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Succubae are a strange race of supernatural beings. According to their own legends, they descend from Lilith, mother of monsters, and (at least to them) progenitoress of all supernatural creatures in the World of Darkness. The Succubae are the only creatures of Night and Magic who remember their origin (again, at least to them.) Few know of them, although those that do regard them as kin to Vampires, Fae and Demons. According to their own lore, Lilith was alone after she had been cast out of the garden by the Creator. Caine came to her, and stayed with her for a time. Caine desired his own strength, and wanted Lilith to teach him her Magick and powers. She agreed, but demanded a price. "Seth's children need defenders and lovers, those who will protect them from the madness of the Demiurge and his lackey, the great Shaitan. I require your seed, Cursed One." So, Caine made love, for the last time, to Lilith. Afterwards, she Awoke his blood, and he left her. In the meantime, his child grew within her belly, and she was content. After Awakening his blood, Caine was fully Undead, and could never have children, as true men do. The child that Lilith had, who is now called Shakti by her reverent children, grew to be lovely and tall, drinking blood from her mother's breast, demons and angels as her nursemaids. Lilith taught Shakti of the First Days, when all souls were Gods, when all was harmonious, joyous, and free, and how the Demiurge arose, who cast down all those who refused to have their power stolen or changed by him (in Succubus lore, the Demiurge is always identified as male.) Lilith took Caine into her house because the Demiurge meant for nothing more than slavery and pain for Seth's children. Lilith was also careful to teach Shakti that the Demiurge was not the Creator, but merely a powerful godling who aped the role of the True Unknowable. Lilith always maintained that she was not banished from the Garden, but left of her own accord, but various sources conflict with this statement. What Lilith did teach Shakti was that the Demiurge meant to enslave the former Gods, who were now not only Humanity, but the living spirits of all things. The strongest souls, those of mankind, he befuddled and clouded in the great illusion that is the m aterial world, while sealing off the rest of the universe with the great barrier known as the Gauntlet, Shroud, Wall or other names... The Succubae call it Samsara, or Illusion. This Samsara hides the true forms of Succubae and Changelings, and also manifests as the Delirium which protects Garou from discovery, the Fog which makes humans forget Wraiths,

and The Mists which cloak the Fae. The most vicious manifestation of Samsara is what human Mages call Paradox, the collective punishment of both the Demiurge and those humans who unwittingly side with him. The Succubae wish to see all of these forces destroyed. Lilith taught Shakti that as the Demiurge created Caine to bind and enslave mankind, through his children, the Vampires (a possibility which she foresaw, but was powerless to prevent.) However, the Dark Mother had a plan in reserve... her children, the Succubae. Shakti was lead to a village of the Children of Seth. There, she appeared and feasted as a woman, drinking the life and pleasure of the men and the women of that village in sweet joining. She never killed, and barely harmed, her lovers, protecting them from devils and starting her long task of shepherding Seth's children back to Godhead. She had seven daughters, each of whom she taught special magic and wisdom, teaching all of them the ways of beauty and passion, drinking from the life-pulse of the world. However, due to their father, they were also cursed with the hunger for life that they shared with Caine's damned undead childer. Shakti swore that they would at least give back what they took, and would hopefully guide all that lives back into Godhead, casting down the Demiurge. Succubae are always born as human women. Like Garou, they are part spirit and part flesh, like the shapeshifters, and are the only beings besides them who remember the unsundered universe that existed before the rise of the Gauntlet. Succubae are creatures of the night, like Kindred, and also have ties to the Umbra, the Shadowlands, and the Dreaming. The Succubae claim all supernaturals as Kin. Succubae are all effectively immortal. So long as they can feed off of humans and other supernaturals, or on certain types of Tass or Dross, and are not harmed by cold iron, holy things, or certain other forces (True Magick, True Faith, and the like), Succubae can live for as long as the oldest Methuselah, Immortal or Mummy. However, most die by violence of one type or another over the course of their lives, and some starve to death. Succub ae can and do have children and families - most do at some point. The Succubae blood is always passed down through the mother's line. All Succubae undergo their "Changing" (transformation from Human to Succubus) soon after sexual maturity, although some change in midlife (much to their surprise and shock.) The Change usually occurs during a rapturous dance, creation of a work of art, in a religious experience or during intense sex. While normal people around the new Succubus will not sense anything a miss, the sensual heat of Mother Lilith's legacy, although she may not understand what it all means. Other supernaturals will feel the explosion of Rapture as for a brief moment, the Succubus touches godhead before beginning her new life.

