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Management Concepts Redefined

Management Productivity Planning

General Definition (At Present)

Getting things done Output centric Management by results

IEM Definition
Helping other people to produce extraordinary results People centric Management by strategy

Effective supervision
Motivation of people

Concern for task and not for people

Maslows Theory of Needs with some modifications

Produce performers. Help the subordinates to develop leadership quality

Emphasis on self-motivation, subordinates encouraged to be creative and given autonomy

Resources Health of the company Profitability

Reliance almost on external Reliance almost on internal resources resources Balance Sheet and P/L a/c; People oriented performance, money oriented environment friendly. Private public benefit In terms of money. Social In terms of good public image. costs not included in Social costs internalized. Trust of Balance Sheet customers and society Attention only on job enrichment Primary emphasis on mind enrichment

Hygiene factor Rights and duties

Emphasis on taking not on Emphasis on giving not on taking. giving. Rights become Duties given great importance and primary. Duties become Rights assume secondary value subsidiary Hierarchical Ultimately dependent on turnover of goods Organic evolution, autonomous Coordinating private and public benefit

Structure Growth


Set of inter-related elements working as a whole. More emphasis on quantity and objective aspect Keen competition to capture and retain demand, market driven economy Hygiene ignored factor.

Pattern of particular response expressed through organizational functioning. Equal emphasis on quality/quantity with emphasis on subjective aspect Through cooperation by playing complementary role. Social awareness in marketing


Job satisfaction

Creativity Through innovation, uniqueness, extraordinary result, trouble shooting


Functional skills, not value oriented and holistic

Machine dominates man as human being receives lip sympathy As per qualifications and experiences

Value oriented, holistic approach and equal emphasis on both (skills / values)
Man behind the machine given due regard. Healthy philosophy of life. Emotional stability More stress on natural inclination and character

Man machine equation Man Placement


Product quality by ISO, TQM, QC. Human value, quality plays minor role

Human quality, values, character, mind enrichment, whole man approach.

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