Revenue Budget: Description Detail Amount

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Revenue Budget

Description Hospital revenue Laboratory revenue Pharmacy revenue Procedures revenue Cafeteria revenue Others (parking fee, etc) Total Detail 535 clients monthly 348 clients monthly 535 clients monthly 329 clients monthly 1605 clients monthly 535 clients monthly Amount 2,675,000 php 4,176,000 php 1,605,000 php 9, 870,000 php 481,500 php 50,750 php 18, 858, 250 php

Expense Budget
Description Payroll Medical Practitioners salary (Senior Consultant) Medical Practitioners salary (Junior Consultant) Medical Practitioners salary (Medical Officer) Nurses salary (head nurse) Nurses salary (senior) Nurses salary (junior) Nursing attendants salary Laboratory technicians salary Nutritionist salary Information Technology Staff Cook salary Cafeteria staff salary Receptionists salary Maintenance salary Security Services Janitorial Services Parking Staff Utilities Medical supplies Electricity Water Food Others (gas, fuel, etc) Tax Total 20% of the total revenue 1 3 3 1 7 12 9 4 2 2 2 5 2 2 6 5 3 Detail Amount 80,000 php = 80, 000 php 60,000 php = 180, 000 php 50,000 php = 150,000 php 35,000 php = 35, 000 php 28,000 php = 196,000 php 21,000 php = 252,000 php 15,000 php = 135,000 php 18,000 php = 72,000 php 32,000 php = 64,000 php 15,000 php = 30,000 php 14,000 php = 28,000 php 12,000 php = 60,000 php 12, 000 php = 24,000 php 12,000 php = 24,000 php 12,000 php = 72,000 php 12,000 php = 60,000 php 12,000 php = 36,000 php

500,000 php 115,000 php 15,000 php 65,000 php 35,000 php 2228000 3,771,650 php 5,999,650 php

Cash Budget
Revenue Expense Cash Excess 18, 858, 250 php 5,999,650 php 12,858,600 php

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