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Module 1



SECTION 1: THE UK FINANCIAL SERVICES INDUSTRY 1.1 The Functions of the Financial Services Industry
Bartering = exchange goods and services - Problem: Size of some transactions unmatched MONEY () : Why use money? 1) Medium of exchange = Separate commodity to exchange for products 2) Unit of account (a/c) = Measure product value Acceptable to all parties

Sufficient in quantity

5 properties Of Portable

Divides to small units

Store of value = can be saved and used later

Convenience e.g. current a/c

Means of achieving otherwise difficult objective e.g. mortgage

Aim of Financial Services Industry

Protection from risk e.g. insurance Money from lenders to borrowers

1. 1. 1

1.1.1 Intermediation
Surplus sector (1) Low interest rate (IR) given = cash rich - lend surplus fund to earn money

Money lent to

(2)-(1) Intermediaries profit margin

Financial Intermediary (2) High IR charged

Money lent to

e.g. banks & building societies (socs)

Deficit sector = fewer liquidity - pay money to anyone willing to lend

Disintermediation = cut out middle man e.g. company (Co.) raises funds from public by issuing shares

Why use the financial intermediary? Problem without Geographical location Aggregation
Locating lenders & borrowers Potential lender might not have enough

Solved with
Easy to find Retail deposits are low, whilst loans are high - aggregate small deposits

Maturity transformation

Borrower may need fund longer Most deposits are short term, whilst loans for than lender willing long term (e.g. mortgages: 20-25yrs) - range of deposit a/c not all depositor funds w/d at same time Individual depositors reluctant to Allow spreading risk over variety of lend all savings to individual/Co. borrowers if a few fail to repayintermediary absorbs loss

Risk transformation

1.1.2 Risk Management

Insurance = means of shifting burden of risk by pooling to minimise financial loss Depositors Small deposits made by each individual depositor


Large payment out from insurance fund e.g. car insurance payments for car accident caused by a depositor from this insurance fund

1.1.3 Product sales intermediaries

- Bring product providers (e.g. banks/insurance companies) & potential customers E.g. Mortgage advisers, financial advisers, insurance brokers
1.1.2, 1.1.3

1.2 Financial Institutions

<1980s: more defined boundaries between different financial organisations E.g. retail banks, wholesales banks, life assurance companies etc NOW: distinction blurred/disappeared E.g. bancassurance = banks owning insurance companies

1.2.1 The Bank of England (BOE)

- UK central bank (Federal Reserve United States) (European Central Bank Europe)
1. 2

Manage UK gold & foreign currency reserves for Treasury

Makes funds available when banking system short of liquidity maintain confidence Financial cover when gvt in: - Deficit BOE make automatic loan to gvt

Foreign exchange market Issuer of bank notes

Regulating banking sector NOW: FSA (1/6/98) Previously in charge of Managing new issues of gilt-edged securities (gilts)

Lender of last resort

Functions of BOE

- Surplus BOE may lend out as part of its Banker general debt management policy to

government (gvt) Banker to banks

All major banks have a/c at BOE for: - deposit/obtain cash NOW: Debt Mgt Office (Treasury) - settling clearing BOE avoids conflicts of settling IR - other transactions high influence on IR Help formulate monetary policy (since 5/97) & full responsibility for settling IR Bank Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) - meet monthly - set base rate to ensure gvt inflation target met

Advisor to gvt

1.2.2 Proprietary Organisations

Limited (Ltd.) Co.
owned by shareholders: share Co. profit = dividends contribute to decisions on how Co. run

Mutual Organisations
Not Co. no shareholders Owned by members Some demutualised (i.e. became proprietary organisations) e.g. Norwich Union, Standard Life

Life assurance Co. Building society Friendly society

Proportion of mutualisation Small Fully Fully

Member type With-profit policyholders Depositors & borrowers

Since Building Society Act 1986 building soc could demutualise (convert into banks Ltd Co.) - need approval by members readily given as members get a high number of free shares Problem: Carpet bagging = opening a/c in building soc to get subsequent shares Solution: building soc protect long-term members by restricting opening of new a/c

1.2.3 Retail Banking

Common services (e.g. deposits, loans) to personal & corporate customers

E.g. High-street banks, building socs, supermarkets - Tesco

Wholesale Banking
Raise money via wholesale money markets where financial institutes & other large Co.s buy & sell financial assets e.g. financial houses main retail banks building soc Can raise up to 50% of their liabilities via wholesale banking Top up deposits from branch networks as required e.g. if bank has opportunity to make substantial profitable loan but doesnt have adequate deposit can raise money quickly on interbank markets - Includes ~400 banks - recycle surplus cash held in banks (between banks, specialist money brokers)

London interbank offered rate (LIBOR)

= IR charged - fixed daily - reference rate for corporate lending

LIBOR + specific margin

- Main difference between retail & wholesale banking was in size NOW: less distinction

1.2.4 Money Transmission & Clearing Process

Cash Branch method Internet Direct debit Standing orders includes Cheque clearing Credit & electronic transfers

Automatic teller machine (ATM)

Telephone Current a/c

- Basis of money transmission for most people - Money paid in & out by cash, cheque, electronically, overdraft Changes to these a/cs overtime: No frill a/c, where customers paid fee for service bank provided Due to high competition: a/cs had interest & benefits, no fees - But still 1.5 million households not have current a/c

New type a/c: simple, basic encourage more people to open a/c including those on: pension

state benefit

Features: cash card, direct debit but no cheque book or overdraft Clearing = process, at the end of each business day, of settling between banks the transfer of , due to customers using cheques, direct debit, debit card etc
transfer of net figure from 1 bank to another via a/c in BOE - Due to automated transfer methods: cheque volume

- Most banks have clearing system with other banks - those which do not: require an agency arrangement with a clearing bank Association of major banks & building socs which co-ordinates UK clearing services Name changed from Bankers Automated Clearing Services Ltd (BACS) Operates bulk electronic clearing (e.g. direct debits)

Electronic, same day interbank transfers for high-value wholesale payment

Clear cheques & paper credits 3-day process

Clearing House Automated Payment Sys (CHAPS) Association for payment & clearing services (APACS)

Cheque & credit card Co.

Voca Ltd


1.3 The Role of Gvt

1.3.1 Influence of the European Union (EU)
- UK member since 1973 - not adopt euro UK has own currency & monetary policy BUT influenced by EU policies & laws including financial services - EU parliament & Council of ministers act on suggestions from EU Commission to adopt EU laws The laws can be

1) Regulations

- general application - entirely binding - apply to all states (unless specified otherwise) - objective must be achieved in specific time - But how it is achieved is up to national authorities in each state

2) Directives

1.3.2 Regulations in UK

Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

EU law Acts of Parliament Regulatory bodies
e.g. FSA

Impact UK financials industry Set laws via subsidiary law (statutory instruments) Monitor regulation & issue rules on how rules are to be met Ensure financial institutes themselves are operating legally & competently Customer complaints referred to

Financial institutes & internal departments Arbitration schemes

e.g. Financial Ombudsman Service


1.3.3 Taxation
Why tax? Raise revenue Control money supply

- If gvt

general tax less for investment & loan repayment less attractive for investors to invest

2 levels of tax on investments (e.g. unit & investments trusts): 1) fund managers taxed 2) investors taxed

Country individual treats as home, even if they live for a time in another country


Domicile of origin = domicile of individuals father (or mother if unmarried) on date of their birth Domicile of choice = change to different domicile - Achieved by putting permanent roots in a different country & severing previous


Domicile UK?

Inheritance tax Any assets worldwide Only on UK assets

Inheritance tax

Yes (birth/live 17 of previous 20 yrs in UK) No

Individual present for at least 183 days/tax yr in UK



Income tax on worldwide (un)earned & (un)brought to UK Capital gains tax (CGT) on worldwide gains

UK has double taxation agreement with other countries an individual is not taxed 2 times on the same income/gains Income Tax = liability based on income received in a tax/fiscal year (6 Apr 5 Apr next year) Process of deciding income tax: Budget delivered (each yr) containing taxation proposal Finance Bill published Approved by parliament & receives Royal Assent Law made: new Finance Act (main law: Income & Corporation Taxes Act 1988)

R85 form filled to declare individual (children & adults) does not need to pay tax & can
received interest from certain deposits gross, without tax deduction at source - Childrens income from settlement by parents is treated as parents income for tax purposes cannot set childrens unused allowance against this income

Income taxed
Employment salary inc bonus, commission, taxable benefits Pensions & retirement annuities Profits from trade/profession Tips Interest on banks & building soc deposits Dividends from Co.s Income from trusts Income from gvt & local authority stocks Rents & other land & property income Value of benefits (if total income + benefits > 8500) (Co. cars tax based on CO2 emission rating)

NOT income taxed

Redundancy pay & other losses (unless >30000 excess tax) Interest on National Savings Certificate Capital part of purchase life annuity ISAs & PEPs Gift Aid payments Proceeds qualifying life assurance policy Gambling profits Lottery prizes Wedding presents & presents from employer Retirement & redundancy money

Education grants to full time students War widow pension Some social security benefits Housing grants Interest on tax rebate Allowances Personal allowance = income amount received each yr before tax
- Applies to all UK residence incl. children - Not transferable to anyone else

(2009/10) 6,475 9,490 people >65+ yrs 9,640 people >75+ yrs
For people >65yrs with income exceeding specific figure (22,900 - 09/10), personal allowance reduces 1 every 2 income over threshold (not reduce below under-65 allowance)

Blind Persons allowance

(09/10): 1,890 - transferable to blind/non-blind spouse

Married couples allowance

- Applied before April 2000 (now withdrawn, unless 1 spouse is born before 6/4/35)

Gross income Pension contribution Allowable expense

Scheme set by employer/ to personal/stakeholder pension Band Cost carried out by employment, allowances % taxed

Taxable income

Taxable income () (09/10) Earned income Investment income 2,440 37,400 > 37,400 2,441 - 37,400 > 37,400

Lower Basic Higher

10 20 40

Not apply if individual nonsavings taxable income is >2,440.

E.g. 1 Married man aged 30 earns 20,000pa (09/10) building society income, & no other income. His has a personal allowance of 6,475 Gross income: 20,000 Personal allowance: 6,475 Taxable income: 13,525 (20000-6475) 2,440 at 10%: 244 (2440*0.1) 11,085 (13525-2440) at 20%: 2,217 (11085*0.2) Total taxable: 2461 (244+2217)

E.g. 2 A single woman aged 40 earns 50,000pa (09/10). She is employed and has personal allowance of 6475 Gross income: 50,000 Personal allowance: 6,475 Taxable income: 43,525 (50000-6475) 2,440 at 10% 244 (2440*0.1) 34,960 (37400-2440) at 20%: 6,992 (34960*0.2) 6,125 (43525-37400) at 40%: 2,450 9,686 Total taxable: (244+6992+2450)

- Most investment income taxed at source at basic rate: 20% Non-taxpayers get tax-free interest (by signing declaration) Higher taxpayers pay further 20% of gross interest via tax return/coding

Gross rate =

Net rate 0.8


- Share dividends receive net of nominal 10% tax Satisfy lower & basic rate taxpayers Higher taxpayer pays further 22.5% (32.5% total) Non-taxpayers can NOT reclaim 10%

Gross rate =

Net rate 0.9 Employees
- Income tax paid via pay-as-you-earn (PAYE) system employers calc using tables by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) How calc? Employers supplied with tax code number for each employee Amount of free pay incl allowances, benefits etc & over/under payments from previous yr

Previous yr: Tax deduction, NI contribution, tax code

P40 given to employee by employer in Apr each yr P45 to employee & HMRC by employer when leaving job Given to new employer for information about tax deductions Self-Employed (inc business partners)

Total Revenue - total expenses - Capital allowance => Income tax paid to HMRC
based on net profits - Self-assessment rules: taxpayer calculate own liability & sends it to the tax authorities for approval /Accountant/HMRC Classification of Type of Income Before: Classified under schedules A, D, E & F abolished Now: Income Tax (Earnings & Pensions) Act 2003 Income Tax (Trading & Other Income) Act 2005
Covers incomes in other schedules

Covers income previous in Schedule E: - Employment income - Pensions - Taxable social security benefits

Part 2
- Trading income (from self employment)

Part 3

Part 4
- Savings & investment income incl interest - Dividends

- Property income Income taxed at Source

- HMRC collects income tax at source from person making payment, not the recipient - Tax deducted at basic rate - Further liability at higher rates collected by direct assessment on taxpayer E.g. in PAYE employee receives net of tax Tax Paid Investment Income

- Investment income taxed at source - Recipient has no further liability (unless higher rate taxpayer) - Non-taxpayers reclaim by completing tax return Interest from bank & building soc deposit fixed-interest loans to Co.s debentures Dividends from UK Co.s (not income tax liable but tax credit) element of certain life annuities Income from trusts & settlements Interest from certain finance Co. deposits

loan stocks

E.g. of investments income taxed at source

Distributions from unit trusts Taxation of Proceeds from Life Assurance Policy

- Investors premium paid to Co.s life fund which given to different assets e.g. property, shares - Basic rate tax on income (e.g. dividend, gilt interest, rental income) - 20% capital gains tax(CGT) on profit when fund sold - taxed at source - Higher rate taxpayer further liability 20% of gain ( total: 40%) for non-qualifying policy Qualifying policy rules: 1) Premiums paid -yearly / -yearly/yearly, monthly for at least 10 yrs - if cease before 10yrs or of terms agreed non-qualifying 2) Premium in 1 yr must not exceed twice the premium in any other yr or 1/8 of total premiums payable 3) Sum paid to death must be at least 75% total premiums payable Taxation of Proceeds from Unit Trust Collective investment under trust deed - Income generated via share dividend - Unit holders receive net of tax - no liability to basic rate taxpayer - further liability to higher rate taxpayer - Gilt interest & dividends on foreign shares do not pay UK tax Pay basic rate tax Pay corporate tax

- Exempt from CGT, although unit holder maybe liable if sell at profit National Insurance (NI) = tax on earned income Class Rate 1

- 11% on earnings between primary threshold (110/wk (09/10)) to upper limit (840/wk (09/10)) - Reduced level of 1% on earnings above upper limit - Employers pay 12.8% on employees earning above lower limit = secondary threshold (110/wk (09/10)) but no upper limit - Lower contribution if employees contracted out of state 2nd pension (S2P) - Self-employed flat rate 2.40/wk- if profit exceed lower threshold (5,075/wk (09/10)) - Paid monthly direct debit

- Voluntary contributions by people who otherwise not allowed full basic pension or sickness benefits (e.g. career break, working abroad) - Flat rate 12.05/wk (09/10) - Additional contribution by self-employed in annual profits between minimum & maximum level - Paid to HMRC -yearly with income tax - Rate: 8% profits between 5,715 - 43,875 + 1% profits > 43,875 Capital Gains Tax (CGT)

= paid on net gain on disposal of physical & financial assts inc shares, unit trust Sale, transferring/giving asset, received compensation for loss/destruction CGT not paid in some situations : Gains on qualifying life assurance policies disposed of by owner Main private residence Ordinary private motor vehicles Personal belongings, antiques, jewellery etc if <6000 National, historic, scientific gift that is nations interest


Property disposed due to death (get inheritance tax) National Savings certificate & PAYE scheme


Premium bond & lottery winnings Foreign currency for personal expenditure

ISA PEP (personal equity plans)

- If a loss is made on asset when it is disposed, individual can offset it against gains elsewhere - How? 1st: Offset loss against gains in the year the loss occurred Then: Residual loss maybe carried forward to future years But capital loss can not be carried back to a previous year - Tax payable on net gains in tax year (after deducting allowable capital losses in same/previous year) - Each individual has annual CGT allowance (10,100 (09/10)) level of gains allowed in year before CGT start incl. to trustees of mentally disabled & personal representatives: 5,050 (09/10) - can not carry forward to next year if unused - Capital loss can be carried forward but annual exemption can not losses brought forward to extent required to reduce gain to level of annual exemption residual losses then carried forward Calculation of CGT

Rules: 1) Costs of purchase can be added to the purchase price, & selling costs deducted from sale price 2) Cost of improvements to assets can be treated as part of purchase price (not incl. maintenance & repair cost) 3) Capital gains before 31/3/82 have different tax value on 31/2/82 substituted for actual purchase price

Gains Annual CGT Allowance Losses Taxable Gains

Subject to 18% tax - Low rate of 10% on the first 1million of cumulative gains from disposal of trading businesses & shares = Entrepreneurs relief To claim this relief: individual must own at least 5% of ordinary share capital of the business (most property letting businesses are exempt from this relief)

E.g. Vanessa brought 50,000 units in unit trust ( May04) & sold for 80,000 ( June 08). At the same time she sold 10,000 shares that she brought for 12,000. What CGT will she pay? - Gain on unit trust: 30,000 - Annual allowance: 10,100 (9,600) - Loss on shares: 2,000 - Taxable gain: 17,900 (30000 10100 2000) - Tax at 18%: 3,222

- Problem: CGT is due on the whole gain in the year when gain realised, even if the gain made was in a longer period, but only 1 annual exemption against years worth of gain - some shareholders & unit-trust holders sell holding each year & then repurchase the following day smaller gain covered by that years exemption = bed & breakfasting Out-lawed in 98 Budget: shares & unit trusts sold & repurchased within 30 days treated as if these 2 transactions did not occurred Roll-Over Relief (ROR)

= Assets disposed of are replaced by other business assets, on which ROR claimed instead of CGT on original disposal, deferred until final disposal made - Replacement asset must be brought between 1 year before to 3 years after sale of original asset - Relief claimed up to the lower of either the gain or amount reinvested Hold-Over Relief

= CGT on gain of gift of certain assets can be deferred until recipient disposes - assets used by donor in his/family Co./group trade - shares in transferors personal Co./unlisted trading Co. - agricultural property relief from inheritance tax - assets where immediate charged inheritance tax Payment of CGT

- CGT charged on gains from disposal in 6 Apr to 5 Apr next year - CGT paid on 31 Jan at end of the tax year when gains realised - Details of chargeable assets disposed during tax year included in individuals tax return Inheritance Tax (IHT)

= Tax on estates of deceased, on 1) On 40% of the amount estate exceeds nil-rate band (325,000 (09/10) - From 9/10/07: surviving spouses/civil partners can increase their own nil-rate band by the proportion of un-used nil-rate band from the earlier death of their spouse/partner 2) Potentially exempt transfers (PETs) = gifts made during persons lifetime -Tapering relief (scaling down) over final 4/7yrs before death 80% (4th yr), 60% (5th yr), 40% (6th yr), 20% (7th yr) of max (if longer exempt) - some lifetime gifts to Co.s, organisations, trusts not PETs but chargeable lifetime transfers: tax decreased rate of 20% immediately due & full tax if donor dies within 7yrs (tapering relief) Donation to charity, political party, to nation Small gifts up to 250 per recipient in each tax yr Transfer bet spouses during life & death

Gifts on regulated basis from income which not affect donors standard living Up to 3000pa for gifts not covered by other exemptions. Any remainder can be carried only forward 1yr Wedding gifts up to 1000 (increased to 5000 for gifts from parents & 2500 from grandparents Value Added Tax (VAT)

= Indirect tax on sale of most goods/services in UK: 17.5% Exemptions: financial transactions (loans, insurance) (not incl financial advice) supply of health & education goods: not technically exempt as they have zero-rated tax subjects to VAT but current rate is 0% - Business regulated for VAT if annual turnover > 68,000 (09/10) Adv: - VAT paid on business expenses can reclaimed Disadv: - increase expense to customers (charged VAT) - increase administration (collecting, accounting & paying VAT) Stamp Duty

= Tax paid by purchaser with respect to certain transaction e.g. security, land - Tax imposed on documents that give effect to the transaction e.g. conveyancing of property - Documents need stamping within a certain time period, else transfer not accepted - % of purchase price Stamp Duty Reserve Tax: on securities = 1.5% of market value for bearer instrument shares = 0.5% Financial instruments e.g. bonds, where name of owner not recorded possession of certificate only proof of ownership title physically passes From 13/3/08: Transactions in a Stamp Duty Reserve Tax charge of < 5 are exempt