The basic nature of the Succubus

All Succubae have a pool of mystical energy that is called Rapture. This represents a Succubus' store of the primal fire of life, the energy of creation and the dance of pleasure, which keeps them young and beautiful and enables them to perform magic. Succubae drain Rapture from living and undead beings of many kinds, draining it with as little as a kiss or from sexual contact of any kind. Each turn of sustained contact does one non-aggravated wound level of damage to a victim or lover, depending on your point of view, and grants the Succubus one point of temporary Rapture. Vampires lose 1 blood point to a Succubus, while Mages lose Quintessence, Shapeshifters lose Gnosis , Changelings lose Glamour and Wraiths lose Pathos. Spirits 'kissed' by a Succubus lose 5 points of power per turn. Succubae gain 2 points of Rapture from each point of Quintessence they drain from a living Mage, making the Awakened sought after lovers... Mages can only be drank from once per day. When drinking from Kuei-Jin, one point of Chi is taken, usually Yang first. Succubae, when they drink Rapture, share exquisite, subtle, expansive, delirious pleasure with their partners that comes just as much from their supernatural skill at lovemaking as form the exchange of life energy. The Succubus "drinking" acts as the Kindred Kiss, except Supernatural/Awakened creatures can resist if they beat the Succubus in a test of Willpower versus the Succubi's Charisma + Seduction versus 6. If the victim wins, he or she can tear themselves away. If not, the victim is helpless as the Succubus drains them. Expenditure of a Willpower point will allow the victim another roll. Rapture is used to power Succubus powers (which are many and varied), to heal from damage (Succubae can use the Rapture to heal in the same manner that Vampires use Blood Points to regenerate, although Succubuae *can not* increase attributes with Rapture points), and to grant Sleepers 'The Eyes of the World", where with a kiss a Succubus can grant view of the Near Umbra through the Gauntlet (roll Rapture vs. the local Gauntlet to be successful), view of the Shadowlands (roll permanent Rapture vs. the local Shroud), or Enchant the Sleeper so that he or she may view the Dreaming (roll the Succubus' Rapture vs. the Sleeper's Banality, as per standard Enchanting.) Succubae can use the Dolorous Blow and the Wyrd as Changelings do, substituting Rapture (permanent and temporary) for Glamour in all cases. When healing, Succubae can even regenerate limbs, as Kindred do. Aggravated Wounds take 24 hours, 5 Rapture and 1 Willpower point to heal. All Succubae share an intimate connection with the spirit worlds. At the

cost of 1 Rapture, they may enter the local Shadowlands, Umbra, or Dreaming, regardless of the local Gauntlet, Shroud or Banality of an area. Naiads are adept at navigating the Dreaming, while the Kali are old hands in the Shadowlands and Tempest and the Hecatae are at home in the Umbra. The Mercuria, of course, know all these worlds well. Do note that to enter The Dreaming, a Succubus still needs access to a Trod Point as a Changeling does. They may also, for 1 Rapture, handle objects and affect beings across Gauntlet or Shroud for one scene. For the purposes of the Succubae, the Gauntlet or Shroud simply doesn't exists for the time they use their passion to reunite the worlds within their souls. They can also be selective about this power, choosing what they can come into contact with and whether or not they will allow spirit objects, entities, ghostly things or Chimera come into contact with them. Succubae can not transport people or things across the barriers of worlds without the appropriate powers. When they spend their Rapture, they must choose the world they will interact with (Umbra, Shadowlands or Drea ming.) A Succubus who attunes herself to the Dreaming does not touch things in the Near Dreaming, but instead is able to interact with and touch Chimerical objects. While attuned to a specific spirit world, a Succubus can be fully affected by things of that world, although they may turn off this power instantly. While attuned to a specific spirit world, the Succubus can see that world without a roll, as if normally 'peeking' through the Gauntlet/Shroud, or Enchanted. One aspect of this power is that the Succubus can 'Kiss' spirits, Wraiths and Chimera, taking Power/Gnosis, Pathos or Glamour from them. The Succubus Kiss affects spirits as it does mortals, although exact effects vary as to ST discretion. All Succubae have a mundane seeming and a "Kith", but are not Changelings. Succubae have either large, leathery bat wings, or downy Angel's wings, and can either be of any color or many-hued. This appearance can only be seen by beings able to see into the Umbra, Shadowlands or Dreaming. In their "true" forms, Succubae are unbelievably, bewitchingly beautiful, gaining +2 to their Appearance, as Sidhe Kithain do. All Succubae have horns... some are tiny, some are long and straight, and some are twisted and curling... All are lovely. Succubae do NOT have cloven hoofed feet nor tails, despite the claims of artists and churchmen throughout the ages. Succubae can however fly with their wings, which are capable of carrying them at a speed of 10 mph X (Strength+Stamina+Dexterity), making them some of the fastest and most skilled personal flyers in the World of Darkness. All Succubae gain one dot in Flight and Seduction upon Changing. However, it should be noted Succubae can only use their wings when they evoke their true natures...what Changelings call invoking the

