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One Piece: Gigant Battle 2 - Shinsekai: FAQ/Walkthrough by Mallowigi Version 1.

0, Last Updated 2012-02-04 Hosted by GameFAQs Return to One Piece: Gigant Battle 2 - Shinsekai (DS) FAQs & Guides One Piece: Gigant Battle 2 - Shinsekai FAQ/Walkthrough by Mallowigi Version 1.0, Last Updated 2012-02-04 Table of Contents Summary Introduction Version History FAQs Modes Story Mode (New World Conquest) Challenge Mode (Thousand Arena) Multiplayer Mode Training Mode Team Edit Mode Treasures Options Game System and Controls Basics Controls Support Character Summoning (NEW!) One Piece Rage Bingo Guard Logia Guard (NEW!) Support Character Combo (NEW!) Guard Break (NEW!) Zoan Boost (NEW!) Status effects Items Character Natures Walkthrough Introduction Walkthrough First Island: West Romance Dawn Island Island 2: East Romance Dawn Island Island 3: "East Memories Kingdom" Island 4: "Marine Lagoon Mountain" Island 5: "Justice Mountain" Erbaf Coliseum Island 6: "Fishmen Island (West Entrance)" Island 7: "Border of Paradise Island" Island 8: "New World Archipelago" Final Island: "Roger & Whitebeard Final Meeting" Skills Main Characters Support Characters Passwords Links Legal Information & Copyright Thanks and stuff _____ | _ | | | | |_ __ ___ | | | | '_ \ / _ \ ______ _ | ___ (_) | |_/ /_ ___ ___ ___ | __/| |/ _ \/ __|/ _ \

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Hi everybody, welcome to my FAQ/Walkthrough. I'm a big fan of One Piece and I fo und the games really awesome, especially the Gigant Battle series, which is pret ty rare for games created from manga. I liked a lot the previous one, thus as so on as I heard that a sequel was out, I rushed into my favorite import website to get my hands on it. I finished it pretty quickly though, but after all this tim e I noticed that there was still no FAQ for this game, therefore I decided to ma ke my coming out and write my first FAQ :) I'll do my best to provide a clear FAQ to help everyone in need for help, especi ally for non Japanese speakers who can have a hard time understanding the game, that until a version comes out in our territories. Oh, and also, I'm french, so the FAQ may have some mistakes, but I hope you won't mind ;) In any case, if you see that I was not clear enough or that I made some gross mistakes, please info rm me by email at Besides, I'm also using the GameFAQs format, which is supposed to clarify the in formation provided; nevertheless, if you find it hard reading the document becau se of the format, please inform me as well along with recommendations for better writing. Thanks :). Version History v1.0 v0.9 v0.8 v0.7 v0.6 ills v0.5 (19/01/2012) : Finished fourth island, added skills, legal stuff, links , passwords & some FAQs. v0.4 (14/01/2012) : Finished second and third island v0.3 (11/01/2012) : Started Walkthrough, did first island v0.2 (08/01/2012) : Did Modes, Game System and Controls v0.1 (06/01/2012) : Started the FAQ FAQs (04/02/2012) (01/02/2012) (28/01/2012) (26/01/2012) (21/01/2012) : : : : : Reread the whole FAQ before the final release. Finished the Story Mode. Done some of the island 8. Finished island 6 and 7 and reread some of the FAQ. Corrected "1 VS 100" conditions and added most of the sk

How many characters are available in this version? One Piece: Gigant Battle 2: Shin Sekai contains about 100 characters, which 45 o f them are playable, doubling the number of playable characters compared to the previous version. Of course, this number doesn't include the cameo characters wh o appear in the stages background. When does the game takes place in the manga storyline? The game story focuses on four main parts of the manga arcs, which are: Strawhat crew's training before the timeskip Post timeskip gathering at Sabaody Archipelago Fishmen Island Strong World But of course, the previous arcs of the storyline are included as well. Is the game planned for Europe or North America? No information has been revealed to this date. What are those "Red balloons" that float over the world map? These are special levels that appear after a while (and more often after finishi ng the game). Finishing them give a lot of money and experience. ''How can I obtain the "Shin Sekai" difficulty in Thousand Arena and the 1 V S 100 challenge? To get Shin Sekai difficulty (Very Hard), you have to win 5 tournaments in the G rand Line difficulty (Hard). The 1 VS 100 challenge is obtained by finishing 5 t imes the Royal Battle and 1 VS 1 Battle tournaments in Shin Sekai difficulty. How do I unlock Neptune & Shirahoshi? These characters are only available through Wi-Fi download content. I don't know for how long they will be available though. How can I unlock the Strawhat Docking Emperor and Chopperman support? Strawhat Docking Emperor is unlocked by finishing Thousand Arena's Battle Royale with every character in a given difficulty. Chopperman is unlocked by finishing the Duel Battle tournament. What are Heat points and what can I do with them? Heat points are points given after finishing Heat Battles which appear randomly after finishing missions. They can be used further on Rayleigh's shop to buy use ful skills and in-battle Power-Ups. Is there a place where I can grind experience quickly? And money? Experience is not really gain experience quickly, ned after completing the Lv100+ (they are hard). able in Rayleigh's shop. necessary in this game except for equipping skills. To first of all equip the "Double experience" skill (obtai Story mode), then finish a Erbaf Coliseum tournament in The same goes for money with the "Big profit" skill buy

I completely finished the Story Mode. What can I do next?

You can try to complete the Thousand Arena, which will take a lot of time and sk ills (especially the 1 VS 100 challenge). You can also compete against strangers via Wi-Fi for real challenge. Modes Here is an explanation of the different modes and sub-modes included in the game . Story Mode (New World Conquest) This is the main mode of the game, an big adventure to "conquer" the New World a nd get closer to the One Piece! In the story mode you will have to visit about 8 main islands, each decomposed i nto little missions to complete in order to unlock playable and support characte rs, money and other useful stuff such as pictures. The missions vary from "Beat your opponent" to "Score the most points in the fight", "Survive for X seconds" or in some cases to collect a certain amount of items such as Diamonds, Meat pie ces and other stuff. In every level, you will have another alternative objective to fulfill in order to unlock more bonuses, which can require a more advanced level of gaming. Those alternative objectives will require you for instance to beat your opponent with a special technique, to beat a certain number of support characters or sometime s to beat your opponent with a specific character. These objectives are detailed in the Walkthrough section. Challenge Mode (Thousand Arena) This mode will allow you to fight against IA in a series of fights, allowing you to improve your fighting skills and unlock gallery pictures. The mode is itself decomposed in a few submodes: Battle Royale A challenge of 5 battles in which you'll have to fight against multiple opponent s. This tournament is split into 4 difficulties: Rookie, East Blue, Grand Line a nd Shin Sekai (unlocked after winning in Grand Line difficulty 5 times), which c orresponds to the level of the IA and the number of opponents in each battle. One to One Battle A challenge of 5 battles when you have to face a single opponent in a duel. Like Battle Royale, this tournament is split into 4 difficulty levels. Free Battle A free fight against IA. The battle options are as follows: Stage: The stage where the fight will take place. Rule: Point match (the one with the most points wins), Survival (the last re maining fighter wins) and Berry match (the one with the most money wins) In the case of the Survival match, you can choose how much wins will determine t he victory. Time: The time of the fight (30, 60 or 90 seconds). Items: The apparition rate of items (Low, Normal or High). GP: The starting number of GP (0, 1, 2 or 3). COM: 1, 2 or 3 opponents. Tag: Type of tag match: None (Free for all), Free tag (Up to three teams) an d 2 Vs 2. Team: In case of tag match, the composition of teams.

1 VS 100 This mode is unlockable after winning 5 times in Shin Sekai difficulty on each m ode (Battle Royale & One To One). In this mode you will be asked to beat 100 opponents one after another without h ealing between each fight. Each opponent will have only a portion of their maxim um HP, increasing with the number of fights. The fights are decomposed into 10 s eries of 10 opponents, with the last fight of each serie being a more "serious" fight, and by winning you will be rewarded by a piece of meat, allowing you to r eplenish some of your energy. Multiplayer Mode This mode allows you to fight against human players by Wireless communication or through Wi-Fi connection. DS Wireless: Wireless battle over wireless communication. Wireless play : Regular battle up to 4 participants who own a copy of th e game. Raised Characters play: Fight against your friends with the leveled up c haracters from Story mode, with skills and such. Download play: Regular battle against your friends who don't own a copy of the game through "Download play". Vivre Link: Transfer your data from One Piece Gigant Battle. Wi-Fi Connection: Fight against worldwide opponents through Wi-Fi. Worldwide battle: Battle against random worldwide opponents. Friend battle: Battle against your friends through Wi-Fi. Play records: View your opponents team you fought so far. You can "lock" teams to prevent them to be deleted after fighting a certain number of battles. Wi-Fi worldwide ranking: View your Wi-Fi ranking. You can also register yourself to the worldwide rankings. Download content: Download characters, levels and other stuff through Wi -Fi connection. Like in Pokemon, Ganbarion will provide content to be downloaded via Wifi which cannot be obtained otherwise. This content is only available for a certain amount of time, though I'm not sure if it could be unlocked by other means. The available content is displayed on the One Piece Gigant Battle 2 blog (see address at the end). Friend code: Show your friend code. Wi-Fi Connection Setup: Setup your Wi-Fi connection. Team Transfer: Exchange teams with your friends through Wireless communicati on. Personal Data: View your personal data. Training Mode In this mode you will have to opportunity to train and test your fighting skills against a moving or non-moving IA. Execute all your character moves to obtain t he support version of your character as well as his Select Mode Avatar. Important note When starting a new game you'll have access to a basic roster of characters play able in the different modes (except the Story mode). You can finish training wit h these characters and get their Select Mode Avatar, but to enable their Support character version, you'll have to unlock them in Story Mode first. Team Edit Mode The Team Edit Mode allows you to create and edit teams of fighters to use in the different game modes. You can create up to 20 teams, assign them a name, move o r delete them.

