Curriculum Topic Study: 6 Grade - Integers Standards-And Research-Based Study of A Curricular Topic

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Curriculum Topic Study

6th Grade Integers Standards- and Research-Based Study of a Curricular Topic

Section and Outcome Selected Sources and Readings for Study and Reflection Current Research on Topic

I. Identify The main ideas presented in these readings have to do with what Adult Content conceptual understanding adults should have about integers. Specifically, Knowledge adults should be able to conceptually understand what negative numbers are, and be able to think of them using a number line with zero at the center, and positive integers to the right and negative integers to the left. It also discusses what computational skills adults should have, either with basic number skills or calculator skills. One content area I improved my understanding of was explaining conceptually why two negative integer multiplied together gives you a positive integer. I guess Ive just always relied on the rule of two negatives multiplied or divided results in a positive, and havent taken the time to conceptually understand why this is the case. I found that the example provided in Beyond Numeracy using money and time to explain conceptually why this is the case was interesting and very helpful. The reading also utilized the concepts of sea level and profit/debt to explain positive and negative integers. Other new insight I gained from these readings was just how much importance is placed on calculator skills. This makes sense, being that calculators are so readily available now in days, and that teachers should understand that students are more likely to reach for a calculator rather than do the computation by hand. Since this is the case, it is important for students to be able to correctly use calculators, and to know when the answer provided by the calculator is reasonable. IA: Science for All Americans All adults should be able to have a strong conceptual understanding of negative numbers, and think of negative numbers in terms of a number line. A number line lays consecutive integers at equal intervals along a straight line centered at zero, with positive integers to the right of zero, and negative integers to the left of zero. This complete range allows any number on the number line to be subtracted from any other and still give an answer. The reading also discusses what computational skills adults should have. Both basic number skills and calculator skills are important for developing good problem solving skills in students. For basic number skills, adults should

readily be able to calculate the sums, differences and products of whole numbers 1-10; know the decimal equivalents of key fractions; understand the relation between decimals, fractions, and percentages; and know the relations among 10, 100, 1000, 1 million, and 1 billion. In addition, adults should also be able to add any two numbers that have two digits each, and multiply or divide any number by 2, 10, and 100. For calculator skills, adults should be able to use a calculator to add, subtract, multiply, and divide any two whole or decimal numbers; find the decimal equivalent for a fraction; calculate percentages; find the reciprocal of any number; determine rates from magnitudes; calculate circumferences and areas; find the mean of a set of data; determine by numerical substitution the value of simple algebraic expressions; and convert compound units. In addition, the reading says that everyone should also be able to read and follow step-by-step directions given in calculator manuals; make up and write out simple algorithms for solving problems that take several steps; figure out what the unit of the answer will be; round off the number appearing in the calculator to an answer that is justified by what was inputted; and judge whether an answer is reasonable by comparing it to an estimated answer. This reading helps explain what a K-12 education is aiming towards. For negative numbers, students should not just be able to perform computations with negative numbers, but also understand how they are used in real life, with examples such as sea level, income, temperature, and times. For computation, students need repeated experiences with computations in meaningful contexts to foster higher-level skill of judging when computations should be made in ones head or on paper, versus when one should utilize a computer or calculator. For calculator skills in particular, there are many advantages to utilizing these tools, but students should start using them as early as possible and in as many different subjects as possible. IB: Beyond Numeracy The reading introduced negative integers, and how they are used in multiplication. The author states that negative numbers arent necessarily difficult for students, but it can be hard for students to conceptualize the rules they learn about multiplying positive and negative numbers specifically why two negative numbers, when multiplied together, equals a positive. The majority of the reading was dedicated to explaining in a conceptual way why a number is negative or positive when two integers are multiplied. It uses the example of stashing money on a weekly basis under your mattress. If you store $100 each week, 5 weeks from now you will have $500 more dollars (5 X $100) and 3 weeks ago you had $300 dollars less (-3 X $100). The example then goes on to say in the distant future, you begin to take out $100 each week. So, in 5 weeks, you will have $500 dollars less than what you do now (5 X -100) and 3 weeks ago, you had $300 dollars more than what you do now (-3