Wyrd. Otherwise, they're effectively normal humans in appearance and capabilities, although they can always drink Rapture, regardless of form. A Succubus' natural powers and appearance also always manifest in the Umbra, Shadowlands and Dreaming, or whatever world they are attuned to (A Succubus who's attuned to the Dreaming can use her powers or touch against Chimera, for example, while she can always fly in the Umbra or Shadowlands.) Succubae are also protected by the Mists. If a Succubus shows her true form, or evokes strange powers in front of a normal human sleeper, that individual will forget as determined by the Mists chart in Changeling, based upon Banality. Supernaturals of any kind or Humans with Numina ratings of 3 or above are immune to this effect. Effects of supernatural powers are written off as coincidence and whatnot...("Of course I was enraptured by her, she's gorgeous!") Disciplines and other powers that have physical effects will still evidence themselves as such (such as a Gorgon with Protean Discipline popping claws, for example.) Succubae must normally expend a point of Rapture in order to manifest their Succubus forms (I.e.- The Wyrd). Changelings may perceive Succubae in their true forms, and Succubae are also visible in their true forms from the Umbra and Shadowlands. Succubae can normally perceive Changelings and things of the Dreaming, and vice versa, although Succubae can not manifest their variant of the Wyrd during daylight hours, nor use any of their innate powers, although they can use their special magic (Arts, Disciplines, Gifts and Hedge Magic.) While sharing many things in common with Changelings, Succubae *do not* have the ability to invoke the Dragon's Ire. That power is reserved for the Fae alone.

Succubae Weaknesses and Flaws

All Succubae have the following flaws and problems to deal with (*) All Succubae lose 1 point of Rapture per day, necessitating feeding. If a Succubae loses all of her Rapture, she loses 1 health level per day, and also loses her +2 appearance bonus in her Wyrd form. Even in human aspect, the Succubus looks haggard and aged, and gains 10 years in apparent age for each day she goes without feeding. In their Wyrd aspect the Succubus looks more wrinkled, hag-like and demonic. When in this state the Succubus must roll Willpower vs. 6, scoring 1 success per day gone without feeding, or she will do everything she can to procure Rapture from a target, going to almost insane measures to do it. (*) All Succubae share with Changelings a vulnerability to cold-wrought iron. Contact with the metal causes the Succubus to take aggravated

damage (1 wound level per turn of contact), and to lose 1 Rapture per turn. Most Succubae take this to be a mark of their ties to the Dreaming Lands. Supposedly, in ancient legend, Shakti treated with the Lords of Arcadia as an equal. Due to ancient pacts and treaties, the Tuatha De Dannan regards Lilith's brood as theirs as well, and Succubae are bound by pacts to the Dreaming as Changelings are. Some even join Oathcircles, finding fellow monsters and faeries to their liking more than any other of the Shadowfolk. This is a common Naiad practice. (*) Succubae are affected by True Faith and places of Faith as are Vampires and Wraiths. They may not enter areas that are Warded, even if they are in the physical world, and are restricted from areas of True Faith as Vampires are. No one knows why this is, but most Succubae shrug and write it off that Lilith allowed for this weakness, so that her children would not grow too proud. Besides, lusty Succubae and churches don't mix anyway! (*)The nature of Succubus powers demand that the Succubus abide by the rules that affect a normal user of a given supernatural power in regards to it's use. Thus, a Succubus making use of Changeling Cantrips must enact Bunks, while one using Hedge Magic or Thaumaturgy must make use of the appropriate props and accouterments. In exchange for using shapeshifter gifts, the Succubus must abide by the laws which govern the Changing Breeds...thus, a Succubus who makes use of Shapeshifter gifts will abide by the Great Pact which the Garou and other shapeshifters were entered into at the beginning of time, and honor Gaia and her Chosen, while abiding by the rules of Chiminage and negotiation of the middle umbra spirits. Most Succubae do this anyway, but a Succubus who makes use of Gaian gifts and then allies herself with Wyrm powers may lose the use of her Gifts. Vampire Disciplines may seem to be the safest, but the Sisterhoods preach diversification of powers, and relying too heavily upon the Cursed Father's powers may result in a hunger for more and more Rapture. The wisest path is one of balance and restraint. (*) Finally, Succubae have a penalty trait, called Samsara. Samsara is somewhere between Banality and Magely quiet. Succubae afflicted with Samsara slowly forget they are Succubae, believing the web of lies that the Demiurge has woven into the material world. Succubae who spend too much time posing as normal humans can be sucked into a world of delusions and fantasies of humanity. Succubae who gain 10 permanent points of Samsara become normal human women, and age normally, forgetting that they were ever Daughters of Lilith. Any act which would cause a Vampire to have to make a Humanity roll gives the Succubus a number of points of Temporary Samsara equal to the allowable level of Humanity that can perform the act, minus 10.

Thus, cold blooded murder, a Humanity 4 act, would give the Succubus 6 points of Samsara. When 10 points of Temporary Samsara are gained, they are immediately traded in for one Permanent point of Samsara. Succubae can purge themselves of Samsara by engaging in acts which are aescetic, aesthetic, compassionate and just. Meditation, long-term acts that enable the weak to be empowered, defending the weak at great risk to one's self, questioning one's self, and other altruistic or reverent activities will cleanse the Succubus of the dreary pragmatism of the world. Succubae can also destroy temporary Samsara by creating art or inspiring artists, much as Changelings gain Glamour, as watching the creation of new wonder or creating it herself can help the Succubus view more clearly the heart of creation. Generally, Succubae gain Samsara for whatever would get a Changeling Banality, and can get Samsara points for actions that destroy dreams, hope, are narrowly selfish, or are conformist or authoritarian. Lilith despises conformity and obedience, as much as she despises selfishness and lust for power.