Once you're ready to create your team, select an empty slot (or select an existi ng team to edit) and you'll be forwarded to the Character selection screen. After you've selected your main character, you can select up to 3 support charac ters, but before that, you'll have a few options to enhance your team by pressin g Y. In this menu, you can select a specific characteristic for each of your sup port characters. These characteristics are: None: No changes. Swordsman: When the gauge of the support character is full, the character is summoned automatically. Navigator: The support character's gauge is filling faster, but the characte r will have less HP. Sharpshooter: The support character appears behind the main character. Cook: Gives one GP Point, but sometimes the food is too spicy. Doctor: Restores status effects, but the character's gauge is filling slower . Archeologist: Gives a Speed Up bonus, but the character's gauge is filling s lower. Shipwright: Gives a Def Up bonus, but sometimes electrifies the main charact er. Musician: Gives an Attack Up bonus, but sometimes confuses the main characte r. Supernova: Boost experience received by the support character. Once you've assigned your characteristics, choose wisely which support character will receive which characteristic. Note These characteristics are unlocked by finishing some missions in the Story mode. Each support character gives a specific bonus to the main character. In addition , some characters who share a bond with the main character will giving them an a dditional bonus (or malus in some cases). For instance, Luffy and Ace share a br other bond, therefore putting Ace as Luffy's support character will give an addi tional bonus (Special Attack up). In addition, some combination of characters may give another additional bonus! F or instance, putting Garp and Dragon as support characters for Luffy will create the "Luffy's Family" Bond, granting you an additional Attack Up and Support Cha racter filling gauge speed up. These special bonds are represented by a link ico n over the characters sprites. Try finding the best combinations to increase you r winning chances! Once you've finished picking up your characters, you give your team a name, and that's it, you can use your team everywhere (except in 1 VS 100 unfortunately). Important note: You can also create teams outside of the Team Edit Menu, when you usually select your characters (such as in the Story Mode or Thousand Arena). To do so, once y ou've finished picking up your characters, when the game asks you if you're read y to fight, press Y to register your current team. Treasures Here you can view all the data that you accumulated through the game. These are divided into 5 categories: Character Profiles: View the character profiles and listen to their voices. Passwords: Enter passwords to unlock different bonus stuff. These passwords

are usually given in Bandai's One Piece goodies, but some generous users are kin d enough to share them with us :). Also, some of them will be given in the game' s official website (see Address section). Sounds: Listen to the game musics. Gallery: View the pictures you've unlocked so far. Battle Log: View your game statistics. Fight records: Ranking of your main characters, support characters, and other combat statistics (number of wins, losses, KOs...) Achievements: Other statistics and achievements you've unlocked so far. Options Set options for the game. Music volume Sound Effects volume Voice volume Select Mode Avatar: Choose an avatar to display in the Main Menu. To unlock new avatars, finish Training mode with each character. Key Config: Here you can configure the buttons as you wish. Reset: Reset all options to default. Erase All Data (Erasing data is irreversible) Game System and Controls Basics For those who didn't play the previous version, here is a pretty detailed explan ation of the game basics. One Piece Gigant Battle 2: Shin Sekai is a fighting game in 2D where your object ive is to reduce your opponent life to zero before the time runs out. A match ca n oppose two, three or four characters, in a Free for all match or Tag Team matc h. Each player have a team composed of a main character and up to three support cha racters. At the time of a fight, each player's main character have specific char acteristics which are: HP (Health Points) GP (Gigant Points) Attack Defense Speed These characteristics can be improved or reduced by items, by support characters or through other means such as background elements. Support characters have a filling gauge which is filling up with time, each supp ort character having a different filling time. When that gauge is full, the supp ort character can be summoned, giving assistance to the main character in variou s ways. Each main character have a panel of moves at their disposal, along with two spec ial attacks and one secret attack, which are their most powerful moves. These sp ecial attacks require Gigant Points (GP) to be executed, which are obtained by l anding hits, receiving damage, successfully blocking attacks and eating food. Th e number of remaining GP are shown below the Health bar along with a "GP bar". T he maximum number of GP is 3 (or 4 in some cases - see further). The battles take place in arenas representing certain parts of the manga's story

line. Arenas are not flat and can contain many fighting areas as well as holes, lava pits, edges and other background elements that interfere with your fights, giving more life to the match. Be aware of everything that surround you, not onl y your opponents! Controls If you hadn't set up your own config, default controls are as following: A = Jump B = Attack Y = Block X = Pick up/Drop R = Activate Gigant Points Forward-Forward = Dash A in the air = Double Jump A+Down in the air = Speed up drop. Y + Left-Left/Right-Right = Evade (consume a half GP) Direction + B while carrying an object = Throw the object *NEW* Up-Up (on land) = Move camera up *NEW* Down-Down (on land) = Move camera down *NEW* Dash+Jump = Dashed Jump Moves Each character has his own set of moves, but the key combinations are kind of th e same for all the characters. These combinations are: B B - B B - B - B B - B - Forward+B Up+B Up+B - Up+B Up+Forward+B Up+Forward+B - Up+Forward+B Down+Forward+B Down+Forward+B - Down+Forward+B Down+B Dash+B Jump+B Jump+Up+B Jump+Up+Forward+B Jump+Down+Forward+B Jump+Down+B X (Throw) R then B - A = Special attack 1 (consume 1 GP) R then Y - B = Special attack 2 (consume 2 GP) R then X - Y - A = Secret attack (consume 3 GP) Some characters have other moves in addition (or replacement) to these moves. Wh ile some of those key combinations require a simple action such as pressing and holding B, some of these may require the character to enter into a "second state " before performing the move. (ex: Old Chopper eating a Rumble Ball). These key combinations are available at every moment by pressing Start and choosing "Key C ombinations" (the second menu). Support Character Summoning (NEW!) A feature that made its apparition in this sequel is the Support Character Summo ning which allows the player to summon his support characters by pressing L + an other button relatively to the support character he wants to call.

L + Y : First support summoning L + B : Second support summoning L + A : Third support summoning One Piece Rage One Piece Rage (One Piece Heat in Japanese) is a state when the main character h as his stats doubled, his energy replenished and his GP gauge constantly refille d, but at the high cost of constantly draining his life until he got only one HP left. This is sort of a last resort state, giving a losing player a last chance to turn the tables. This state is entered automatically when the player's HP reach zero and his GP g auge is full, but the player can activate it anytime by pressing simultaneously the buttons A, B, X and Y with a full GP gauge. In One Piece Rage, because the GP are constantly refilled, the player can execut e his Special Attacks one after another, but can execute his Secret Atttack ONLY ONCE, after what his HP are immediately reduced to 1 and his GP to 0. Important note One Piece Rage is triggered automatically when your HP reach 0 and your GP gauge is full, however, if your opponent is beating you with a Special or a Secret At tack, you'll lose instantly. Therefore, think about finishing your opponents wit h a special technique as soon as possible! Another important note You can only trigger 1 OP rage per fight (or per life in Point or Berry match). Which means, if you got a Log Pose after getting out of a Rage state, you won't be able to enter again in this state even though your GP gauge is full. Bingo Guard Bingo Guard is a special type of guard that prevents the player from losing HP w hile blocking and additionnaly grant him a half GP. This is done by pressing Y a t the exact moment the hit lands and is shown by the symbol "Bingo". Mastering those Bingo guards are vital in more advanced fights. Logia Bingo Guard (NEW!) In addition to these effects, Logia users will teleport instantly behind their o pponent after performing a Bingo Guard. Logia Guard (NEW!) One of the other handy additions of this sequel is a new type of guard called th e Logia Guard. This guard can only be performed by Logia users and provide a com plete immunity to attacks (except for throws, Special and Secret attacks curious ly), in exchange of GP draining. This guard is performed by pressing Down+Y on the ground and are only available to Logia users. SPOILER! Highlight to View Those characters are: Ace, Smoker, Crocodile, Ener, Aka Inu, Ki Zaru, Ao Kiji an d Cariboo. Blackbeard doesn't enter in this category, even though he's a Logia ( this is a particularity of the Yami Yami fruit). Support Character Combo (NEW!) Another interesting new feature: the Support Character Combo. This is performed by calling other support characters while one is performing his attack, triggeri

ng the joining support characters to immediately attack after the first one has finished without preparation time. This creates a brand new fighting style, choosing the support characters not onl y for their attacks and bonuses, but also for their combination attacks. For instance, a combo "Zoro -> Perona -> Jinbei" will do a wave slash, followed by the Negative Hollow depression to prevent the opponent to fly away, and termi nated by a powerful Shark Tile Punch, inflicting a lot of damage. You can also couple attacks with support attacks and special attacks. For exampl e, you can start your Secret Attack after invoking Kuma, causing him to teleport you to your opponent without him understanding where you're coming from. A lot of possibilities exist, some of them are available on the One Piece Gigant Battl e 2 Japanese blog. Guard Break (NEW!) This game introduced a new concept well known in fighting games called Guard Bre ak. Like you can assume, this means that some moves cannot be blocked alone, in which case would cause the guard to be broken. In that case, a "Broken" symbol w ill appear above the character's head. Guard Breaking moves are most often Special and Secret attacks, but not only. So metimes, normal attacks which are not supposed to be blocked whatsoever will cau se the guard to break. For example, Law's Room is an attack that break through g uards, although it is a normal attack. Same goes for Drake's Roar and Luffy's Ha oshoku Haki. But aside from that, there is still another reason that would cause the guard to break, called Guard Weakening. This is caused by constantly attacking a blockin g character, which would result by weakening his guard until it breaks. The bloc king players cannot see that their guard is weakening, instead, they can see tha t their opponent will soon be breaking their guard by an exclamation mark showin g above their heads. In that case, it's preferable to consider evasion. Zoan Boost (NEW!) Another new feature is called Zoan Boost and consists in granting a Stat boost t o Zoan users by pressing Down+Y. This stat boost has the same effect as collecti ng a Diamond, which mean an Attack, Defense and Speed boost, and costs a half GP . Moreover, Zoan users can have now up to 4 GP (and 4 GP are required to perform O ne Piece Rage), which mean that they can perform a Secret Attack followed by ano ther Special Attack, or do two Special Attacks Lv2, or perform a Zoan Boost befo re activating their Secret Attack, etc. However, 4 GP are now required for trigg ering the OP Rage. SPOILER! Highlight to View Zoan users are: Chopper (Pre and Post Timeskip), Drake, Marco and Rob Lucci. Status effects Status effects are caused either by objects found on the battlefield or by certa in attacks received by the main characters or support characters. These are: Paralysis: You are stunned for a while. Keep pressing on a direction to redu ce the paralysis time. Indigestion: You are stunned for a while and lose HP and GP. Caused by eatin g rotten food. Poison: You are constantly losing HP for a certain time. Frozen: You are stunned for a while and the damage received is doubled.