-Stamp Duty Land Tax - dependent on property value Stamp duty rate (%) 0 1 3 4 Purchase price of the property () < 125,000 (150,000 in spec disadvantaged areas) 125,001 250,000 250,001 500,000 > 500,000 Corporation Tax

= Paid by limited Co.s on profit within accounting period (financial yr) Also paid by: clubs, societies, associations, trade & housing associations & by co-operatives NOT: conventional business partnership, ltd liability partnership, self-employed individual Trading profits 1/4/08 31/3/09 Capital gains Income from lettings Interest on deposits

- Co.s in UK pay corporate tax on worldwide profits Co.s elsewhere only pay corporation tax on profits from their UK-based business Co.s rate Small Marginal Main Profit () 0 300,000 300,001 1.5 mil > 1.5 mil Rate 21% 09/10 Marginal 28% 09/10 When due 9 months after end of relevant accounting period 9 months after end of relevant accounting period Quarter-yearly instalments halfway through accounting period Withholding Tax

= tax on income levied at service before that income received E.g income tax on UK employees - Tax levied, in specific countries, on income ((un)earned) by non-residents income not leave country without being taxed E.g. UK withholding tax of 20% on earnings of non-resident entertainers & sports people - UK has double taxation agreement with 100 countries not taxed twice

1.3.4 Economic & Monetary Policy

Microeconomic objective Macroeconomic objective = concern individual firms/consumer = long-term objectives economic policies gvt trying to achieve - economic aggregates = total picture of economy as whole

Balance of payment equilibrium Foreign currency: expenditure = receipt

Unemployment Gvt tries to expand economy so labour, land & capital Rising level of prices: Rate of money supply> growth of good/services

Price stability

Satisfactory economic growth

into country = out - Linked to exchange rate - Gvt aim: currency price stable not so - high as to reduce export - low as to increase inflation

Need low, controlled inflation rate Economic output is growing in real terms over time & increasing standard of living UK economy grew fast in 2000 now onset of recession - 2006: annual growth of gross domestic product (GDP) at 3%

(0 inflation is undesirable unstimulated investment)

Measure of value of goods & services produced within country over specific period of time - Affects US & EU economy


- The four macroeconomic objectives work in 2 pairs: E.g if unemployment growth inflation improve balance of payment E.g unemployment inflation

- Impossible to achieve all 4

- UK economic policy (until recently) was stop-go = gvt cause fast and slow economic growth Employment Growth Inflation Unemployment - Gvt aim: - aggregate demand in line with productive economic capacity - low inflation rate for long periods of sustained economic growth average annual rate of 2% (max divergence 1% either side) measured by consumer price index (CPI) replaced retail price index (RPI) derived in same way as harmonised index of consumer prices (HICP): used in eurozone Inflation Growth

How do the gvt keep inflation regulated? 1) Monetary Policy

acts on money supply & IRs History: Monetary policy was 2nd place to fiscal policy, as thought fiscal policy had more effect on demand, whilst monetary policy just fine tunes economy 1979: monetary policy more important in controlling economy Method: (by monetary economists) 1) Money supply credit creation by banks 2) Bank restrict amount lend 3) Borrowers required to provide minimum cash deposit to make purchase - Monetary Policy Committee decides IR BOE lend to banks/other institutes - Change IR? direction? how much? Treasury can give BOE instructions in extreme economic circumstances Announce decision immediately Minutes published 2 weeks later determines other IRs charged to borrowers & paid to lenders = Repo rate (Base rate) Inflation To control increasing supply must control amount credit creation By manipulating IR* influence demand for credit * policy in UK Impact of IR changes

- Banks base rate is a variable rate as it follows BOE IR - Until recently, most IR on loans were variable - Disadv: (especially in large transactions e.g. mortgage) Income is not variable difficult for borrower as: Sudden IR borrower unable to make repayment amounts at fixed rate repossession

- Due to high, active wholesale market lender get

Pass rate to borrowers & others - Disadv: borrower lose out if variable rate lowers below the fixed rate penalty if pay off mortgage within fixed rate period (protects lender) arrangement fee charged by lender for reserving sufficient fund at fixed rate - In UK: fixed rate mortgages short initial period variable rate remainder of term - Other EU countries: longer fixed term

2) Fiscal Policy (MP)

money supply & economy activity

manipulate finances of public sector influence Gvt, local authority, public corporations

- Public sector provide national/regional services e.g. education, healthcare, transport Funds from private sector Funds from individuals & firms via (in)direct tax - Changes in public & private sector affect the economy - Outcomes: Budget Balanced Surplus Deficit Amount of tax to public sector spending = > < Result on economy - Neutral Employment Money supply Employment Money supply (inflation)

Gvt borrow to finance the deficit Public Sector Net Cash Required (PSNCR) = cash measure of public sector short-term net financing required

- Aim of gvt: Increase sustainable level of growth & employment - Fiscal policy maintains sound public finances over the medium term 2 fiscal rules: 1) Golden rule = gvt borrow to INVEST, not fund current spending 2) Sustainable investment rule = public sector net debt, as proportion of GDP, is held over the economic cycle at a stable level - Fiscal policy outlined by gvt Chancellor of Exchequer in the annual Budget (March) Pre-budget report allow public to consult on policies Revenue plans (incl individual & Co tax) Gvt planned expenditure - Monetary policy acts on economy as whole - Fiscal policy can have macroeconomic & microeconomic effects & target specific parts of economy E.g. 1) Tax incentives to manufacturing Co.s to boost employment 2) Gvt grants to firms that move to underdeveloped geographic areas

LOOK AT APPENDIX (I) 1.3.5 Welfare & Benefits


- UK gvt provide assistance in need - Lots of critics, as it is expensive. But the system is envy of other countries - High number of benefits, but low amount benefits are only to get individual out of extreme poverty Support for People on Low Incomes Working Tax Credit
People (16+yrs) with children, work 16> hrs/wk People (25+yrs) with no children, work 30 hrs/wk

(= specifications)

= Top up of earnings on low incomes for disability/ cost of qualifying childcare

- 16+yrs, work 16yrs/wk, disabled - they/partner 50+yrs & work 16 hrs/wk & return to work after out-of-work benefit Income Support

- Tax free benefit - Not dependent on claimant having paid NI contributions Income lower than specific amount Saving < 16,000 (<6000 ignored) assume 1/wk every 250 above 6000 (deduct benefit) Working < 16hrs/wk (disability & working > 16hrs/wk) Not full time student 16+yrs High Range can claim: >60yrs, single parent, disabled, unemployed Income Support Payments (ISP)

- Amount of ISP depends on lots of factors: age, income, savings, partners/children - 3 parts of payments: 1) Personal allowance cover day-2-day expenses of claimant, partner, children 2) Premiums additional payments to people with extra needs e.g. disabilities 3) Other additions inc mortgage interest payments & other housing costs Jobseekers Allowance (JSA)

Contribution based
- payable for 6 months - fixed rate- irrespective of savings/partners earnings - paid gross but taxable dependent on having paid Class 1 NI contribution

Income based
seeking work for at least 40hrs/wk working <16hrs/wk 18 yrs pensionable work not in full time education signed JSA agreement steps to look for work

- credited NI contributions (NICs) every week receiving JSA Support for Bringing Up Children

2 types: 1) During pregnancy 2) During children growing up Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP)

- from employer when woman becomes pregnancy while employed worked for same employer, without break, > 26 wks incl 15th week before baby due (qualifying week) average weekly earnings in 8 weeks up to qualifying week not less than lower earning limit level NICs become payable must have paid at least a specific minimum level of Class 1 NICs - Payable for 39 weeks - Earliest payment begins: 11 weeks before the baby due, & latest when baby born - 2 rates: 1) 2) - Taxable - NICs due on amount paid 1st 6 weeks: amount paid is 90% average weekly earnings Remaining: flat rate subject to 90% of average weekly earnings Maternity Allowance

- Given if individual not able to claim SMP e.g. self-employed, recently changed jobs

- Paid by Department of Work & Pensions (DWP) not employers - Disadv: lower rate than SMP - Adv: not subject to tax Rate: 1) Standard rate to those earnings > lower earning limits 2) 90% average earning paid to earnings < lower limit but > minimum threshold - High number of restrictions - Payable for 39 weeks - Earliest payment begins: 11 weeks before baby due, latest: baby born Child Benefit

- tax free benefit to parents bringing up child - not means-tested & not depend on NICs paid - to each child <16yrs to 19yrs if full time education/training - higher rate to eldest child, lowest to youngest Child Tax Credit

- help parents on low incomes (people earning < 66,000/yr maybe eligible) - payable in addition to child benefit - parent do not have to be working to claim - paid to childs carer - paid until 1st Sept after childs 16th birthday/20th birthday (if child in full time education, not claiming income support/any tax credit, not serving custodial sentence of 4+ months) Support for People Ill/Disabled Statutory Sick Pay (SSP)
- Paid by an employer to an employee who is off due to illness for 4+ days - paid maximum for 28 weeks (spells of sickness with < 8wks between them) = 1 spell - to people with average earnings > NICs payable - taxed & NI deducted (like normal earnings) Incapacity Benefits

- claim if self-employed/ long period of sickness (>28 wks) - depend on payment of Class 1/2 NICs else may get income support - 3 levels: 1) Short-term lower rate 2) Short-term higher rate - payable to 28 wks - not subject to income tax - payable 29-52 wks - taxable - terminally ill: highest rate from 28+ wk - highest rate - payable if sick > 52 wks - taxable

3) Long-term rate Attendance Allowance

- for those 65+ years & need personal care as ill - not means-tested & not dependent on paid NICs - 2 levels: 1) lower rate need care by day & night 2) higher rate need help both day & night Disability Living Allowance (DLA)

- for people who need help with personal care &/or getting around - Tax free usually for <65yr old need help for qualifying 3 month period & expect to need help for further 6 months (unless terminal within 6 months) 2 components: 1) Care component for daily tasks e.g. washing, cooking etc 2) Mobility component if difficulty in walking/ not walk Carers Allowance

- for people giving up time/job to look after someone - not need to be relative to qualify - not depend on NICs - flat rate (+ for partners/children) - taxable & declared on tax returns Carer: - between 16-65yrs - spend > 35hrs/wk as carer - earn no more than certain amount each wk - not in full-time education (21+ hr/wk supervised study)

Patient: - receive DLA/AA/constant attendance allowance - not in hospital Support for People in Hospital/Residential/Nursing Care

- some of patients needs met by NHS benefits reduced whilst claimant in hospital - if in residential care/nursing home but can not afford the minimum charges income support available - if in private establishment, income support available if < 16,000 (worked out by adding fees for home + meals & subject to maximum benefit amount dependent on the type of care received) Support for People in Retirement

- 1st introduced in 1908 - current state pension from WW2 since NI Act 1946 (pension to employed people at 65 yrs) - flat-rate pension = basic state pension - not related to employee earnings - NI Act 1959 - intro earnings related pension: 1961: Graduated pension scheme 1978: State earnings related pension scheme (SERPs) 2002: 2nd state pension (S2P) Basic State Pension (BSP)

- provide little more than subsistence-level standard of living - 25% of national average earning - single person: 95.25/wk, married couple: 152.30/wk (09/10) - pay-as-you-go basis, NICs from working population immediately paid out - no. pensions & employment - chance of BSP above inflation - gvt proposes BSP in line with average earnings index not cost of living index in 2012 Additional State Pension

SERPS - aim: pension 25% average earnings (BSP) to 50% - pay-as-you-go funding increased cost pressure

- initially offered on earnings-related basis, changing to a full flat rate basis - only to employed people paying Class 1 NI contribution, not self-employed - obliged to be S2P unless contracted out (themselves (full contribution paid but rebate by transfer to alternative pension arrangement) or employer (on membership of employers pension scheme pay lower NIC))

S2P Pension Credit

- ensure retired have total income of specific minimum amount - single person: 130/wk, couple: 198.45/wk - increasing each yr taking account of inflation



- Less people hold financial wealth in cash, but invest to make profit (intermediary chain)

2.1 Deposits
- Deposit based investments: capital element fixed but investment income varies - Why? Adv Capital secure amount invested intact Readily accessible banks & building societies Disadv Inflation reduces value of capital (increased inflation causes value to reduce in real term) Risk of loss of capital if institute becomes insolvent (Financial Services Compensation Scheme)


2.1.1 Bank a/c

3 types of interest bearing a/c:

1) Deposit a/c

- Depositors (individual/corporation) invest 1- no max - Return via interest - variable (banks base lending rate) - calculate daily & added to a/c on periodic basis ( ly, -yearly, yearly)

- Some have higher IR, by may need minimum investment - Deposits can be subject to notice withdrawal e.g. 7 days - maybe waived subject to penalty e.g. Amount interest that could be earned over period - Investment fund for emergency/other - Less attractive long-term

2) Money Market Deposit a/c

- Higher IR than deposit a/c - IR reflects current money market IR & vary according to amount invested - 2 types: 1) Fixed a/c - term deposit a/c = sum invested for fixed period (e.g over night, 5yrs) - interest fixed over period & can not be withdrawn before

- no 2) Notice a/c fixed term but need notice period to withdraw - bank given same period of notice of change in IR (e.g. 7 days, 6 months+) - for people with high amounts of cash to place on short-term deposit until required

3) Interest Bearing Current a/c - Provide immediate access to funds without loss of interest
- Range of services: cheque-book & guarantee cards, cashpoint facility - Mass market caused by high competition between banks/building societies - IR (may have lower rates on phone/internet) - Some banks offered high-interest cheque a/c have higher IR, but require higher minimum level of investment (1000-10000) Taxation - tax on interest = 20% e.g. 4% gross interest net = 3.2%
- lower & basic tax payer no further liability - higher rate tax payer liable for 20% more - interest paid gross/can reclaim tax for non-tax payers who complete R85 form - 10% taxpayers can reclaim additional 10%

2.1.2 Building Society a/c

- For investors with surplus funds for long time - Competitive IR - Different from banks in legal structure: Building societies = mutual organisations owned by members Banks = limited co.s owned by shareholders - 2 types of a/cs: Ordinary share a/c - Instant access without penalty - Lower IR than notice a/cs Notice a/c - Access in 7, 30, 60, 90 days - If require immediate access: get penalty charge (interest earned over notice period)

- Tiered IRs (higher investment higher rate) - Short-term & immediate access - Taxation (


2.1.3 Offshore Deposits

= Investment medium, bank/building society/other form of investment based outside UK in country with more adv taxation taxation havens e.g. Canary Islands - Disadv: Higher risk than onshore investment, as: 1) adverse currency movements when converted back to sterling 2) less protection by investors protection schemes check via local regulatory authorities - Maybe useful if investor needs outside UK - Interest paid gross - UK resident must declare to HMRC - can avoid tax by letting returns roll up & withdrawing in future when become non-resident - Specific rules if investor resident/non-resident for UK tax


2.1.4 Cash ISAs

= Tax- efficient individual savings a/c - Different forms (3.2.4) e.g. cash ISA tax free interest on bank/building society deposit a/c - maximum: 3,600 per tax year

2.1.5 National Savings & Investments

= Range of savings & investment products on behalf of gvt

- From post-office & NS&I website

- Low risk all products guarantee return of any capital invested - Different types if products for different types of investors (terms, IRs, tax)

2.1.4 & Buying & Selling Shares

- Stock Exchange (SE) = Londons stocks & share market - Trade: gvt stock, share capital & loan capital, oversees, options

2 markets:

Main market - Allows Co.s to be quoted on SE - Requirements incl: - Financial & other information - Co. mustve traded for > 3yrs - > 25% issued shares in public hands Listing Rules by FSA (acts as UK Listing Authorities (UKLA)

Alternative Investment Market (AIM) - Separate market on SE (since 95) - for new Co.s with potential to grow - Enable Co. to raise capital by issuing share - high public audience & high profile by joining - less rules & rigidity than main market



Age (yrs)

Minimum Other Amount () 100 500 50,000

Easy Access Tiered, *(gross paid & income taxable) Savings a/c Investment a/c Income Bonds Variable, Tiered 7 levels, *

11+ 7+ or parents if child <7

Variable, Tiered, *, Interest paid until withdrawal

Monthly regular income, No term & capital withdrawn at any time Interest paid monthly, net of basic rate income tax Lump-sum investment, 1,3 or 5 year term Lump sum, fixed term investment with growth potential linked to FTSE100 while security on original investment

Guaranteed Guaranteed 1,2 or 5 yrs at a time, Fixed IR 16+ income Bonds depending on term Guaranteed Calculated yearly but added to investment 16+ growth bonds at the end of the term Guaranteed equity bonds Savings Certificate Gross interest- no liability to income or CGT attractive to higher rate tax payers 18+

100 -15,000 Fixed interest certificate (FIC)= fixed IR on chos term (2/5 yrs) Index linked certificate = value with inflation (terms 3 & 5 yrs) 10030,000 /person Regular (monthly) draw for tax free prizes for investors, Prizes maybe worth lots of , Encash any time with 8 days notice Lump sum for 5> yrs, Encash <21 yrs, No interest paid after 21yrs

Premium Bonds

Childrens Fixed for 1st 5yrs + bonus on 5th yr, final Bonus Bonds bonus on 21st birthday

16+ for <16

2.2 Fixed-Interest Securities

2.2.1 Gvt. Stocks
- Gilt edged securities (gilts) = British gvt securities & represent gvt borrowing - Safe - as gvt not default interest or capital payments - Categorised according to length of time left until redemption date = date gvt buys gilt back at original issue value (par value) [normal: 100]

Short dated (shorts) - <5 yrs - 0-7 yrs (UK Debt Management Office)

Medium dated (mediums) - 5 15 yrs - 7 15 yrs (UK Debt Management Office)

Long dated (Longs) - 15>yrs

Undated = No redemption date - at gvt discretion - Gvt under no obligation to ever redeem

- Interest paid at fixed rate = coupon - Index-linked gilts = interest payments & capital value move in line with inflation investors purchasing power of capital & interest received is constant (unlike other fixed interest stocks inflation reduces purchasing power) E.g. If gilts with coupon of 5% & redemption date 2021 = Treasury 5% 2021 - Interest normally paid -yearly E.g. If holder of 10,000 nominal of Treasury 5% 2021 250 interest per 6 months Paid grossly subject to income tax
2.2, 2.2.1

- Not redeemable by investors before redemption date, but can be sold to other investors Price depends on: 1) Market IRs 2) Nearness to redemption date 3) Supply & demand Gilts prices quoted: Cum dividend or Ex dividend Buyer acquires stock itself & entitlement to next interest payment While buyer acquires stock itself, forthcoming interest payment payable to previous owner of the stock (i.e. seller)

- Capital gains made on gilt sale are free of CGT

E.g. Higher rate taxpayer buys 100,000 par value Treasury 5% 2019 at price 80.0 i.e. pays 80,000 for stock Receives annual interest: 5,000 [2,500 per yearly] (5% of 100,000 = 5000) = represents yield 6.25% [5,000/800,000] Interest paid gross but 40% tax paid net annual interest = 3000 [5000*0.4 = 2000, 5000-2000= 3000] Later he sells stock for 90,000 no CGT on gain of 10,000 [90,000-80,000]

2.2 Fixed Interest Securities

Gvt Stocks (2.2.1)

2.2.2 Local Authority Stocks

2.2.3 Permanent Interest - Bearing Shares(PIBS)

2.2.4 Corporate Bonds

- issued by building society to raise capital Local authority can borrow by issuing stocks/bonds (fixed term, fixed interest securities) - Secured on local authority assets - Not negotiable (i.e. can not get lower price) & fixed return at maturity - Return of capital on maturity guaranteed - not as secure as gilts(as no gvt guarantee) - Guaranteed IR yearly - Paid net: - Basic:20% - Higher: 40% - Non-taxpayer: can reclaim - fixed IR yrly - paid gross taxable - PIBs rank below ordinary a/c in priority of payment if Co. becomes insolvent - Represent loans to commercial organisations - Fixed redemption dates, specific redemption value & fixed IR - Brought & sold at prices reflecting market IRs - Higher risk than gilts as no gvt backing tend to offer higher yields (profits)