X -100). I think that this is a great example that not only helps explain to students the concept in an interesting, comprehensible way, but it also helps students understand how this math can be used in everyday situations. . II. Consider Instructional Implications

The reading provides many suggestions for effective instruction with numbers. For example, for students to gain confidence in using math to solve problems and communicating ideas, the curriculum should be designed by the teacher so that the roles that numbers play in different activities (such as sports, lotteries, and coding) are discussed. In addition, teachers should allot a certain amount of class time to examine more interesting math concepts, such as negative numbers, pi, and prime. Finally, It is highly advised that the numbers used in problem solving frequently come from actual measurements so that they provide opportunities for students to work on problems that interest them, engage them, and demonstrate math being used in a real world context. There are also suggestions provided for effective instruction with computation and estimation. The reading states that repeated computational practice does not guarantee problem-solving abilities in real situations for students. Instead, teachers should make sure problems come from real life concepts rather than the abstract. This way, computational skills can still be learned, but within a context that can relate to the students. In addition, the reading states that since being able to estimate an answer is just as valuable as the actual calculation itself. Therefore, in order to make sure students learn estimation skills, teachers should make sure students have plenty of practice with developing estimation skills. Finally, calculators and computers are great tools for students, but it is advised that they are used skillfully and with understanding. Therefore, it is suggested that students start using them as early as possible, and within many different contexts. The reading does mention some difficulties students may have with this material. For example, calculators and computers do not compensate for human reasoning errors or poor mathematics. Therefore, students need to make sure their answer makes sense in the context given. However, many students trust whatever answer their calculator gives them. The reading also talks about how multiplying and dividing fractions and decimals can be challenging to students due to conceptual problems, which lead students to making mistakes about the magnitude of a product or quotient. Teachers should therefore check to see if students have these misconceptions to help develop their understanding. One of the suggestions the reading makes is using everyday experiences that are effective in learning the topic. For example, the reading emphasizes making each number in a multiplication or division problem have meaning, in other words, put them in the context of word problems. One context they used for multiplication is which is cheaper, buying 5 movie tickets at $7 each,

or buying 6 movie tickets at $6 each. IIA: Benchmarks for Science Literacy The general essay on Numbers explains that the K-12 big picture view and the goal of school experiences with numbers not only is to help students develop an appreciation of the beauty and versatility of numbers, but also to advance their number sense. This is what allows literate people to judge when math reasoning makes sense, when the results are realistic and how one can use math to solve problems and communicate different ideas. The general essay on Computation and Estimation explains how the K-12 big picture for this section is that computation skills alone are not enough to develop a strong number sense. Rather, students should be presented math problems in real world contexts so that they can develop their problem-solving ability and practice estimation skills, which are just as valuable, if not more so, than computation skills. It supports this with the fact that in the real world, there is no need for people to make a calculation if it is already known or easily available (calculators), but people should be able to make estimations about the answer, and check their answer against reality and if it makes sense in the context. Computers and calculators are then important due to the fact that they can extend a persons mathematical skills and capabilities, given that they are being used appropriately. IIB: NCTM Principles and Standards for School Mathematics The readings from the NCTM Principles and Standards for School Mathematics focused on instruction of Number and Operations. The essays, tasks, and student work help demonstrate what aspects of this topic are important for instruction. Overall, during K-12 instruction in number and operations should enable all students to understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number systems; understand meanings of operations and how they relate to one another; and to compute fluently and make reasonable estimates. Specifically, in grades Pre-K 2, students develop from being able to recognize two fingers is 2, to solving problems with multi-digit computation strategies. Teachers should help students during this time develop strategies that they understand when computing operations with numbers. In addition, students work with numbers should be connected to their work in other topics. During this time, students also begin to develop their number sense. This means that teachers should provide students with different models to represent numbers, and should choose tasks that are interesting and engaging to students. Students also begin to develop understanding of place value through the strategies they invent to compute during this time. Finally, teachers should help students recognize that solving one kind of problem is