Burnt: You are constantly losing HP. However, you can pass your burn to an o pponent by touching him (and in the opposite you can be burned by touching a bur ning opponent). Hot Food: You can't stop running and guarding for a while. Blind: Your screen is white or black for a while. Electrified:You are sustaining shocks every second, preventing you of doing combos and executing your special and secret attacks. Confused: Your left and your right are inversed. Stoned: Paralyzed for a short while. Caused by Hancock. Slowed Down: You are running slower for a short while. Caused by Foxy. Depressed: You can't move for a short while. Caused by Perona. Charmed: You can't move for a short while. Caused by Hancock and Wapol. Infant: You are taken back to your childhood and can't move for a while. Cau sed by Bonney. Tension Hormones: You get an Attack, Defense and Speed Up bonus and one, two or three more GP. However, after a certain time your HP will go to half, quarte r or 1 HP. Caused by Ivankov. Wind Blow: The wind is blowing in your direction, hindering your moves. Caus ed by Dragon. Constricted: Cannot attack nor block for a while. Caused by Hina. Armor: Suppresses the damage recoil. Caused by Ivankov or Hodi to himself. ?: You're stunned for a short while. Triggered when the attack doesn't do th e wanted effect. Guard Broken: See Guard Break. Items Here is a list of all the items that can found on the battlefield. Containers Barrels: Contain exclusively food. Crates: Contain attacking items such as bombs, lamps but also log poses and peppers. Treasures: Contain stat boosts. Note: doing a Dash attack on a container will throw the container forward instea d of breaking it. Any opponent that is in its course will be paralyzed. Food Rice balls: Recover a short amount of HP and 1 GP. Takoyaki: Recover a moderate amount of HP and 1 GP. Meat loaf: Recover a high amount of HP and 1 GP. Rotten rice Balls: Cause an indigestion. Rotten takoyaki: Cause an indigetion. Rotten meat loaf: Cause an indigestion. Apple: Recover a lot of HP or explodes. Dropped by Doc Q. Note: Food items will rot after staying for a while without being eaten. Attack items: Bombs: Explode at contact or after a certain amount of time. Peppers: Cause the spicy food status. Lamps: Upon broken, will spread little flames that cause a burning statu s. Cola Bottles: Upon thrown on the floor, the gas inside will cause the bo ttle to fly randomly, hitting anybody in its course. Beach balls: Do very little damage, but break guards. Dumbells: Do moderate damage, can't be blocked and knock over characters . Log Poses (Hourglasses): When the arrow is pointed upwards, give 3 GP. I

f pointed downwards, remove 3 GP. Den Den Mushis (Snails): Purple Den Den Mushis will speed up Support cha racters filling gauge. Black Den Den Mushis will slow it down or reset it. Amiudakes (Mushrooms): Change form every second, giving another status e ffect. Red Amiudakes give an all stat Boost, purple Amiudakes poison your charac ter, striped blue Amiudakes paralyze him and the green swirling Amiudakes confus e him. Foxy faces: Same effect as normal bombs, except that Foxy bombs are flyi ng straight until they touch something. Appear only in the Judicial Sky stage. Rocket spears: Same effect as a sword attack, except that they are flyin g straight at the direction they were thrown. Appear only in the Rusukaina/Torin o stage. Note: Throwing Log Poses and Den Den Mushis to opponents will trigger their inve rted effects. Stat Boosts: Attack Up: Grant an attack boost for 10 seconds. Defense Up: Grant a defense boost for 10 seconds. Speed Up: Grant a speed boost for 10 seconds Diamonds: Boost the three stats at once. Character Natures Another thing to denote is that characters are now separated into natures, relev antly to the manga's attributions. Each nature has its pros and its cons, giving more diversity in the game. These natures are: Standard (No devil fruit) Icon: Sword Pros: Damage reduction from falling into water GP accumulation increased Boost items effects increased Cons: No additional abilities Superhuman (Paramecia) Icon: Punch Pros: Can break guard after constantly attacking Have unique abilities Cons: More damage received from swords and staves (except for Buggy) Elemental (Logia) Icon: Star Pros: Logia Bingo Guard Logia Guard Cons: Bingo Guards give less GP Animal (Zoan) Icon: Claw Pros: 4 GP instead of 3 Zoan Boost Attacks give more GP Cons: Receiving damage give less GP One Piece Rage needs 4 GP

Some characters also have specific characteristics on top of their nature. Examp les: Luffy, Chopper, Eneru, Hodi Jones, Aka Inu are immune to Hancock Stone Attac ks. Fishmen (Hodi & Jinbe) lose a half GP instead of HP when falling in water. D ecken is not concerned since he's a Devil Fruit user. Usopp cannot be depressed by Perona's Negative Hollow. Blackbeard cannot use Logia's abilities (Logia Guard and Logia Bingo). Sanji is weaker against women. The support characters also have "natures" according to their attack type. These are: Sword: Normal attack. Smiley: Support attack (cause status effects, block attacks, give GP...) Counter: Only retaliate when attacked. Walkthrough Introduction The story mode is an adventure where you visit islands and complete missions ret racing all the major events that happened in the storyline, plus some other comp letely new missions. Finishing missions will give you rewards such as money, pic tures, support characters and main characters to use in the different game modes . You start your adventure with Luffy and two other captains of your choice among the available choices, and a bunch of support characters. Then, by completing mi ssions and areas, you'll get more and more companions and advance to the other i slands until the final island in the New World. If in the beginning the missions are really simple, the missions will quickly start to become more and more chal lenging. Levels and Experience The story mode use a system of levels and experience, well known in many other R PG. Your characters start at level 0, and by completing missions you'll be gaini ng experience and advance to upper levels. Of course, the more leveled you are, the less experience you'll receive from easy battles. The maximum level is 10 (c ompared to 50 in One Piece Gigant Battle). Please note however that unlike the precedent opus, experience doesn't really im prove your characters characteristics. Instead, the levels grant you skills and increase your Skill Points. The more leveled you are, the more skill points you' ll have, the maximum being 15 SP. Characteristic improvement is done through som ething called the Ranking System. Ranking System Ganbarion totally revisited the experience system of the previous game and offer ed an original experience system called the Ranking system. The reason behind th at choice is that, in the same way the dangerosity of someone is determined by h is reward in the manga, in the game it is determined by the rank. Therefore, ran k will improve the characters characteristics for ALL the characters, thus remov ing the need to grind experience in useless fights. Rank is based on six main characteristics, which are: Recruited pirates (available characters/support) Level Up Stars (Total of main characters' levels) Total Friend Points (Total of support characters' levels)

Areas cleared Alt missions cleared Extensions bought (shop expansions/world extensions/skills sold at shops) Each time you got a new character, finish a level or buy an extension at a shop, the related characteristic gains more experience, and after a certain amount, g ains a new level, impacting a specific characteristic of all your characters. Th e addition of those levels determine the final rank. Likewise, each of these cha racteristics can only go as far as a maximum level. The highest rank you can go is 150. Special moves and Shops In addition to their initial moveset, each character have three unique special m oves that use GP. In story mode however, these moves are initially locked to mak e more sense to the character progression system. To unlock them, you have to bu y them at a shop. Therefore, you must make your way to the shops as soon as poss ible to improve your characters. The prices are usually: 400 B for the Lv 1, 2400 B for the Lv 2 and 6000 B he Lv 3, but these prices obviously depend on the character. Moreover, the techniques are in most cases not available till you buy "shop extensions". u'll need a lot of money before you can have access to all your characters iques. for t Lv 3 So yo techn

About Shop extensions: Usually when you first enter into a shop, you'll only hav e access to the characters special moves. However, once you beat the boss of the island, you'll get access to the shop extensions. Inside, you'll be able to buy three sets of items: World extensions: new levels for the current island. Shop expansions: new special moves available to buy (often lv 3 techniques). Also reduces the price of the previously available items by 20% (only the origi nal prices are listed in this FAQ). Skills: Unique skills only available here. Moreover, buying these extensions will increase your rank, thus developing your characters. About money: Earning money is usually done by completing missions and alternativ e missions. Moreover, each time you complete a region's missions (you can see re gions on the map), you'll be granted an additional money bonus, and the same goe s for alternative missions. But aside from that, sometimes you'll receive a bonus from Nami, the amount depe nding on the total of levels you've completely finished so far. In addition, the island's shop owner may also grant you bonus items to use at your will. So the more levels you finish, the more money you'll receive! Bonus items Like said previously, sometimes the shop's owner of the current island will rewa rd you with bonus items. These are the usual bonus items, e.g. Attack Up, Defens e Up, Speed Up, Diamond, Log Pose and Den Den Mushi, with the main difference be ing that they will last for the whole fight. To use them, simply press X after selecting a level and before entering to the c haracter selection screen. Use them with parcimony, they are particularly rare! After finishing the game, you'll be able to buy more of these items in exchange

of "Heat Points" that you obtain by finishing "Heat Up Levels". Skills A new system has also been introduced in the Story mode: the Skill system. It gr ants you the possibility to customize your characters abilities depending on the situation and tastes. Each character have Skill points and Skill slots, which depends on the character 's level. - Skill slots determine how many skills the character can have at the same time. He starts with only one slot and can have up to four/five slots at his maximal level, depending on the character. - Skill points (also referred as Skill Cost in the game) determine at which exte nt the character can wear a skill. The more useful a skill is, the more costly i t will be. For instance, "HP Up" will cost only 2 SP, while "HP Up +" will cost 4 SP. The character starts with 0 SP, and will gain about 2 SP per level for the 5 first levels, then 1 SP for the 5 last, granting a maximum of 15 SP. Skills can be acquired by two means: by buying them or by fulfilling certain con ditions. The conditions vary from the simple level up to the mere "beat a boss with at le ast 80% HP left", "execute 50 times the Lv 1 special moves", "finish a certain l evel" etc... Therefore, it is possible that you'll gain a new skill even though you've actually failed the mission. You can see the conditions required to obtai n the skill in the skill menu, as long as you've already obtained that skill wit h another character. However, for people who don't seek challenge, or who have money to burn, there e xists an easier way to obtain a skill: by simply buying it from the skill menu. However, prior to this you'll need your character to be at least level 3, otherw ise you wouldn't be able to buy it. Also, some skills must be bought at shops be fore you can unlock it. For the list of skills and their effects, refer to the Skills section. Heat Up Levels and Secret Levels Also, sometimes after finishing missions, a notification will appear on the bott om of the map notifying that a Heat Up Level opened on a particular island for a level you've already cleared. These are the same missions but with their diffic ulty enhanced. Finishing these missions will grant you Heat Points which could b e used at the final shop for unique skills or boost items. Another information regarding what are called Secret levels. These are levels th at appear out of nowhere without notifying in the form of a red balloon. Just st ay on a particular portion of the map and wait for that balloon to appear (brows e the map with X and select the balloon with the stylus when it appears). If it doesn't appear after a while, go to another island and try again. These levels a re particularly hard! Walkthrough Set Sail! Get ready for a new aventure! First you'll have to choose your first set of main and support characters. Three sets are initially available: Main: Law & Crocodile; Support: Bepo, Caimie, Mr. 1 & Mr. 2 Bon-Clay Main: Ace & Hancock; Support: Joz, Marco, Margaret & Dadan