The Eight Sisterhoods of the Succubae

Sisterhoods fill much the same role in Succubus culture as Tribes, Clans, Traditions, Kiths and perhaps Guilds do in other supernatural cultures. Most sisterhoods are combinations of lineage and family, schools of philosophical thought, mutual aid societies and training academies. Each Sisterhood provides education for new Succubae, as well as a gathering place for those Night Angels whose interests coincide. All work together jointly to oppose the Demiurge and fight to Awaken the Cosmos, as well as to do battle with the Shaitan (The Great Enemy) and it's minions. The Ninth sisterhood, the Lilin, are considered to be blasphemers and traitors of the worst stripe, as the believe the lies that Lilith was a lover and consort of the Great Shaitan, and work to prepare for a great Reign of Night where Demonkind (whom they consider themselves to be part of) will rule over the Earth as lord and kings. The other Succubae consider themselves to be Demonesses as well, but those who know how the war is really being fought and who really has free will. Lilin and members of other Succubae sisterhoods will destroy each other on sight. The Seline - Daughters of the Moon, these are the artists, poets, romantics and to a certain extant mystics of the Succubae. The embody what people think of when they envision Succubae ... wild, lovely, wicked, sensual, wise, and most of all, free. The Seline worship

Mother Moon (whom they consider to have been Lilith's teacher in Magick) and are strong warriors against the Shaitan (devils, and those who serve with them.) They are strong Garou allies, feeling the moon and wildness in their souls. The Seline have traditionally been the leaders of the Succubae, due to their passion and vision. Rapture 4,Willpower 3. In addition to the standard Presence Discipline, Seline gain the Chimersty Discipline and access to the Gifts of the Silver Fang tribe, due to ancient pacts with the Lunes and Falcon, the Silver Fang Totem spirit. Most Seline have wings that are in color patterns that resemble birds of prey. Workd also has it that the Seline taught the Ravnos Founder the secrets of Chimersty and the truth that the world is a false web of lies. Most Ravnos Vampires haven't even heard of Succubae, but the Elders only smiles and nod, and remember the gifts and teachings of Lilith's first daughter. Generally, the Succubae regard the dealings with the Ravnos as one of their few successes in dealing with their Father's Children. Mercuria - The travelers and messengers of the Succubae. Their specialties are the Celerity discipline, and their own version of the Argos Arcanos, which functions as easily in the Umbra as well as it does in the Shadowlands. These Succubae are the patrons and allies of travelers ever ywhere, always lusting to see new places and to meet (and perhaps taste) new friends. The Mercuria are the only Succubae that are well known to the Order of Hermes, serving as UnAwakened members House Mercere, being perhaps the best RedCaps that have ever served the Order. Starting Willpower is 4, Rapture 2. Naiads - Originally confused with nymphs and water spirits, Naiads are as playful as they are sensual. They have skill in Changeling Arts (3 points worth, with 5 points in Realms), and are the Succubae that are most strongly associated with waters and the sea, and are welcome in most Changeling courts. They are the only Succubae not to have wings naturally, but instead can breath underwater with ease. Naiads are also easily distracted, although they are also the Succubae that are most closely tied to the Dreaming. Willpower:2, Rapture:5 Athenae - The scholars and judges of Lilith's Daughters, these women have a deep, abiding, wise sensuality. When not prophesying or arbitrating Succubus disputes, they enjoy educating young lovers of either sex, usually keeping around them a small circle of lovers and friends, drinking sparingly and rounding out their development as people.Willpower:4, Rapture: 3. Atheanae can choose 2 points worth of powers from the Gift Lists for Philodox Garou (Level 1 Gifts) and the Auspex Discipline. Hitomi - the few Succubae known to the far east, the smallest

