R = 2.10 = 20 then (a + b + 20) = 2s and A = ab/2 r = 4 = A/s = ab/(a + b + 20) (a + b + 20) = ab/4 also a2 + b2 = 400 square the rst one we get a2 + b2 + 400 + 2ab + 40(a + b) = (ab/4)2 400 + 400 + 2ab + 40(ab/4 20) = (ab/4)2 12ab = (ab/4)2 ab = 4.4.12 area = 2.12.4. = 96 205) clearly the equations are symmetric in x, y and z. so we can take 1 x = y = z. putting it we get x = 0, 22 , 212 206 100a + 10b + c = 25(a + b + c) 75a = 15b + 24c a = (5b + 8c)/25 now a is a natural number,so (5b + 8c)/25 = 25, 50, 75, 100 applying the constraint that 0 b, c 9 we get (b, c) = (5, 0), (2, 5)(7, 5) The fourth equation gives no solution so the three numbers are 150, 225, 375 taking the sum 750 207) Observe the equations clearly if we put x2 + 7x + 6 = x we get one set of solutions. Thus x2 + 6x + 6 is one of the factors of the equation. let the other factor be x2 + ax + b. so we can write (x2 + 6x + 6)(x2 + ax + b) = 0 equating the constat term of initial equation and the factored equation we get 62 + 7.6 + 6 = 6b b = 14 similarly equate the term of x3 we get a = 8 So, we have (x2 +6x+6)(x2 +8x+14) = 0 roots are x = 3 12 3, x = 4 2

208) clearly we can take x = cos and y = sin then x + y = 2 sin( + ) 4 so clearly p = so pq = 2 2 and q = 2

209) Rationalise and add. We will get a quadratic of x. use the condition for x to be real. we will get 1 < x < 1 210)For the dierence to be a multiple of 5, the two integers must have the same remainder when divided by 5. Since there are 5 possible remainders (0 4), by the pigeonhole principle, at least two of the integers must share the same remainder. Thus, the answer is 1 211) Use AM GM inequality and we can prove x = y = z. So x = y = z = 1/3 one triplet 213) (2,2) and (2,3) 214) Let total no of steps be A. Let them both start together. Then steps covered by escalator while Ganesh takes 30 steps is x. Then Sarath Takes 15 steps. He takes remaining 5 steps to reach top. By that time escalator will take x/3 more A = 30 + x = 15 + x + 5 + x/3 => x/3 = 10 => x = 30 total steps A = 30 + 30 = 60! 214) (x2 + y 2 + z 2 + t2 )2 = x4 + y 4 + z 4 + t4 So after expanding, we see that in every pair of numbers, at least one must be 0. Therefore, 3 of the numbers must be 0. Then by the rst equation, the 4th number is 3. These yield the 4 values of s = 32008 , 32009 , 32010 , 32011 215) (x2 + 8x + 17)(y 2 2y + 6) = 5. Let X = (x + 4)2 0, Y = (y 1)2 0 13

We can write the original equation as (X + 1)(Y + 5) = 5. As both x, Y are positive. The only solution is X, Y = 0 and so we get one nal pair (4, 0) 216)let us assume without loss of generality that x y z then x 3 . let x = 2 gives yz +2(y +z) = 2yz (y 2)(z 2) = 4 gives (y, z) = (3, 6)(4, 4). Also let x = 3 gives 3(z + y) = 2yz. But (y 3)(z 3) 0 = yz + 9 3(y + z) = 2yz. Thus yz 9 which is only possible if y = z = 3.Thus (x, y, z) = (3, 3, 3), (2, 3, 6), (2, 4, 4) taking the permutations we will get 10 ordered solutions. 217) We need to use the fact that the medians of a triangle divide the triangle into three triangles of equal area. this is used to nd the area outside the octagon. Please note that the octagon is not regular. Lets assume the area of the square is 9 Then the area of unshaded region is (2/3).8 (1/8)4 = 29/6. subtracting we get area of S = 9 29/6 = 25/6 so ratios is 25/54
xy 218) Let x = 18! and y = 12! then lcm of xy and 132 is what we need. 18 The gcd of 18 and 132 is 6 so the lcm is xy which equals (18!)(12!) . hence 6 3! abc = 18 12 3 = 648