Main: Drake & Mihawk; Support: Apoo, Sengoku, Sentoumaru & Perona I personally chose Law & Crocodile, but choose who you prefer, it doesn't matter . In the end, the characters you didn't choose will only be available through se cret missions and some will even be unlocked at the far end of the game! I also suggest you to complete Training mode as soon as you get a new main chara cter to unlock his Support character version. First Island: West Romance Dawn Island Level 1: "Everyone, Set Sail!!!" VS Zoro. A good time to get used to the controls. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: Roronoa Zoro (Main Character) Alt. Objective: None. Reward: 600 B. Level 2: "Jinbe's Advice" Luffy & Hancock VS Jinbe. Objective: Win with Luffy and Hancock. Reward: 400 B. Alt. Objective: Hit your opponent with a support character. Reward: 700 B. Level 3: "Point battle" VS Sanji & Ivankov. Point battle. Objective: Get the most points in the match. Reward: Sanji (Main character) Alt. Objective: Score at least 3 points. Reward: Inazuma (Support character) Level 5: "I'll definitely get stronger!" VS Chopper. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: 400 B Alt. Objective: Throw your opponent twice. Reward: 600 B Level 6: "Dream forest" VS Luffy. Item battle. Objective: Eat the most meat loaves. Reward: 200 B

Alt. Objective: Eat at least 6 pieces of meat. Reward: Level 10-B unlocked. Level 7: "The Hawkeye & The Ghost Girl" VS Mihawk & Perona. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: 400 B Alt. Objective: Win with Zoro. Reward: Perona (Support character) Wonderful Shop "Heracles-sun" Luffy Lv1 : 400 B Luffy Lv2: 2400 B Luffy Lv3: 6000 B (shop lv2) Chopper Lv1: 400 B Chopper Lv2: 2400 B Chopper Lv3: 6000 B (shop lv2) Franky Lv1: 400 B Franky Lv2: 2400 B Franky Lv3: 6000 B (shop lv2) Law Lv1: 600 B Law Lv2: 2400 B (shop lv2) Law Lv3: 4800 B (shop lv3) Drake Lv1: 600 B Drake Lv2: 2400 B (shop lv2) Drake Lv3: 4800 B (shop lv3) Ace Lv1: 1440 B Ace Lv2: 4800 B (shop lv2) Ace Lv3: 5500 B (shop lv3) Picture "Please wait a little longer, guys. I'll do a little detour": 8000 B (shop lv2) World extension 1 World extension 2 World extension 3 World extension 4 Shop expansion 1: Shop expansion 2: Skill: 3000 B (Level (Level (Level (Level 1600 B 3000 B 18): 16): 19 & 37): 2400 3200 26): 4000 B B 3200 B B

Level 9: "Berry Battle" VS Franky. Berry battle. Objective: Collect the most money. Reward: Franky (Main character) Alt. Objective: Collect at least 300 B. Reward: 500 B Level 10: "Treasure battle" VS Nami. Special battle.

Objective: Collect the most diamonds. Reward: Nami (Main character) Alt. Objective: Collect at least 6 diamonds. Reward: 500 B Level 10-B: "Who put a tanuki in my path?!" Hancock & Margaret VS Chopper. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: 400 B Alt. Objective: Win in less than 20 seconds. Reward: Margaret, Sweetpea & Aphelandra (support character) Level 12: "Brook's rehearsal" VS Brook. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: Caimie & Pappug (support character) Alt. Objective: Win with more than 75% HP left. Reward: 500 B Level 13: "Usochoppator" VS Usopp & Chopper. Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: 200 B Alt. Objective: Throw your opponent at least twice. Reward: 400 B Level 14: "Robin's Jailbreak" With Robin VS Ao Kiji. Survive for 40 seconds. Objective: Survive and protect Robin until the time runs out. Reward: Nico Robin (Main character) Alt. Objective: Beat Ao Kiji once. Reward: 400 B Level 17: "Special attacks battle" VS Franky. Berry battle. Objective: Obtain the most money. Reward: 400 B

Alt. Objective: Hit your opponent with a special attack twice. Reward: 400 B Boss battle: "2 years ago former selves" VS Strawhat Pirates Pre-Timeskip (with Luffy, Zoro & Sanji as main characters). Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: Old Luffy (Main character) Alt. Objective: Win with a Strawhat pirate. Reward: "Rendezvous 2 years later!" picture. Level 16 (world extension): "Zoro's harsh training" VS Zoro. Dumbells are falling out of the sky. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: 400 B Alt. Objective: Hit your opponent with a support character attack, twice. Reward: "Swordsman" characteristic. (see Team Edit Mode) Level 18-B (world extension): "The Legend of the Sacred Burning Beast" VS Rage Franky. Only in the Karakuri part of the arena. Objective: Survive for 40 seconds. Reward: 600 B Alt. Objective: Finish the match with at least 25% HP left. Reward: Picture "Fraaaaaaanky!!" Level 19 (world extension): "Surrounded by beautiful ladies!" VS Vivi (with Nami), Robin (with Sadi-chan) & Hancock (with Perona). Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: Picture "I'll follow you everywhere" Alt. Objective: Win with Sanji. Reward: 800 B Level 26-B (world extension): "Proof of strength" VS Hancock (with Rayleigh), Mihawk & Jinbe (with Ivankov). Free for all fight Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: 500 B Alt. Objective: Execute at least 3 Bingo Guards. Do it against Sandersonia. Reward: 800 B Level 37 (world extension): " "Dark King" Silvers Rayleigh"

VS Luffy & Rayleigh. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: 500 B Alt. Objective: Beat at least one support character. Reward: Silvers Rayleigh (support character) Level 65 (secret password): "You're back, Tanukichi!" VS Old Chopper & Pandaman. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: Picture "I'm here for you, my name is Chopperman!" Alt. Objective: Beat Pandaman. Reward: 2000 B Island 2: East Romance Dawn Island Level 18: "Protect the Sunny!" Kuma with Duval & Hatchan VS Smoker with Hina & Tashigi. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: Tashigi (Support character) Alt. Objective: Finish the match with at least 25% HP left. Reward: Picture "Duval's Tragedy" Level 20: "Chasing away the pursuers!" Brook & Duval VS Ki Zaru & Sentoumaru Objective: Do not let bombs touch your character for 50 seconds. Reward: Brook (Main character) Alt. Objective: Finish the match with at least 75% HP left. Reward: Duval (Support character) Level 18-C: "Sabaody Bubbles" Special battle: Stay on the bubbles without touching the ground. You can use Dow n-Down to see where the bubbles will pop out. Objective: Stay on the bubbles for 7 seconds Reward: 300 B Alt. Objective: Stay on the bubbles for 15 seconds. Reward: 400 B Shakky "Rip-Off" Bar Zoro Lv1: 400 B Zoro Lv2: 2400 B Zoro Lv3: 6000 B (shop lv2)

Sanji Lv1: 400 B Sanji Lv2: 2400 B Sanji Lv3: 6000 B (shop lv2) Robin Lv1: 400 B Robin Lv2: 2400 B Robin Lv3: 6000 B (shop lv2) Brook Lv1: 400 B Brook Lv2: 2400 B Brook Lv3: 6000 B (shop lv2) Old Luffy Lv1: 400 B Old Luffy Lv2: 1600 B (shop lv2) Old Luffy Lv3: 4000 B (shop lv3) Hancock Lv1: 1200 B Hancock Lv2: 4400 B (shop lv2) Hancock Lv3: 7200 B (shop lv3) World extension 1 World extension 2 World extension 3 Shop expansion 1: Shop expansion 2: Skill : 6000 B (Level 32): 2700 B (Level 40): 3600 B (Level 48): 4300 B 2400 B 3200 B

Level 23: "Great Doctor Chopper" Chopper VS Sanji. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: Tony Tony Chopper (Main character) Alt. Objective: Finish the match in less than 20 seconds. Reward: 400 B Level 24: "Torino Island Battle" VS Chopper. You cannot attack in this fight, therefore you must win by throwing objects and using your support characters. Available objects are restricted to T orino spears. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: 500 B Alt. Objective: Win with Usopp. Reward: 500 B Level 25: "Weather Battle" VS Robin & Franky. Point battle. Objective: Get the most points out of the battle. Reward: 500 B Alt. Objective: Win with Nami. Reward: 500 B. Level 30: "Onboard little discord"

VS Nami & Usopp (support). Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: Unlocks level 28. Alt. Objective: Execute at least 2 Bingo Guards. Reward: 600 B Level 26: "Amusement Park" VS Brook & Chopper (support). Special battle. Objective: Eat at least 4 food items. Reward: Hacchan (support character). Alt. Objective: Eat at least 8 food items. Reward: "Musician" characteristic. Level 27: "Breaking through the Marine's front line" Luffy (with Zoro support) & Law VS Ao Kiji & Kobby. Berry battle. Objective: Obtain the most money. Reward: 500 B Alt. Objective: Don't get KO'ed. Reward: 700 B Level 28: "I'm not the weakling I used to be!" VS Usopp & Nami (support) Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: Usopp (main character) Alt. Objective: Hit your opponent with a support character attack. Reward: 600 B Level 30-B: "Romance Dawn" VS Mugiwara Pirates (Luffy, Zoro & Sanji as main characters). Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: Picture "I will be the Pirate King!" Alt. Objective: Beat your opponent with a special attack at least once. Reward: 800 B Boss Battle: "Wet-Haired Caribou" VS Caribou. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: Caribou (main character)

Alt. Objective: Win with a Supernova. Reward: Opens path to level 32. Level 32: "Marine Admiral Ki Zaru" VS Ki Zaru (with Sentoumaru & Kuma). Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: 500 B Alt. Objective: Beat your opponent within 20 seconds. Reward: Ki Zaru (main character) Level 32-B (world extension): "Human Weapon Kuma" VS 3 Kumas (with Sentoumaru). Objective: Beat at least 5 Kumas. Reward: 600 B Alt. Objective: Win with Luffy, with Zoro and Sanji as support characters. Reward: Sentoumaru (support character) Level 40 (world extension): "VS 3 Captains" VS Luffy, Law & Kidd. Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: Picture "Stay back, i'm takin care of this." Alt. Objective: Finish the match with at least 75% left. Reward: 800 B Level 48 (world extension): "VS Supernovas" VS Supernovas (Law, Kidd & Drake as main characters). Berry Battle. Objective: Obtain the most money. Reward: Capone Bege (support character) Alt. Objective: Win with Ki Zaru. Reward: Basil Hawkins (support character) Level 90 (secret password): "Safari Battle" VS Drake (& Caimie), Lucci (& Kaku), Marco (& Pell) Objective: Get the most points out of the match. Reward: Picture "Alabasta's fastest" Alt. Objective: Beat an opponent with a special attack. Reward: 1500 B Island 3: "East Memories Kingdom"

Level 33: "Deep sea battle" VS Zorro & Robin. Berry battle. Objective: Obtain the most money. Reward: 400 B Alt. Objective: Win without being thrown off limits. Reward: "Archeologist" characteristic. Level 34: "Let's throw him into the sea" Franky with Nami & Sanji (supports) VS Caribou. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: 500 B Alt. Objective: Win by a throw. Reward: 800 B Level 35: "The little rascals of Gray Terminal" VS Ace & Luffy (with Ace, Luffy & Sabo kids & Dadan). Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: Luffy, Ace & Sabo kids (support character). Alt. Objective: Finish with at least 70% HP left. Reward: Picture "We will be pirates, it's a promise!" Level 41: "Eustass "Captain" Kidd" VS Kidd. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: Eustass Kidd (main character) Alt. Objective: Hit your opponent with a special technique at least once. Reward: 800 B. Level 36: "The fruits of our work" VS Kobby. Special battle: Destroy at least 5 food barrels that contain rotten fo od. Objective: Destroy at least 5 barrels. Reward: 500 B. Alt. Objective: Destroy at least 8 barrels. Reward: Dadan (support character). Level 37: "Baratie Fight" Old Zoro with Old Luffy & Sanji (supports) VS Mihawk & Don Kreig (support).

Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: 500 B Alt. Objective: Don't get hit by a support character. Reward: Don Kreig (support character) Level 37-B: "Never fail to capture" VS Old Zoro (& support Old Luffy) & Smoker (& support Tashigi). Point battle. Objective: Get the most points out of the match. Reward: 500 B Alt. Objective: Don't be knocked down. Reward: 600 B Level 38: "To become a brave warrior of the seas?!" Old Usopp with Old Luffy, Zoro and Nami (supports) VS Buggy & Crow. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: Crow (support character) Alt. Objective: Hit your opponent with a support character once. Reward: Open path to level 39. Level 39: "Request for a face to face" VS Kobby & Garp. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: 600 B Alt. Objective: Win with Zoro with Luffy as support. Reward: 800 B Level 39-B: "Marine Festival" VS Marine (Ao Kiji & Ki Zaru as main characters). Berry Battle. Objective: Obtain the most money. Reward: 400 B Alt. Objective: Win with Smoker with Sentoumaru as support. Reward: Hina (Support character) Shop "Party's Bar" Nami Lv1: 400 B Nami Lv2: 2400 B Nami Lv3: 6000 B (shop lv2) Usopp Lv1: 400 B Usopp Lv2: 2400 B Usopp Lv3: 6000 B (shop lv2) Kidd Lv1: 2000 B

Kidd Lv2: 5500 B (shop lv2) Kidd Lv3: 9800 B (shop lv3) Old Chopper Lv1: 400 B Old Chopper Lv2: 2400 B Old Chopper Lv3: 4800 B (shop lv2) Crocodile Lv1: 1600 B Crocodile Lv2: 5200 B (shop lv2) Crocodile Lv3: 7200 B (shop lv3) Mihawk Lv1: 2000 B Mihawk Lv2: 5500 B (shop lv2) Mihawk Lv3: 9200 B (shop lv3) Picture "Sorry, I'm dead!": 7000 B (shop lv2) Picture "Let's Go! To Grand Line!": 10000 B (shop lv3) World extension 1 World extension 2 World extension 3 Shop expansion 1: Shop expansion 2: Skill: 5000 B (Level 42): 3000 B (Level 45): 3800 B (Levels 52 & 60): 4600 B 3600 B 5000 B

Level 40: "I'll change this world!" VS Ivankov & Dragon (support). Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: 700 B Alt. Objective: Finish with at least 80% left. Reward: Dragon (support character) Level 36-B: "Searching for the treasures!" VS Old Nami & Old Usopp. Special match. Objective: Give 2 Diamonds to Nami. Reward: 800 B - Alt Objective: Give 4 Diamonds to Nami. Reward: 800 B Boss Battle: "Hawkeye and the White Hunter" VS Mihawk & Smoker. Objective: Beat your opponents Reward: Smoker (main character) Objective: Win with a Strawhat Pirate. Reward: Dracule Mihawk (main character) Level 42 (world extension): "Smoke will stand out off this fiery place" Smoker with Tashigi & Hina VS Fire characters (Ace, Marco & Aka Inu). GP are con stantly filling up. Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: 600 B

Alt. Objective: Beat two opponents with a special attack. Reward: 900 B Opens a path to Island 4 Level 54. Level 45 (world extension): "Former Baroque Works Members" VS Crocodile (with Mr 1 & Mr 2) & Nico Robin (with Mr 3). Support characters app ear more often. Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: 500 B Alt. Objective: Beat at least 2 support characters. Reward: Mr 1 (support character) Level 52 (world extension): "Pink garden" VS Ivankov, Sanji & Old Sanji. Point battle. Objective: Get the most points out of the match. Reward: 600 B Alt. Objective: Don't get KO'ed. Reward: 1400 B Level 60 (world extension): "Cherry blossoms" VS Old Chopper & Dr. Kureha. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: Old Chopper (main character) Alt. Objective: Finish with 75% HP left. Reward: Picture: "Shut up! Let's Go!!" Island 4: "Marine Lagoon Mountain" Level 44: "Heat! Yi-Ha!" VS Ivankov & Inazuma (support). Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: 500 B Alt. Objective: Beat your opponent in One Piece Rage. Reward: 800 B Level 45: "Gluttony battle" VS Luffy & Usopp. Special Battle. Objective: Eat 6 food items. Reward: 600 B

Alt. Objective: Eat at least 10 food items. Reward: 900 B Witch's pharmacy "Doctorine" Marco Lv1: 1200 B Marco Lv2: 4000 B (shop lv2) Marco Lv3: 8000 B (shop lv3) Smoker Lv1: 1200 B Smoker Lv2: 4400 B Smoker Lv3: 8000 B (shop lv2) Doflamingo Lv1: 1800 B Doflamingo Lv2: 4200 B (shop lv2) Doflamingo Lv3: 11600 B (shop lv3) Vivi Lv1: 1200 B Vivi Lv2: 3600 B Vivi Lv3: 6000 B (shop lv2) Old Zoro Lv1: 400 B Old Zoro Lv2: 2400 B Old Zoro Lv3: 4800 B (shop lv2) Ki Zaru Lv1: 800 B Ki Zaru Lv2: 4000 B Ki Zaru Lv3: 6000 B (shop lv2) Picture "You've become strong, Luffy!" : 6400 B (shop lv3) Picture "A man forgives a woman's lies" : 10000 B (shop lv3) World extension 1 World extension 2 World extension 3 Shop extension 1: Shop extension 2: Skill: 8000 B (Level 58): 3300 B (Level 63): 4100 B (Level 75): 4900 B 4400 B ? B

Level 46: "Amusement Park Monopoly Battle" VS Vivi, Hancock & Wapol. Berry Battle. Objective: Collect the most money. Reward: 500 B Alt. Objective: Don't get hit by a Special or Secret attack. Reward: 600 B Level 47: "Witch hunt" Old Chopper & Dr. Kureha (support) VS Wapol. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: 500 B Alt. Objective: Don't get knocked down. Reward: Dr. Kureha (support character) Level 48: "Getting off" VS Old Usopp, Old Nami & Old Chopper (all with Dr. Kureha). Special battle. Objective: Stay on the Going Merry for 15 seconds without falling. Be carefu

l of the "teleporting" support characters. Reward: 500 B Alt. Objective: Stay for 30 seconds. Reward: "Navigator" characteristic. Level 50: "Princess Nefertari Vivi" With Vivi (& Pell) VS Crocodile & Baroque Works (Nico Robin, Mr 1, Mr 2). Objective: Beat your opponent while protecting Vivi. Reward: Nefertari Vivi (main character) Alt. Objective: Win with Old Luffy. Reward: Picture "Fuu... Just in time!" Level 51: "Alabasta's Fastest" VS Vivi & Pell. You can't attack nor guard. Objective: Throw your opponent three times. Reward: 500 B Alt. Objective: Hit your opponent with a support character. Reward: Pell (support character). Level 53: "Donquixote Doflamingo" VS Doflamingo. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: 800 B - Alt objective: Win with more than 75% HP left. Reward: Donquixote Doflamingo ( main character) Level 54 (from island 3): "Captain Buggy" VS Buggy (& Luffy/Ace/Sabo kids). Objective: Beat your opponent. His support characters are called more often. Reward: Buggy the Clown (main character). Alt. Objective: Win with 75% HP left. Reward: 1000 B Level 55: "My own justice" Kobby & Garp VS Aka Inu & Ao Kiji. Free for all point match. Objective: Get the most points out of the fight. Reward: Monkey D. Garp (support character) Alt. Objective: Hit your opponent with a special attack twice.

Reward: 800 B Level 58: "VS Bli-Kidd Pirates" With Franky VS Wapol & Kidd. Berry match. Objective: Collect the most money. Reward: 500 B Alt. Objective: Beat your opponent thrice. Don't let Franky grab your points ! Reward: 700 B Boss Battle: "Whitebeard Pirates Captains" VS Whitebeard Pirates (Marco & Ace with Joz as support). Hard fight. Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: Portgas D. Ace (main character) Alt. Objective: Win with a Marine character. Reward: Marco the Phoenix (main character) Level 60: "Close call battle" VS Smoker & Ao Kiji. The Sunny coating is worn out. Objective: Survive for 60 seconds (or beat your opponents). Reward: 600 B Alt. Objective: Don't get thrown off the ship. Reward: 800 B Level 58 (world extension): "Explosive warning" VS Wapol. Special battle. Objective: Don't get hit by a bomb for 60 seconds. Reward: 600 B Alt. Objective: Don't get knocked off. Reward: 1000 B Opens a path to Island 7. Level 63 (world extension): "Pirate hunter Zoro" VS Old Zoro. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: Old Zoro (main character) Alt. Objective: Win with Mihawk. Reward: Picture "A wound in the back is the biggest disgrace". Level 75 (from island 5): "VS Steel Pirates"

VS Franky (with Krieg) & Kuma (with Joz) Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: 800 B Alt. Objective: Win within 35 seconds. Reward: Diamond Joz (support character) Level 75-B (world extension): "VS Doctor Pirates" VS Doctors (Law & Chopper). Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: Picture "I'm taking care of him for now!" Alt. Objective: Win within 20 seconds. Reward: Opens a path to Erbaf Coliseum. Level 80 (Wifi secret battle): "Grand Festival" VS Brook & Apoo, Ivankov & Hannyabal, Buggy & Foxy. Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: Picture "I'm the legendary Buggy!" Alt. Objective: Put KO at least 2 of your opponents. Reward: 1500 B Island 5: "Justice Mountain" Level 45 "Ship destroyers" VS Luffy, Brook & Chopper. Special battle. Objective: Do at least 5 KOs. The enemy's HP are greatly reduced. Reward: 500 B Alt. Objective: Win with Sanji. Reward: "Cook" characteristic. Level 47: "Underworld prison" VS Old Luffy, Crocodile & Jinbe. Point battle. Objective: Get the most points out of the match. Reward: 500 B Alt. Objective: Get at least 3 points. Reward: Picture "Formation of the strongest team?!" Level 48: "Strawhat decoy strategy" VS Old Luffy with Buggy & Mr 3 (supports). You can neither attack nor guard. Objective: Do at least 3 throws.

