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Thyroid Storm Causes

Thyroid storm can be considered to be an extreme degree of hyperthyroidism and typically occurs in an individual with untreated hyperthyroidism. Precipitating factors, including trauma and stresses, have been identified, including: Infections, especially of the lung Thyroid surgery in patients with overactive thyroid gland Stopping medications given for hyperthyroidism Too high dose of thyroid hormone replacement Treatment with radioactive iodine Pregnancy Heart attack or cardiac emergencies

hyroid Storm Symptoms

Rapid heart beats (palpitations) Greatly increased body temperature Chest pain Shortness of breath Anxiety and irritability Disorientation Increased sweating Weakness Heart failure

When to Seek Medical Care

If you have any of the following conditions, then call your doctor immediately: Fever Very rapid heart beats Confusion and disorientation Significant fatigue and exhaustion Friends or family members of anyone experiencing symptoms of thyroid storm (who may not be able to function normally) should take the affected individual to an emergency department immediately

Thyroid Storm Diagnosis

The following tests are usually performed to diagnose thyroid storm: blood cell count, electrolyte levels,

blood sugar level, liver function, and thyroid hormone levels

Thyroid Storm Medical Treatment

Treatment of thyroid storm consists of life support measures to support vital organ function along with attempts to reduce thyroid hormone release. A complete evaluation to determine the cause of thyroid storm will also be carried out along with treatment of underlying or precipitating diseases or conditions. Treatment and supportive measures can include: A complete evaluation to determine the cause of thyroid storm Intravenous fluids and electrolytes Oxygen if needed Fever control with antipyretics (fever-reducing medications) and if needed cooling blankets Intravenous corticosteroids such ashydrocortisone Medications to block the production of thyroid hormones, such as propylthiouracil(PTU) or methimazole (Northyx, Tapazole) Iodide to block thyroid hormone release Drugs called beta-blockers, such aspropranolol (Inderal) to block the action of thyroid hormones on the body Treatment of heart failure if present

Thyroid Storm Prevention

Thyroid storm can be prevented with early treatment of hyperthyroidism and recognition of the warning symptoms of thyroid storm

Thyroid Storm Prognosis

Thyroid storm is a very serious condition that can result in death. Early and aggressive treatment can improve the outcom

Thyroid Storm

Topic Overview Related Information Credits

Topic Overview
Thyroid storm (thyroid crisis) is a potentially life-threatening condition for people who have hyperthyroidism. Thyroid storm happens when your thyroid gland suddenly releases large amounts

of thyroid hormone in a short period of time. If you have thyroid storm, you will need emergency medical treatment. Thyroid storm is more likely to develop when a person has a serious health problem in addition to hyperthyroidism or in people who have untreated or undertreated Graves' disease. The problem usually happens after a stressful event or a serious illness, such as a major infection. It may also be triggered by surgery or by using iodine for a CT scan or in radioactive iodine therapy. Symptoms of thyroid storm include: Feeling extremely irritable or grumpy. High systolic blood pressure, low diastolic blood pressure, and fast heartbeat. Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. High fever. Shock and delirium. Feeling confused. Feeling sleepy. Yellow skin or eyes. Symptoms of heart failure, such as breathing problems or feeling very tired. Thyroid storm can lead to coma, heart failure, or death

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