219) clearly the remainder should be divisible by 9 but none of the options are so answer is e) 220) Y is same as given condition. X leads us to r = c = 90 221) p/q = 2ac .3bd 5e . clearly the only thing which will ensure terminating decimal is b d > 0 which comes from Y 222)its a very simple problem if we try to nd the area we divide the total time interval in units of 15 2 : 30 : 10 = 7 60 + 30 = 15[28 + 2] = 30.15 so we make a square onx y plane with x axis y axis x = 30and y = 30 lines now we need the area under the curve 14

|y x| 1 302 292 = 302

59 900

this is for one meeting as they come twice we will need some cases |y x + 1| 1 and |y x 1| 1 this will take care of all the cases !! 29 302 282 58.2 = = 2 30 900 225

so nally it becomes

223) the odd terms (2n + 3n ) , n is odd,will be divisible by 5 as (2 + 3 = 5) The even terms form a pair of 2. see this is 22 + 24 = 20 and 32 + 34 = 90 so (22 + 24 ) + (32 + 34 ) so p is of the form 4k or 4k + 1 but p is a prime so only 4k + 1 is possible the smallest ones are 5, 13, 17 so sum is 35 224) equation is symmetric in a, b so we can assume a = b without loss of generality 2a2 = c2 (1 + a2 ) a2 < a2 + 1 => c2 .a2 < (a2 + 1)c2 => c2 .a2 < 2a2 => c2 < 2 c = 1 now a, b being positive integers will be greater than or equal to 1, hence option e 225) xy = (y + 1)4 clearly y = 4k y = 1 will give a solution y = 2 will give x = 9 another solution y = 4 will give x = 5 and y = 8 will give x = 3 we get 4 solutions now we wont get any solution because next value is y = 12 but if y = 12 or greater x will become close to 1 but never 1 so no more integral solution 226)3x2 8y 2 + 3x2 y 2 = 2008 15

3x2 (y 2 + 1) 8y 2 = 2008 clearly rhs and the second term on lhs is divisible by 8, so we need x as even and yas odd let x = 2k and y = 2m + 1 we get 3k 2 (2m2 + 2m + 1) (2m + 1)2 = 251 clearly m=0 gives us a rhs divisible by 9 but lhs of 3 clearly m=1 is not a solution m=2 gives no solution chk divisibility m = 3 gives k = 2 m=4 no solution m=5 none m=6 gives none clearly for a larger m we will get a smaller k which is not possible so only one pair of (x, y) = (4, 7) so x2 y = 112 227) One of my favourite questions in this set. It some basic concepts uses 222 rigorously. lets roll! See this T = ( x + y) + ( x y)222 is clearly an integer as the even powers will give integers and the odd powers which will make surds will add up to zero due to the presence of corresponding negative terms. SO [T ] = T Let p = x y now > 1 or p < 1,if p < 1 then p222 is p very close to zero yet positive then [T ] = [( x+ y)222 ]+1 so option b is true in this case if p > 1 then p222 will be very large So [T ] = [( x + y)222 ] + k where k is a positive integer much greater than 1 so option a and c are always wrong. So option e) 228) We have n = 100q + r, so n = 99q + q + r. Now, 11|(q + r), so we have 11|n. so number of terms we need is just all 5 digit multiples of 11. that is [99999/11] [9999/11] = 8181 229) the min will be when p, q are as close as possible so p = 51 + x and q = 51 x now we have to make sure 51 + x, 51 x both are primes which comes for x = 8 and 59 and 43 so p q = 16 230) and 231) (r) (r)(w) (r)(w)(b) (r)(w)(b)(g) 4 1 = 3 n1 = 2 n 1 = 1 1n 1 1 n (4) (4) (4) (4) All the n can be canceled. We write them in factorial form and set the 4 16

(rst and second), (second and third), and (third and fourth) expressions equal to get r 3 = 4w, r 2 = 3b, r 1 = 2g. Solving this, the general solution is r = 12k + 11, w = 3k + 2, b = 4k + 3, g = 6k + 5. put k=0 we get r = 11 and n = r + g + b + w = 11 + 2 + 3 + 5 = 21 232) Recognizing that the equation is a circle, we complete the square to get (x 7)2 + (y 3)2 = 64. Though we could solve this geometrically, applying the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality is much more eective. From Cauchy-Schwarz, ((x 7)2 + (y 3)2 )(32 + 42 ) (3(x 7) + 4(y 3))2 . Because (x 7)2 + (y 3)2 = 64 and 32 42 = 52 , we can substitute and + take the square root of both sides to get 82 52 3x 21 + 4y 12. Simplifying, 73 3x + 4y, so the largest possible value is 73 . 233) n = x2 + 5 = y(y + 7) = y 2 + 7y x2 y 2 = 7y 5 = (x + y)(x y) Testing possible values of x in terms of y, we see that x = y + 3 is the largest possible value for positive x, y, so we have 6y + 9 = 7y 5 y = 14, so our answer is 294 234) Do we need a solution for this ? :) Anyways k 5 has same the unit digit as k(check it). so last digit of n is 3 + 0 + 7 + 4mod10 = 4. All the options have 4 as unit digit.:) now clearly see lhs is divisible by 3. Now check options n = 144, 174 are divisible by 3. But 174 is very large a number. hence n = 144 235) a + b + c = 60 and a.b = 12.c so a + b + ab/12 = 60 (a + 12)(b + 12) = 864 a = 20, b = 15 so area is ab/2 = 150
OC 236) sin1 o = sin 10o = 30 So x = 20o or 140o . 1 sin(170o x)