2.2.2 2.2.4

2.3 Equities & Other Co. Finance

- Co. need to raise to commerce/expand business - High number of ways, incl: corporate bonds (2.2.4), shares

2.3.1 Ordinary Shares (equities)

- Brought by private investors, most transactions made by institutions, life, pension funds - Shareholders own Co 2 main rights: 1) Receive share of profit via dividends 2) Participate in how Co. run voting at shareholders meetings - Rights of shareholder differ from Co. to Co. specific rights in Articles of Association found at Co.s offices or Co. House - Direct investment in shares is high risk (loss of all capital) , - mitigate by investing in a range of shares & products (3.2) - Share trading prices depend on a number of factors: Profitability of individual Co. Strength of market sector Strength of UK & worldwide economies Supply & demand for shares & investments

- Share prices in: - short term fluctuate - long term outpaced inflation & provide higher growth than deposit type investments

2.3, 2 Returns From Shares Risk & Reward

- Shareholders in limited liability (LLB) Co. not liable for Co. debt as they are a separate legal identity - Investment can reduce/loss if Co. liquidates - High potential for return over long-term Assessment of Financial Returns

2 forms: 1) Capital growth = growth share prices 2) Income = dividends received on share of Co.s distributed profits

- Assess success of shares & future performance by: 1) Earnings per share = [Co.s net profit / No. shares] - not normally amount of dividends to shareholder on each share (as Co. retains some profit for e.g. expansion) 2) Dividends cover = how much of profit distributed as dividends - e.g. if 50% profit as dividends: covered twice - 2+ cover acceptable by investor <1 company paying dividends from retained surplus from previous year 3) Price/Earnings ratio (P/E) = share price / earnings per share - useful guide to shares growth prospect Taxation of shares

- Dividends received net of 10% (tax credit equal to amount deducted) - Non-taxpayers can not reclaim - Higher taxpayer have to pay additional 22.5% 32.5% of gross introduced to smooth effect of abolition of advanced corporation tax (ACT) 6/4/99

E.g. Higher rate taxpayer receives net dividend of 900 from UK shares gross dividend is 1000 [900/(100%-10%)]. She pays further 22.5% of gross further 225 [1000*0.225]

- Gains subject to CGT - may offset against annual CGT exemption allowance Ex-Dividend
- Dividend paid -yearly on dividend date - Lots of administration to ensure dividend paid on time Payment process begins a few weeks before - snapshot of shareholders anyone purchasing shares between then & dividend not receive between this period, share is ex-dividend (xd) - share expected to fall approximately by the dividend amount on the day it becomes xd Share Indices

- Stock Exchange Daily Official List gives closing price of previous days FT & other newspapers - 3 ways to measure share performance: 1) FT Ordinary Share Index (FT Index) = index of 30 major industrial Co.s share - represent ~ market value of UK equities 2) FTSE 100 Index = index of top 100 Co.s, weighed according to market value 3) FTSE Actuaries All-Share Index = index of ~ 900 shares split into sectors - measure price movements, show yields, ratios, total returns Rights Issues

SE rule: Existing Co., with shareholders, who want to issue more shares, 1st have to offer shares to existing shareholders (usually at discount) - shareholders not wanting to take up right, can sell right to someone else Compensates for any fall in value of existing shares (which may occur due to dilution of the holding as a proportion of the total shareholding)

Scrip Issues (/Bonus Issue/Capitalisation Issue)

= Issue of additional shares, FREE, to existing shareholders - No extra capital is raised - Achieved by transferring reserves into Co.s share a/c Increase the number shares & reduce the share price proportionally Preference Shares

= Shareholders entitled to dividends on Co.s profits at fixed rate - Not carry voting rights unless dividends delayed - Payment hierarchy: 1) Loan interest 2) Preference shares 3) Ordinary share dividends

Other Shares
Cumulative preference shares = if dividend not paid, entitled to dividend accumulation until paid Convertibles = securities issued by Co.s to raise capital which can be converted to ordinary Co. shares at a later date - before: issued in form of a loan (lower IR than normal as can convert to equity) now: convertible preference shares

2.3.2 Loan Stock

- Co. borrows from banks & other lenders - Loan stock & debentures are for long-term help in Co.s long term plan - issued on specific terms incl. interest payable, redemption date etc Loan secured in some way e.g. on Co.s property (unlike loan stock) - Some loans stocks are converted to ordinary shares - (but no obligation) - Interest rather than dividends payable (whether or not sufficient profit made) - Paid net of 20% tax - Higher taxpayer: additional 20% - Non taxpayer: can reclaim - Creditors = holders of these debts of issuing Co. (i.e. to who owed) - take priority over shareholders - not have right to vote at meetings - Risk depends on Co.s prospects & strength Loan stock is higher risk than debentures - as no backing security

2.4 Real Estate


Types Adv

Residential property Agricultural property Commercial & Industrial property Disadv

Property acceptable security for borrowing Risk of unable to find suitable tenants UK property market well developed Rents ( capital value) tend to move with values good against inflation Property management readily available Location very important Property less available than other forms of investment Property market affected by economic conditions Highly costly - High risk for small investors spread risk: Property bonds = underlying fund invested to range of properties & shares in property Co.s Real estate investment trusts (

2.4.1 Taxation
Property income - allowable expense deductions Income tax (Basic: 22%) On disposal of property CGT (can offset capital expenditure against CGT)

2.4.2 Buy-To-Let (BTL)

- Overall trend in 30yrs: property prices increasing problem for 1st time buyers esp. SE UK In recession: uncertain job market difficult to commit to large mortgage - Shortage of BTL in UK compared to EU as traditionally BTL mortgages had : higher IR charged compared to the standard mortgage, as lenders thought BTL was more to do with commercial loans Eased by renting market


rental income excluded from borrowers income, when assessing ability to make mortgage repayments

Why? - Stimulate growth in private sector of rental market - Encourage borrowing at competitive IR to sustain income & capital growth - BTL mortgages scheme is a result of an initiative by the Association of Residential Letting Agents (ARLA) & mortgage lenders (introduced by Alliance & Leicester, Halifax & Natwest) - many schemes require agent to be member of ARLA involved in selecting suitable property, tenants, tenancy agreement, managing property - Gross rent needs to be 125-150% of monthly mortgage payment - Other costs e.g. wear & tear (10%/yr) (not incl. cost of furniture, fittings) offset against income tax (from rent)

2.4.3 Commercial Property

= Anything not residential e.g. shops, offices, hotels etc - Provides high rental income, steady growth in capital value Adv Require rental reviews (normally no more than 5 years between reviews) Longer lease than residential property More stable & long-term tenants Lower initial refurbishment costs - Lenders carry out detailed investigation before lending: Land & property quality Reputation of builder, architect etc Suitability of likely tenant Disadv Higher average value spreading risk more difficult Generally not show spectacular growth Higher borrowing IR


2.5 Commodities
e.g. metals, foodstuff, electricity, timber, timber, music, art - Lots of opportunity - directly & indirectly: 1) Investment in precious metals 2) Lots of trade via forward contracts binding agreement where 1 party must sell & other must buy specific amount of commodity at specific price at specific date - Lots of traders do not need the commodities, but make profit by speculating price movement via purchasing & selling

2.6 Foreign Exchange

= Exchange of currencies between countries Foreign exchange market = international market where currencies exchanged Main participants: Banks, central banks, other financial institutions - buying & selling over the whole world - 24 hour due to technology - millions of transactions per hour

- Changing price of 1 currency for another reflects demand & supply of the currency Due to: 1) international trading of: Goods raw materials from different countries Services financial services, individual to different country for jobs 2) Investment Short term Co. in surplus want to invest e.g. in country with current high IR Long term individual & Co. buy shares & long-term loans to borrowers of other countries - Currency speculators = trade in currency markets to speculate changes in exchange rates & buying/selling at appropriate time

E.g. Exchange 1million to $, at 55p exchange rate ( $1=55p) 1 million = $1,818,182 [1,000,000/0.55] Exchange $1,818,182 to , at 57p exchange rate Profit: 36,364 [$1,818,182 x 0.57 = 1036363.64, 1036363.64 - 1,000,000 = 36,364]


2.7 Money Market Instruments

- Term to describe a number of forms of short-term debt - Interest is dependent on the amount invested/borrowed & amount repaid

2.7.1 Treasury Bills

= short-term redeemable securities issued by the Debt Management Office (DMO) of the Treasury - Fund-raising instruments used by the UK gvt. (similar to gilts) - Low risk - Difference compared to gilts: Treasury Bills Term Short (~91days) Interest paid? No (zero-coupon securities. Instead issued at discount par value - Can by brought and sold throughout term - Strong secondary market by banking organisations - Prices tend to rise steadily until redemption date Affected by: - Purchased in large amounts (mainly large organisations) Significant IR changes Supply & demand Gilts Long Yes

2.7.2 Certificates of Deposit (CDs)

- Method of facilitating short-term (~3/6 month) larger scale lending (50,000+) If required for longer period: rolled over for further 3/6 months - Issued by building societies & banks - Interest: Fixed rate paid with return of capital at term end - Are bearer securities = repayment on specified term will be made to certificate bearer on maturity date - if require before maturity date, can sell the certificate - Can sold between banks to balance their liquidity position

2.7.3 Commercial Paper

= unsecured promissory note (i.e. a promise to repay funds that have been received in exchange for the paper) - Issued by businesses (e.g. pension funds & insurance Co.s), who want to borrow large amounts - Offers cheaper borrowing opportunities for Co.s with good credit ratings - if Co. has bad credit rating: Paper backed by letter of credit from a bank that guarantees repayment - Issue period: 5 45 days - can roll over if required for longer period Adv Flexible IR is not fixed for a long period



- help solve financial problems & meet financial needs - Packaged products supplied by product providers

3.1, 3.2

3.1 Investments
- Main form of direct investment (Section 2)

3.2 Collective (/Pooled) Investments

= Arrangement where individual investors can contribute (via lump sum/ regular savings) to a large investment fund

Lower risk Adv for investor Reduced dealing cost

High choice

Services of skilled investment manager at cost shared amongst investors

Location (e.g. country) Industry (e.g. technology, energy) - Categories of investment funds Type (e.g.shares, gilts, etc) Other forms of specialisation (e.g. ethical investments etc) Aim (to produce ) income (& modest capital gains) capital gains (& modest income) Balance between growth & income - Managed funds = manager invests appropriate proportion in a range of Co.s to meet managed funds objectives Chosen by people seeking steady growth, where risk loss is minimum (e.g. pension provisions/mortgage repayments)

Unit trusts Main forms of collective investments Investment bonds

Investment trusts

Open Ended Investment Co.s (OEICs)

3.2.1 Unit Trusts

= pooled investment created under trust deed places obligations on the manager & trustee


- Investor may contribute via lump sum / regular contribution / both - Lots of unit trusts in UK: total funds = 450 billion - Trust is divided into units - Open ended manager can create more units in response to demand Valuing fund assets Fixing unit prices

Managing trust fund Role of Unit Trust Manager Offering units for sale

Buying back units from unit-holders

Manager obliged to buy back units (under trust deed) Incl. investors who wish to sell

- Manager generates profit via management fees & dealing in units The Trustee

- has overall responsibility to ensure investor protection

Hold & control trusts assets Set out trusts investment directives Issue unit certificate to investors Roles Ensure investor protection procedures adequate Approve proposed marketing Collect & distribute income from trusts assets

Supervise maintenance register of unit holder

Ensure manager complies with terms of trust deed - Trustee roles carried out by institutions e.g. clearing banks/life Co.s Authorisation of Unit Trusts

- Regulated under Financial Services & Market Act 2000 (UK) - Authorised by FSA Pricing of Units

= Total value of assets / No. units issued - Calculated by manager daily by a method specified in the deed - Directly related to value of underlying securities that makes up fund - 3 Prices: Offer price = price investor buys units from manager Bid price = price manager buys back units from investors Cancellation price = minimum permitted bid price - takes into account full cost of buying & sell - when there are buyers & sellers of units, bid price > minimum level, as costs reduced due to underlying asset not needing to be traded - Unit trusts use bid price, offer price & bid offer spread difference between bid & offer price (5-6%) - Some managers moving to a single-price system as better understood by investors - may impose exit charge if sold within 3/5yrs Historic & Forward Pricing

Before 1988: client brought & sold at price determined before start of dealing period e.g if funds daily valuation is at noon dealing period: midday to midday (following day) Historical pricing - Now this is unacceptable, as it does not reflect what is happening in the market Forward pricing = clients buy/sell in given dealing period at prices determined at end of dealing period - prices published in the financial press are a guide to investors - Firms managers can use historical pricing - but must switch to forward pricing if underlying market in which trust invested moves 2% either direction since last valuation Buying & Selling Units

- No need for secondary market in units of Stock Exchange, as unit manager must buy units back if investor wishes to sell Simple & more attractive for investors recorded as confirmation

- Units can brought directly from manager/intermediaries via writing/telephone - Purchaser receives 2 documents from the manager: 1) Contract note = specifies fund, No. units, unit price, amount paid - gives purchase price (needed for CGT when units sold) 2) Unit Certificate = specifies fund & no. units held - proof of ownership - To sell units, unit holder must sign form of renunciation on the reverse of the unit certificate send it to the manager (new certificate sent to the unit holder if they still holds units) Charges
1) Initial charges = cover cost of purchasing fund asset & commission payments to intermediaries - typically covered by bid-offer spread 2) Annual management charge = fee paid for use of professional investment manager - varies: 0.5 2% of fund value - deducted on monthly/daily basis Types of Units

Accumulation units = Automatically reinvest any income generate by underlying asset (for capital growth) Distribution/Income units = Split off any income received & distributed to unit holders May increase unit value in line with value of underlying assets Taxation of Unit Trusts Income Tax

- Authorised unit trusts (except. fixed interest trusts) treated as Co.s for tax Corporation tax on income (not growth within fund) - Dividend income received already 10% taxed Lower & basic rate taxpayer no further liability Non tax payer not reclaim Higher rate taxpayer - further 22.5% of gross incomes ( 32.5%)

e.g. Distribution of 18 net to shareholders: gross = 20 [18/1-(10% tax)] - if higher taxpayer: further 4.50 taxed [20*22.5%]

- Income from overseas securities, cash & fixed interest securities have 20% corporation tax when this income is paid out Non taxpayer reclaims Lower rate taxpayer reclaim (liable 10% & reclaim 10%) Basic rate taxpayer no additional liability Higher rate taxpayer further 20% of gross income

e.g. Distribution of 40 net to unit holder (from overseas) Gross income = 50 (40 / (1-20%)) - if higher rate taxpayer - pay further 10 (50 * 20%) - if non-taxpayer reclaim 10 (50 - 40) CGT
- None within unit trust - Maybe liable when unit cashed - Reduced liability due to annual exemption allowance, taper relief Risk of Unit Trusts

- Reduced risk as: - Pooled investment = spread between 30-150 different shares - Legal constitution: trustees have responsibility of proper management (reduce risk of fraud) - Actual risk is dependent on the type of unit trust (as different trusts for different investors for different risk profiles): Investment type Cash fund Specialist fund (e.g. emerging market) Overseas funds Risk Similar to deposit a/c (low) High Added risk of currency fluctuations

- No guarantee that initial capital returned in full or specific income paid

3.2.2 Investment Trusts (IT)


= Collective investment, but unlike unit trusts, not unitised fund - Not actual trusts, but public limited Co.s whose business is investing in stocks & shares - To invest: Investor purchase shares of the IT Co. on the Stock Exchange To cash in: Sell to another investor - Closed ended = number of shares available is constant - Share price dependent on: Some extent on value of underlying investment (not so directly as unit trusts) Factors affecting demand & supply Lower than Net Asset Value (NAV) per share = total value of investment fund / number share issued - Discounted investor should receive higher income & growth level than obtained by investing directly in the same underlying shares - Can benefit from gearing = borrow to take adv of business investment opportunities (like other businesses) Unit trust can NOT use gearing High growth potential of rising market but can cause losses (e.g. in 2000s) Taxation
- > 85% of income received by fund managers must be distributed as dividends to shareholders Lower & basic taxpayer no further liability Higher taxpayer 32.5% of grossed up dividends - CGT: Fund manager exempt Investors subject on sale of shares Net of 10%, with tax credit Split Capital Investment Trusts (/Split-level trusts/ Splits)

= fixed term investment trusts offering 2+ different types of shares - Most common forms of shares: - Income shares = receive whole income generated by portfolio but no CG - Capital shares = no income receives but when trust wound up at end of fixed term, share all capital growth remaining after fixed capital requirement Also have intermediate shares Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

- Tax efficient property investment, which avoids disadv of direct property investment - Available in UK in 1/2007 (previously in USA, Australia) - Expected many property Co.s will convert to REITs subject to one-off charge of 2% of asset value Remainder from development/other services Single property REITs only allowed in special cases e.g. shopping centres

75+% of gross income derived from property rent No corporation tax on income/growth need to meet requirements

Main features

No individual can have >10% shares

Can be held in ISAs, child trust funds, self invested person pensions

90+% net profit to shareholders

3.2.3 Open-Ended Investment Co.s (OEICs)


= Pooled investment offered by a Co. that buys & sells shares of other Co.s, & deals in other investment - Issue shares (typically preference shares) can be brought & sold by investors - Operates as Co. but can NOT borrow to finance its activities, except for short term purposes - Popular in EU, available in UK since 1997 - Similar to unit & investment trusts (common FSA regulations on OEICs & unit trusts) Legal Constitution of an OEIC

- Established under Co. Law, not under trust - Must be authorised by FSA Depository - oversees operation of Co. & ensure it complies with requirements for investors protection Authorised corporate director Manages OEIC Buy & sell OEIC shares Ensure share price reflects underlying net asset value of OEIC

- types: income, capital growth, fixed interest access to oversees markets, specialist markets, index tracking Investing in an OEIC

- Lump sum, regular contribution, both - Investor buys shares in OEIC Open ended = Number of shares is unlimited Value varies according to market value of Co.s underlying investment - Umbrella Co. made up of sub-funds (different shares can be made available in sub funds) Pricing of OEIC Shares

= Total value of OEIC assets / Number of shares currently issued - (like unit trust) - only have 1 price Charges
Initial charge 3-6% value of individuals investment Annual management charge based on the value of the fund - deducted from income OEIC generates - e.g. 0.5% (indexed funds) & 2% (more actively managed) Other administration costs maybe deducted from income Taxation ( &



- fund manager: not liable - investor: maybe liable when OEIC cashed in (mitigation by exemption, taper relief) Risk (

3.2.4 Individual Savings A/C (ISAs)

1997: gvt. decided existing tax-free saving scheme not sufficiently accessible to high population: Estimate: <50% population in UK have 200 savings, whilst 25% have no savings 6/4/99 ISAs introduced - develop saving habit & ensure tax relief on savings fairly distributed 18+yrs OEICs Shares & corporate bonds issued by Co.s on stock markets UK investment trusts

16+yrs Bank/building society deposit a/c Cash ISA

Stocks & shares ISA

Life assurance

Some taxable NS&I a/c excl. investment a/c & pensioners bonds

Gilts & other gvt stocks of EES countries

No longer available - Investor must be resident & ordinarily UK resident tax purposes - Only held in 1 name Tax Relief

Exempt from income & CGT Before 5/4/04: fund managers of equity ISAs could reclaim 10% deduction from dividends benefit now removed Exempt from income & CGT Subscription Limits 2008/09

- Maximum 7200/yr (no minimum), of which is in 3600 in cash

- Distinction between mini- & maxi- ISA is removed Transfer Arrangements
- Existing cash ISAs, TESSA-only ISAs & cash element of maxi-ISA cash ISA - In the future: possible to transfer funds from cash ISA stocks & shares ISA (not vice versa) - Personal equity plans (PEPs) stocks & shares ISA Withdrawals
- Most have no withdrawal period - Some fixed-rate cash ISAs do not allow withdrawal in specific period - Cannot go beyond the maximum amount for that year (even if withdrawals are made during that year)