sisterhood is composed of Succubae who claim that Lilith and the Scarlet Queen are one and the same. They claim that their father is not Caine, but the Ebon Dragon, and that they were the result of the mating of the two. While not dual souled as Kuei-Jin, they can make use of Kuei Jin disciplines, which is indeed what they specialize in. Hitomi can never learn Cainite Disciplines, but they may learn Kuei Jin disciplines with ease. Rapture is always considered to be Yang Chi, unless the Hitomi knows the Equilibrium Discipline, in which case she may "flavor" her Rapture as Yang or Yin Chi as she likes. For all other powers aside from Kuei Jin disciplines her Rapture is still considered normal. Strangely, Hitomi can also easily learn Demon Arts, although most consider it dangerous to do so, as this study releases th e Succubus's latent P'o at a rating of 1. Some Hitomi consider this price worth it, others abhor it. The Hitomi are a minor race of Shen in the Far East, and are normally welcomed in the Emerald Courts of the Changing Phantoms, the Courts of the various Kuei Jin Kingdoms, the various courts of the Kamui, and even as messengers in the realms of the Dark Empire of Jade. Due to ancient pacts, all Hitomi are treated as ambassadors between these courts, and often carry missives and greetings between the Kuei Jin and Beast Courts, for example, and work to resolve disputes, and even treat with Asian Awakened. Hitomi have diplomatic Carte Blanche in all of these courts, and even the Wu Lung and Wu Keng treat them with respect. The Hitomi are also welcomed at the Xiaoduyuans of the Akashic Brotherhood, although most younger Hitomi find the Akashic's serene temples somewhat boring, as Akashics are incredibly hard to seduce. Hitomi can learn the common Gifts of the Beast Courts, Changeling Arts offered to Changelings of the far east, Arcanos available to Wraiths of the Dark Kingdom of Jade, and Kuei Jin Disciplines. At Character Creation, Hitomi start with 1 dot in Presence, as well as 2 level 1 powers in any of the aforementioned areas, including Hedge Magic paths.If Hsien Wu Tan is taken, the Hitomi can learn 2 levels of Wu Tan. Martial Arts skill can be taken, but Do or Spheres can not (Succubae can not Awaken in the fashion that Mages can, and their hunger for Rapture makes it impossible for them to achieve the peace necessary to embrace the Akashic Way.) Finally, Hitomi add +1 to the XP multiplier to learn powers of a nonasian origin, and can not learn Kin Jin (Western Cainite) Disciplines at all. For those who need such calculation, Hun is equal to 1/2 Willpower, and Yin and Yang are always equal to 1/2 Rapture. Starting Willpower:3 Rapture:4 Solitaires - These Succubae are not members of a Sisterhood per se,

but are loners who walk their own way. Unlike other supernatural cultures, Succubae honor and respect their individualists, based upon the independence of their mother, Lilith. Solitaires may start with any combination of one Discipline, one Gift from a chosen Shapeshifter list, one Changeling art , or one Hedge Magic Path, for a total of 3 levels worth, in addition to the 1 dot in Presence. Willpower:4, Rapture:3. Solitaires pay a price for their diversity... while they start with more points, they add +1 to the xp multiplier f or all powers. Hecatae - The mystics and philosophers of the Succubae, they are also this race's Wizards, commanding awesome powers of Sorcery that put all but the Awakened to shame. They are secretive, dealing more with spirits of the lands of the living and the dead than with mundanes. They scowl with derision at the Cainite Sorcerers of the Tremere, for it's said that much of the Tremere elemental sorceries were stolen from captured Hecatae Succubae. Hecate may use their starting 2 points of powers to purchase levels in any Hedge Magic path, including those found Sorcerer,The Quick and the Dead, and Ascension's Right Hand, or Thaumaturgy Discipline. They may also purchase any Rite or Thaumaturgical Ritual as part of the Rites background, and may spend initial points to buy any known Thaumaturgy Path (This substantiates to some that most Tremere sorcery is stolen.) Most supernatural powers come easily to them (-1 multiplier to learn non-physical powers), but more physical powers come harder to them (+1 multiplier, for powers like Potence or Gifts like Spirit of the Fray.) Hecatae claim that the Incarna Hecate, a sister of Lilith, took the first Hecatae as a priestess and apprentice, and that the Sisterhood has followed the Way of Mystery since. It vexes then to know end that they can not learn the Magick of the Awakened, and it's rumoured that some Hecatae have undergone rituals that transfrom them from Immortal Succubae into mortal, vulnerable, yet Awakened humans, totally bereft of any knowledge of Sorcery and ready to start a new life. It's also rumoured that the Tremere also seek this knowledge, and have since their founding, supposedly having tortured Succubae Hecatae Sorceresses just for that one secret, so that they could undo their great mistake of becoming of the Damned. It's definitely known that the Hecate keep close, friendly ties with the Verbena Tradition, Houses Shaea, Jerbiton and Merinita of the Order of Hermes, House Eluined of the Kithain (indeed, Hecatae Succubae have often been mistaken for exotic Eluined Sidhe), the Bubasti bastet, and the various Mummy Factions (mostly the Cabiri.), as well as with a host of lesser spirits, beings and bygones. Willpower:3, Rapture 4 Gorgons: Definitely the most warlike amongst the Succubae, these amazons are powerful, honorable, vivacious and attractive. The Gorgons inspire terror in the minions of Shaitan, and most take the