=> sin(170o x) = sin 30o = 1/2

The angle x = 140o would put B right on top of A, so the solution that we want is x = 20o . 237) We cant for sure say what is A but we can for sure say that A has 3 elements 1, 2 and A 238) rst we do it for just 3. 17

there are 6 5 4 3 ways for the rst 3 to be dierent and the next one to be the same. multiply by 4 c3 , then divide by 2 because we have one thats the same as another. thats 360 2 = 720. divide by 64 = 1296. Then add 6 5 4 3 which is 360. so the total is 1080/1296 = 5/6 239) Since is D ABC = 3 AOB = 6 AON = 24 OM Q. So the answer

240) x12 y 12 z 12 = w x120 y 120 z 120 = w10 w5 w3 z 120 = w10 z 120 = w2 z 60 = w logz w = 60 241) From A to B there are clearly 3.2.1 = 6 paths. Now while coming back we cant take any of the edges again. So 2 paths are ruled out at B itself. now out of the 4 remaining one will have to go through one edge use while coming to B. so we are left with 3 paths. So a total of 6.3 = 18 242)xy = y 50 x = y y clearly y =factors of 50 = 2.5.5 = 2.3 = 6 factors so 6 solutions here. Also y = 50k so y = 100 but no other value will give a integral x as k th root of 50k will not turn out to be an integer for any other value of k. So a total of 6 + 1 = 7 solutions 243 (n 1)(n)(n + 1)(n + 2) + 1 = (n2 + n)(n2 + n 2) + 1 = (n+ n)2 2(n2 + n) + 1 = (n2 + n 1)2 so n = 4 244) Using the two inequalites we are given about x and p, it becomes f (x) = (x p) + (15 x) + (15 + p x) = 30 x. This will be at a minimum when x is at its maximum which is when x = 15 so it is 30 15 = 15 245)Lets look at this 31 = 3mod5, 32 = 4mod5, 33 = 2mod5, 34 = 1mod5, 35 = 3mod5. So we can divide 100 into four segments of 25 each, giving remainder 3, 4, 2 and 1 on division by 5. Suppose we choose any athen we we can choose b from the corresponding segment which makes the sum of the two


remainders as 5. then probability is 100.25/(100.100) =

1 4

Alternatively then the equation simplies into 3a [1 + 3(ba) ]. We can obviously conclude that 3a is not a multiple of 5. Since a b has equal probability of being anything, (assuming a >= b), we say that a b = n. then since there is only one value (mod 5) where (3n )+1=0(mod 5), then we can deduce that n is such that 3n = 4mod5. Now clearly 0 n 99, again we can nd 1 25 such n s out of 100 The probability of that happening is 4 2n if n even 2n 1023 if n odd 5 clearly k = g(g(g(g(g(k))))) = 2 k 1023 31k = 1023 k = 33 similarly m = 4m 1023 m = 341 so k + m = 341 + 33 = 374 246) Let g be the inverse of f . then g(n) = 247) add twice the second equation to the rst we have (x+y)2 +3(x+y) = 18 putz = x+y then z 2 +3z18 = 0 z = 3, 6 if z = 6 xy = 11, x2 +y 2 = 14 (x y)2 = 14 22 = 8 which is not possible. So z = 3 gives xy = 2 and x2 + y 2 = 5 this gives (x y)2 = 1 x y = 1 So (x, y) = (1, 2) or (2, 1) so 2 pairs 248) By Heros formula, 1 A = 1 (r + s + t)(r + s t)(r s + t)(r + s + t). = 4 4(4 2t)(4 2s)(4 2r) = 4 2(2 t)(2 s)(2 r) = 16 + 4(rs + st + rt) 8(r + s + t) 2rst. = 16 + 20 32 3.8 = 0.2 = 55 249) .023023023...in base 3 can be represented in base 10 in the following manner: 0(7 1) + 2(7 2) + 3(7 3) + 0(7 4) + 2(7 5).... this is simply a sum of two dierent innite geometric series.. 2(7 2 + 7 5 + 6 8...) + 3(7 3 + 7 6 + 7 9...) 17 2((7 2)/(1 7 3)) + 3((7 3)/(1 7 3)) = 342 250)clearly x is positive. What we need to do is solve this problem graphically. The critical points are 1/8, 2/8, 3/8, ..1 and 1/6, 2/6..1 and 1/4, 2/4, ..1 and 1/2 and 1. Combining we get 1/8, 1/6, 1/4, 1/3, 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, 2/3, 6/8, 5/6, 7/8 19

and 1. At each critical point there will be an increase of atleast one and at special points like1/4, 3/4 we will have increase of two and at 1/2, 1 we have an increase of f our. So the numbers that can be represented are 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 20. So out of rst 20 we get 12 so out of 1000 we will get 600


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