3.2.5 Life Assurance Based Investment Products

3.2.5 Endowment
= policy on which sum assured is paid out at the end of a specific term/early death (some open-ended can receive proceeds when wanted) - Most common type of life assurance savings contract - Investment made by regular premiums to the life assurance Co. throughout the policy term Non-Profit Endowment - Fixed sum assured payable at maturity/early death

investors shielded from losses (if market declining), but cannot make a profit in market growth rarely used With-Profit Endowment

- Fixed basic sum assured & fixed regular premiums - Premiums for with-profit are higher than non- profit endowments for same sum - Additional premium = Bonus loading: entitles policyholder to share in Co. profits

- Co.s profits paid annually to policyholders bonus paid with policy benefits & sum assured

Co. can NOT remove once allocated (providing policy runs to term end) Declared each year

Bonus added to with-profit policy when death/maturity claim payable


2 types of bonuses


Some Co.s declare: 1) Simple bonus = annual bonus based on the % of sum assured

Most Co.s set at level they hope to maintain for some time Smooth out short term market variation

Not part of policy benefit until death/maturity (unlike reversionary) Co. can change/remove terminus bonus rate Intend to reflect level of investment gain Co. made over policy term Currently: reduced stock value reduced bonus

2) Compound bonus Over years: IRs & other investment = new bonus based on yields reduce reducing bonus the [sum assured + previously declared bonus]

Low-cost endowment variation of with-profit endowment, - used for mortgage repayment ( Unit-Linked Endowment

- links investment returns more directly to the stock market (even specific sectors)

Chosen fund:

Premiums used to purchase units Pool of units builds up Fixed benefit on death before end of term (life cover). - Cost taken from policy each month by cashing in units At maturity date: policyholder receives amount equal to total value of all units allocated to policy

- (compared to with-profit endowments): Adv: In the long term unit linked shows better returns Disadv: no guarantee of minimum return at maturity High potential BUT high risk Unitised With Profit Endowment

- Tries to combine security of with-profit endowment & reward of unit-linked endowment Chosen fund:

Premiums used to purchase units Pool of units builds up

dependent on the number of units allocated at the then current unit price Benefit paid out on a claim

Policyholder receives: **Bonus** **Difference compared with unit-linked endowment**

Can NOT be removed once allocated (like reversionary bonuses) security Cause unit prices to increase

Unit prices can NOT fall & the policy value (if held until death/maturity) is guaranteed BUT if cashed before, a deduction is made from the unit value Depends on market condition at time of surrender = Market value adjustment Investment Bonds

= collective investment vehicles based on united funds - Set up as single premium unit-linked whole-of-life assurance policies - Pay lump sum to life assurance Co. investor receives policy document Shows premium of purchasing (at offer price) certain number of units in a chosen fund, & that those units are allocated to the policy

- To cash in: policy holder surrenders value of the policy = value of all units allocated
Based on bid price on the day of surrender - Adv easy to invest, surrender & switch to another fund (not get charged) range of funds similar to those in unit & investment trusts - some Co.s offer with-profit investment bonds ( on death, policy ceases pay out 101% of bid value on date of death Taxation
- Premium funds into internal life Co. funds the taxation is different from unit trusts - 20% CGT within fund non-recoverable - high taxpayer: additional 20% - investment bonds non-qualifying ( - Since 6/4/08: single tax rate on CGT of 18% - Policy holder does not get dividends/distribution (investment & unit trusts), instead makes small regular capital withdrawal - Basic rate taxpayers: tax free - Higher rate taxpayer: can withdraw 5% of original investment/yr without tax liability (can carry forward & accumulate to 100% of original investment)

3.2.6 Child Trust Funds (CTF)

= tax-free savings a/c for children born after 1/9/02 - Automatic to all children on Child Benefit, to encourage saving Initial payment of 250 voucher by gvt to the claimant


/500 if childs family eligible for full Child Tax Credit ( Open CTF a/c, which is open until 18th birthday (access when 18yrs) Further additions by parents (max: 1200/yr: between childs birthday) - Parent responsible for a/c until child is 16yrs, after which child manages the a/c - Range of CTF providers incl. banks, building societies, friendly societies etc 3 types of a/c Deposit type savings Investing (in)directly in shares Annual max charge: 1.5% Stakeholder CTF - invest in a range of Co. shares (subject to gvt rules)

No limit on charges

From childs 13th birthday, invested into a lower risk asset, to protect claimant from market losses as 18th birthday approaches - Must decide which type of a/c within 12 month or HMRC opens stakeholder CTF a/c automatically - No income/CGT or tax relief

3.2.7 Structured Products


- Different forms: from one-off investment to generic - Offer element of protection of capital invested, while allowing participation in underlying assets - maybe high-performing but high risk (e.g. ordinary shares) - also appeal to cautious investors e.g. Issue 14 of Guaranteed Equity Bonds (from NS&I): 5yr bond offering return that matches growth in FTSA-100, but with a guarantee of return of capital if index falls - Precipice bonds = type of 3-5yr high income bond - provide v. high income yield on capital invested - return of capital linked to performance of particular stock market index - many specified particular index level below which value capital fell steeply (e.g. heavy losses in 2000s & FSA concerned whether investors understood risks)

3.3 Insurance
3.3, 3.3.1

- Protect against financial adversity - Sometimes compulsory (e.g 3rd party on vehicles) other times not, but best to (e.g. house)

3.3.1 Life Assurance Protection Whole-of-Life (WOL) Assurance
= cover lifetime & pay out at death, provided policy remains in force - Premiums maybe: 1) Payable throughout life I.e. full term of policy 2) Limited to fixed term (e.g. 20yrs) or specific age (e.g. 60yrs) - Life Co.s build up reserve to enable payout - Co.s offer surrender value if policy cancelled Small in relation to sum assured (in early yrs, smaller than premiums paid) (For protection not investment) With profit* Non-profit* Universal Unit-linked*



Unitised with profit* Low cost

* In ( Low Cost (Minimum Cost) WOL

- Sum assured payable on death guaranteed death benefit WOL with-profit + Decreasing tem assurance Sum assured < overall level of cover required. With bonuses added as policy continues, the value increases over time When basic sum assured + bonuses > guaranteed death benefit, decreasing term assurance ceases

- Suitable for person seeking max life cover on permanent basis at minimum cost Flexible WOL

= Mix between life cover & investment cover Method of paying for life cover by cashing in units at the bid price Policyholder pays premiums of the amount they wish to pay/can afford Buy units in chosen fund(s) & units allocated to policy Policyholder selects level of benefits to have: High level of life cover - high number of units cashed each month & lower number remain attached to the policy investment element of policy is low (depending on number units) Low level of life cover - low units cancelled higher investment

- Flexible, where cashing units pays for benefits more options available: e.g. take income, indexation of benefits & can add another life assured - High level investment, but should not be thought of primarily as investment, but as a protection plan 3 level of covers (others between)

Maximum Set at level where maintained for 10yrs All units used up & premium increased to continue cover

Balanced Level of cover, for given premium, Co. expects to be able to maintain throughout life assureds' lifetime

Minimum Minimum requirement for policy to remain qualifying Number units build up to substantial investment

- To calculate cover level, Co. makes assumptions about future growth rate of unit prices - Initial life cover guaranteed for a certain period (~10yrs) Co. has right to increase/decrease premiums/cover by taking account of increasing costs/unit prices not growing as anticipated - Death benefit guaranteed until next review (5 year/annually (for elder) interval) Important to reveal shortfalls Universal WOL

= unit-linked WOL extended by adding range of other benefits & options e.g. permanent health insurance, critical illness cover, guaranteed insurability - Additional cost met by cashing in more unit Uses & Benefits

- Protect dependents against loss of financial support in event of death - Tax-free - Cover expenses on death - Provide funds for payment of IHT Joint-Life 2nd Death Policies (/Last Survivor Policy)

- WOL policy provides for fund for paying IHT pay out on 2nd spouses death Estate of 1st spouse Survivor spouse free IHT IHT due when 2nd spouse dies & estate family Term Assurance

= sum assured payable only if death of life assured within specific term - Protection over limited period with no investment element cheapest - Use: personal & family protection, business situation (key person insurance) - Term: few month 40+ yrs - If life assured survives term cover ceases & no return of premiums - No cash value/surrender value at any time - If premium not paid in certain period after due date (~30 days) cover ceases & policy relapse with no value most Co.s allow reinstatement in 12 months - Normally premiums paid monthly/annually, although a single lump sum allowed - Premiums same amount each month/year, even if sum assured varies each year Level Term Assurance

- Sum assured constant throughout term - Used when fixed amount needed on death to repay constant fixed-term debt e.g. loan - Other uses: family cover until children leave home (but amount of cover would reduce due to inflation) Decreasing Term Assurance

- Sum assured reduces 0 over term of policy - Premiums maybe payable throughout term/limited to shorter period - Used to cover outstanding capital on a decreasing debt Covers mortgage repayment Sum assured (like mortgage) reduces more slowly at the start of the term than the end Mortgage protection assurance Set against nil-rate band Cover for gift made during donors lifetime (not after death) No IHT unless donor dies within 7yrs

2 types

Gift inter vivos cover

Sum assured = amount outstanding on repayment mortgage of same term, based on specific IRs

Sum assured set at the start of the policy, according to the amount of tax: 100% cover & IHT for 3 yrs 80% (4th yr) 60% (5th yr) 40% (6th yr)Scaling downyr)tapering relief ceased - 20% (7th = cover & IHT Increasing Term Assurance

- Sum assured increases each year, by fixed amount/% of original sum assured - Use: cover effects of inflation on purchasing power

-- = level -- = increasing -- = decreasing Term


Same amount of cover throughout the term Increasing cover throughout the term Decreasing cover throughout the term Convertible Term Assurance

- Term assurance option to convert to WOL policy / endowment assurance without further evidence of health - Normal premium rate, whatever state of health assured - Cost: additional 10% of premiums Rules to convert option: Cancel term assurance & issuing new WOL/endowment assurance Option can only be exercised while the convertible term assurance is in force Sum assured on new policy cannot exceed original if higher cover level required subject to normal underwriting Premium for new policy is current standard premium for new term & life assureds age Renewable Term Assurance

- Option at term end to renew policy for same sum assured without requiring extra medical advice - New term same as previous term & new policy has further renewal option (except up to maximum age ~65yrs) Age dependent - Renewable & increasable term assurance = added option on renewal to increase sum assured by specific amount (50%/100%) or previous sum - Some Co.s offer renewable, increasable & convertible term assurance combined Family Income Benefit

= family protection to replace income of death of breadwinner - Provides income not lump sum - Tax-free, regular (monthly/ ly) from date of death to chosen term end - Cover decreases over time Decreasing term assurance - Alternative: beneficiary gets lump sum instead - calculated at discounted value of outstanding payments - Can increase instalment against effect of inflation - provide higher cover than normal family income benefit higher premium Pensioners Term Assurance

Before A-Day (6/4/06): people with personal pension plans & stakeholder pension plans to take out term assurance policies & get tax relief on premiums at higher rates A-day: open to everyone, whatever pension arrangements Nearly all term assurance issued as pension term assurance & get tax relief Undermines principle of new pension regime in Pre-Budget Report (12/06): prevent standalone term assurance being eligible for pensions tax relief - Applications for life assurance completed before 6/12 & submitted to insurance Co. & receipt recorded by midnight 13/12/06 still get tax relief provided sum assured no greater than that applied for before 6/12/06

5/4/07 insurers had to process this business medical evidence checked & commencement date of cover settled

3.3.2 Ill-Health Insurance

3.3.2 Critical Illness Cover

= provide tax-free lump sum payment on diagnosis of 1 of a range of illnesses Varies between Co.s Permanent disability heart attack Alteration to living accommodation Provision of long-term care e.g. cancer stroke

Types of cover

Purchase of specialist medical equipment Improving quality of life for terminal

Mortgage repayment Permanent Health Insurance (PHI)

= pays income when accident/illness prevents someone earning living by normal occupation - Some Co.s provide PHI to housewives to pay for housekeeping etc Premium Rates

Affected by many factors: - Occupation Increasing risk premium more expensive Class 1: e.g. clerical, admin etc Class 2: e.g. hairdresser, pharmacist Class 3: e.g. farmers, electrician Class 4: e.g. coal miner, industrial chemists NO COVER - as too risky occupations

- Other factors: age, amount, current health, medical history, sex, length of deferred period
Premiums for F>M Payment of Benefits

- Commence after deferred period = time elapse between onset of illness/injury & point when benefit payment commences Minimum 4 weeks: prevent claim for minor problems e.g. colds ~ 4,13,26,52,104 wks cheaper

- Self-employed should opt for short deferred period, as loss of income after short period of illness Employed opt for long period. If individual receives sickness benefit by employer, deferred period should match date sickness benefit ceases

- Set so: benefit income < working income ~ 60 65% pre-disability earnings (unless Incapacity Benefit) - Cover is permanent insurer can not cancer cover even if numerous claims made - Can be cancelled if premiums are not kept up or policy holder gets a hazardous job - Some policies allow benefits to be indexed before/during a claim 3-7% (based on inflation) - Paid until death, return to work or retirement - PHI is a standalone policy, as a.. Pure protection plan Unit linked basis

- Can be available on a universal a whole-of-life plan Taxation of PHI Benefit

- Tax free when on individual basis - Taxable as earned income when arranged by employer/group basis - employer pays premium, tax deducted business expense ( no tax/NI) - Scheme members pay income tax & NI on proceeds Accidental, Sickness & Unemployment Insurance

- General insurance, as an alternative to PHI - Use: cover mortgage repayments/other essential outgoings - Level of income = monthly mortgage repayments paid for limited time (max 2yrs) - Deferred period normally 1 month - Restrictions Actively & continued employment for minimum period prior to effecting plan Redundancy know before taking out policy excluded No benefit if redundancy within specific period before starting of cover - Annually available at the discretion of the insurer may increase/stop premium cover if poor claims experience short-term Redundancy (not sacking/resigning) Taxation
- Tax free - No tax relief on contribution to policy whether arrange group/individual - If arranged on a group basis, any contribution employer made is set as an expense corporation tax Classed as a benefit for employees earnings > 8500/yr Private Medical Insurance

= protection plant to cover cost of private medical treatment - Individual/group (mainly) basis by employer Avoid NHS waiting lists Choice of hospital Choice of time High quality accommodation Choice of medical consultant Reimbursement of Impatient charges Ambulance Nurse fees Operating Accommodation Surgical/medical fees Surgeon fee Anaesthetic Pathology/ Radiology Outpatient charges Consultant Home nursing

- Benefits in non-emergency

- Way benefit paid varies between providers (full refund/impose upper limit in 1 year)

Medical care cost varies throughout country Location High age high morbidity

Type of scheme taken out e.g.budget scheme - limit choice of hospital

Premium rate depends on

Standard of accommodation Type of hospital

Age of person Underwriting
- Cover scheme may excluding certain events, pre-existing medical conditions, general Taxation
- Premiums subject to insurance premium tax - Benefits paid are tax-free - Employers contribution to PMI claim cost as allowable deduction in corporation tax - regarded as benefits for employee - maybe taxable if employees total income>8500/yr Long-Term Care (LTC) Insurance Benefits

- Amount depends on degree of care required found out by knowing number activities of daily living (ADL) - Each LTC provider has own definition - Many follow Association of British Insurers definition e.g. washing, dressing, moving etc

- Normally: claimant has to be incapable of performing 2/3 ADLs before they can claim - Higher number of ADLs not performed require high amount of care higher benefit level paid Taxation
Tax-free if: it is and was an immediate needs annuity when it was taken out Benefit paid directly to care provider for care of person protected under the policy

Only interest element Taxable if:

20% at source Higher rate payer: further 20%

Does not qualify as an immediate need annuity

if on life of another basis & paid directly to care if any part of annuity benefits are paid to anyone provider & used solely for care of person protected other than care provider, or for any other purpose than for person protected policy if pre-funded No annuity but, premiums are paid to an insurance Co. to insure against possible future events

3.3.3 General Insurance

= all types not defined as life assurance 5 bands of losses Personal situation Property Loss, theft, damage to static/movable asset Liability Liability to 3rd party e.g personal injury Personal Injury, sickness, death of employee Commercial situation Pecuniary Defaulting creditors


- Some policies combine 2+ types of risk e.g. comprehensive motor policies cover damage to policyholders & 3rd parties property

Interruption Business not continue due to one of other losses e.g. fire Indemnity
In the event of a claim, insured persons should be restored to the same financial position after loss that they were in immediately before the loss occurred Claimant should NOT benefit from the loss - Life & personal accident policies are not indemnity contracts. They are benefit policies, as the loss can not measure as a financial loss

Methods indemnity achieved (up to insurance Co.): Cash (cheque) Repair (e.g. motor insurance) Replacement sometimes purchasing power of insurer may reduce cost Reinstatement e.g. insurance Co. arrange restoration of damage to premises Average
- Policyholder may underinsure Insure for smaller amount actually required to replace/repair lost/damaged property Why? - Unaware of appropriate figure/inflation - Keep premiums down - If: Complete loss occurs: amount paid out is limited to the sum insured, even if the cost was higher Partial loss occurs: unfair if policyholder is indemnified in full - even if claim amount < overall sum insured Average = claim scaled down in proportion of premium paid vs full premium

e.g. Policyholder insured for 10,000 contents (although the true insurance is 15,000) claim for 300 damaged carpet insurer pays 200 [(10000/15000)*300)] Excess
= Deduction made from any claim payment on many GI policies e.g. motor policies have excess of 100 on accident damage is part of cover - avoids admin cost of dealing with small claims - Maybe compulsory/voluntary to obtain reduction in premium Building Insurance

Building = anything on premises left behind if property were sold e.g. swimming pools, sheds, walls etc Explosions, subsidence & earthquakes Fire & lightening Alternative accommodation Cover for

Storms & floods Damage by vehicles & aircrafts, animals Damage by trees/branches /television aerials

- Some cover subject to property not being left unoccupied for a specific period e.g 30 days - due to risk of vandalism, theft, burst of water pipes etc. Contents Insurance

Contents = anything you would take with you if property were sold Cover for: Accidental damage by professional removers Extended cover for specific property outside house Damage to freezer contents due to electrical failure All-Risks Insurance (/Extended Contents Cover)

= indemnify policyholder for loss, damage or theft of items regularly taken out of home - 2 categories: 1) Unspecified items = each item must have value<specific amount & not specified 2) Specified items = items above single-item value limit & individually listed - Require policyholder to take care of property Private Motor Insurance

- 3 types (next slide) variations in exact cover nature by different Co.s esp. comprehensive - Large market lots of competition & lots of other covers e.g. roadside breakdown, courtesy car etc

- Types of cover:

1) 2) 3)

3rd Party 3rd Party, Fire & Theft Comprehensive 1 / / / / 2 / / / / / / 3 / / / / / / / / / /

Cover against Death, injury, damage when policyholder uses another vehicle & other drivers using policyholders car with permission Death/bodily injury to 3rd party inc. passengers in car, hospital charges, emergency medical treatment Damage to property Legal costs- in defence of claim Fire, lightening, explosion damage to vehicle Theft of vehicle, incl. damage caused & attempted theft Accidental damage to vehicle Loss/damage to personal items in vehicle Personal accident benefit Windscreen damage

Road Traffic Act 1988: unlawful to use motor vehicle on public road unless there is insurance policy with respect to 3rd party risk - No effect unless certificate of insurance given to policyholder evidence of contract of insurance Travel Insurance

- Available for individual journeys (5 days-month) or on an annual basis Delayed departures Cancellation due to illness/injury Cover for Personal liability Legal expenses Loss of possessions/passport Personal accident Medical expenses Missed flights due to transport delays

- Cover for winter sports more expensive as it is high risk Insurance Premium Tax (IPT)

- On some UK insurance premiums - Rate: 5% of premium on most GI, except travel insurance which is 17.5% - No premium tax on long term insurance and PHI e.g. life assurance - IPT paid by policyholder as part of the premium Insurer Tax authority

