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Gas Mixture

Content: Composition of gas mixture P-v-T behavior of gas mixture Properties of gas mixture: Ideal and real gases

Composition of gas mixture

Gravimetric analysis Molar analysis

Conservati of mass : mm = mi on
i =1

Conservati of mass : N m = on mole fraction : therefore, yi =

i =1

mass fraction: therefore,

mfi =


mi mm


Ni Nm


Mm =

mm mi = = Nm Nm



= yi M i
i =1

N= mole number, M = molar mass

Rm =

Ru Mm

Ru=Universal gas const. = 8.313 kJ/kmolK

Example1 Consider a gas mixture which consists of 3 kg of O2, 5 kg of N2 , and 12 kg of CH4 . Determine (a) the mass fraction of each component, (b) the mole fraction of each component, and (c) the average molar mass and gas constant of the mixture. Solution
a)The total mass of the mixture is mm=mO2+mN2+mCH4= 3+5+12 kg
3 kg O2 5 kg N2 12 kg CH4

The mass fraction of each component becomes:

mf O 2 =

mO 2 3kg = = 0.15, mf N 2 = 0.25 mm 20kg


mf CH 4 = 0.60

b) To find the mole fractions,

NO2 =

mO 2 3kg = = 0.094kmol , N N 2 = 0.179kmol and N CH 4 = 0.750kmol M O 2 32kg / kmol

b) To find the mole fractions,

N m = N O 2 + N N 2 + N CH 4 = 1.023kmol
yO 2 = N O 2 0.094kmol = = 0.092, y N 2 = 0.175 and N m 1.023kmol

yCH 4 = 0.733

(c) the average molar mass and gas constant of the mixture

Mm =

mm 20kg = = 19.6kg / kmol N m 1.023kmol

3 kg O2 5 kg N2 12 kg CH4

R 8.314kJ / kmolK Rm = u = = 0.424kJ / kgK Mm 19.6kg / kmol

P-v-T Behavior of Gas Mixture

Daltons law of additive pressure : Dalton The pressure of a gas mixture (Pm) is equal to the sum (P of the pressures each gas would exert if it existed alone at the mixture temperature and volume.

Pm = Pi (Tm , Vm )
i =1

where Pi is component pressure of gas i

Pi is pressure fraction of gas i Pm

P-v-T Behavior of Gas Mixture

Amagats law of additive volumes : Amagat The volume of a gas mixture (Vm) is equal to the sum of the volume each gas would occupy if it existed alone at the mixture temperature and pressure.

Vm = Vi (Tm , Pm )
i =1

where Vi is component volume of gas i Vi is volume fraction of gas i Vm

Ideal Gas Mixtures

Ideal Gas Eqn. of State PV = NRuT for the mixture; PmVm = N m RuTm (a) (b) for gas i (Dalton' s law); PiVm = N i RuTm Then

Pi N = i = yi (mole fraction) Pm N m (c) Vi N = i = yi (mole fraction) Vm N m Pi Vi N = = i = yi Pm Vm N m (12.8)

for gas i (Amagat's law); PmVi = N i RuTm Then Therefore,

Then partial pressure of gas i (Pi, Component pressure) = yiPm partial volume of gas i (Vi, Component volume) = yiVm

Ideal Gas and Compressibility Factor

(Background from Thermo. I) The deviation of actual gas from ideal-gas behavior can idealbe corrected by the compressibility factor, Z


Pv or Pv = ZRT RT


The Z factor for all gases is approximate the same at the same reduced pressure, PR and reduced temperature, TR

vactual videal

and videal = RT / P

PR =

Z, PR and TR can be found in Table A-15 and Tcr and Pcr from ATable A-1 A-

P T and TR = Pcr Tcr

Real Gas Mixtures

Ideal Gas Eqn. of State PV = ZNRuT for the mixture; PmVm = Z m N m RuTm Pm = Pi
i =1 k k

for gas i (Dalton' s law); PiVm = Z i N i RuTm and Therefore,

Z m = yi Z i
i =1

Vm = Vi
i =1

Zm can be determined from both Daltons and Amagats Law.