same attitude towards life as a stereotypical barbarian warrior. Known for laughing in the face of death, the Gorgons are the most likely to consort with and take lovers from the Changing Breeds, especially Garou. The Gorgons and Black Furies have long been sisters, to the point that Pegasus recognizes Gorgon Succubae as those of her brood, and Furies and Gorgons being welcome at each other's moots and gatherings. Gorgons hate Kindred, Banes, Fomor, and other forms of corruption. The Gorgons also share a strange relationship with the Hecatae, the former being the only Sisterhood that the Hecatae trust to guard their students and lo re. The Hecatae and Gorgons also participate in certain rites together, of Greek origin, although Gorgon Succubae come from all cultural backgrounds. Gorgons can take 2 points from the Celerity and Potence Discplines, as well as from the Black Fury list of Tribal gifts. Gorgons do not start with the usual 1 dot in Presence, but instead have 1 dot in Fortitude, which also counts as a speciality power for them. Gorgons add +1 to the XP multiplier for learning all non-physical powers, such as Hedge Magic, Auspex, and the like. Rapture 2, Willpower 5. Kali - Hailing from the indian subcontinent, these Succubae can also be found in Indonesia, Malaysia and southern Asia, sharing the area with the Hitomi (whom also have Chinese and other asian counterparts.) The Kali commune with the dead, often taking a grim aspect as they take ghosts as lovers. These are the Succubae that are the friendliest with the Kindred, although they are also deep enemies of other forms of corruption, such as Asura (Banes and Demons.) They don't buy into the Judeo-Christian views of most Succubae, agreeing however that humans should be free of the Samsara (Illusion of the world) and led back into unity with Atman, back into divinity. Kali have extesnive contact wi th the Hindu Restless, and also know well of the other Dark Kingdoms. Kali start off with 1 dot in Presence, as all Succubae do, and 2 dots in Wraithly Arcanos. Castigate powers have no effect on them, but are often used on Wraiths by the Kali to cleanse Wraithly souls. Rapture 3, Willpower 4.

Succubae Magic
Succubae can learn and utilize nearly all forms of supernatural power, with the most obvious exceptions being spirit Charms, chimerical Redes and the Spheres of True Magick. The Succubae traditionally have access to the variety of powers attributed to Garou (whom share a dual spiritual nature, similar to theirs), Vampires (who are relatives via their father, Caine), Kithain (due to their strong ties to the

Dreaming), and Wraiths (due to their traffic with the dead, and their descent from the mother of night, Lilith.) When using a Gift, Discipline or Art, replace all Gnosis, Rage, Blood or Glamour costs with Rapture. Succubae traditionally learn these powers from either members of these supernatural cultures, spirits, or from elder Succubus mentors. Any Wraith Arcanos which give the user Angst give a Succubus an equal amount of Samsara. Keui Jin Disciplines have their Chi costs replaced by Rapture, as normal. Sisterhood Arcanoi Arts Disc. Gifts Hedge Magic Athenae Gorgons Hecatae Hitomi X X X X 6 7 6 5 X X X X 6 5 5 7 X X X X 6 6 5 7 X X X X 5 6 5 6 Thaum Notes Paths/ Fae Realms X6 X5 X7 X6 X5 X4 X6 N/A Disciplines may only be Keui Jin only. Changeling Arts may only by Wu Tan. Gifts may only be Emerald Court. Arcanos may only be Dark Jade Empire. X6 X5 X7 X6 X6 X 6/X 4 X 6/X 5 X 6 Free access to Denizen Arts, Spectre Arcanos, Wyrm Gifts, and Dark Thaumaturgy. X6 X5 Free access to all except Denizen Arts, Spectre Arcanos, Wyrm Gifts, Dark Thaumaturgy

Kali Mercuria Naiads Lilin

X7 X5 X6 X6

X6 X6 X5 X6


5 6 7 5


7 5 5 7






Succubae who's Sisterhood are specialist in a particular area (all

Theurge Gifts, or the Argos Arcanos, for example) receive an additional -1 XP multiplier. Succubus Backgrounds These standard backgrounds are available to Succubus characters... Allies, Arcane,Contacts,Dream,Guide,Herd,Influence,Library, Mentor, Prestige(*),Resources,Rites, Talisman/Treasure/Fetish (Very rare!) *Prestige* is a measure of the Succubus' standing in Succubus society. It always starts at 0, and Succubae earn renown in a manner similar to Bastet, being able to earn awards from both the Bastet and Garou tables. Treat all Succubae as Ragabash, and Succubae have their own Glory, Wisdom and Honor traits, although these are seldom honored by others. Succubae Prestige must be of a rank equal to the level of a particular power in order to learn it. This applies to all Gifts, Disciplines, Thaumaturgy Paths, Rituals, Rites and Changeling Arts and Realms. No beginning PC Succubus can start with powers higher than level one. It's said that Lilith herself determines what a Succubus is ready to learn and what she's not, and even knowledge gained elsewhere will be incomprehensible until the appropriate rank is achieved. Each level of Prestige also adds +1 die to all social tests with other Succubae. Prestige also determines the Succubus' standing with the various spirits of the Bright and Dark umbras, who remember the pacts made with the Mother of Night. *Guide* works similarly to the Jamak and Totem backgrounds. Succubae of a strong Gaian bent often have powerful patrons and friends that teach them Gifts and lore in exchange for loyal friendship and service. Any Totem or Jamak from the Werewolf rules may be taken. *Rites* This background is the Succubus equivalent to the Werewolf background. While it's not necessary for Succubae to know Hedge Magic or Thaumaturgy to use Rites, most who make heavy use of Rites do. The Succubae have their own range of Rites and Rituals, and can also learn Shapechanger rites, Thaumaturgy Rituals, and Hedge Magic rituals. In order to make use Shapechanger Rites, a Succubus must have an equal level of the appropriate Shapechanger Lore in order to use that Shapechanger's Rites (In order to use a level 3 Bastet Rite, the Succubus must have Bastet Lore at 3.) In order to use Thaumaturgy Rituals or Hedge Magic rituals, the Succubus must have a matching level in Thaumaturgy or their highest Hedge Magic Path. Succubae have access to Arcane due to their strange link to the Mists.