3.4 Derivatives
= financial product indirectly based/derived from another financial products


- Related to commitment to buy/sell that other product at a fixed price on a future date/between dates - Convey rights (e.g.right to buy at a different price from current market price), derivates themselves have value & maybe traded (e.g. ordinary shares, commodities, IRs, exchange rates) - Main forms: Options = Right (but not obligation) to buy/sell specific amount of assets (e.g. number shares) at specific price (exercise price) within specific period - Call option = option to buy Put option = option to sell - Buyer of option contract pays purchase price (option premium) to seller (writer) of the contract Futures = Similar to options, except an obligation to buy/sell at specific price date

- On the range of financial products & commodities (e.g. coffee) & currency, can use as a hedge against movement in exchange rate - Forward contract = contracts between 2 parties, not traded Warrants = Similar to call options, except generally issued by Co.s, & gives holder right to purchase that Co.s ordinary shares - Allows Co. to raise new capital

3.5 Lending Products

3.5, 3.5.1

- Most large product purchases are done by borrowing , based on credit

3.5.1 Mortgages
- Large, long-term mistakes are serious advisor must choose carefully: Wrong Lender, IR scheme Investment provider Protection Result for client Pay more than necessary Worst: mortgage not repaid at end of term Best: client miss out on possible surplus funds Family is destitute

Mortgage = house purchase loan - borrower mortgages property creates legal charge over title deeds or lender, as security for loan Mortgagor = individual borrower who transfers property to a lender for the duration of a loan Mortgagee = lender (bank, building soc) who has interest in property for duration of loan Repayment Mortgage (/Capital- & -Interest Mortgage)

= borrower makes monthly repayments to the lender Partly interest Partly capital repayment

If IR increases Monthly repayment increases (or can change mortgage term) - Repayment is calculated in a way it remains the same throughout the mortgage term the proportion of capital & interest varies throughout term: (ignoring IR changes) = interest = capital Term Monthly repayments consisting of Capital 1) Start 1 Term 2 2) End Low High Interest High Low

- The amount of capital outstanding decreases by smaller amounts each month at the start compared with towards end of term


- 2 important factors: Mortgage will be repaid at the term end, provided IR changes have been allowed for, & all repayments are made when due If borrower dies before term end, repayments continues/loan repaid life assurance is required Interest-Only Mortgages

= Monthly repayments to lender are solely to pay interest on loan - No capital repayments made to the lender during loan term capital remains outstanding Personal pension Endowment assurance Borrower pays full capital at the term end HOW?? Other E.g. Legacy proceeds ISA Stakeholder pension plan

Regular payments to saving scheme

- Borrower should be aware of risks: Mortgage repayment depends on investment plan achieving pre-determined rate of return If not achieved, value of policy/plan < total debt Endowment Assurances

- With-profit & unit-linked endowments can be used for mortgages (adaptations required accordingly) - Life policies can be legally assigned to a 3rd party, who then becomes the owner of the policy & is entitled to receive benefits in the event of a claim - some lenders require endowment to be assigned to them as part of the mortgage deal - others require policy document to be passed to them, without formal assignment Low Cost Endowment

- Borrowers prefer with-profit rather than non-profit, as it has a higher potential returns Premiums are higher - Problem: borrowers want to keep mortgage costs to the minimum Low Cost Endowment suitable: - Premiums are based on a sum assured that is lower than the mortgage loan amount but which, including bonuses expected to be declared over the policy term Should be sufficient to repay the loan Not guaranteed basic sum assured is calculated using an estimate of future bonus rates (~75% Co.s current reversionary bonus rate)

- If borrower dies before bonuses reach required level, they have an insufficient amount to repay Decreasing term assurance added to policy Additional benefit is calculated to be sufficient to makeup difference between: Current level sum assured + reversionary bonuses) - Mortgage amount - If total sum assured + bonus < loan amount at the end of term, it is up to the borrower to fund the difference Life Co.s help avoid this by including progress reviews of the endowment Check whether policy is on target - if not, recommendations are made: e.g. increasing premiums or other - If total benefit at maturity incl. bonus > amount to repay loan Surplus is given to the borrow tax free Unit-Linked Endowment

- Premiums are calculated as an amount sufficient to repay the loan at the end of term, if unit prices increase at a specified conservative rate of growth not guaranteed - Policyholder can choose fund(s) to use for investment (recommendations made in managed funds) - Borrowers responsibility to ensure policy sufficient to repay loan - Life Co.s review - Most Co.s provide facility to switch to cash fund, which protects against a market drop near term end - Adv: In a strong increasing market: may reach required amount before term end policy surrendered loan repaid early saving future interest & freeing from repayments Performance review

Why were reviews started in 1999? 1) Poor performance in 1990s 2) Concern over financial advice to understanding risk 3) Concern holders of endowment Pension Mortgages Adv

25% accumulated fund can be taken as tax-free cash sum when pension payments commence can pay mortgage loan out of lump sum Pension contribution qualifies for tax relief at persons highest rate of tax e.g. for higher taxpayers each 100 costs only 60 (no relief for endowment policies)

Minimum age lump sum can be taken usually 50yrs (55yrs in 2010) term of mortgage must run until then else mortgage not paid earlier even if have funds Only 25% can be taken as cash fund of 4x loan value required (remaining 75% for retirement pension) maybe: total contribution > borrower can afford/ permitted by regulation

Funds of investment contribution not subject to CGT Not automatically with life assurance (unlike endowment grow faster than endowment policy which subject policy) separate policy required (after 6/12/06 can not to income tax & CGT get pension term allowance for this ( Not assigned to 3rd party (loan security) lender can not take possession of the plan or directly receive benefits from it Individual Savings Accounts (ISA)

- Allow regular monthly payments to be made, but can not exceed annual limit - ISA managers calculate the amount required to pay a lump sum at the end of the mortgage term based on assured growth rate, levels of costs & charges Adv Fund free of CGT low cost of repaying mortgage If funds growth rate > assured initial calculated mortgage repaid early Disadv ISAs may not be available in long term may have to the change repayment vehicle If the growth rate does not match initial assumptions final lump sum may have shortfall In premature death, ISA value unlikely to be sufficient to repay require life assurance cover

LOOK AT APPENDIX (IV) Mortgage Interest Options & Other Schemes
- Following products can be combined e.g. fixed-rate mortgage with cash-back - How interest charged varies from lender to lender e.g. annual, monthly, daily Type Description Disadv Other information Capital & interest Borrowers can not predict Variable Rate Monthly payments vary (without level of future payments limit) according to IRs Discounted Fixed Rate Discount off normal variable Penalty if repaid within rate (e.g. 2% discount for 3yrs) certain period Fixed interest for specific period e.g 1-5 (later variable) High arrangement fee Restrictions & penalty of changing lender Popular for 1st time buyers Variable but IR upper fixed limit Capped Rate Base Rate Tracker Variable rate linked to BOE base rate Charged premium above base rate e.g. 0.95%

Cap & collar = fixed lower & upper limit as well Review monthly & reflects cost of borrowing from Bank Of England

Type Flexible Cashback Low-Start Deferred Interest CATStandard

Description Gives borrower scope to alter monthly payment to suit ability to pay quickly Lump sum paid to borrower immediately after completing mortgage Lower initial repayments (keep initial costs down)


Fixed amount/% of advance Lower loan:value get higher cashback Some/all cashback repaid if loan redeemed in certain period Deferring capital instalments initially (after this period premiums will increase)

Initially some interest not paid Useful for people expecting an increase in income but added to outstanding capital (not useful for people borrowing high loan:value especially when prices may decrease negative equity) Charges, access, terms For those who want clearly stated limits (FURTHER INFORMATION BELOW)

continued Flexible Mortgage

Features Interest calculated daily Overpayment facility without charges - lower interest paid - lower term Payment holidays Underpayment facilities For people in temporary financial difficulty Borrow back previous overpayments help further

- Allow draw-down funds - lender will have limit on total borrowing - some lenders provide chequebook enable funds to be drawn Take priority over subsequent charges - Easier administration process Current a/c Mortgage

- Allow borrower to carry out all personal financial transactions in a single a/c e.g receive salary credits, pay standing orders, direct debit - Provided with chequebook, debit/credit guaranteed card, salary credits - Calculate interest on daily basis low interest payable & mortgage term Offset Mortgage

- Required borrower to have savings or other a/c with lender & enable interest on such a/c to be offset against mortgage interest charged E.g If borrower has offset interest-only mortgage: 80,000 & Saving a/c with lender: 25,000 can opt to waive interest on savings & enable interest to be charged on the net loan: 55,000 (80,000 25,000) - Offset interest payable on various savings a/cs against interest charged on mortgage & other (un)secured loans held with lender - Many lenders offer: flexible mortgages with fixed, discounted on capped rate for initial period - Early repayment charges not apply but arrangement fee may - May have a conditional insurance product from lender with the loan

continued CAT-Standard

No separate charge allowed on mortgage indemnity guarantees Interest calculated on daily basis

All other fees must be disclosed in cash terms before customer commits Maximum early redemption charges apply on fixed & capped rate loans Variable-rate: No arrangement fees Fixed- or capped-rate: not charged > 150

Charges Variable IR < 2% above Bank of England base rate & must be adjusted within 1 month when base rate is low Limits on Access & Terms Normal lending criteria must apply Purchase of related products can not be made a condition of offer

Customer can choose on which day of month to pay All advertising & paperwork straightforward Methods of Releasing Equity

= Using excess value to obtain capital/income, which can be used for other purposes Equity = excess of market value of property over outstanding amount of any loan(s) secured against it (difference between: [property value loan amount]) Home Income Plan (HIP) (/Lifetime Mortgages)

- Enable elderly homeowners, who do not have mortgage, to release equity to supplement retirement income - Customer takes interest-only loan, secured on property Amount depends on property value & applicants age - No interest payment to lender whilst applicant alive Interest rolls up & repaid, along with original loan, when property sold on applicants death (or 2nd borrowers death, if they are a couple) e.g. 60yr borrower would accumulate more interest than 70yr 60yr not able to borrow such high % of property value as 70yr old Maximum permitted loan varies according to age: e.g. - 15-20% property value for 60yr - 50% for 75yr If couple depend on the youngest partner as the property not sold until 2nd individuals death

- Borrower may use loan to purchase a lifetime annuity to augment retirement income - interest not built up but paid monthly from the annuity - as the debt is not increasing not decreasing remaining equity HIP allows for a higher loan-to-value ratio - Disadv: current annuity rates are decreasing when purchased, the borrower is locked into a fixed rate for life

- Main HIP providers joined Safe Home Income Plan (SHIP)

established Code of Practice - safeguard borrowers interests: Applicant to get legal advice understanding risks, & beneficiaries get less inheritance Negative equity funded by lender i.e. amount to be repaid < price of property sold Borrower can remain in the house for life Plan must be portable i.e. can transfer loan to another property, but have to partly repay if the value of the new property is insufficient to cover the loan - Increased number of regulations since 2004 Home Reversion Scheme

= homeowner sells all/part of property to the Co., for income for life - Customer can live in house for life on death, Co. sells the property & gets the proceeds - Since 6/4/07: regulated by FSA Shared Ownership

= buy stake in the property & rent the remainder e.g. borrower can purchase 25% stake in the property, fund by a mortgage option of buying subsequent 25% in the future As the borrower increases their share in the property, the mortgage element increases & the rental element reduces = stair casing - Allows people on a low income to become owner-occupiers, even though can not afford A normal mortgage Related Property Insurance

- Borrower has covenant (= promise under terms of mortgage deed) to maintains the property in a good condition - Lenders can by law insists, property subject to mortgage, insured by policy acceptable to lender - has their interest as mortgagee noted on the policy secure rights of proceeds of any claim to low mortgage debt

3.5.2 Other Secured Private Lending

- Borrower offers something of value as loan security lender can take & sell the security asset in case of default E.g. mortgage loan for house purchase, security could be the borrowers private residence - Loans to fund lifestyle improvement (not related to house purchase) by: Remortgage for a larger amount against the increased equity in the property (if the property value has increased) Further loan from exiting lender Second mortgage from a new lender

3.5.2 2nd Mortgage

= when borrower offers property for 2nd time as security while lender still has mortgage secured on the property - Original lenders charges take precedence over new lenders charges in the event of a sale, by default, original lenders claim is fulfilled 1st & if there is a surplus it is given to the 2nd mortgagees charge - Lenders only offer 2nd mortgage if there is sufficient equity in the property This is higher risk a higher IR is charged compared to the 1st mortgage

3.5.3 Unsecured Loans

= Relies on personal promise/covenant of the borrower to repay - Higher risk for lender than secured loans higher IR charged & for shorter terms - Building Society Act 1986: allow building societies to do unsecured loan (maximum 25%)

3.5.3 Personal Loans

- Given by banks, building societies, financial houses - Normal term: 1-5yrs - IR fixed & remains unchanged - Borrowers suitability is assessed via credit scoring assessment - Used for any purpose e.g. buy car consolidate credit card debts - Purpose depends on whether regulated under Consumer Credit Act 1974 e.g. loans of 25,000/less are regulated by Act unless the loan is for house purchase/improvement Removed by Consumer Credit Act 2006 Overdrafts
= Current a/c facility enabling customers to continue using a/c in normal way even though funds exhausted short-term temporary borrowing to assist customers over a period where expenditure > income - Limit set by bank - Interest calculated on a daily basis - Unauthorised overdraft: higher IR charged authorised overdrafts: can be inexpensive, though may have arrangement fee Revolving Credit

= Arrangement where customer continues to borrow further amounts whilst still repaying existing debt - Maximum & minimum limit set on the amount to be repaid daily - Most common form: credit cards, other forms: personal loans allowing drawdown funds - Due to technology there has been a high amount of development in cards (35yrs ago): - have lots of information about cardholder & a/c - interact directly with retailers & banks, thus called smart cards Credit Cards = allow customers to shop without cash or cheque

Before: Credit card transaction were dealt with manually at the point of sale Now: Retailers have terminals linked directly to credit card Co. computers online credit limit checking & transaction authorisation - Source of revolving credit have credit limit & can use up to that limit provided a specific minimum amount (3% of outstanding balance) repaid monthly - Customers get monthly statement showing their outstanding balance - If the balance paid in full within certain period (~25 days), no interest is charged if it is not paid: remainder carried forward & interest charged at the current rate - Expensive way to borrow as higher interest than other lending products - Usually charge if card used to obtain cash over counter/ATP/oversees - Credit card Co.s charge fee to retailer for their service deducted (~3%) of transaction value when Co. settles with retailer - Adv: - Attractive - Payment guaranteed if acceptable by Co. - Low retail bank charges credit card vouchers paid bank a/c treated like cash Charge Cards

- Used by customers as a credit card - Outstanding balance must be paid in full each month e.g American Express & Diners Club

3.5.4 Debit Card

- Enable cardholder to make purchase (like credit card) - At transaction: funds = amount spent transferred electronically from cardholders current a/c retailers = electronic fund transfer at point of sale - Used to withdraw cash from ATMs & can act as cheque guarantee cards

3.5.4 Commercial Loans

= loans to businesses for start-ups, expansions, refurbishment etc (2.4.3) - Lending secured on Co.s property/other assets - IR depends on risk lender believes involved assured looking at Co.s past performance


3.6 Pension Products

- Individual who made NI contribution entitled to basic state pension (& additional state pension) - Employees maybe member of occupation schemes, 2 types: 1) Final salary (Defined benefit) - Employee receives pension calculated as a % of their final salary - Longer employee scheme members gets a higher % - Employers are finding this scheme more expensive as people living longer 2) Money purchase (Defined contribution) agreed contribution invested for each member At retirement: accumulated funds used to purchase benefit - Level of benefit not guaranteed by employer - Individual may want to supplement retirement income by contributing to private arrangement - Tax efficient ways: Available to employee members of occupational schemes Available to >75yrs olds Additional voluntary contributions (AVCs) Some are final salary, but most are money purchase schemes Money purchase schemes

Free-standing additional voluntary contributions (FSAVCs) Personal/stakeholder pension plans (PPP/SHPs)

- Not pay CGT, income tax & no higher rate income tax on income dividends - Unable to reclaim 10% tax credit on UK dividend - UK, <75yrs can receive income tax relief at highest marginal rate on contributions to occupational & private pension schemes, up to a maximum of 100% UK earnings or 3600 - But: annual allowance limit: 245,000 (2009/10) - If the total of employer & employee contribution in a year exceed this, tax is charged on the excess - Benefits normally taken from schemes when individual is 50+yrs (minimum age rise: 55yrs (6/4/2010)) - 25% of fund can be taken as tax-free cash but remainder taxable income Before 6/4/06: compulsory to buy annuity by 75yrs Now: draw down/pension fund withdrawal Can make regular w/ds of capital from fund (has limits)

Maybe taken by purchasing annuity Can buy from other providers who give higher annuity rate = open market option

- Additional contribution to occupational scheme - Sometimes: purchase additional years service in final salary scheme Most: operate as money purchase arrangements & employee have limited choice of funds - Employers cover some/all costs - Contribution to AVCs are deducted from the gross salary employee receive full tax relief

Free-standing additional voluntary contributions (FSAVCs)

= money purchase fund provided by separate pension provider (incl. Banks, building soc, insurance Co.) - Attractive to employee who wants to keep financial arrangement independent from employer - More expensive as employer does not bear the costs - Contribution to FSAVCs from taxed income: - 22% tax relief - Higher rate taxpayers: need to reclaim additional tax separately - Since April 2006: all employees have been able to contribute to PPPs/SHPs


3.6.1 Additional voluntary contributions (AVCs)

3.6.2, 3.6.3

3.6.2 Personal Pension Plans PPPs

= Individual money purchase arrangement provided by financial services - Before 6/4/06: employees who are members of occupational schemes only contribute to PPP/SHP if earnings < 30,000pa (Maximum contribution: 3,600pa) Now: all employees can contribute an overall maximum of 100% UK earnings / 3600 - 20% tax relief at source - Higher rate taxpayer: need to claim additional relief via self-assessment

3.6.3 Stakeholder Pension Plans (SHPs)

- Form of private pension available from 6/4/01 AIM of SHPs: take pressure off the state pension by encouraging individuals to make own arrangements - For most people, but intended for people on lower earning levels, who do not have pension provisions, & rely on state pension - failed: as purchased by people who more financially better off

- SHP is a private pension scheme, but in some circumstances the gvt makes it compulsory for SHP scheme to be provided by an employer e.g. employer has 5+ employees & no occupational pension scheme - Employees not obliged to join - Employer must provide payroll deduction scheme for those who join & pass employees contribution to the scheme - Personal pensions rules: Charges can not exceed 1.5% fund value per annum for the 1st 10yrs of term & 1% after No exit & entry charges Minimum contribution required not exceed 20 - Effect of charge restrictions means independent financial advisors do not receive commission individuals may find it a problem in obtaining advice on SHPs

To overcome: gvt made decision to make flowcharts (= decision trees) to determine if SHPs are appropriate for the individual


- Lots of legal elements on relationship between adviser & client - Customer should understand terms of business (terms of business letter) - Mutual trust & confidentiality (DPA 98)

4.1 Saving Pattern

- Pattern of how most savers & investors build up & hold their assets:

Cash Current a/c with guarantee card Secure, short-term investment e.g. instant access deposits High long term potential but short term risk Less flexibility & higher return investments e.g. fixed term bonds

High liquidity & safety: Income & savings e.g. Bank a/c, insurance

Move away from liquidity, & higher risk: Borrowing: e.g. credit cards/personal loan


4.2 Financial Lifecycle

School-age young people
Low lump sum/regular savings Relative open a/c at birth (e.g SHPs)/later Savings in NS&I products & building society Low number have surplus income (e.g. from work) Some borrow: car, holiday, education Low savings from employment (short-term access savings) Telephone-& internet-based financial services High borrowing e.g. mortgage May have low income if 1 partner gives up work to look after kids Low savings Need protection of earners income against illness/death Should start thinking about pension provisions Better off financially 2 incomes High borrowing to get larger house, cars, goods etc High credit-worthiness High earning potential Low outgoings as kids leave home & mortgage paid off Pension provisions Prior: convert income lump sum e.g. from capital Inheritance tax liabilities considered Cost of health-care & long-term care considered