related to solving another kind, which allows students to better understand different operations and their properties. For grades 3-5, students continue to develop their number sense, focusing more on multiplication and division, and continue their understanding of the number system to fractions and decimals as well as whole numbers. By the end of the 5th grade, students should be able to solving problems involving whole-number computation and should recognize that each operation can be used to solve a variety of problems. They should also be able to solve many problems mentally and estimate a result for a problem. In order to achieve these goals, teachers should help students develop and select appropriate computational tools based on the problem presented to the student. As estimation continues to play an important part, teachers should also emphasize using estimation techniques along with computation. Finally, as more focus is placed on multiplication and division, teachers should emphasize exactly what each number means in multiplication and division problems, most successfully by use of word problems. Overall, for grades 6-8 (the grade that we will be teaching), students need to critically understand what everything means, and be able to apply that knowledge. In other words, these grades are dedicated to development of what they Specifically, students should deepen their understanding of fractions, decimals, percents, and integers, and proficient in using them to solve problems. Students also continue to build on their prior knowledge when studying rational numbers. Teachers can help develop these skills in students by presenting problems that require flexible thinking. By the end of 8th grade, students should know that the number line can be extended to include negative numbers, and that they are often used when something can be measured on either side of some reference point (for example time, ground level, temperature, and budgets). Finally, for grades 9-12, students use their understanding of numbers and operations as a foundation for furthering their knowledge in subjects like algebra. Students should be entering high school with an understanding of the basic operations and fluency in using them on integers, fractions, and decimals. They should also have a complete understanding of the concept of a number system, and how different number systems are related. Finally, teachers should help students develop a better sense of when an answer requires a rough estimate, an approximation, or an exact answer.

III. Identify Concepts and Specific Ideas

One of the learning goals mentioned in the reading that aligns well with Integers is that by 8th grade, students should know that a number line can be extended on the other side of zero to represent negative numbers. These negative numbers are used when something can be measured on either side of some reference point (for example, time, ground level, temperature, or budget).

The main concepts that make up the learning goals for Integers are an understanding of what constitutes as an integer, how they are used in different operations (for example, how to multiply and divide integers which is what we will be teaching), and how they are used in real life contexts, (for example, budget, temperature, and ground level). These learning goals are important in helping determine what you can eliminate or place less emphasis on because it shows how the three standards develop from K-12, and what is key knowledge students will need in the future, versus something that wont be further developed later on in school. The learning goals in the Benchmarks are very similar to the ideas in Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. Some of the differences between the two sets of goals are that for Benchmarks, the goals are more oriented around very specific skills students should have, whereas Principles and Standards for School Mathematics gives more general goals that build upon what students already know, and acts as the foundation for learning goals students will meet in high school. In addition, Principles and Standards for School Mathematics greatly emphasizes being able to make reasonable estimates as one of its learning goals, whereas although Benchmarks does mention the importance of estimation skills, it isnt one of the key goals for students. IIIA: Benchmarks for Science Literacy No Additional Questions to use with IIIA: Benchmarks for Science Literacy. IIIB: NCTM Principles and Standards for School Mathematics There are three standards that are related to the Number and Operations reading. First, students should be able to understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number systems. Second, students should be able to understand meanings of operations and how they relate to one another. Finally, students should be able to compute fluently and make reasonable estimates. The expectations help clarify what the standard involves for those grades by specifically stating what skills students should exhibit at that time. For example, under understand meanings of operations and how they relate to one another for grades 6-8, it gives specific skills students should be able to do, such as use the associative and commutative properties of addition and multiplication and the distributive property of multiplication over addition to simplify computations with integers, fractions, and decimals.