Some Eluenid Sidhe scholars suspect that Lilith herself was one of the great powers which established the Mists, and this has been supported by certain Verbena scholars. Dream comes from the Succubae's deep and abiding connection with the Dreaming, the other Spirit Worlds, and past lives, as well as their own Mother's deep lore...some are gifted, some are not. Influence is usually a result of their mortal lives before Changing, but the Succubae's powers of Presence and other gifts often allow them to build upon that base, rivalling even the Children of Caine or the Technocratic Union for subtle manipulation of human affairs. However, the Succubae are few in number, and such politicking leads quickly to Samsara. Library is used exactly as desrcribed in World of Darkness - Sorcerer. Most Hecatae and Athenae have at least one in this background. Mentor functions likewise as it does in most of the Storyteller System games, and elder Succubae are important sources of new lore, as new powers must be learned. Resources likewise functions as it does in other games - money is money, after all. Finally, Succubae can make use of Talismans, Fetishes and Treasures as Mages, Shapeshifters and Changelings can, substituting 1/2 of Rapture for Arete, and Rapture for Gnosis and Glamour. To them, there is *no* difference between the different varieties of supernatural power...magic is magic, all pioneered by the Dark Mother.

Succubus Miscallaeny and Apocrypha

Succubae and the Infernal
Throughout history, Succubae have often been associated with the Infernal due to their history, their extreme vulnerability to holy things, and Lilith's expressed attitudes towards the Demiurge, whom most humans assume is indeed the Creator. Succubae have been burnt at the stake alongside of Vampires and other supernaturals. However, Succubae hate Infernal beings as much as the Witch Hunters who pursue them do. Why? Because Succubae are essentially Gnostic. Their lore teaches them that the Demiurge who rules this reality is not the true god, and that the whole angelic versus infernal conflict is beside the point. To them, most demonics and angelics are the creations of over-taxed human imaginations. Thus, when in a position to do so, a Succubus will laugh in a demon's face. Certain Succubae fight demons, such as the Gorgons, and some bind them, such as the Hecatae. No right minded Succubus would ever sell her soul or will to one. Succubae are creatures essentially of Freedom, and to bend knee to a nightmare is

foolish, and to deny the divinity within.

Relations with other supernaturals

Due to the concealing powers of the Mists, Succubae are a relative unknown amongst most supernatural cultures, although there's usually a small faction within each culture that has dealings with a particular Sisterhood. For the most part, Succubae are the most comfortable with spirits, Changelings and Bete, even though there are some Tribes they must be careful around. Contacts with the Awakened are usually friendly, with the Verbena knowing full well of the Succubae, dealing with all the Sisterhoods equally, except for the Lilin (who are rumored to consort with the Fallen.) While they can travel the Shadowlands, only the Hindu Kali regularly travel there, and they are supposedly quite close with whatever local Wraiths they deal with and the Euthanatos Tradition. Universally, all Succubae hate the Kindred, especially Clan Tremere, since much of the Tremere Thaumaturgy was stolen from the Hecatae and the many Succcubae were the initial subjects in the Gargoyle experiments (the Succubus secret of flight was found and many of the first female Gargoyles were captured Gorgons.) Most Hecatae and Gorgons will attack and attempt to destroy Tremere Vampires on sight. Vampires - The Children of our father are a sorry lot. Those fools the Toreador think they know passion? Parasites, the lot of them, and pale imitations of us. Avoid them, and destroy them if you can. "Our studies of them are not yet complete. If possible, capture these compelling creatures. They still have much lore than can yield to us." Katherine Bartrow, Regent of New Orleans "Homegirl had wings and shit. I swear! It's not just Findrago using his Chimersty and fucking with me! She winked at me, and flew off into the damn night!" - Joey Castleton, Brujah Anarch from San Fernandino, California "It would be refreshing to have a chess game and discussion with so lovely a creature, were they not so discomforted at the sounds of the screams of the Kine. I'm afraid I shall have to flay and examine the next one I meet." Yurei Dragovitch, Archbishop of Pittsburgh Werewolves and other Changing Breeds - The Demiurge has them in it's web too, but they know the Demiurge as the Weaver. Longtime friends of the Hecatae and the Gorgons, their battle against the

