Data LinkProtocols

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Data-Link Protocols

Data-Link Protocol Functions Line discipline coordinates hop-to-hop data delivery where a hop is a computer, a network controller, or some type of network-connecting device, such as router It determines which device is transmitting and which is receiving at any point in time Flow control the rate at which data is transported over a link --provides an acknowledgement mechanism that data is received at the destination --regulate flow of data from sender to receiver Error control detects and corrects transmission errors Framing recognizing beginning and end of frames (blocks, packets) Line discipline ENQ/ACK:

Example of ENQ/ACK line discipline POLL/SELECT:

Example of poll/select line discipline Flow control Stop-and-Wait flow control Source transmits frame Destination receives frame and replies with acknowledgement Source waits for ACK before sending next frame Destination can stop flow by not send ACK Works well for a few large frames

Example of Stop-and-Wait flow control Sliding Window flow control

Error Control Detection and correction of errors Lost frames Damaged frames Techniques for error control (Automatic repeat request) --Error detection --Positive acknowledgment

--Retransmission after timeout --Negative acknowledgement and retransmission

Character- and Bit-Oriented Data-Link Protocols 1) Character-oriented protocol Based on one byte (8-bit) Use ASCII for control character Not efficient 2) Bit-oriented protocol Based on individual bits One or multiple bits for control More efficient Data Transmission Modes 1) Character Mode In character mode, character codes are transmitted immediately after an operator depresses a key. The character is sent asynchronously because transmissions are not synchronized with the speed of the operators key strokes and operators type at different speeds. When an operator is not typing, the terminal is in the idle state. 2) Block Mode In the block mode, data characters are not transmitted immediately as they are typed. Operators enter characters into their terminals and PCs where they are stored in buffers and displayed on the screen. When an operator is ready to transmit the information displayed on the screen, he or she depresses the Enter, Send, or Return key, which transmits all the data characters previously entered into memory. The characters transmitted as a group is called a block or frame of data. The block mode of transmission is more appropriate for multi-drop data communications circuits operating in a polling environment. Asynchronous Data-link Protocols Asynchronous protocols treat each character in a bit stream independently. Asynchronous protocols, used primarily in modems, feature start and stop bits and variable length gaps between characters. Due to its inherent slowness (stemming from the required addition of start and stop bits and extended spaces between frames), asynchronous transmission is being replaced by highspeed synchronous transmission. XMODEM In 1979 Ward Christiansen designed a file transfer protocol for telephone-line communication between PCs. half-duplex stop-and-wait ARQ protocol

XMODEM frame format SOH(Start of Header) : 1 byte Header : 2 byte(Sequence number, check the validity of sequence number) Data(Binary, ASCII, Boolean, Text, etc.) : 128 byte CRC : check for error in the data field Data Frame ACK Frame NACK Frame: In XMODEM protocol, transmission begins with the sending of a NACK frame from the receiver to the sender. CAN (cel) Frame aborts the transmission YMODEM ~ is a protocol similar to XMODEM data unit is 1024 bytes Two CAN (cancel) characters are sent to abort a transmission ITU-T CRC-16 is used for error checking Multiple files can be sent simultaneously and acknowledged with a single ACK or NAK characeter ZMODEM ~ is a newer protocol combining features of both XMODEM and YMODEM BLAST(Blocked Asynchronous Transmission) ~ is full-duplex with sliding window flow control Kermit ~ designed at Columbia University ~ is the most widely used asynchronous protocol IBMs 83B Asynchronous Data-Link Protocol Identical to old Western Electric companys 8A1/8B1 Service Calling System Designed for multi-drop private-line data circuits using an asynchronous data format and asynchronous modems Designed for central-controlled multipoint data circuit with a polling environment The primary station is the host and the remote stations are the secondaries Uses vertical redundancy checking as the error-detection technique and either symbol substitution or ARQ for error correction Remote stations with 83B protocol may be in one of four operating modes 1) Line monitoring simply monitors messages on the circuit looking for transmission with its polling or selection address Station is neither transmitting nor receiving data 2) Transmit