Teenagers & Students

Post education young people

Young family

Established family

Mature Household




4.3 Gathering Information

Know your customer regulated by Financial Service Act 1986 Financial Services & Markets Act 2000 Needs & objectives of the client via fact-find

4.3.1 Clients Circumstances Personal & family details
Full name, address, telephone number Date & place of birth Marital status Family details Childrens details - Tax/under writing reasons (not allowed racial discrimination) - Prefer both involved - Financially dependents on client - Client may become beneficiary of gifts/trusts or donor - REFERRALS!! - give advice on future issues e.g. death, education fees etc Financial Situation Employment Details

Type: employed, self-employed, retired etc Part-/Full-time, temporary or permanent Profession Income/benefit income/net profit (self-employed) Basic, commission, bonus, overtime etc Private medical insurance, Co. car, pension etc

Previous employment details especially if they have pension entitlement Share-option scheme & profit related pay schemes - copies of payslips, P60, tax returns, notices of tax coding Income & Expenditure

- Help identify: - Implications e.g. premature death on family income & spending pattern - Surplus income

- Income easier to calculate than expenditure (some easier (rent, bills) others hard (holidays, food & drink)) Assets
Ownership (joint/single) Purpose, type, size of investment Current value & projected value Rate & type of return Tax status of investment Options available & penalties Sum, lives assured & maturity dates Liabilities
Lender Amount of loan Balance outstanding Original term & term remaining Type of loan (e.g. (un)secured) Amount monthly/periodic payments IR Repayment method Protection of capital/payment Plans & Objectives

- Soft & Hard facts e.g. personal, family, financial details e.g. objectives, views, feelings - Questions to help understand reasons behind existing arrangements & financial understanding interest in situation, motivations views on possible alternative solutions

4.3.2 Attitude to risk

- Client must understand what the risk is e.g. capital invested may increase/decrease

4.3.3 Clients Preferences

- What client WANTS may not be what they NEED help them EXPLORE financial circumstances & make the right choice

4.4 Identifying & Agreeing Needs & Objectives

Financially protect self/dependents in case of loss of income in short & long term Provide retirement income Protect/increase money invested & savings Saving tax

4.4.1 Agreeing order of priority

- Discussion between client & advisor to make action plan

4.5 Recommending Solution

** Put right in the right form in the right hands at the right time ** Look at: State benefits nature & level of entitlement Existing arrangements Affordability Taxation ensure action does not increase/create tax Risk Timescale Flexibility to deal with possible changes in clients circumstances

4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2

4.6 Implementing a Solution

4.6.1 Presentation Recommendation
- Solution presented: client told what to do & why - keep it simple - Present in a planned way (step by step) to cover the required details - Client needs to understand: 1) Product purpose & needs 2) Benefits 3) Risks & limitations 4) Options within product 5) Summary

4.6.2 Handling Objectives

Qualify the objection: is it a real or false objection and how important is it?? Clarify the objection: So what youre saying is Problem in understanding? - easily solved

Attempt to solve

Problem is specific & client unwilling to move? put it into perspective & stress other compensating factors (i.e. advantages of the chosen product)

4.6.3, 4.6.4

4.6.3 Obtaining Commitment to Buy

- Closing is detected by the clients reaction & understanding of the proposal ask the client if they are happy - Complete application form client/adviser can fill but the client must read it thoroughly , - Client must be informed of the consequence of non-disclosure contract is made void as the client failed to disclose some information on the form the whole process was a waste of time

4.6.4 Documentation
- Adviser must explain the cancellation notice right to withdraw from arrangement within defined period Key features documents, Clients specific illustration, Product brochure (product features) Given business card - Transaction records must be kept securely but accessible (pension contracts & life policies kept for 5 years) (opt-outs & free standing AVCs kept indefinitely) - Where MiFID business involved: retention of 5yrs - Given to the client before the sale is closed - Provide all the information required to make a decision

4.6.5 After sales care

- Review to find out if: - acceptance procedure has delays & to keep client informed - deal with direct debits, policy delivery, cancellation notices, standard overview, require plan alteration Proactive Servicing

= instigating action by contacting client to discuss further needs - Maybe previously agreed: e.g. next salary review, job change etcor not - Opportunity to recommend other products - Review: changes in circumstances, update appropriate records Reactive Servicing

= happens as a result of request from client e.g. discuss recommendation after comment made in media or client circumstance changed - Maybe requested by someone else e.g. next of kin to sort out death claim - Record must be kept up to date to be efficient, and increase business comply with FS&MA2000


= To have sufficient funds for necessities & how much can be spent on other items - Lots of savings products for future capital & income needs - Need to ensure it will not put pressure on the current & future income e.g. High IR on mortgage could increase the expenditure beyond means - Not as necessary now (as credit available, but still got to repay)


5.2 Protection
- Important to have precautions e.g lives, health - although low number of people do - Probability of dying: <65yrs in UK: 1 in 5 males 20 65yrs: 150,000 males 600,000 males off work ill for 6 months


5.2.1 Family Protection Losses due to death
- Loss of breadwinners income would reduce the families quality of life Life insurance required Losses due to sickness

- Protection categories: 1) Income to replace lost income 2) Income to pay for someone to carry out tasks normally undertaken by ill person 3) Income for continual medical care 4) Lump sum to pay for private medical treatment 5) Lump sum to pay for changes to environ/lifestyle e.g. alterations in house - Factors affecting the amount & cover required: - ability of person to adapt to other type of work - extent employer continue to pay salary during illness - no. & age of dependents - availability of help from family & friends - nature & amount state benefits available Losses due to Unemployment

- Harder for insurers to predict likelihood of loss of employment hard to get a stand alone insurance

5.2.2 Business Protection Death of a Key Employee
- Big effect on Co.s profit, especially if the Co. is small e.g. research & engineer with specialist knowledge - Method to determine sum assured: 1) on multiple of persons salary (e.g. 5x/10x) 2) estimate persons contribution to Co.s profit Time length Co.s take to recover from loss

Amount of current annual profit

x (Persons salary / x Co.s overall wage)

e.g. Goran is the production director of a firm. Gross profit: 4million Goran paid: 50,000 pa Firms total wage: 2million Sum assured on Gorans life: (50,000/2million) x 4million x 5yrs = 500,000 - Co. take out term assurance on the employees life for the period employee expected to be the key person e.g. until retirement/contract end - If term <5yrs: premiums allowed as a business expense (can be set against corporation tax) - In the event of a claim, policy proceeds taxed as business receipt & subject to corporation tax Death of a Business Partner

- Partnership = (Partnership Act 1890) relationship between persons carrying on a business with a view to profit - On death: beneficiary of the partner (i.e. spouse) may want to withdraw shares - maybe problem for remaining partners, as they have to sell partnership assets to pay deceased partners family - Value maybe of goodwill not realise value except if the business were sold insure each partner Scheme Action Effect on remaining partners Other information Automatic Accrual Method All partners enter into agreement His share divided amongst remaining partners in agreed proportions Family compensated by proceeds of life policy written in the trust Buy & Sell Method All partners enter into agreement Partners legal representative obliged to sells his shares to the other partners, who are obliged to buy Partner takes out life policy on his own life, in trust, for other partners PROBLEM: those who inherit, receive cash (not business asset) no business inheritance tax relief Cross-Option Method All partners enter into agreement Partners legal representative have option to sells his shares to other partners who have options to buy Those who inherit receive business asset & business inheritance relief Death of a Small Business Shareholder

- Usually limited Co.s with shareholders often family/friends - same schemes as ( Sickness of a Employee

- Can be a problem on profit - Co. may need to fund salary of replacement Sickness of a Business Partner

- Maybe able to continue to draw income from partnership, even if they do not contribute their skills - Need to provide replacement income - Remaining partners may want to buy his shares if unable to return - Possible need for income protection from critical illness cover + life assurance Sickness of a Self-Employed Sole Trader

- If the sole-trader stops working income will reduce very quickly & they may lose customers business collapse

5.3 Borrowing & Debt

- Mortgage is the largest financial transaction - Need right lender & scheme - Situation now: low IR & high house price inflation increased borrowing - An increase in IRs could leave people in high level of debt A number of products & services to assist e.g consolidation = a new loan incorporating existing mortgage + individuals unsecured loans
Adv Diadv

Reduce overall monthly repayments - as unsecured loans now subject to lower IRs & longer term

Unsecured loans are now secured against property even bigger problem if borrower defaults

5.4 Investment & Saving

- Provide income or capital sum - Things to assess:

5.4.1 Regular Savings or Lump Sum

- Build savings by regular small amounts of disposable income Regular saving scheme deposit a/c, unit trusts, regular premium to endowment/pension plan Lump sum legacy, moving from one to another investment High risk to capital (high return) stock market investment

5.4.2 Level of Risk

No risk to capital deposit a/c

5.4.3 Accessibility
Instant/short access notice deposit a/c Not directly accessible until fixed maturity date gilts, shares

5.4.4 Taxation
- especially income & CGT Shares & unit trusts (both taxes) gilts (income tax not CGT)

- Important to consider tax regime of the product, & tax position of the investor


5.4.5 Effect of Inflation

- Reduces the purchasing power of - For investment to grow, must increase with inflation - equity-linked investments proven to offer growth rates above inflation rate - Currently in UK: low inflation rate - Real rate of return (RRR) = interest / growth rate

true purchasing power of invested funds e.g. investment paying 4% IR when inflation rate 3% RRR = 1% - if IR < inflation rate, the RRR is negative reduce investments purchasing power

- People suffer illusion as they do not adjust inflation with IR: Effect of low IR, on Savers: think they are receiving low return on savings react to lower inflation rates by putting their into riskier assets to get higher return problem at retirement Borrowers: think they are gaining from lower monthly repayments may take higher mortgages, as they think they can afford to Problem: 1) higher capital to be repaid 2) further problems if IR rise 3) increased demand for houses increase house prices threaten stability

5.5 Retirement Planning

- Gvt trying to get people to save for future, as there is inadequate funding for pensions (basic state pension: only of the national earning levels) - People do not understand pension products, or put income to use elsewhere Saving gap = total short-fall in pension provisions - varied between 27 billion - 33 billion - 90% of people live to a pensionable age, whereas before: only 66% (50yrs ago) & receive for 80 yrs longer - Increasing, as moving occupational pensions from final salary scheme purchase schemes - Gvt putting measures into place e.g. stakeholder pension - target income range: 9000-20000 with low pension provision, but attracted others - low charges & minimum contributions - less sale, as the maximum charge providers can add is 1.5% low marketing of the product & low commission for advisers

5.6 Estate Planning


- IHT ( 40% on estate of deceased Nil-rate band (325,000 (09/10) anyone under this threshold is exempt Managing IHT: 1) Avoid having to pay: Reduce the estate to below the nil-rate threshold, by: - making use of various exemptions to make it tax-free - gift during ones lifetime potentially exempt

Place the asset in a trust (trust property is no longer part of a settlors estate)
- It is not possible to avoid IHT by giving the property away while continuing to live in it. Classed by HMRC: gifts with reservation rule = if the donor retains any benefit from the gifted assets, IHT is charged - Loophole in the rule: - By placing the property in a trust Closed in Schedule 15 of Finance Act 2004: liable to income tax each year on the benefit of occupying/using the asset previously owned but disposed after 17/3/86 (on annual rental figure: <5000 no tax charged) - Married couples & civil partners can now use whole of both their nil-rate bands to pass property tax-free to relatives/others - % of nil-rates bands unused on 1st death can be carried forward & used to increase nil-rate band on 2nd death

5.7, 5.8

2) Make provisions for paying

- life assurance policy for anticipated IHT

- to avoid policy becoming part of the deceaseds estate IHT liable as well policy should be written in trust for the benefit of the beneficiaries (need a valid will)

5.7 Tax Planning

- Advise to get advice from a taxation expert if required - Ways to improve tax situation: - Client use ISAs & friendly society policies adv of tax-free growth - Client expected to exceed annual CGT allowance invest in CGT-free e.g.gilt - Adviser should be aware when non-taxpayers can not reclaim e.g. endowment & life policy 20% CGT not reclaimable BUT unit trusts - not taxed on gains within fund & gains on units could be avoided via CGT exemption

5.8 Regular Reviews

- Circumstances of clients could change very quickly allow for flexibility in the product - 4.6.5

6.1, 6.2


= People who have separate legal existence can enter into contract/be sued

6.1 Legal Persons

Incl. individual in personal/private capacity (e.g. executers, trustees) & organisations (e.g. limited Co.)

6.2 Personal Representative & Wills

= people who carry out procedures necessary to distribute the estate of someone who dies the personal representative of the deceased - if will is valid: Executor(s) apply for grant of probate = legal authority to ensure the will is carried out Appointed (i.e. named in the will) by testator (person making the will) Can also be the beneficiary of the will Time consuming can appoint solicitor to carry out tasks

- if no will (or invalid): Administrator issued a grant of letter of administration e.g surviving spouse/relative Responsible to deal with the estate as prescribed in the rules of intestacy (6.2.1)

- Will = declaration of the individuals wishes regarding what happens after they die - e.g. disposal of assets, instructions on burial etc - clear, unambiguous, signed by testator in presence of 2 witnesses - Terms on the will are only undertaken when the testator dies - Before: can revoke (cancel) or modify at any time - To make valid in writing, properly executed - minimum age: 18 yrs - In the event of a marriage or remarriage or civil partnership will is automatically revoked unless specifically written otherwise - In the UK: 7/10 die intestate = no valid will - Cost of writing a will is reasonable - Advisers role: NOT writing the will but showing its benefits & recommending the client to draw up a will - Beneficiaries can vary the way the estate is allocated = execute a deed of variation All beneficiaries must: - >18 years old - Agree to the terms of variation (usually for tax purposes) e.g. could reduce IHT Can NOT be a beneficiary

Recorded in a document = codicil

- within 2yrs of death & HMRC must be informed within 6 months


6.2.1 Intestacy
Partial intestacy = valid provision for distribution of some assets but not of others - Distribution of the estate of intestate person has rules of intestacy - very specific & not flexible - in many cases, not distributed as deceased would want & spouse not always get - destination of the property under rules depends on the estates size & family circumstances Rules: Deceased have Children? 0 / Spouse? / / of the balance. Children Spouse 1st 200,000 + remainder 1st 125,000 + to trust Amount to Parents/ Siblings Remainder

Capital to the children Spouse gets income for life when the spouse dies / 0 0 0

Shared equally amongst children All


6.3 Trusts & Trustees

(/settlement) Method that owner of an asset (settlor) can distribute/use the asset for the benefit of another person(s) (beneficiaries), without allowing them to exert control over the asset while it is in the trust - Beneficiaries may eventually become absolute owners of the asset - Settlor = person who creates the trust & who originally owned the asset in trust (trust property) - once in trust, asset no longer owned by the settlor (unless he is a trustee) - Beneficiaries = people/organisation who will benefit from the trust property - Trustees = people, appointed by settlor, who will take legal ownership of the trust property & administer property under the terms of the trust deeds - Named in the trust deed - If they die: remaining trustees personal representative can appoint a new trustee - Must be 18+ years old, of sound mind

- Must act:

accordance to the trust deeds. If the trust deed allows the trustee to exercise power (e.g. decide who will be beneficiaries) agreement between all trustees in the best interest of beneficiaries (e.g. fairly distributed) Trustee Act 2000 trustee required to: - be aware of need for suitability & diversification of assets - obtain & consider proper advice when making investments - keep investment under review

6.4, 6.5, 6.5.1

6.4 Co.s
= legal entities, separate from shareholders or individual employees - Shareholders of limited liability Co. are not personally liable for the Co.s debt - Limited to the amount they invested in Co. shares - Rules about what Co. can & can not do are set out in the memorandum & articles of association e.g. borrowing limits on amounts & purpose - When making a contract for lending to a Co., it is important to ensure the person signing is empowered to do so & is authorised

6.5 Partnerships
= arrangement between people carrying on business together for profit - (unlike Co.s) It is NOT a separate entity partners jointly own assets & liabilities (6.5.1) - Should have written agreement setting out details between partners incl. share proportions of profits & what happens if 1 partner leaves etc. (

6.5.1 Ltd Liability Partnership (LLP) since 2001

- Partners have limited personal liability depending on the amount they invested & personal guarantees given - Registered with Co.s House - Taxation not corporation tax regime - each partner taxed as self-employed with individual share of profits treated as their own income & subject to income tax


6.6 Law of Contract

- Most business agreements are legally binding contracts orally, writing, deeds
Subject of contract, by promisee (e.g promise to do/supply something) must be matched by consideration (usually payment of ) by promisor

Each party must have legal capacity to enter contract. Certain parties have limited power to enter contact e.g minors & people of unsound mind Financial services capacity to contract depends on authorisation of FSA

Must be offer made by offeror & unqualified acceptance by the other party, communicated to the offeror Offer & acceptance

Consideration Capacity to contract

Basic requirements for contracts to be binding: Contract not entered into as result of misrepresentation, under duress or undue influence

Terms of the contract are certain, complete, free from doubt

Legality of object Contract not made for illegal/immoral purpose

Intention to create legal relationship

- Some contracts are recorded in a specific legal form e.g. sale of land is made in writing conveyances of land (transfer of ownership) is made in a deed - There is usually no duty of disclosure between the parties to a contract - Most contracts are based on caveat emptor (let buyer beware) - Exceptions e.g. insurance contracts on principle of utmost good faith: all material facts are disclosed if not, contract maybe void - Breach of contract = party fails to perform his side of contract & no legal excuse

To court: Seek damages = injured party seeks financial compo for losses, to position if contract had not been breached Order for specific performance e.g. party to complete contract Injunction = count order preventing someone from doing something


6.7 Law of Agency

Agent = person who acts on behalf of another (principal) - can conclude contracts on behalf of principle - Important to understand how much power & authority vested in the agent depends on rules & regulations - Agent should only act within power given by principle needs observing - may act within apparent authority = something done/said by principle to suggest agent has authority - if agent exceeds power principle maybe liable - if a 3rd party is unable to rely on the agents claims, that he (i.e the agent) has authority, the 3rd party can hold the agent liable - Ratification = if agent exceed authority, principle can agree to event after - Financial advisors operating as a Co. representative of a product, is acting as an agent of the product provider - Independent advisor is acting as a customers agent


6.8 Ownership of Property

2 types of property: 1) Realty - property is real if court restore to dispossessed owner & not merely provide compensation for the loss - distinguished as immovable e.g. land & real estate 2) Personalty all other property

6.8.1 Joint Ownership

Type 1) Joint tenant * 2) Tenants in common Feature Whole property owned by each of the owners Each owner has identifiable share in property If 1 person dies All automatically transfer to other NOT overridden by the deceaseds will His share goes to whoever is entitled according to his in will Debt Both equally liable for whole debt Each responsible for portion of debt

* Banks mostly want in this form


6.9 Power of Attorney

= Person given legal responsibility to act on behalf of another person Donor = person making power of attorney Attorney/Donee = person acting for him - Person who can not enter into a contract (e.g. minor/mental), cannot appoint an attorney - power of attorney ceases if the person becomes mentally disabled

Enduring Powers of Attorney Act 1885 created enduring power of attorney power continues if the donor becomes mentally incapacitated Revoked with consent from Court of Protection Must be registered with the Public Guardianship Office Replaced by lasting power of attorney since Mental Capacity Act 2005 from 10/2007 (name change) Office of Public Guardian (10/2007)

Allows an individual to make health, personal & financial decisions for another person - Established when donor is of sound mind, - Only in force when donor is mentally disabled