Shaitan is ours, too. Assist and love them. "She's beautiful beyond belief, and now she's gone. I thought she was just a Kinfolk, but when we made love she had blue skin and magnificent feathered wings. Maybe I've just had sex with a naturae of some kind?" Forest Runner, aka Joe McIntrey, of the Fianna Tribe. "No, she's not fucking Wyrm Spawn because she has leather wings! She's here to help us get those kids out of the Pentex facility. Now, shut the fuck up, before both she and I give you a third and fourth asshole! (spits) ...Men." Cassandra Howls-for-War, introducing a Gorgon Companion to her Pack. "The Great Father Hydra has many servants. Mark the wisdom of the Lilin and show her the loyalty and the safety of the Hive - The Lilin will be at our Master's side on the day of Apocalypse!" Soul-of-Madness, Black Spiral Theurge of the Los Alamos Hive "They make me jealous." - Silent Paw, Bastet of the Bagheera Tribe. Mages - What we want Humanity to become. These Technocracy fools are the biggest dupes of the Demiurge, not realizing that their 'Science' is just an opinion. We love taking them into our beds and shattering their stiff world views. As for their opponents of the Council, we support them as we can, and we hope to become them one day. be careful, one of these may be a Hecatae sister who's on her next life! Lovers and allies all, except for those who serve the Shaitain. To destroy the Fallen is amongst the greatest honor we can do to our mother. Give them our sweet, deadly love. "The Daughters of our great mother and teacher Lilith are always to be welcomed at our gathers and esbats. They'll teach you more about passion and Awakening in one night than I could in a lifetime. Just be careful you don't die between their legs." - Gunther Brunweld, Verbena Coven Leader, Black Forest, Germany "So far, we have no hard evidence of the existence of these particular Reality Deviants. However, if you should encounter one, exterminate on sight with total prejudice."- John Thomas, Grey Man, giving a briefing to his squad before a mission. "Hmph. Just another set of pawns." - Jodi Blake, noted Nephandus. Wraiths - The Souls of the Dead hold great secrets. Touch them and love them, ease their loneliness. Their lands hold deep secrets, and our mother bade us to honor them, as she took many to her bed herself.

Those who serve the yawning Void merely bow to the mouth of the Great Shaitan. Our sisters the Kali and Hitomi will snatch these hapless souls from it's teeth and help them return balanced for their next cycle. "Just what we need! Now, along with Renegades crossing the shroud and breaking Dictum Mortem, we have another pack of weirdoes doing likewise. Givem the Darksteel, boys!" Sergeant Banner, Hierarchy Patrol Banner for the Iron Legion, briefing his troops. "These chickies are about *rebellion*, really. Rebellion is a good thing." - Tandy Five, Mask Mockers Renegade cell. "I really don't know. I need to find the Shrine of St. Lucian, if I'm to proceed to the Kingdom. She's a good woman, and that's all I need. I won't touch her, though" - Father Gregory Banion, Heretic, in being assisted by a Kali in resolving his Fetters. Changelings - These close kin know us the best, and we are fully part of their world. Within the Dreaming lies to keys to freedom from Samara! And drink sparingly, as you would from a loved one. Dance with both the summer and winter ones. "Don't ever bring up Marietta again. If you call her a ravaging demonwhore one more time, I *will* cleave you in twain." Jake Whiteshield, Troll of the 8th Troll Commons, in regards to his lost love. "The very epitome of wickedness? More like Satyrs with wings. But they have an impressive command of the Dreaming, and can learn magic from the other prodigals. There seem to be a few amongst them who *truly* understand us. Those are the ones who are welcome, the rest of fools and tools." The Marquis of The Dark Grove, remarking to fellow Shadow Court members in regards to Succubae. "One of us? Hardly. Something darker, more primal, stuff of shadows. Even in winter, we are the beauty of the sun, they are the moon. They are welcome here." King Melgire to his court in regards to a visiting Athenae scholar.

Succubus - The Rapture

Character Creation

Step One - Concept


Choose character's Nature, Demeanor, and Sisterhood -

which of the seven families/sects of the Succubi she has been fostered into. Record starting Willpower and Rapture scores.

Step Two - Attributes


Divide 7 points to the Primary Attribute category, 5 points to the Secondary Attribute category,and 3 points to the Tertiary Category, as per standard Storyteller rules.

Step Three - Abilities


Choose which category is Primary, Secondary and Tertiary from Talents, Skills and Knowledges. Divide 13 points amongst the Primary category, 9 points amongst the Secondary and 5 Points amongst the Tertiary Category. All Succubae also gain Seduction 1 and Flight 1 for free.

Step Four - Advantages


Choose Backgrounds - The Succubus may choose 7 points from these backgrounds - Allies, Arcane, Contacts, Dream, Guide, Herd, Influence, Library, Mentor,Resources, Rites, Talisman/Treasure/Fetish Choose Powers - Succubae gain 1 dot in the Presence Discipline, as well as two additional level 1 powers as determined by her Sisterhood. See the Sisterhood section for details.

Step Five - Finishing touches


Record the character's starting Rapture, Willpower and Samsara scores. Rapture and Willpower is determined by the character's Sisterhood, while Samsara always starts at 3. Spend Freebie Points - Succubus characters get 15 Freebies points to spend, and may purchase up to 7 points each of Merits and Flaws from the various Storyteller game system books. All Merits and Flaws must be approved by the ST, and many appropriate ones for Succubae can be found in all 5 of the World of Darkness game systems. Trait Attributes Abilities Backgrounds Cost 5 per dot 2 per dot 1 per dot

Willpower Powers Rapture(Temp) Rapture(Perm)

1 7 1 3

per per per per

dot dot(*) 3 dots dot

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