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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Logo, tag line, Name of entrepreneurs (participants) - 1slide Introduction- 2-3 slides The Business Idea- 1-2 slides Why did not anyone else do it? 1 slide Why your company? -1 slide Technology- 1 slide Feasibility of the Idea -2 slides Market Research (charts, diagrams) a) Competition research 1slide b) Customer research 1slide 9. Location Analysis- 1 slides 10.Political scenario 1slide 11.Human resource planning (Flow chart) - 1slide 12.USP- 2Slides 13.Marketing Plan (Illustrated well) (may include societal marketing if any i.e. C.S.R)- 3-4 Slides 14.Financial Analysis a) Start up cost (pie chart)- 1slide b) Capital contribution needed & the sources of collecting it. (I.e. the break up of the debt equity ratio)- 1slide c) Avg. break-even capacity (Graphical representation)- 1slide d) Profitability Statement (till 1 year after breaking even)- 1slide 15.Expansion Plans- 2 slides 16.Print ads/pictures (if any)- 3 slides 17.Video Presentation (if any it may include interviews with eminent people in the industry you belong) Note: We encourage additions and innovations of all sorts to the given format.

Pointers for Presentation:1. Just mention points on the presentation. 2. The presenter can do the description of those points. All other relevant details to be given in the hand out (hard copy of the entire plan) to the Judges. 3. A font around 34 for headings & 28 for elements in the slides are visible clearly. So, it is best to stick to similar font sizes. 4. Have soothing backgrounds. So that the text is visible. A white background with black or blue text is a good combination. 5. You can use the logo of your company as a watermark image on all slides. It tends to give a corporate feel. 6. Time for presentation is (9+1) minutes. Practice well to keep your time. (Specially if you have a video presentation for the plan) 7. Additional 4 minutes of questioning from the judges. Be prepared for all types of questions. (They are experts after all) Time Break-up for the Finals (15 mins/team): (9+1) Minutes - Presentation 4 Minutes - Judges Q&A Session 1 Minute - Questions by other teams (restricted to 2).

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