Reward: 400 B Alt. Objective: Finish the match in less than 10 seconds. Reward: Open path to island 4 level 75. Level 49: "Impel Down's Chief Warden Magellan" VS Magellan. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: Magellan (main character). Alt. Objective: Don't get hit by a support character. Reward: 800 B Level 58: "Prison's big outburst" Magellan with Hannyabal & Sadi-Chan VS Ivankov, Old Luffy & Crocodile. Objective: Beat your opponents within 60 seconds. Reward: 500 B Alt. Objective: Hit your opponent with a support character. Reward: Sadi-Chan (support character) Level 50: "Marine's pursuit" With Luffy, VS Smoker & Kobby. Point battle. Objective: Score the most points. Reward: 500 B Alt. Objective: Win with Ace. Reward: 700 B Level 51: "Bingo Master" VS Sandersonia. Special battle. Objective: Do at least 2 bingo guards against Sandersonia. Reward: 700 B Alt. Objective: Do at least 10 bingo guards against Sandersonia. Reward: 1000 B Level 52: "Pirate empress Boa Hancock" VS Hancock. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: Boa Hancock (main character) Alt. Objective: Finish with at least 75% HP left.

Reward: 1000 B Level 52-B: "Mushroom Party" VS Chopper & Brook. Special battle. Objective: Collect at least 6 mushrooms. Reward: 400 B Alt. Objective: Collect at least 8 mushrooms. Reward: 900 B Shop: "Kuja goodies store "Nyon-dai"" Lucci Lv1: 1600 B Lucci Lv2: 4000 B (shop lv2) Lucci Lv3: 8400 B (shop lv3) Eneru Lv1: 1600 B Eneru Lv2: 4000 B (shop lv2) Eneru Lv3: 8400 B (shop lv3) Kobby Lv1: 1200 B Kobby Lv2: 3600 B Kobby Lv3: 6000 B (shop lv2) Old Sanji Lv1: 400 B Old Sanji Lv2: 2400 B Old Sanji Lv3: 4800 B (shop lv2) Magellan Lv1: 1200 B Magellan Lv2: 4400 B Magellan Lv3: 7360 B (shop lv2) Ao Kiji Lv1: 1400 B Ao Kiji Lv2: 4800 B Ao Kiji Lv3: 8000 B (shop lv2) Picture "Luffy will be the Pirate King!": 10000 B (shop lv2) World extension 1: Level 59: 3300 B World extension 2: Level 61: 4100 B World extension 1: Level 77: 4900 B Shop expansion 1: 4400 B Shop expansion 2: 7000 B Skill : 6000 B Level 53: "Justice's Agents of Darkness" VS CP9 (Lucci with Kaku & Spandam). Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: 500 B Alt. Objective: Win with Nico Robin Reward: Kaku (support character) Level 55: "End of the dream" Old Zoro with Old Sanji, Old Usopp & Nightmare Luffy (supports) VS Kuma & Gecko Moria (support). Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: 500 B

Alt. Objective: Beat a support character. Reward: Gecko Moria (support character). Level 56: "God Eneru" VS Eneru. You fight only on the Skypiea portion of the stage. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: Eneru (support character) Alt. Objective: Finish your opponent with a special attack. Reward: Picture "The true fear comes from God alone!" Boss Battle: "Buster Call" VS Ao Kiji & Rob Lucci (& Spandam). Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: Ao Kiji (main character). Alt. Objective: Win with a Strawhat pirate. Reward: Rob Lucci (main character). Level 59: "Underwater item throwing battle" VS Vivi, Nami & Usopp. You can't attack nor guard and your HP are reduced to 25% Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: 500 B Alt. Objective: Win by throwing a box. Reward: 800 B. Level 75 (from island 4): "Air battle" VS Nami (with Wiper) & Eneru (with Urouge). Point match. Objective: Score the most points. Reward: 800 B Alt. Objective: Don't fall out of the stage. Reward: Wiper (support character). Level 59-B (world extension): "Paradise's Chief Warden Magellan" Sanji (with Zoro, Franky & Brook) VS Magellan, Hancock & Vivi. Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: 1300 B Alt. Objective: Win in One Piece Rage. Reward: Picture "Wow! What a beautiful woman!" Level 61 (world extension): "Black Leg Sanji"

VS Old Sanji (w Old Robin, Old Nami & Amazons). Opponent attack's up. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: Old Sanji (main character). Alt. Objective: Finish with a special attack. Reward: Picture "Hey shitty assistant, be safe!" Level 77 (world extension): "Ultimate Berry Competition" VS Magellan, Eneru & Hancock. One Piece Rage Berry Battle. Objective: Collect the most money. Reward: 900 B Alt. Objective: Collect 400 berry. Reward: Open path to Erbaf Coliseum. Level 130 (secret wifi): "I am Thunder!" VS 3 Eneru. Point match in Skypiea. Objective: Score the most points. Reward: 2500 B Alt. Objective: Win with a Strawhat pirate. Reward: Picture "Old man, we're safe!" Erbaf Coliseum The Erbaf Coliseum is a kind of "mini-Thousand Arena" inside the Story Mode. It is located between the islands 4 and 5. Inside, you'll have to fight in 5 consec utive battles against multiple opponents (Battle Royale) or against a single opp onent (One To One). To participate, you must first pay an entry fee, depending on the tournament lev el you wish to participate. You'll then have to select a tournament level, determining the strength and the intelligence of the IA. The starting level is level 10, in which your opponents are ridiculously weak, giving a good opportunity to level up your weak character s; but rapidly enough you'll get access to harder levels and you'll be surprised how the difficulty increases after level 100. Winning the tournament will grant you some money and experience depending on the level of your participating character. The more leveled he is, the less money y ou'll earn. Reward: "Big Profit" skill (doubles the money earned). Island 6: "Fishmen Island (West Entrance)" Level 60: "One takoyaki please!" VS Luffy & Brook (with Hacchan). Special battle. Objective: Collect the most takoyakis.

Reward: 800 B Alt. Objective: Collect at least 8 takoyakis Reward: 1200 B Level 61: "You won't get back to ground level!" Kobby (with Garp) VS Hodi (with Decken) & Caribou. Point battle. Objective: Score the most points. Reward: 800 B Alt. Objective: Beat at least 2 opponents with a special attack. Reward: Kobby (main character). Note: You can choose your own character the second time, making possible the con dition to unlock Kobby. Level 63: "Shipwrights" VS Usopp (with Old Franky) & Lucci (with Kaku). Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: Old Franky (support character). Alt. Objective: Beat at least one support character. Reward: "Shipwright" characteristic. Level 66: "It will chase you everywhere!" VS Van Der Decken. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: 600 B Alt. Objective: Win with Chopper along with Hacchan. Reward: 1000 B Level 69: "One day, in the forest..." VS Bears (3 Kumas with Bepo as support). Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: 1000 B Alt. Objective: Finish with 75% HP left. Reward: 1500 B Level 63: "Is this... All Blue?!" VS Sanji, Robin & Hancock. Berry battle. Objective: Collect the most money. Reward: 500 B

Alt. Objective: Win with a woman. Reward: 800 B Level 64: "Superior race" Doflamingo VS Hodi Jones. Point battle. Objective: Score the most points. Reward: 700 B Alt. Objective: Get at least 4 points. Reward: Arlong (support character) Level 71: "VS Fishmen Pirates" VS Jinbe (with Hacchan & Arlong) & Hodi (with Decken & Hyouzou). Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: Jinbe (main character). Alt. Objective: Hit your opponent with a support character twice. Reward: 1000 B Shop: "Mermaid & Criminal Cafe" Caribou Lv1: 1400 B Caribou Lv2: 4800 B Caribou Lv3: 6000 B (shop lv2) Hodi Lv1: 1600 B Hodi Lv2: 5000 B (shop lv2) Hodi Lv3: 9200 B (shop lv3) Decken Lv1: 1400 B Decken Lv2: 4200 B (shop lv2) Decken Lv3: 8400 B (shop lv3) Old Nami Lv1: 400 B Old Nami Lv2: 2400 B Old Nami Lv3: 4800 B (shop lv2) Jinbe Lv1: 1600 B Jinbe Lv2: 5200 B Jinbe Lv3: 8000 B (shop lv2) Picture "600 Million Berry Jackpot": 15000 B (shop lv3) World extension 1 World extension 2 World extension 3 Shop expansion 1: Shop expansion 2: Skill: 10000 B (Level 71): 3600 B (Level 76): 4400 B (Level 88-89): 5200 B 8000 B 14000 B

Level 60 (east entrance): "Fishmen Reception" VS Hodi Jones. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: 700 B Alt. Objective: Do at least 2 Bingo guards.

Reward: 1100 B Level 61: "Nosebleed hell" With Sanji VS Caribou. Protect Sanji with reduced HP. Objective: Protect Sanji for 60 seconds. Reward: 600 B Alt. Objective: Win with Chopper. Reward: "Doctor" characteristic. Level 62: "PX-0" VS Bartholomew Kuma & Doflamingo. Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: Bartholomew Kuma (main character). Alt. Objective: Beat an opponent with a special attack. Reward: 1200 B Level 66: "They took everything from the store!" VS Nami & Pappug. Special battle. Objective: Collect more diamonds than your opponent. Reward: 1200 B Alt. Objective: Collect at least 8 diamonds. Reward: 1600 B Level 71: "My body is bottomless~" VS Caribou. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: 800 B Alt. Objective: Don't call a single support character. Reward: 1000 B Level 65: "Time limit battle" With Usopp VS Hodi. Objective: Survive for 60 seconds. Reward: 600 B Alt. Objective: Don't guard for the whole match. Reward: 900 B Level 68: "Town rampage" VS Kidd, Law & Ace. Point match.

Objective: Score the most points. Reward: 1000 B Alt. Objective: Win with a Marine. Reward: 1500 B Level 66 (high town): "Reunion with an old friend" Luffy & Old Brook VS Ki Zaru. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: Old Brook (support character) Alt. Objective: Finish in 20 seconds. Reward: Picture "Could I become your nakama?" Level 67: "Deep sea treasure hunting" VS Van Der Decken & Caribou. Special battle. Objective: Break more boxes than your opponents. Reward: 900 B Alt. Objective: Win with Brook. Reward: 1200 B Level 69: "VS Poison Pirates" VS Poison Pirates (Magellan & Crocodile with Hyouzou). Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: 1200 B Alt. Objective: Finish with 75% HP left. Reward: Hyouzou (support character) Boss Battle: "The great purification" VS Hodi Jones & Van Der Decken. Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: Hodi Jones (main character). Alt. Objective: Win with a Shichibukai. Reward: Van Der Decken (main character). Level 71 (world extension): "Blue Sea Mermaids" VS Hancock & Vivi. Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: Picture "Legend of the mermaids".

