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Using the zero conditional

The zero conditional is used to talk about things which are always true such as scientific facts and general truths:

main clause if clause If you heat water to 100 degrees, main clause it boils. Water boils degrees.

if clause if you heat it to 100

Ex: If it rains, the grass gets wet.

People (get) fat, if they (eat) junk food. 2. If a person (practise) sports, he or she always (feel) good. Wood doesn't burn if there is no air.3.If the sun (rise) high, it (become) very hot. 4. Plants (die), if it (do) not rain. 5. If children (not/get) enough sleep at night, they (get) tired all day.

if people ____(eat) too much, they ________(get) fat. If you ________(touch) a fire, you __________(get) burned. People _________(die) if they ___________(not eat). You ________(get) water if you_______( mix) hydrogen and oxygen. Snakes ________(bite) if they _________(to be) scared If babies __________(to be) hungry, they ____________(cry).

First conditional If + present simple . will + infinitive

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

If you ________________ ( eat) greasy food, you will become fat. 2. If your sister goes to Paris, she ______________ (have)a good time. 3. If he _______________( do) that, he will be sorry. 4. If I leave now, I ______________ ( arrive) in New York by 8:00 PM. You _____________ ( not do) on your test if you don't study. 6. They won't know the truth if you ______________(not tell) them. If you don't go to the party, I _____________ ( to be) very upset. If you get a haircut, you ______________ ( look)much better.

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