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-slowly laws became more severe -sneaky 1 a.

-death of the holocaust victims would be a waste if they were forgotten and didnt bring about change -people must actively work to prevent (racism /discrimination) by remembering the holocaust -cant happen again -catholic faith stems from the same place, Hebrew roots -justification, shifting blame? denial of involvement -changing religion to fit in with nazi ideology -many church leaders knew of the holocaust -plea for forgiveness WHAT IS HIDDEN/UNSPOKEN? b. -all jewish people, regardless of what they appearance/personality, as long as they wear the star are enemies to the germans -strips away individuality , dehumanizes them a mass -promotes and justifies any violence towards jews as they are the enemy and it is okay to hurt ones enemy -easily labelled jewish -not the same as germans, separate from oneself -violence/hurt jewish people wearing symbol -turned jewish symbol of faith into a negative label -foreshadows the final solution of extermination -justifies violence towards enemy -implication Src a : meeting Src b: reflections inform people interested in the Holocaust of one of the key players in bringing about the holocaust about his life and his deeds?????? Provide research? Facts?

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