Compressibility Factor of Gas Mixture (Zm)

Amagats law find Zi (table A-15) for each gas

from in the mixture from their TR and PR and
Z m = yi Z i
i =1 k

Daltons law find Zi (table A-15) for each gas in

the mixture from their VR and PR and Z m = yi Z i
i =1 k

Then Zm are different from different Laws. Amagats law is more accurate because intermolecular forces already consider.

Compressibility Factor Approached

K ey's R ule: Pcr,m = Tcr,m =

i =1 i


(12.11a) (12.11b)

i =1 i


W here: Pcr,i and Tcr,i can be determ ined in T able A-1 Pcr,m = Pseudocritical Pressrue Tcr,m = Pseudocritical T em perature T hen, T R = Tm Tcr , m and PR = Pm Pcr , m

Then, Zm is easily to determined by using these psueocritical properties TR,m and PR,m (Table A-15).

Example 2 A rigid tank contains 2 kmol of N2 and 6 kmol of CO2 gases at 300 K and 15 MPa. Estimate the volume MPa. of the tank on the basis of (a) the ideal gas equation of state, (b) Keys Rule, (c) Compressibility factor and Key Amagats law, and (d) compressibility factor and Amagat Daltons law. Dalton Solution (a) the ideal gas , (b) Keys Rule, 1.330 m3 0.652 m3

(c) Z and Amagats law 0.638 m3 (d) Z and Daltons law. 0.648 m3

Properties of Ideal Gas Mixtures

Extensive properties of gas mixtures

U m = U i = mi u i = N i u i H m = H i = mi h i = N i h i S m = Si = mi s i = N i s i
Heat capacities of gas mixtures
_ _

c p ,m = c p ,i = mi c p ,i = N i c p ,i

cv ,m = cv ,i = mi cv ,i = N i cv ,i

Properties Change of Ideal Gas Mixtures

U m = U i = mi u i = N i u i or (U 2 U1 ) m = mi (u2 u1 ) i = C v ,m dT
i T1 T2 _

H m = H i = mi h i = N i h i or ( H 2 H1 ) m = mi (h2 h1 ) i = C p ,m dT
i T1 T2

or ( S 2 S1 ) m = mi ( s2 s1 ) i
i T2

S m = Si = mi s i = N i s i

= mi C p ,i d (ln T ) mi Ri ln
i T1 i

pi ,1 pi , 2

Example 3 An insulated rigid tank is devided into two compartments by a partition. One compartment contains 7 kg of oxygen gas at 40oC and 100 kPa, and the other component contains 4 kg of nitrogen gas at 20oC and 150 kPa. Now the partition is removed, and the two gases are allowed to mix. Determine, (a) the mixture temperature, and (b) the mixture pressure after equilibrium has been established. Solution

a) The energy balance for the system (no heat transferred to/from the tank):

Ein Eout = Esystem

[mcv (Tm T1 )]N 2 + [mcv (Tm T1 )]O 2 = 0

Tm = 32.2 o C

0 = U = U N 2 + U O 2

(b) the mixture pressure can be calculated from ideal-gas relation:

PmVm = N m RuTm
NO2 = NN2 = mO 2 7 kg = = 0.219kmol M O 2 32kg / kmol mN 2 4kg = = 0.143kmol M N 2 28kg / kmol

N m = N O 2 + N N 2 = 0.362kmol
VO 2 NR T (0.219)(8.314)(313) = u 1 = = 5.70m 3 P 100 1 O 2

Pm =

N m RuTm = 114.4kPa Vm

NR T (0.143)(8.314)(293) = 2.32m 3 VN 2 = u 1 = P 150 1 N 2 Vm = VO 2 + VN 2 = 8.02m 3

Example 4 An ideal-gas mixture has the following volumetric analysis Component % by Volume N2 60 CO2 40 (a) Find the analysis on a mass basis. For ideal-gas mixtures, the percent by volume is the volume fraction. Recall yi = vi / vm Component N2 CO2 Mi yiMi kg/kmol kg/kmol 0.60 28 16.8 0.40 44 17.6 Mm = yi Mi = 34.4 yi mfi = yiMi /Mm kgi/kgm 0.488 0.512