IV. Examine Research on

IVA: Benchmarks for Science Literacy

Student Learning

There is no research available for Benchmarks. IVB: Research Companion There is no research available for Research Companions.

V. Examine Coherency and Articulation

V: Atlas of Science Literacy The concept map for ratios and proportionality shows how students understanding progresses along three strands of benchmarks that address the relationship between parts and wholes, experience with and understanding of numerical descriptions and comparisons, and basic computation skills relevant to ratios and proportions. The concept map starts with the benchmarks related to this topic that are expected of students in grades K-2, and then through a series of arrows shows how this knowledge progresses through the years, and what will be assessed in each grade by including the benchmarks for those years. For example, one of the benchmarks assessed in grades K-2 is making sure students know that an important kind of relationship between things is when one thing is a part of a whole. One of the arrows branching off from this goes towards fractions are numbers that we use to stand for a part of something, which then goes to the expression a/b can mean different things: a parts of size 1/b each, a divided by b, or a compared to b, which is assessed in grades 6-8. From this, students should be able to use ratios and proportions, including constant rates, in appropriate problems by grades 912. By diagramming the concept this way, teachers can see how a concept develops from basic ideas and knowledge into a sophisticated understanding of the concept in grades 9-12, and what prerequisite knowledge a student will need in order to be successful with a benchmark halfway through the map. There are many connections among ideas in ratios and proportions. The arrows in the concept map shows which benchmarks and ideas connect to one another within the topic. For example, fractions are numbers we use to stand for a part of something, which is under the parts and wholes strand, has an arrow going to being able to use fractions and decimals, translating when necessary between decimals and commonly encountered fractions, which is under the computation strand. This demonstrates just how interconnected conceptual understanding and procedural understanding are. Specifically, students need to conceptually understand what a fraction is to be able to correctly use decimals and fractions in computations. The concept map also shows connections between ratios and proportions and different content areas outside of ratios and proportions, and these connections are present at each grade level group. For example, with K-2 teachers could connect students being able to describe and compare things in terms of their number, shape, texture, size, weight, color, and motion with

scientific investigations. By showing how these skills are applicable in science as well, students may become more engaged in what they are learning and motivated to learn. Another example is in grades 6-8 for the benchmark the expression a/b can mean different things: a parts of size 1/b each, a divided by b, or a compared to b. This is connected to statistical reasoning and correlations. Statistics has an abundance of practical applications, and by demonstrating how fractions are used in the real world, students can better cement their conceptual understanding. The map is structured in such a way that it is easy to see the K-12 vertical articulation of student learning in proportions and ratios. Each strand of benchmarks for student understanding of ratios and proportionality parts and wholes, description and comparison, and computation all show how student learning progresses over time. This structure also allows teachers to see what prerequisite ideas are necessary for learning a specific benchmark. For example, the idea that shapes can match exactly or have the same shape in different sizes is needed before students can conceptually understand the more general statement that two variables can have the same difference, or the same ratio. The conceptual strands in this map help me think about how to coherently organize the concepts and skills for proportions and ratios. Teachers should relate the new knowledge that they are teaching students on ratios and proportions with what, according to this map, they already know. For example, teachers should take advantage of the fact that students should know that there is an important kind of relationship between tings when one thing is a part of a whole when explaining what fractions are, and what we use them for. By doing this, teachers can help students develop the connections between ideas in this concept map. The map and the narrative section on ratios and proportionality helped me improve my overall understanding of this topic. It not only showed me the progression of student learning and understanding for this topic, but also showed me how these ideas are interconnected, and how they can apply to areas outside of ratios and proportions.

