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Influences of Aquatitan to Nerve Cells in the Peripheral and Central Nervous System

To answer the question how Aquatitan influences nerve cells in the peripheral and central nervous system; this research focuses on processes of pain perception and pain memory as well as possible effects of Aquatitan on human concentration span and concentration depth.

Methods: Prof. Dr. Martin Korte

(Director of the Zoology Institute, TU Braunschweig, Germany)

- Hippocampal and spinal cord slices - Single cell recording and population recordings (electrophysiology) - Psychological tests with human subjects on pain perception - Psychological tests with human subjects on concentration depth and attention span

- Aquatitan influences the neuronal activity in the central nervous system in a concentration dependent manner. - Aquatitan reduces the firing rate of neurons and lowers the resting membrane potentials of neurons in the spinal cord. - Aquatitan reduces synaptic plasticity in the spinal cord in pathways that mediate the cellular foundations of pain memory. - Aquatitan might increase the attention span and the concentration depth in humans.


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