The station will be in master mode, can send formatted messages, or acknowledgements 3) Receive Selected by primary station and designated as a receiver The secondary can receive formatted messages, polls or acknowledgements from the primary station 4) Local For a terminal operator to enter information into his or her computer terminal, it must be in the local mode Set into local mode through software commands sent from the primary or the operator can do it manually from the keyboard The secondary station simply monitors the communications channel looking for polls or selection 83B Polling Sequence A primary station sends a polling sequence to identify a secondary station as a transmitter Sending one or two data-link control characters and then a station polling address (SPA) E D S E O T = end of Transmission O C P D C 3 = device control three T 3 A S P A = station polling address The EOT character is a data-link control character called a clearing character EOT places all secondary stations into the line-monitoring mode When DC3 follows an EOT, it indicates that the next character is a station polling address E D O C A Station A is the master- A is ASCII character T 3 83B Response to polls Two acknowledgement sequences may be transmitted in response to a poll- a ACK and a NAK A positive ACK means that the secondary station received the poll and has no messages to send but is ready to receive formatted messages A negative ACK to a poll means that the secondary station received the poll and has no messages to send but is not ready to receive If a secondary station has a formatted message to send when it is polled, it simply responds with the message format S E T message O X T ACK to a Poll Function Positive A No messages to transmit \ C Ready to receive K Negative \ \ No messages to transmit Not ready to receive When a heading is included, STX terminates the heading and indicates the beginning of the message S S E O heading (date, time, etc.) T message data O H X T 83B selection Sequence A primary station sends a selection sequence to identify a secondary station as a receiver The receiver must respond to a selection to indicate whether it is ready to receive a message E S

O S D SSA = station selection address T A A DA = device address A selection sequence begins with transmission of an EOT character, which ensures that all secondary stations are in line-monitoring mode EX: E O A X T 83B Polling Sequence Negative ACK to a Poll selection \ \ Not ready to receive (printer out of paper or terminal in local) * * Not ready to receive (have a formatted message to transmit) Positive ACK to a Poll selection A \ C ready to receive K 83B primary message format Messages transmitted from primary stations use exactly the same data format as messages transmitted from secondary stations S E T message O X T STX, when transmitted by a primary station, is called a blinding character, as it causes all previously unselected secondary stations to ignore the transmission Only the previously selected secondary station receives the message transmitted by the primary The unselected secondary stations remain blinded until they receive an EOT character, at which time they will return to line monitoring mode and begin looking for polls or selections addressed for their station Synchronous Data Link protocols BSC- Binary Synchronous Communications - developed by IBM also called as bisync or bisynchronous communications usable in both point-to-point and multipoint configuration support half-duplex transmission using stop-and-wait ARQ flow control and error correction S S Y Y message block N N The message block can be a poll, a selection, an acknowledgement, or a message containing user information The SYN character for ASCII is 16 hex and for EBCDIC 32 hex The SYN character places the USART receiver in the character (byte) mode and prepares it to receive data in eight-bit groupings With BSC, SYN characters are always transmitted in pairs If eight successive bits are received in the middle of a message that is equivalent to a SYN character, they are ignored A= 41H b= 62H 01000001 01100010 1 hex 6 hex BSC polling sequence

Two poling formats are used with bisync. 1) General P S S E P S S S S E P A Y Y O A Y Y P P N A D N N T D N N A A Q D PAD= pad --- 55 hex or AA hex (01010101 or 10101010) To ensure that transitions occur in the data before transmission of the actual message The transitions are needed for clock recovery in the receive modem to maintain bit synchronization SPA- Station polling address Two SPA characters are transmitted for error detection A secondary will not recognize or respond to a poll unless its SPA appears twice in succession ENQ- enquiry is called a format or line turnaround character because it simply completes the polling sequence and initiates a line turnaround The PAD at the end of the polling sequence is called a trailing pad and is simply a 7F (DEL) 2) Specific poll P S S E P S S S S E P A Y Y O A Y Y P P D D N A D N N T D N N A A A A Q D Device address twice The character sequence for a specific poll is similar to general poll except that the two device address (DA) The two DA characters are transmitted for redundancy error detection BSC selection sequence P S S E P S S S S E P A Y Y O A Y Y S S D D N A D N N T D N N A A A A Q D STATION SELECTION ADRESS BSC message sequence Positive responses to a block check character P S S D P A Y Y L 0 A (even numbered blocks) D N N E D Or P S S D P A Y Y L 1 A (odd numbered blocks) D N N E D Negative response to a block check character (message): P S S N P A Y Y A A (even numbered blocks) D N N K D BSC transparency: It is possible that an eight-bit sequence could occur within the message that is equivalent to a data link control character. With bisync, a data-link escape (DLE) character is used to achieve transparency. There are six instances to precede a character with a DLE. DLE STX: places the receive controller into the transparent mode. DLE ETX: used to terminate the last block of transparent text and take the controller out of the transparent mode.