Alt. Objective: Win with Caribou. Reward: 700 B Level 76 (world extension): "Something's following us!" VS Buggy & Usopp. Berry match. Objective: Collect the most money. Reward: Kung Fu Dugong (support character). Alt. Objective: Beat 3 support characters. Reward: 800 B Level 88 (world extension): "Cat Burglar Nami" VS Old Nami. She has an Attack Up bonus. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: Old Nami (main character). Alt. Objective: Win with a special attack. Reward: Picture "Luffy... Help me..." Level 89 (world extension): "No Guard Battle" Old Luffy & Odacchi VS Blackbeard & Aka Inu. Point match. You can't guard in thi s match. Objective: Score the most points. Reward: 1000 B Alt. Objective: Score at least 6 points. Reward: Odacchi (support character). Level 85 (Wifi secret battle): "King Sea Neptune" Zoro & Neptune VS Hodi. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: 2000 B Alt. Objective: Win with a special attack. Reward: Neptune (support character). Level 85 (Wifi secret battle): "Dead or Marriage!" Luffy & Shirahoshi VS Decken. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: Shirahoshi (support character) + Shirahoshi avatar select mode. Alt. Objective: Win in One Piece Rage. Reward: 2400 B Island 7: "Border of Paradise Island"

Level 45: "Super! Yi-Haaaa! Battle" VS Franky & Ivankov. Berry battle. Everyone is on "Hot" status. Objective: Get the most money out of the match. Reward: Emporio Ivankov (main character). Alt. Objective: Collect at least 500 berry. Reward: 600 B Level 46: "Break and destroy!" VS Ivankov w Inazuma & Eneru w Arlong. Special battle. Objective: Break more boxes than your opponent. Reward: 600 B Alt. Objective: Break at least 7 boxes. Reward: 700 B Level 48: "Gunfight" VS Caribou w Gaimon, Buggy w Capone, Old Usopp w Old Franky. The marines fire th eir cannons more often. Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: Gaimon (support character). Alt. Objective: Hit your opponents 3 times with a support character. Reward: "Sharpshooter" characteristic. Shop "Doskoi Panda Shop" Wapol Lv1: 1400 B Wapol Lv2: 3400 B (shop lv2) Wapol Lv3: 6800 B (shop lv3) Old Usopp Lv1: 400 B Old Usopp Lv2: 2400 B Old Usopp Lv3: 4500 B (shop lv2) Kuma Lv1: 1400 B Kuma Lv2: 4200 B (shop lv2) Kuma Lv3: 6000 B (shop lv3) Buggy Lv1: 1400 B Buggy Lv2: 3600 B Buggy Lv3: 5760 B (shop lv2) Ivankov Lv1: 1200 B Ivankov Lv2: 3600 B Ivankov Lv3: 6000 B (shop lv2) Picture "Zombies Decorating": 7200 B (shop lv2) Picture "I'm already negative!": 10000 B (shop lv3) World extension 1 World extension 2 World extension 3 Shop expansion 1: Shop expansion 2: Skill: 15000 B (level 60): 3300 B (level 63): 4100 B (level 77): 4900 B 6000 B 12000 B

Level 50: "Foxy faces battle" VS Nami, Chopper & Usopp with Foxy. The only available items are the Foxy bombs. Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: Foxy (support character). Alt. Objective: Beat a support character. Reward: 600 B Level 52: "Tag game in Hell" VS Buggy (with Spandam), Old Usopp & Old Chopper. Point match. Opponents HP are greatly reduced. Objective: KO at least 10 opponents. Reward: Spandam (support character). Alt. Objective: Win with a Shichibukai. Reward: 900 B Level 50-B: "VS Treasure Hunters" Old Nami & Mr.3 VS Caribou & Arlong. You must protect the treasures for 40 secon ds. Objective: Don't let the opponent break your treasures for 40 seconds. Reward: Mr. 3 (support character) Alt. Objective: Throw your opponent 3 times. Reward: 600 B Level 53: "Zoro Zoro Sortie" VS Zoro, Old Zoro & Mr.2 (as Old Zoro). Point battle. Objective: Score the most points. Reward: Mr. 2 Bon-Clay (support character). Alt. Objective: Score at least 8 points. Reward: 800 B Level 56: "Hannya-Carnival" VS Magellan & Hancock (with Hannyabal). Berry battle. Objective: Collect the most money. Reward: Hannyabal (support character) Alt. Objective: Do at least 2 Bingo Guards. Reward: 800 B Level 58: "Baku-Baku & Bara-Bara Battle"

VS Wapol & Buggy. Items are more frequent. Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: Wapol (main character) Alt. Objective: Finish with 75% HP left. Reward: 1200 B Boss Battle: "Golden Lion Shiki" VS Shiki. The opponent has an Attack up bonus. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: Shiki (main character) Alt. Objective: Win with a Strawhat. Reward: 1100 B Level 60 (world extension): "Windmill game" VS Shiki, Brook & Marco (with Old Robin). Special battle. Objective: Stay in the windmill and in the air for 15 seconds. Reward: Old Robin (support character) Alt. Objective: Stay in the windmill and in the air for 30 seconds. Reward: 1800 B Level 63 (world extension): "Help me, Sogeking!" Old Usopp & Perona VS Hodi & Decken. Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: Old Usopp (main character) Alt. Objective: Depress an opponent with a Negative Hollow. Reward: Picture "My name is... Sogeking!!" Level 77 (world extension): "Color Rangers" VS Shanks (w Zoro), Whitebeard (w Doflamingo) & Jinbe (w Sengoku). Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: 1500 B Alt. Objective: Finish with at least 60% HP left. Reward: 3000 B Island 8: "New World Archipelago" Level 80: "Marine Assault" VS Marine (Ki Zaru & Ao Kiji) Objective: Beat your opponents.

Reward: 1000 B Alt. Objective: Win with Robin along with Usopp, Franky & Chopper. Reward: 1800 B Level 82: "Welcome to the New World" VS Doflamingo & Law. Point match. The world is upside down. Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: 800 B Alt. Objective: Win with a Supernova. Reward: "Supernova" characteristic. Level 87: " "Red Flag" X Drake" VS Drake. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: X Drake (main character) Alt. Objective: Beat your opponent in One Piece Rage Reward: 1800 B. Level 88: "Let's get the hell out of here, bastards!" Blackbeard with Bonney, Doc Q & Laffite VS Aka Inu, Eneru & Lucci. Support chara cters strength is increased. Objective: Survive for 50 seconds. Reward: Jewelry Bonney (support character). Alt. Objective: Finish with 75% HP left. Reward: 1800 B. Level 83: "Why bother for killing some trash?" VS Blackbeard (with Shiliew), Wapol & Buggy. Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: 800 B. Alt. Objective: Win with Magellan. Reward: Shiliew (support character). Level 84: "Your fate says it's an unlucky day for collecting diamonds" VS Nami & Caribou (with Hawkins). Special battle Objective: Collect more diamonds than your opponents. Reward: 1000 B Alt. Objective: Collect at least 8 diamonds.

Reward: 1200 B. Level 95: "Deep Sea's Assassins" Eneru with Urouge & Wiper VS Fishmen Pirates. Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: Urouge (support character). Alt. Objective: Beat an opponent with a Secret Attack. Reward: 1400 B. Level 96: "Support Battle" VS Doflamingo, Marco & Kobby. Berry battle. Support characters appear more often . Objective: Collect the most money. Reward: 1400 B. Alt. Objective: Beat a support character. Reward: Sengoku (support character). Shop "Pirate King Shop" Shanks Lv1: 2000 B Shanks Lv2: 6000 B (shop lv2) Shanks Lv3: 12000 B (shop lv3) Shiki Lv1: 2000 B Shiki Lv2: 5500 B (shop lv2) Shiki Lv3: 11600 B (shop lv3) Newgate Lv1: 2000 B Newgate Lv2: 6000 B Newgate Lv3: 12800 B (shop lv2) Teach Lv1: 1800 B Teach Lv2: 5600 B Teach Lv3: 11200 B (shop lv2) Aka Inu Lv1: 1600 B Aka Inu Lv2: 5200 B Aka Inu Lv3: 11200 B (shop lv2) Picture "Farewell, my sons...": 30000 B (shop lv3) Skill "Student": 25000 B World extension 1 (levels 135,140,145): 4900 B World extension 2 (levels 145,150): 6200 B World extension 3 (levels 160,170,180): 7500 B Shop expansion 1: 18000 B Shop expansion 2: 29000 B Skill "Break LV1": 30000 B Skill "Break LV2": 35000 B Level 90: "Animal Power" VS Zoans (Chopper, Lucci & Drake). Point match. Objective: Score the most points. Reward: 1400 B

Alt. Objective: Win with a Fishman. Reward: Bepo (support character). Level 91: "Confusing battle" VS Kidd, Nami & Magellan. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: 800 B Alt. Objective: Hit your opponents with a support character thrice. Reward: Doc Q (support character) Level 87: " "Surgeon of Death" Trafalgar Law" VS Law. His HP are constantly filling up. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: Trafalgar Law (main character). Alt. Objective: Beat your opponent with a support character. Reward: Picture "Wherever there is a position I need... I'll take it!" Level 105: "Black & White Battle" VS Whitebeard & Blackbeard. Point match. Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: 1200 B Alt. Objective: Don't get hit by a special attack. Reward: 1300 B Level 94: "Tension MAX" VS Shiki & Franky. Your attack is reinforced but you can't guard. Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: 1000 B Alt. Objective: Beat an opponent with a secret attack. Reward: 1400 B Level 108: "Final confrontation" VS Hodi, Ace & Lucci. Berry match. Objective: Collect the most money. Reward: 1200 B Alt. Objective: Beat at least 2 opponents with a special attack. Reward: 2000 B Level 112: "My final concert BABY!!"

