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Honors American Literature Book Report Sheet

FIRST PARAGRAPHIn one sentence, give the books title, author, publication date & the number of pages. SECOND PARAGRAPHThis is the BIG HONKER! In this single paragraph, you need to completely recount the plot of the book. Give as much detail as possible, because if I cant tell you have read the book, you will lose a letter grade at least. So it is up to you to convince me that youve actually read the book!!!! If it is nonfiction, you just summarize the chapters in a few sentences per chapter. Again, give as much detail as possibleyou have to convince me that youve read it. This paragraph will be well over a page in length. THIRD PARAGRAPHThis paragraph (about 1/3 of a page) explains why the book is included on the list to be read (other than our library has it). Is its setting what made it be put on the list? Or the characters? Explain. In other wordsHow does this book relate to American Literature? What is in the book to make it eligible to be read for a book report in this class? FOURTH PARAGRAPHThis paragraph (about 1/3 of a page) deals with what you have learned by reading this book (and NO, the answer not much is not a valid one!!!). What have you learned about the countries were studying? The people? The culture? Be explicit, but not wordy. FIFTH PARAGRAPHThis is your evaluation paragraph. As in all the paragraphs, you need to take this seriously. NO, you do not need to have loved the book (although you should have chosen one you did enjoy). But if you dont (and I hope you do), it wont affect your grade. What you must do is explain WHY you love/like/dislike the book. Be explicit!

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