DLE ETB: used to terminate blocks of transparent text in all blocks of data except the final block. DLE ITB: used to terminate blocks of transparent text other than the final block when ITB is used for a block-terminating character. DLE SYN: used only with transparent messages more than 1 second long. DLE DLE: used to transmit a bit sequence equivalent to DLE as part of the text. An example including data-link escape characters in transparent BSC message is P S S D S D E B P A Y Y L T message L T C D D N N E X E X C D

SDLC Synchronous Data Link Control


7E hex

Span of CRC accumulation Span of zero insertion

7E hex

One beginning and one ending flag for each frame 01111110 address control text FCC 01111110 Beginning Flag Ending Flag

The ending flag from one frame is used for the beginning flag for the next frame text FCC 01111110 address control text FCC 01111110 address control shared flag The last zero of an ending flag can be the first zero of the beginning flag of the next frame 011111101111110 address control text FCC 011111101111110 address shared 0 shared 0 Flags are transmitted continuously during the time between frames instead of idle line 1s 01111110011111100111111001111110 address control text FCC 0111111001111110 Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag A data-link escape (DLE) character is used to achieve transparency i.e., transmission and reception of any bit pattern DLE ETX, DLE STX,..

HDLC High-Level Data Link Control Formal standard developed by ISO Same as SDLC, except Longer address and control fields Larger sliding window size Comprises 3 standards that outline the frame structure, control standards and class of operation for a bit-oriented data-link control 1. ISO 3309-1976(E):

The ISO 3309 standard defines the frame structure, delimiting sequence, transparency mechanism and error-detection method used with HDLC. --With HDLC, the frame structure and delimiting sequence are essentially the same as with SDLC. --An HDLC frame includes a beginning flag field, an address field, a control field, an information field, a frame check character field, and an ending flag field. --The delimiting sequence with HDLC is a binary 01111110. --HDLC uses CRC-16 for error detection with a generating polynomial specified by CCITT V.41. --At the transmit station, the CRC characters are computed such that when included in the FCC computations at the receive end, the remainder for an errorless transmission is always FOB8. --HDLC can use an 8-bit address field or an extended addressing format that is virtually limitless. If b0 in the address field is a logic 1, the seven remaining bits are the secondarys address. If b0 in the address field is a logic 0, the next byte is also part of the address. If b0 of the second byte is a logic 0, a third address byte follows and so on until an address byte with a logic 1 for the low-order bit is encountered. b0=0 b0=0 b0=1 01111110 0XXXXXXX 0XXXXXXX 1XXXXXXX st nd Flag 1 address byte 2 address byte 3rd address byte 2. ISO 4335-1979(E): a) Control field: The control field can be extended to 16 bits Seven bits are for ns and seven bits are for the nr. With extended control format, there can be a maximum of 127 outstanding frames at any given time. With HDLC, the supervisory format includes a fourth status condition: selective reject (SREJ). SREJ is identified by two logic 1s in bit positions b4 and b5 of a supervisory control field. With SREJ, a single frame can be rejected A SREJ calls for retransmission of only one frame identified by the three-bit nr code. A REJ calls for the retransmission of all frames beginning with frames identified by the three-bit nr code. b) Information field: With HDLC, any number of bits may be used for a character in the Information field as long as all characters have the same number of bits. HDLC has two operational modes: i. Asynchronous response mode (ARM): with ARM, secondary stations are allowed to send unsolicited (voluntary) responses. To transmit, a secondary does not need to have received a frame from the primary with the P bit set. If a secondary receives a frame with the P bit set, it must respond with a frame with the F bit set. ii. Asynchronous disconnect mode (ADM): an ADM is identical to normal disconnect mode except that the secondary can initiate a DM or RIM response at any time. 3. ISO 7809-1985(E): The ISO 7809 standard combines previous standards 6159(E) (unbalanced) and 6256(E) (balanced) and outlines the class of operation necessary to establish the link-level protocol. i. Unbalanced operation: This class of operation is logically equivalent to a multipoint privateline circuit with a polling environment. There is a single primary station responsible for central control of the network. Data transmission may be either half or full duplex. ii. Balanced operation: this class of operation is logically equivalent to a two-point private-line circuit where each station has equal data-link responsibilities. Channel access is accomplished through contention on a two-wire circuit using the asynchronous response mode. Data transmission is half duplex on a two-wire circuit and full duplex on a four-wire circuit.

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