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Child Abuse

Michael Newman, Flint Mu and Malcolm Chan

What are the problems?

Child Labour Child Soldiers Child Trafficking

Child Labour
In many third world countries, children from underprivileged families are often sent to factories, farms etc to work. The condition can often be awful and there is a high chance of getting injured or killed. These children are usually underpaid.

Child soldiers
In many countries plagued by war, a major problem is that the army is not getting enough soldiers. To that, they draft children to be used as soldiers. In the Gaza strip (Israel/Palestine), children as young as 9 are shown on documentary films to hold pistols. There are 51,000 child soldiers in Sri Lanka. Other than males, females are also drafted into the army 43% of those 51,000 are girls. Other countries using female child soldiers include Columbia, Pakistan, Uganda, the Philippines and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). In the DRC there are 12,500 female soldiers.

Child Trafficking
Children from third world countries are often abducted to be sold to other countries for money. These children are likely to never see their family again. These children usually end up as workers in factories, the sexual industry or as jockeys.

Which rights are broken?

The articles coloured red are broken in Child abuse issues. Thats 60% of all of the articles in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Where is it a problem?
Child issues are a problem here:

Where is it a problem?
In particular, it is a problem in these places: Australia Hong Kong China America Indonesia Thailand Africa Most of SE Asia

What has the UN done about Child issues?

List here the things the UN has done about the problems, with explanations for each.

What can we do about it?

List what we can do about it in detail.

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