VS Brook, Kidd & Blackbeard. Point match. Objective: Score the most points. Reward: Scratchmen Apoo (support character). Alt. Objective: KO one opponent in One Piece Rage. Reward: 1800 B Boss Battle: "Yonkou Red Hair Shanks" VS Shanks & Shanks Pirates. Support characters appear more often. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: Shanks (main character). Alt. Objective: Win with a D (Luffy, Ace or Blackbeard). Reward: Shanks Pirates (support character). After the fight, the credits will roll up, then a new path to Rayleigh's Shop wi ll open up in the last island, allowing you to buy interesting skills in exchang e of Heat Points. Heat Points are obtained by finishing special battles that app ear once in a while in the map and recognized by the symbol "Heat Up". To make t hese battles appear, simply finish again levels and they should appear after a w hile. But the game isn't finished yet! There is still some missions left at the shop! Rayleigh's Shop "Heat Coin Shop" HC refers to Heat Coins. Those are coins acquired by finishing Heat Battles. Attack Up: 2 HC Defense Up: 2 HC Speed Up: 1 HC Diamond: 4 HC Den Den Mushi: 2 HC Log Pose: 2 HC Skill "Hero Water": 3 HC Skill "Superhuman": 3 HC Skill "Rear guard": 3 HC Skill "OP Heat Lock": 4 HC Skill "Companion": 5 HC Skill "Box Repel": 6 HC Level 135 (world extension): "Noisy battle" VS Drake, Vivi & Marco. You must fight in Speed Up and Hot Spicy state. Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: 900 B Alt. Objective: Don't fall off the stage. Reward: Pandaman (support character). Level 140 (world extension): "All-time Royal Shichibukai" VS Shichibukai (Doflamingo, Crocodile & Mihawk as main characters). Berry match.

Objective: Collect the most money. Reward: 900 B Alt. Objective: Collect at least 400 Berry. Reward: Sir Crocodile (main character). Level 145 (world extension): "VS Blackbeard Pirates" VS Blackbeard Pirates. His GP are constantly refilled and his support characters appear more often. Objective: Beat your opponent. Hard fight. Reward: Marshall D. Teach (main character). Alt. Objective: Win with a Whitebeard pirate (Whitebeard, Ace or Marco). Reward: 1700 B Level 145-B (world extension): "Marine Superior Forces: The Three Admirals" VS Aka Inu, Ao Kiji & Ki Zaru. Objective: Beat your opponents. Pretty hard fight. Reward: Aka Inu (main character). Alt. Objective: Win with a Strawhat pirate. Reward: 1800 B Level 150-B (world extension): "VS Whitebeard Pirates" VS Whitebeard, Ace & Marco (& Joz). Objective: Beat your opponents. Pretty hard fight. Reward: Edward Newgate (main character). Alt. Objective: Win with the Blackbeard Pirates (Teach, Laffite, Shiliew & D oc Q). Reward: 2000 B Level 160 (world extension): "Mellow Mellow Hypnotism Battle" VS Hancock, Nami & Robin (w Laffite). Objective: Beat your opponents. Pretty hard fight. Reward: 1100 B Alt. Objective: Hit your opponents with a special attack thrice. Reward: Laffite (support character). Level 170 (world extension): "Nature children's power" VS Logia users (Eneru, Smoker & Aka Inu as main characters). Free for all battle . Objective: Beat your opponents.

Reward: 1500 B Alt. Objective: Do at least 5 throws. Reward: 2000 B Level 180 (world extension): "Multiple Luffys" VS Old Luffy & Luffy (w Nightmare Luffy). GP are constantly filling. Objective: Beat your opponent. Reward: 1400 B Alt. Objective: Don't call a support character. Reward: Nightmare Luffy (support character). Final Island: "Roger & Whitebeard Final Meeting" This island is unlocked after finishing all missions and alternative missions (e xcept for the secret ones obtained via Wifi or Password). The island is located behind Rayleigh's shop. This island's levels require a pretty advanced rank, so I suggest you train enou gh and acquire some skills before you start doing the missions. Level 200: "Scattered sparks of the strongest fighters" VS Blackbeard, Eneru & Aka Inu. Point match. You start with 5 points less than t he others. Objective: Get the most points. Reward: Picture "You are Blackbeard?!" Alt. Objective: Do at least 2 KOs with a special attack. Reward: 1800 B Level 210: "VS Roger Pirates" VS Shanks with Rayleigh, Buggy & Gol D. Roger. Support characters are stronger. Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: Gol D. Roger (support character). Alt. Objective: Win with Whitebeard. Reward: 2600 B Level 210-B: "VS Supernovas" VS . Point match. You start with 5 points less than the others. Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: Picture "This is the new age!" Alt. Objective: Beat at least 5 support characters. Reward: 2600 B Final Battle: "Supreme rulers of the seas"

VS Shanks and Whitebeard (w Shiki, Roger, Sengoku, Teach, Luffy & Rayleigh). The ir GP are constantly filling up and they have an All-Stat Bonus. Extremely hard battle. Objective: Beat your opponents. Reward: 4700 B Alt. Objective: Win with a Supernova. Reward: Picture "Shanks & Whitebeard" I suggest to fight with a Level 10 character with skills equipped. Using the pow er up items you got until now is also greatly recommended. Congratulations! You just finished the story mode! It was not easy, but you made it! Now you can still train your characters to prepare them for a harder challenge: the Erbaf Coliseum! Skills Note: Some of these skills must be bought at shops first (cannot remember which unfortunately, nevertheless they should be at the end of the list). Name Description Cost Condition Price HP Up Increase your max HP 2 Obtained at Level 1 HP Up + Greatly increase your max HP 4 Win 15 matchs with "HP Up" skill set 1500 B Attack Up Increase your Attack 2 Obtained at level 2 Attack Up + Greatly increase your attack 4 Beat 3 Support character s within a match 1500 B Special Up Increase your special attacks 2 Beat an opponent with a special move 600 B Special Up + Greatly increase your special attacks 4 Execute 3 Specia l attacks and 1 Secret attack within a match 1500 B Cook Increase food item recovery 2 Eat 5 food items within a match 600 B Talented Cook Greatly increase food item recovery 4 Win 15 matchs wi th "Cook" skill set 1500 B Sharpshooter Increase long distance attacks 2 Beat an opponent with a long distance shot 400 B Surprise hit Increase attacks from behind 1 Land 5 attacks from behi nd 400 B Gorilla Push Increase guard damage 2 Attack a guarding opponent 10 ti mes within a match 600 B Great fencer Increase Sword Support Characters attacks 2 Land 3 S upport character (sword style) attacks within a match 600 B Perfect igniter Increase fire attacks 2 Burn your opponent 3 times in a match 600 B Full Power Start Start with OP Rage 2 Beat your opponent in OP Rage 600 B Absorber Increase GP Recovery 2 Execute your special attacks 30 times 600 B Berserk Highly increase your attack but prevent you using your guard 3 Beat your opponent in OP Rage with a Special Attack 800 B Falling expert Reduce falling damage 1 Fall off limits 5 times in a mat ch 400 B Pinch resistance Reduce special attacks damage 2 Hit your opponen

t with a special attack twice in a match 600 B Paralysis resistance Reduce paralysis time 2 Eat 15 mushrooms 600 B Poison antibody Reduce poison damage 2 Get poisoned 15 times 600 B Close friend Increase support characters filling speed 3 Obtained at level 7 800 B Reinforcements Increase support characters attack 3 Call support cha racters 30 times 800 B Women lover Increase your max HP according to the number of women in your te am 3 Register an only female team 800 B Low fuel consumer Decrease dodges GP consumption 4 Do 30 dodges (Y + direction) in total 1200 B Box enhancer Increase boxes damage 1 Break 10 boxes in a match 400 B Box shooter Increase paralysis time from shoot boxes 2 Shoot 5 boxes (Dash + attack on a box) on an opponent in a match 600 B Resurrected Increase attack, defense and speed after reaching 25% HP left 2 Enter into One Piece Rage 15 times 600 B Bad food Cancel rotten food paralysis 3 Eat 5 rotten food pieces in a match 800 B Strong arm Increase throwing range 4 Throw 15 dumbbells in a match 1200 B Box guard Can block thrown boxes 4 Finish "Underwater throwing batt le" (island 5) 1200 B Box repel Repel thrown boxes by doing a Bingo Guard 4 Bought i n Rayleigh's shop ? Heat Points Bingo Master Ease Bingo guards execution 4 Do 30 Bingo guards in to tal 1200 B Big Jump Increase jump height 5 Finish "Jump ball play" 1500 B Fastest Increase movement speed 7 Finish "Alabasta's fastest" (island 4) 2000 B Moonwalk Can do a triple jump 7 Bought in a shop ???? Sky walk Can dash in the air 7 Finish a "Heat Up" mission 2000 B Acrobat Can attack twice in the air 8 Do 15 air attacks in a match 2000 B Break Lv1 Can perform a Guard Break with a Lv1 special attack 10 Land 50 Lv 1 special attacks in total 3000 B Break Lv2 Can perform a Guard Break with a Lv2 special attack 11 Land 50 Lv 2 special attacks in total 3000 B Break Lv3 Can perform a Guard Break with a Lv3 special attack 12 Finish Erbaf Coliseum Lv 50 5000 B Hero Water Give 3 Skill Points but significantly decrease HP max 0 Bought in Rayleigh's shop ? Heat Points Bodybuilder Give 3 Skill Points but significantly decrease Attack 0 Bought in Rayleigh's shop ? Heat Points Rear Support Make support characters appear behind the main character 4 Bought in Rayleigh's shop ? Heat Points OP Rage Ban Prevent OP Rage trigger for all fighters 6 Bought i n Rayleigh's shop ? Heat Points Fast learner Double experience 8 Bought in Roger's Shop after fin ishing the game Big Profit Double earned money 8 Finish Erbaf Coliseum/Finish a b attle with 80% HP left 5000 B DON! Scream a "DON!" by pressing Select 5 Gained at level 10 Main Characters Support Characters Passwords

Gol. D Roger Secret level: Safari battle Strong World Characters (Luffy, Ace & Shanks) Secret level: Chopper back to Torino Island Credit goes to Links One Piece Gigant Battle 2 Blog: Game's Official Site: One Piece Wikia Portal: Legal Information & Copyright One Piece: Gigant Battle 2: Shin Sekai is the property of Ganbarion & Bandai Nam co Games. One Piece original manga is created by Eiichiro Oda and the game's ima ges and animations are property of Shueisha Fuji TV Toei Animation. This FAQ is written by Mallowigi and property of Mallowigi and GameFAQs only (ht tp:// Copy and distribution of this guide on any other website without my permission is strictly prohibited and constitue a violation of copyr ight. Thanks and stuff Big thanks for Eiichiro Oda for creating such a wonderful manga, and for Ganbari on & Bandai Namco for adapting it into this masterpiece. Also big thanks for the One Piece Wikia Portal for finding all the One Piece resource that I needed for this FAQ. I can't omit the creator of the iPhone application "Kotoba" which helped me a lo t translating all those kanjis in the game. Big thanks for the GameFAQs message boards users that gave me a lot of informati on that I didn't know. And of course GameFAQs for being the most useful game resources website since 19 99 (when I first discovered it!) and for its millions of contribuers. Thank you for reading my guide. Copyright 2012 Mallowigi One Piece: Gigant Battle 2 - Shinsekai: FAQ/Walkthrough by Mallowigi Version 1.0, Last Updated 2012-02-04 Hosted by GameFAQs Return to One Piece: Gigant Battle 2 - Shinsekai (DS) FAQs & Guides

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