6.10 Insolvency & Bankruptcy

- Insolvency occurs when an individual: Liabilities > assets Cannot meet financial obligation within reasonable time - Bankruptcy = persons state of being insolvent formalised under terms of count court order - person can petition himself as bankrupt to a creditor - amount of owed for which person can be made bankruptcy is 750 - UK insolvency legislation: Insolvency Act 1986 Insolvency (Amendment) Rules 2002 - EU Regulation on insolvency proceedings (2000) affects UK legislation - in 2007: 13,000 (7,300 voluntary) Co.s liquidated in the UK 106,000 individual insolvencies of which 64,000 were bankruptcies (remaining were individual voluntary arrangements (6.10.1)) - Enterprise Act 2002 (start 2004) bankruptcy in force for 12 months (during which person undischarged bankrupt) - Persons possessions are surrendered to Official Receiver Except clothing, household, work related duties
6.10. 1

Can dispose & get cash to pay off creditors

- Bankruptcy cancels most debts & is a fresh financial start - But affects future credit & employment Unable to borrow other than nominal amounts Must disclose when applying for mortgage more difficult or higher IR charged to cover lenders risk

6.10.1 Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVA)

= alternative to bankruptcy where debitor arrange with creditor to reschedule debt over specific period - Only set up if creditors representing > 75% of debt agrees to the arrangement - Scheme supervised by a insolvency practitioner - Increased market for firms assisting IVAs Persuade bank to write off debt in exchange for reasonable guarantee of receiving repayment of the remainder Arrange interest to be frozen reduced amount of debt Legal protection from creditors if IVA terms are met - Individual with IVA is not able to get credit while IVA is in place & their credit-worthiness is likely to be impaired later





- Primary objective of the gvt: - economic & legal balance between need for businesses to make a profit & rights of the customer - EU laws have a direct & indirect effect on UK law - FSA (established in 1998) = single regulator of the financial services industry - passed Financial Services & Marketing Act 2000 (FS&MA2000) regulatory legislation - reactive rather than proactive (want to move to a proactive stance) - result from: Increased consumers financial awareness & demand for customer focused business approach Scandals/crisis - e.g. collapse Baring Bank (1990s) & problems at Equitable Life - showed need for control & protection - against fraud & mismanagement Innovation & complexity & increase no. in product design Developments in business methods Respond to changes in lifestyle consumer to understand features & benefits of product Technology advance e.g. customers do own transactions electronically

Increased divorce & rights for shares in pension benefits

1) Deregulation e.g. banking & building societies in the mortgage market Before: gvt had a lot of regulation Later: barriers removed in 1980s promote competition (high range & low cost) 2) Lots of regulation

1.1 Financial Services & Marketing Act 2000 (FS&MA2000)

1980s & 90s: increased laws e.g. Financial Services Act 1986 incl. self-regulation unsuccessful e.g. large banks provide lots of products regulated by Bank of England 1992: Baring Bank collapse BOE & Securities & Futures Authority criticised 1998: responsibility for regulation of UK banking sector transferred from Bank Of England to FSA 2001: FSA took control of most financial services industry under FS&MA2000 - incl. Regulation of professional & business behaviour of all parts of the industry (incl. 800 insurance Co.s, 600 banks, individual employees & sole traders) - also covers: solvency, capital adequacy, sales & marketing, crime, complaints etc - Not under FSA in 2001: Regulation of mortgage sales under Mortgage code Compliance Board (to FSA in 2004) General insurance under General Insurance Standards Council (to FSA in 2005)


- 2 movements:

1.2 FSAs Objectives Role & Activites


- Oversee regulation of financial services industry in UK

- Introduction of principles-based regulation & revised conduct of business rules (1/11/07) - FSA is a limited Co. (not gvt department) but has statutory powers under law (e.g. Banking Act 1987 etc) Board (appointed by the Treasury) makes decisions Ensure market fair, efficient & transparent Maintaining confidence in UK financial system Securing appropriate levels of protection for consumers depends on

Different expertise of different consumers Consumers needs for accurate advice & info Different level of risks relating to different investments

Money laundering Low scope for financial crime

Fraud & dishonesty incl e-crime Criminal market conduct incl. Insider dealing

Principle: consumers take responsibility of own decisions

Promoting public understanding of financial system Incl. Risks & benefits

Allocating resources efficiently

Cost:Benefit Taking a/c of responsibilities of those who manage firms Facilitating competition

- Performance of FSA judged against:

Taking a/c of international financial services & UKs competitive position - Undertakes role by setting rules, training, guidance etc via a range of sourcebook Sourcebook High Level of Standards Include - Principle for business - Senior management arrangements, systems, controls - Fit & proper test for approved persons - Threshold conditions - Statements of principle for approved persons - Rules & guidance for firms seeking authorisation & FSAs enforcement powers - Supervision manual: how FSA references & monitors compliance of authorised firms - Investor complaints & compensation procedures - Arrangements for professional firms e.g. solicitors - Money Laundering - Conduct of Business: Standards applied to marketing & sales of financial product - (2007): New Conduct of Business Rules Book (NEWCOB) introduced - Training & Conduct - Interim Prudential: Financial soundness & different types of firms (e.g. assets & liabilities, reserves, reporting)

Regulatory Process Redress/ Specialist Business Standards

1.2.5 Status of Provisions in FSA Handbook

Rules = binding obligations on authorised firms - if not follow enforcement action/actions for damages Guidance = explain rules & indicate how to comply to them - not binding firm not subject to disciplinary action if ignore

1.2.5, 1.2.6

1.2.6 Principles for Firms (Businesses) & Approved Persons (Staff)

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) Intergrity Skill, care, diligence Management & control Financial Prudence Proper standard of Market Conduct Customers interest Communication with client Manage conflict of interest fairly Customer relationship of trust Protection that firm must arrange clients assets Relations with regulators of firms open & co-operative 1) 2) 3) 4) Integrity Skill, care, diligence Observe proper standard of market conduct Deal with regulators open & co-operative

Significantly influential positions: 5) 6) 7) Business of firm organised & controlled Skill, care, diligence Steps to ensure business complies with standards & requirements

1.2.7 Treating Customers Fairly (TCF)

Problem with rules & regulations: People aim to comply with the letter of law rather than spirit use loop-hole FSA introduced TCF (develop ethics) Fair - FSA undefined saying: flexible, dynamic & varies with circumstances - definition lies with firms management - at every stage of business - 6 improved outcomes: 1) Consumer confident firm is fair 2) Product meets needs of identified customer groups 3) Consumer provided with clear info at all stages 4) All advice suitable for customers circumstances 5) Products & services perform as customer expects 6) No unreasonable barriers e.g. making complaint/claim - By Mar 2008: firms expected to have place management information systems to test if customers are being treated fairly - By Dec 2008: firms must be able to demonstrate to FSA customers are being treated fairly


1.2.8 Arrangements, Systems & Controls for Senior Managers

- Senior manager must take responsibility that firm is complying with FSA regulations Clear Chain of Responsibility
Senior manager specific areas to specific individuals - Records showing chain of responsibility required

1.2.8 Systems & Controls

- Implemented by firms & must be documented & review regulations Assessment & reporting risk Reporting other management information Strategy for controlling business risk & recovering from serious problems

Compliance Chains of responsibility Competency & honesty of staff especially approved person Audit of systems & controls by independent person

Range of firm activities

Adequate & accessible record of systems & controls kept securely Whistle Blowing

= procedure allowing employees to report serious inappropriate circumstances & behaviour in the firm e.g. not complying with law - Person has protection under Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 Role of Oversight Groups

- Important activities of the financial service institute is kept under review ensure investments of shareholder & customer handled safely & honestly Auditors
External auditors - especially concerned with published financial statements & a/cs free from misstatements, comply with law & accounting procedures - independent of institute whose a/c being audited e.g. accountants - conform to Auditing Practices Board & Accounting Standards Committee - in-house members of staff or out-sourced - review how firm is managing risk e.g. appropriate controls established, suggest improvements, check records are accurate & reliable

Internal auditors Trustees
= person/organisation whose responsibility it is to ensure any property held in the trust is dealt with according to the trust deed for the benefit of the trusts beneficiaries e.g. Unit trust trustee: legally owns trusts assets on behalf of unit holders Occupational pension scheme trustee: rights & duties in Pensions Act of 1995 & 2004 Compliance Officers

= ensure firm complying with FSA laws & regulations - Responsibilities incl: Ensure staff meet FSA requirements regarding recruitment & training Responding to & corresponding to FSA on compliance matters Products & publication compliance manual Maintenance of compliance records e.g. complaints register & promotions records

- FSA established set criteria determining if person is fit & proper for controlled functions within the financial services industry under FS&MSA2000 (1.7.1) Criminal records Disciplinary proceedings Known to go against regulations/law Complaints/Dismissals Insolvency Competency/capability - meeting FSA training requirements Current financial position Financial soundness Previous bankruptcy/adverse credit rating

- Criteria: Honesty, integrity & reputation - judged by:

1.2.10 Prevention of Crime

- Market abuse: Insider dealing = person has info not available to other investors & makes use of information e.g director knowledge of takeover bid Market manipulation= person knowingly gives false info to influence price a share for personal gain - Money laundering (section 2)

1.2.9, 1.2.10

1.2.9 Fit & Proper Test for Approved Persons

1.3 FSAs Approach to Regulating Firms & Individuals

- Financial service organisations must be authorised by FSA if it carries out regulated activities with respect to regulated investments (1.3.1 & .2) & controlled functions (1.7.1)


defined in FS&MA2000 (regulated Activities Order 2001) (RAO) Regulated Debentures Shares Gilts Activities Include 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Accepting deposits Effecting & carrying out insurance contracts (incl. funeral plans) Dealing in & arranging deals in investments Establishing & operating collective investment schemes Advising on investments Mortgage lending & administration Advising on & arranging mortgage & general insurance

Securities 2 categories Contractually based Options Life policies Personal Futures pensions

Investments 1) Deposits 2) E-money 3) Insurance contracts 4) Shares, Co. loan stocks, debentures & warrants 5) Gilts & local authority stocks 6) Units in collective investment schemes 7) Rights under stakeholder pension schemes 8) Mortgage contracts

- Permission given by listing the regulated activities & investments firm is allowed to carry out - via FS&MA2000 Part IV (Part IV permission)

- Aim of industry regulators: protect firms, customers, economy by establishing rules & principles - Different rules for deposit-takers, investment firms & life assurance Co.s

1.4.1 Capital Adequacy Regulations for Deposit Takers

- Institute must have sufficient capital to make unlikely deposits at risk own funds i.e. bank own capital base from stakeholders ( different funds from deposits by customers) - Any losses (e.g. written off repayments) bourn by shareholders not depositors - Minimum requirement for capital adequacy is set by Basal Committee on Banking Supervision Agreement: Basal Accord Basal II (operational in 2007) Multi-national body under Bank for International Settlement

- Minimum requirement by solvency ratio = capital requirement denominated as a proportion of the banks assets (e.g. loans), with allowances made for the perceived risk level of different assets = Institutes own funds as a % of risk-adjusted value of its assets i.e. how much institute can cover its risks

1.4, 1.4.1

1.4 Capital Adequacy

Currently solvency ratio is at least 8% (of the banks own funds of risk-weighted assets) Banks paid up share capital + any retained profits % contribution of less risky asset has less risk-weighted total than more risky asset - Basel II: is slightly more flexible to reflect the business of individual institutions Incl. capital requirements for operational risks risk of loss from failed/inadequate internal processes, people & systems or external events e.g. earthquakes, fraud Basic approach: capital required = institutes gross annual income (average over 3yrs) x 0.15 For larger organisations: more sophisticated system (standardised approach) applied - may use different multiplying factors Introduction of higher supervision system e.g. stress test extent of sufficient capital if unexpected adverse economic conditions occur - Backed by disclosure requirements to ensure bank publish information for risk profile

1.4.2 Capital Adequacy for Investment Businesses

1990s: investment firms allowed freedom to provide same services as banks & other credit institutions Institute Services Directive (ISO) (1996) & Capital Adequacy Directive (CAD) Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) & Capital Requirements Directive (CRD) Sets minimum capital requirements for investment firms, dependent on category Category Own a/c dealers Matched principle broker Broker/Managers Advisers/arrangers Deal with Own a/c Fulfil customers orders Investments as agents or managers for customers Give advice/arrange investment deal Capital required 730,000 125,000 125,000 or 50,000 (if no client or assets) 125,000 or 50,000 (if no client or assets)



1.4.3 Solvency Margins for Life Assurance Co.s

- Harder to determine from most other Co.s as liabilities relate to payment Co. may or may not have at unknown dates in future (e.g. due to death claim) & depend on future mortality rates & IRs - Life Directive (by EU, 2002) sets out: Principle of the technical methods & calculations of liabilities (valuation liabilities) - Co. must maintain adequate solvency margins excess of Co.s assets over its provisions Paid up share capital Components of Co.s solvency margins Statutory & free reserves Profit brought forward after dividends paid Cumulative preference share capital & subordinated loan capital only up to 50% solvency margins - Regulations are complex, but the basic rule: for policies with an investment risk (e.g. endowment policies) require a minimum 4% solvency margin (lower for lower risk) i.e. Co.s assets = 104% of values of liabilities - Authorities in individual EU states (e.g. FSA in UK) can relax rules temporarily if required e.g. in 2003: when stock market securities reduced FSA rectified by reducing prospective liabilities e.g. annual bonuses

- Types FSA aims to reduce FSA not take responsibility, but aims to educate consumer Prudential risk e.g. risk of firm collapsing as incompetent management Bad faith risk = risk due to fraud, mis-representation, mis-selling Complexity/unsuitable risk = risk of customer not understanding product Performance risk = risk that investments fail to deliver hoped-for returns

- Assessment of risk: Probability factors = likelihood of problem occurring - Business risk e.g. business strategy, capital adequacy, a/cs - Control risk = quality of management, internal systems, controls - Consumer relationship risk e.g. marketing & advice practice Impact factors = effect of economy, industry, customer in specific event e.g. firm collapsing, compensation loss availability Risk: - Classification category: High impact firms, 65% market shares High <1% institutes Low Majority of institutes



1.5 Risk-Based Approach

1.6 Discipline & Enforcement

- FSA empowered to undertake: - General investigation into business - Specific investigation into authorised person e.g. falsifying document etc Answer questions Provide information Provide documents If not given FSA can apply to Justice of Peace for search warrant

- Person appointed to investigate can demand:

1.6.1 Enforcement Powers

- If FSA discover something, actions which can be taken: Variation of a firms permission of regulated activity of firm Withdrawal of approval to carry out some/all controlled functions Injunction can prevent person benefiting from action Restitution FSA can ask court to forfeit profit to FSA Disciplinary action (e.g. private warning, published statement) in misconduct Redress: if customer made loss due to contravention of rule FSA involve courts - Customer can contact the Financial Ombudsman Service or Financial Services Compensation Scheme

1.7.1 Approved Persons & Controlled Functions

Director of small friendly society Chief Executive Non-executive director Director (Trainee) Investment adviser Corporate finance adviser Pension transfer specialist Adviser at Lloyds Customer trading Investment management Customer function Significant Management function Settlement Financial resource Director of unincorporated association Partner Governing functions Required functions Compliance oversight Money laundering reporting Duties of appointed oversight EEA investment oversight Apportionment & oversight Dealt with by senior person who has overall responsibility of organising firm

Controlled Functions
Systems & Controls function Finance Risk assessment Internal audit

Designated investment business Other business operations Insurance underwriting

1.7, 1.7.1

1.7 FSA Conduct of Business Sourcebook

Adverts in media Telephone calls Marketing during visit to client

Incl. Presentation to groups

Invitations or inducements to engage in investment activity e.g. Personal visits, Non-written financial promotions telephone conversation Written financial promotions Newspaper adverts, internet sites Types

- Rules shifted to allow firms more discretion on marketing many existing provisions replaced More flexibility, but their responsibility their rules conform to the principles Comparisons

Promotion is clear, fair & not misleading

- Must be meaningful & fair - MiFID firms require details of information source & assumptions made in comparison Past Performance

- Clear it refers to the past - Warning: past performance is not necessarily a reliable indicator of future results - Based on at least 5yrs (or period since investment commenced, not less than 1yr) Unsolicited Promotions

- Only allowed for certain products (life assurance, unit trusts), not others (mortgages, life policies) - Not made at unsolicited hours (9pm to 9am Mon Sat, Sun) - Caller must check recipient is happy to proceed


1.7.2 Advertising & Financial Promotion Rules

- Clear & readily accessible - From advertisement information found in fact find Record for advice etc - Why? Demonstrate compliance to rules

1.7.4 Training & Compliance (T&C)

- FSA published T&C sourcebook Training Assessing Competence Appropriate Exams

List held by Financial Services Skill Council (FSSC) who set the standards for exams accredit awarding bodies of specific exam e.g. CeFA & CeMAP - Organise training at appropriate intervals, & evaluate results

Assess employees has knowledge, skills & passed all modules

1.7.3, 1.7.4

1.7.3 Record Keeping

- No specific amount of time (~50hrs/yr) on continuing professional development (CPD) - Methods Conferences Private study Training courses Record Keeping

- of employees competence & training, assessments, exams, meeting with supervisor - Must be retained for: - at least 3yrs after employee leaves the firm - indefinitely for pension transfer specialists

1.7.5 Specific Rules for Financial Advisors Rules about the Process of Advising Clients Type of Customer
Increasing level of investor protection 1) Eligible counterparty - Incl. large financial institutes (banks, insurance Co.s etc) - Require limited service e.g. execution only 2) Professional client - Otherwise incl. in eligible counterparty, except require higher level of service, e.g. advice - Adviser can assume high knowledge & ability to accept risk

3)Retail client

- the person in the street

1.7.5 Maintaining Competency Clients Agreement

- Adviser required to have a written agreement with the client which sets out the business relationship = business letter issued as part of the initial disclosure documents (IDD) Not required if the customer received one in the past & terms have not changed - Client must be informed about the terms before information/advice given Service offered by advisor Full name of regulator Status of advisor ( Whether or not professional indemnity insurance held Locus arrangement in case of advisor absence Duty of disclosure details of any connected person

Terms of business incl.

Summary of clients responsibilities Detail of complaints procedure Detail of payment for services provided

Firms authorisation with respect to handling clients Discretionary Investment Management Agreement

= required when client allows adviser discretion over investment choice (e.g. handling investment) portfolio & can change without clients individual agreement to every transaction - must specify limits of discretion adviser can operate as an investment manager Status of Advisers & Disclosure of Status Polarisation & Depolarisation
Adviser is independent or tied must tell customer Advise & sell product for 1 (or group) Co. Give advice on the whole financial services market & select appropriate product for the client & provider - Problem: commission bias (i.e. adviser gives the product with higher commission) Jan 2002 Reforming polarisation Making the Market Work for the Consumer i.e. ended polarisation June 2005: Depolarisation= new way determining & explaining the way clients pay for advice ( Change: 3 types of advisers Whole of market usually panel of Co.s Must have range of products Multi-tie Marketing groups Provide products from 1 provider

Offer product from limited range of specific providers

- Clients get 2 documents:

1) Key facts about our service ( = type of advice & products available 2) Key facts about cost of our services (menu) ( Menu Approach

- Client given Key facts about the cost of our services document at the start of a consultation - Includes: Service provided by the firm Different firms offer customers different options for cost of advice Firm charges fee/commission or in between Amount Where it is coming from, the amount & how it compares to the market average

- Whole-of-market advisers have to offer (but not insist on) a fee based option (to show their decision is not influenced by commission) - If an adviser is tied to one product provider, however the products are not suitable, they are not permitted to sell the product should tell the client to seek independent advice Initial Disclosure Document

Product from whole of market? Types of products offered Advice or recommendation provided?

