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Analysis of websites from my choosen Genre Drakes Website .

I have inserted some print screen below showing how Drakes website has been presented to his audience . There are many advantages to this website. For example the consistent use of the same background , this is very appealing to the audience and it it is also a refelction of him as asn artist. Some may sugges that Drake is simplistic as the same background is consistenly used. Another advantage to this website is he subscontinously promting his album , as this image is used within his album. Therefore the audicneare able to identify this image and they would some familairity towards this image. Subsequently the website has a link that directly leads you to Itunes , we the audience is able to buy music legally. The disadvantages of this website , is the lack of colour , some may argue that the background could be different to the image used , in order to incapulate his audience. Also, there is a lack of interacrivity, fans like to feel close to their audience through many forms of interactivity, ; for example fans like websites with blogs.

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