(b) What is the mass of 1 m3 of this gas when P = 1.5 MPa and T = 30oC?
Rm = Ru Mm 8.314 ( kJ / kg K )

kJ kmol K = 0.242 kJ kg kg K 34.4 kmol

mm = =

PmVm RmTm

15 MPa (1m3 ) 103 kJ . (0.242 kJ / ( kg K ))(30 + 273) K m3 MPa = 20.45 kg

(c) Find the specific heats at 300 K. Using Table A-2, Cp N2 = 1.039 kJ/kgK and Cp CO2 = 0.846 kJ/kgK
C p , m = mf i C p ,i = (0.488)(1039) + (0.512)(0.846) .
1 2

= 0.940

kJ kgm K

Cv , m = C p , m Rm = ( 0.940 0.242) = 0.698 kJ kgm K

kJ kgm K

(d) This gas is heated in a steady-flow process such that the temperature is increased by 120oC. Find the required heat transfer. The conservation of mass and energy for steady-flow are
& & & m1 = m2 = m & & & m1h1 + Qin = m2 h2 & & Q = m(h h )
in 2 1

& = mC p , m (T2 T1 )

The heat transfer per unit mass flow is

qin = & Qin = C p , m (T2 T1 ) & m kJ = 0.940 (120 K ) kgm K = 112.8 kJ kgm


(e) This mixture undergoes an isentropic process from 0.1 MPa, 30oC, to 0.2 MPa. Find T2.
. The ratio of specific heats for the mixture is k = Cp,m = 0.698 = 1347 v ,m Assuming constant properties for the isentropic process C 0.940

(f) Find Sm per kg of mixture when the mixture is compressed isothermally from 0.1 MPa to 0.2 MPa.

But, the compression process is isothermal, T2 = T1. The partial pressures are given by
Pi = yi Pm

The entropy change becomes For this problem the components are already mixed before the compression process. So, yi , 2 = yi ,1


sm = mfi si
i =1

. = (0488 . = 0167

kgN2 kgm

)(0206 .

kgCO2 kJ kJ ) + (0512 . )(0131 . ) kgN2 K kgm kgCO2 K

kJ kgm K

Why is sm negative for this problem? Find the entropy change using the average specific heats of the mixture. Is your result the same as that above? Should it be?

(g) Both the N2 and CO2 are supplied in separate lines at 0.2 MPa and 300 K to a mixing chamber and are mixed adiabatically. The resulting mixture has the composition as given in part (a). Determine the entropy change due to the mixing process per unit mass of mixture.


Take the time to apply the steady-flow conservation of energy and mass to show that the temperature of the mixture at state 3 is 300 K.

But the mixing process is isothermal, T3 = T2 = T1. The partial pressures are given by The entropy change becomes
Pi = yi Pm

But here the components are not mixed initially. So,

y N 2 ,1 = 1

and in the mixture state 3, Then,

yCO2 , 2 = 1
y N 2 , 3 = 0.6 yCO2 , 3 = 0.4


sm = mf i si
i =1 2

= (0.488 = 0163 .

kg N 2 kgm

)(0152 .

kJ kg N 2 K

) + (0.512

kgCO2 kgm

)(0173 .

kJ kgCO2 K

kJ kgm K

If the process is adiabatic, why did the entropy increase?

Extra Assignment Nitrogen and carbon dioxide are to be mixed and allowed to flow through a convergent nozzle. The exit velocity to the nozzle is to be the speed of sound for the mixture and have a value of 500 m/s when the nozzle exit temperature of the mixture is 500C. Determine the required mole fractions of the nitrogen and carbon dioxide to produce this mixture. From Chapter 17, the speed of sound is given by C = kRT
Mixture N2 and CO2

C = 500 m/s T = 500oC

Answer: yN2 = 0.589, yCO2 = 0.411


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