VI. Clarify State Standards and District Curriculum

VIA: State Standards For our lesson on multiplying and dividing integers, the following Florida State Standards were assessed: Body of Knowledge: Algebra Big Idea: BIG IDEA 3 Develop an understanding of operations on all rational numbers and solving linear equations. Cognitive Complexity: Level 2: Basic Application of Skills & Concepts Benchmark: MA.7.A.3.2 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers,

fractions, and terminating decimals, and perform exponential operations with rational bases and whole number exponents including solving problems in everyday contexts. Some learning goals in the state standards that are integral to learning multiplication and division of integers is an understanding of integers, by aid of a number line, where zero is at the center, and positive and negative integers are on either side. Students also should know how to multiply and divide whole numbers, since these skills carry over to multiplication and division of integers. Reading Sections I through V helped me better understand the meaning and intent of this standard by showing what the key goal of a K-12 learning of this topic is aiming at. VIB: District Curriculum Guide Some concepts students need to understand before learning multiplication and division of integers is an understanding of integers, by aid of a number line, where zero is at the center, and positive and negative integers are on either side. Students also should know how to multiply and divide whole numbers, since these skills carry over to multiplication and division of integers. I think a gap in the standard is student understanding of why the sign on the product or quotient is what it is, in order to keep students from just memorizing rules. The study results help me see why certain lessons in the curriculum need to be taught and cannot be skipped over because so much of math learned, especially in grades 6-8 the students we are teaching acts as a foundation for future learning. The Atlas clearly shows just how much this topic builds on itself. This also shows how some topics need to be revisited later on. For example, some students in our class still have trouble with multiplication and division, and therefore this will hold them back when trying to learn this new lesson on multiplication and division of integers.

Perri and I chose the Curriculum Topic Study on Integers since we will be teaching a lesson on multiplying and dividing integers. This lesson will come from the benchmark MA.7.A.3.2: Add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers, fractions, and terminating decimals, and perform exponential operations with rational bases and whole number exponents including solving problems in everyday contexts. Completing this Curriculum Topic Study has help Perri

and myself in the development of our PBI unit. Although many of the reading had little to do with our lesson, I did learn a great deal about integers, and what students should already know before we teach. From this knowledge, I can better develop my PBI unit because I will know what students will (or at least should) walk in the door knowing, and what they will need to know and have a solid foundational knowledge of for the future. There was plenty new knowledge and insights that I gained by completing this Curriculum Topic Study. For example, the Beyond Numeracy reading mentioned how many students have trouble conceptually understanding why two negative integers multiplied or divided give you a positive integer. Upon reading this, I noticed that I couldnt readily explain why either, realizing I had just always used the rule I learned in middle school that two negatives equal a positive. The example provided in the reading that used money over a duration of time to explain the rules students normally learn for multiplying and dividing integers is a great way to explain the content in a way that makes sense to students (and me). In addition, the reading also discussed just how important it is for students to develop good estimation skills, and for it to become a natural step for them before they do the actual computation. This is a great thing to keep in mind while we write our PBI unit, since the focus of the lesson will be multiplying and dividing integers. Students can avoid ending up with the wrong answer by first thinking of an approximation of what the answer should be. If students estimate that 9 X -5 is around -50, since 9 rounds up to 10 and 10 X -5 = -50, but then compute the answer to be -14, they can and will hopefully stop to see why their estimate was so off, and check to see if the computation was wrong. Finally, many of the readings talked about how important calculators and computers are for students to use as tools, especially since once in

the real world, they will most likely be using these instead of doing the computations themselves. It stressed having students use calculators in a variety of different situations, and from an early age so that they can familiarize themselves with them and avoid making errors. Although this was new knowledge for me, it seems to go against the whole point of our lesson, which is to teach students how to multiply and divide these integers on their own, instead of with a calculator. Perhaps we can still encourage calculator skills by having students check their calculations with a calculator. I feel as if I have greatly developed my understanding of what students need to know about integers through this CTS. I now know what students need to learn about integers so that they can be successful in later math courses. I still feel like I need more information on our actual lesson. There was no actual research done on students learning about multiplication and division of integers, I am not sure what misconceptions our students will face during the lesson, or what suggestions have been made for instruction.

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