Details of ownership & regulation

How to get compensation from financial service compensation scheme

How to complain e.g. Ombudsman Services Suitability Requirements

- Do NOT give advice until a fact find is done & client understands the risks - Depends on client situations & need Suitability Reports

= explain why the product was recommended to the client - Clear, concise & signed by the person authorised to give advice - Provided for: unit & investment trusts, life policies, pension policies, pension transfers/opt-out, - When issued? ASAP after transaction & no later than cancellation notice Before transaction effected Within 14 days of transaction Execution Only

= customer instructs the adviser to execute a specific transaction ( not require advice) by giving full details of the product - Advisers does not need to fully explain the nature of the transaction or risk it is customers own responsibility - Adviser required to obtain client signature: that it is an execution-only non-execution only i.e. client wishes to effect transaction contravening advice given Charges & Commission Disclosure Charges

- Basis & amount of charges disclosed in writing before the business is transacted - maybe explained in client agreement - charges on packaged products in menu & key features document - If business on execution-only basis & written disclosure would delay transaction: Firm makes disclosure verbally before transaction is executed provide written confirmation - If it is a packaged product (e.g. life policy), adviser discloses, in cash terms, the amount commissioned In key features document ( Product Disclosure

- Key features of the product explained to the client in writing before the sale is concluded Risk factors Essential element of products Consequence of making product paid-up If income/capital levels might vary

Tax information on maturity dates/before Where additional information can be found Commission paid Client specific information relating to charges Risk Disclosure

- FSA pointed out risks customers will face - Risks of all product disclosed left to product provider - Most significant risks in Key Facts document easy to understand Cooling Off & Cancellation

- direct post from product provider to client - No commitment or loss during that period signed & return to the provider - Full refund of any premiums paid (except if client cancels a lump sum unit-linked investment, where is invested & the value fallen)

- Client can withdraw from the contract within a specific period of receiving notice (~4 days)

1.7.6 Stakeholder-Type Product

- Simple, low cost, risk controlled product for less financially sophisticated - Maximum annual charge for investment product: - 1st 10yrs of life of a product: 1.5% - after (/throughout if before 6/4/05): 1%

Cash deposit products Child Trust fund Stakeholder pension


Medium term investment products Smoothed investment fund

- Controlling risk: limit proportion of shares in stakeholder unit-linked & with-profit products to 60% of the fund remainder into fixed-interest securities & cash - Simplified selling product model: Adviser explains product nature Series of short questions Assessment - can be terminated at any stage Customers savings & investment objectives Risk assessment

1.7.7 Regulation of Mortgage Advice

- FSA rules on loans subject to 1st charge on: Borrowers property UK property Borrower/family occupy > 40% property


- 2 types sales people: 1) giving advice 2) those only giving information on products - determined by questions to filter mortgage selection MCOB rulebook incl: MCOB 1 2 3 Purpose Application & Purpose Conduct of business standards Financial promotions Details Explains scope of rules i.e. who it applies to & what type mortgage Use of terminology, charging rules, record accessibility by FSA Distinguish between (non)real-time promotion Not contact customers at unsociable hours Details on promotions & say Home maybe repossessed if not keep up with repayments Incl.: type of adviser i.e. independent etc Suitable products for customer Records kept for 3yrs IDD information: whose mortgage offered, charges payable, FSA regulated details, claim & complain rules

Advising & Selling standards


Purpose Pre-application Disclosure

Details Details given when recommendation made & before application to lender Incl. APR, amount monthly instalments, amount instalments if increase 1% IR Lender provided detailed documents, incl. how long offer remain valid, point of no withdrawal, charges After 1st mortgage payment made, lender confirm: amount, dates, method payment & details of related product e.g. insurance, what customer do if falls into arrears - annual statement issued: amount, term, changes, type of mortgage Special rules to advising & selling Describes how APR calculated Show customers ability to pay Excessive charges not allowed, early repayment charges correspond to cost to lender & arrears charges reasonable to the cost of administration Try reach agreement with client in arrears Customers in arrears given information in 15 days: FSA worksheet on what to do, missed payments, total arrears incl. charges, debt, additional charges Repossession when all other measures fail

6 7

Disclosure at offer stage Disclosure at start of contract & after sale

8&9 10 11 12

Lifetime mortgages Annual % rate Responsible lending Charges


Arrears & repossession

- FSA took control in 1/2005 - rules to adviser in Insurance Code of Business (ICOB) ICOB 1 2 3 4 Purpose The scope of rules General rules Financial promotion Advising & selling standards Details Rules & types of activities covered (incl. to intermediaries) Rules on communication, record keeping, inducement Advertisements clear, fair, & not misleading Information on status: [details of firms regulation (FSA), wholemarket product, producer, how to complain, information in IDD, combined initial disclosure document (CIDD)], Fees Advice suitability Excessive charges Unsolicited services contract renewal Product information, terms of contract, price, cancellation rights If customer cancels provider must return sums in 30 days - can deduct charges Insurance Co. ensuring rules complied to if adviser acting on behalf of them & customer must be told

5 6 7

Product disclosure Cancellation Claims handling


1.7.8 Regulation of General Insurance



-1989: Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF) = international body to fight against criminal money - 30 members incl. EU commission & EU member states

2.1 Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (PCA2002)

- incl. all forms of crime incl. Money laundering, drug-crime

2.1.1 Terrorism Act 2000

= use of serious violence against person or serious damage to property or electronic system with purpose of influencing gvt, intimidating public or advancing political, religious or ideological cause (incl. money laundering)


2.2 Definitions
Money laundering = process filtering proceeds of criminal activity through series of a/c or financial products to give it apparent legitimacy

- EUs 3rd Money Laundering Directive (2005) definition incl. conversion of property, incl. knowing /and participating, to conceal origin to evade legal consequences concealing true nature, source, location, disposition, movement, rights wrt ownership acquisition, use of property knowing at time of receipt it was derived from illegal activity participating, committing, attempt to commit, aiding, abetting, facilitating illegal activity - Specifies money laundering within EU treated under directive, even if activities to generate property took place in a non-EU country Property = asset of every kind, (in)tangible, (im)movable, as well as legal documents giving title to such asset Criminal activity = crime specified in Vienna Convention United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs & other criminal activity as specified by each member state - 31/8/06: Money Laundering Sourcebook deleted, & firms given flexibility to structure controls & procedures around their specific risks (guidance from Joint Money Laundering Steering Groups)


2.3 Money Laundering Offences

- In PCA2002: 3 money laundering offences Concealing criminal property Arranging Acquiring, using, processing

Reporting Education Procedures & accountabilities Refrain from alerting investigated Report at least once a year & assess firms compliance to sourcebook Ways to prevent staff money laundering Training Money Laundering Reporting Officer (1.7.1) Identity evidence - for transaction >$15000 (~10000) - different for life assurance policies (2.4)

Up to date procedures & records Strengthen deficiencies

- FSA assess money laundering using: Joint Money Laundering Steering Groups guidance notes = steps to verify customer identity - made up of UK trade associations Financial exclusion guidance (2.4.1) FATF = highlight developments in ML & deficiencies in rules

2.3.1 FATF
2.3.1 2.3.4

- Coordinate international fight against money laundering - Established in 1989 - Main office: Paris, 33 full members incl: EU, US, East Europe, Far East - Work involved: Setting standards for anti-money laundering programs (40 recommendations) Evaluating the extent individual countries have implemented their standards Identifying money laundering methods -Inter-gvt policy making body is not a law enforcer, but have responsibilities of individual countries e.g. Serious Organised Crime Agency(SOCA) - in UK

2.3.2 SOCA
= public body sponsored by, but operationally independent, of Home Office - Responsible to reduce the impact of serious organised crime - Intelligence-led agency with law enforcement powers - 3 priorities: drug trafficking, immigration crime, money laundering

2.3.3 Failure to Disclose *

- PCA2002: requires persons to disclose information about money laundering

2.3.4 Tipping off *

- Offence

* = Areas of concern

2.4 Client Identification

- Required when:

2.4, 2.5

Entering into new business relationship New customer: when value > 15000/life assurance policy - 1000/yr (2500 single) premium If suspected of money laundering - If client is introduced via intermediary, written assurance by the intermediary is sufficient - Standard format e.g Association of Independent Financial Advisers(FA) - Acceptable forms: current passport, national ID card with photo, driving licence, utility/tax bill

2.4.1 Financial Exclusion

- FSA guidance: If a person can not give the above evidence, then they can get financial services by using a letter from a person in position of responsibility (e.g. solicitor, accountant, doctor)

2.5 Record Keeping Requirements

- For evidence for money laundering - Identification evidence kept for 5 years after the relation has ended - Transaction evidence kept for 5 years after the transaction has occurred

2.6 Reporting Procedure


- Firm must appoint a Money Laundering Reporting Officer (MLRO) co-ordinate anti-money laundering activities Reporting cycle SOCA Staff - 1+ times a year the senior management gets a report from the MLRO Information on money laundering Assess firms compliance submitted by staff with sourcebook Indicate how FAFT findings used

2.7 Training Requirement

- Firms are required to: Make employees aware of money laundering procedures, legislation & MLRO Provide training on how to handle money laundering transactions & impact

2.8 Enforcement
- FSA can discipline firms/individuals if they breach money laundering laws & can prosecute under the Money Laundering Regulation 2003

- 14 years imprisonment & fine - 5 years & a fine for tip off or failure to disclose



- Lots of legislations & firms to protect customers from fraud, but not 100% customer has to take responsibility - FSA statutory objectives (1.2) makes easier to complain

3.1 Firms Complaints Procedures

- FSMA2000: rules required firms to deal properly & promptly firm must: appropriately & effectively handle complaints procedures make consumer aware of procedures (in business letter/initial disclosure document) aim to resolve in 8 weeks report to FSA on regular 6 month basis - Complaint can be received: oral/writing acknowledgement in 5 days - Eligible complainants: Private individual Small business (annual turnover < 1million) Charities (annual turnover < 1million) Trustees of trust with assets < 1million

- Types of complaints: Hard = allegation of financial loss, material distress - records kept for 3yrs Soft = any other - same rules except hard complaints have deadlines & reported to FSA

Firms responds in final letter within 4 weeks of receiving complaint (if not, send interim letter) if 8 weeks pass Letter to explain Inform customer of Ombudsman Service within 6 months of the date of the letter - 6 monthly reports about progress of hard complaints

3.2 Financial Ombudsman Services (FOS)

- FSMA2000 integrated FOS in 12/2001 Deals with complaints (not make rules or give guidance) - 3 areas: Banking & Loan Division Insurance Division, Investment Division from 6/4/07 Consumer Credit Complaints - Not incl. Pension Ombudsman - Free - Funded by firm members (compulsory for firms authorised in FSMA2000) of FOS - Deal with complaints if the firm can not within 6 yrs of event giving rise to complaint - Award up to 100,000 + reasonable costs put complainant in same financial position as if it had not occurred


3.3 Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)

- Dec 2001: scheme for compensation if cost customer has lost by insolvency of an authorised firm - Sub-schemes: Problem Default of insurance Co. Loss due to firm insolvency Loss of deposited funds due to default of bank/building society Main Compensation (maximum) 100% of 1st 2,000 100% of 1st 30,000 100% of 1st 35,000 Additional (maximum) 90% if balance no upper limit If compulsory insurance: 100%


90% of next 20,000 (i.e. max 48,000)

Claims against mortgage advice 100% of 1st 30,000 & arranging firms Claims against insurance intermediaries Depends on circumstances

90% next 200,000 (i.e. max 48,000)

- No compensation for other losses (e.g.negligence, poor advise etc) via FSCS could via civil courts

3.4 Pension Ombudsman

- Created by Social Security Act 1990 for occupational pensions & some personal pension schemes - Secretary of the state for Work & Pensions appoints Ombudsman - Decides about complaints & disputes of running pension schemes not complaints about sales & marketing (3.2) Mal-administration has led to injustice e.g. financial loss, distress, delay Office of Pensions Advisory Services


- 1st addressed to pension schemes manager/trustee

Disagreement about facts/law

Pensions Ombudsman Legally binding - Communicate to Ombudsman via writing within 3yrs of the event (excl. internal complaints procedures)

SECTION 4: DATA PROTECTION 4.1 Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA)

- Replaced DPA1984 (as UK law needed to comply with EU-DPA1995) - Only included computerised data - DPA98 applies to any structured set of personal data - Gives control of private individuals use of personal data held by commercial organisation

4.1, 4.1.1

4.1.1 Definitions
Data subject = individual whose personal data is processed Personal data = information relating living individual who can be identified from information/ combination of information in possession of data controller Sensitive personal data = this data can only be processed if individual gives explicit consent - incl. racial origin, religious belief, political persuasion, physical & mental health Processing = all aspects of owning data- obtaining, recording, organising, disclosing, erasing Data controller = legal person determining purpose data processed & way its done - normal: organisation/employer - ensure requirements of Act carried out Data processor = person who processes personal data on data controllers behalf

4.1.2 Data Protection Principles

1) Processed fairly & lawfully incl. controller tells the individual what & why data is processed - data not processed unless subject gives consent or processing for following reasons: + perform contact with the subject or to protect the subjects interest + fulfil legal obligation or carry out public function + pursue legitimate interests of controller unless this prejudice interest of subject 2) Obtained for specific legal purpose 3) Adequate (not excessive) & relevant to purpose its processed for 4) Keep accurate & up to date 5) Not kept longer than required 6) Processed in accordance with the rights of the subject Incl: - Right to receive (payment 10) copy of information held provided within 40 days of written instruction - Right to correct 7) Controllers must take technical & organisational measures to keep data secure from misuse 8) Not transfer to country outside EU Economic Area unless data protection regime adequate


4.1.3 Enforcement

- by Information Commissioner (IC) Responsibilities: educate the organisation & individuals about the Act & their rights take action to enforce the Act - IC can issue 2 types of notices to the data controller (if infringing terms of Act) 1) Information notice = require controller to specify organisation will take to comply to Act 2) Enforcement notice = require organisation to take specific/refrain from action - IC can prosecute controller if they do not comply to notices - 2 other criminal offences in the Act: failure to notify the IC. This is the way controller registers with the Office of the IC (acknowledge data held) process data without authorisation from the IC - Maximum penalty: 5,000- unless the case goes to Crown Court (unlimited fine)

= Regulate, supervise & control certain types of lending to individual & provide borrowers protection from unscrupulous lenders - Regulated by the Office of Fair Trading (not FSA) - Sets out the standards of how all lenders must conduct their business incl. safeguards potential borrowers, must be made aware of nature & condition of loans & rights & obligations - Affects most aspects of banks lending activities incl. loans & revolving credit Not all loans are included: - Loans >25,000 - regulated by Consumer Credit legislation (unless exempt (next slide)) - from Apr 2008 all loans are covered

Suppliers of loans & credit licensed by Office of Fair Trading

Clients must receive a copy of the loan agreement for own records Prospective borrowers have cooling off period unless agreement signed on the lenders premises Main elements of Act Credit reference agencies must disclose information about an individual on request

Undesirable/misleading marketing practices forbidden

- Introduced annual percentage rate (APR) system = compares the price of lending total cost of borrowing IR - 2 factors: Additional costs & fees


5.1.1 Changes
- due to 3yr review, to make law fair & competitive credit market: Consumer Credit Act 2006 (CCA06) - 3 improvements described by the Department of Trade & Industry: 1) Enhance consumer rights & redress 2) Improve regulation of consumer credit business 3) Make regulations more appropriate for all kinds of consumer credit transaction Law Primary Act CCA06 Changes - Parts changed incl. Financial Ombudsman Service (4/2007) - New licensing regime & transparency provision (4/2008) - About form & content of adverts for credit: Simple, intermediate & full-credit advert to a single list, incl:- new way to calculate APR & present prominently (2/3 of advert) - plain English & easy to read/heard - name of advertiser included - if secured loan advert clearly state the required security

Consumer Credit Secondary Regulation 2004 (CCR) (Advertisement)

CCR (Agreements) - Make agreements signed by customers clearer & easier to understand (Amendments) change content & layout CCR (Disclosure of Information) CCR (Early Settlement) - What information must be disclosed to prospective borrowers & the way - Confirm entitlement of borrowers to rebate when all/parts of the debt repaid earlier & the way to change calculation etc

5.2 Unfair Contract Terms


5.2.1 Supply of Goods & Services Act 1982

- Apply to all contracts after 1995 involving supply of services - Terms mean services will be performed in reasonable care, time & charge

5.2.2 Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999

- Apply to any term in a contract between supplier & consumer, where supplier acting on behalf of business, & the contract is not negotiated on an individual basis - Office of Fair Trading is responsible - Incl. contracts for land sale, tenancy agreements & mortgages - under remit of regulation where supplier is not an individual & is acting in the course of business - Excl. person selling home, but covers builder selling new houses Fairness
- Contracts should be fair, good faith, not cause significant imbalance on rights & obligations - Contracts written in plain language - Unfair terms are unbinding (the rest of contract may still be binding)

5.3 Rules on Occupational Pension Schemes

- Remains separate from other financial services & even private pension schemes

5.3, 5.3.1

5.3.1 Pensions Act 2004 (PA2004)

- PA1995 introduced aspects of provision & supervision - Public confidence reduced by Maxwell affair gvt needed to restore confidence by stopping fraud & improving administration - Incl. 2 important elements: 1) Establish of Pension Protection Fund ( 2) Transfer regulating responsibility: Occupational Pension Regulation Authority to Pensions Regulator Pensions Regulator

- More power, proactive & risk-focused 2 factors: likelihood, impact

- High risk situations require more monitoring Protect benefits of members of work-based pension schemes - 3 objectives Promote good administration Reduce risk

All schemes must make regular returns to regulator

Trustees/scheme mangers must give notification for any information changes

Informed quickly if scheme can not meet funding requirements can remedy quickly

Investigating schemes - to identify & monitor risk

Putting things right incl. Specific action to improve matters Disqualifying trustees who are not fit Recovering unpaid Fines/ prosecution Acting against avoidance = prevent employers from deliberately avoiding pension obligations & leaving Pension Protection Fund to cover pension liabilities

- Actions: Contribution notices require employer to make payment on debt to the scheme or Pension Protection Fund Financial support directions require financial support in place for under-funded scheme - Issue voluntary code of practice on range of subjects & expected standards of conduct Provide practical guidelines for trustees, employers, administration etc (4/2006): Must have knowledge of pension & trust law, scheme funding& investment, trust deed & other important documents Pension Protection Fund (PPF)

- Established by PA2004 to protect members of defined-benefit pension schemes whose firm becomes insolvent with insufficient funds to maintain full core benefits for members 100% for existing pensioners incl. ill health, retirement & survivors benefits 90% for pre-retirement member subject to overall benefit cap

- Taken over responsibilities of the Pensions Compensation Board to provide compensation for defined-benefit & contribution schemes in fraud - To ensure compensation retains value over time, payments increased in line with retail price index (RPI) - up to a maximum 2.5% Compensation funded in 2 ways: Take over assets of pension schemes with insolvent employers Levy on all private sector defined benefit (element) schemes 5 parts Pension protection levy based on risk factors ~80% of PPF (incl. under-funding, credit rating) Pension protection levy based on scheme factors (incl. number of active & retired members) Fund compensation levy (replaced Pensions Compensation Board levy) PPF Ombudsman levy cover cost of PPF Ombudsman Administration levy cover set up cost & undergoing cost of PPF

5.4 EU Directives
5.4, 5.4.1

- Objectives set by EU but member states can achieve them by any method decided by national authorities

5.4.1 Banking
- Apr 2000: 2nd Banking Directive consolidated earlier directive
Gave institutions freedom to establish & pursue business of credit institutes Defines credit institution: undertaking whose business is to receive deposits/other funds from the public & to grant credit for its own a/c Minimum funding (& other) requirements for institutions to be authorised as credit institution Way institutes become authorised (e.g. FSA in UK) Activities authorised credit institutes can carry out incl. acceptance of deposits, lending, trading in money markets

5.4.2 Investment

- 1993 Directive on Investment Services in Securities Field - Investment Services Directive (revised) in force 1996 - Aim: enable investment firms to operate in different EU states in approximately the same way broaden markets across the EU - Firms must be authorised in their home state & can then operate in other states without further authorisation Obtain & retain by complying with certain roles: e.g. - good administration & accounts - safeguards on held data - internal control mechanisms Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID)

- Allow investment firms to operate throughout EU on single authorisation Incl. securities & future firms, banks doing securities, investment exchanges, alternative trading system Excl. life assurance, pensions or mortgage business

Receipt & transmission of investor orders on purchase /sale of specific investment

Execution of order on customer behalf Types of Investment Activity

Discriminatory management portfolio of specific types of investments

Underwriting issue of any specific investment

Giving investment advice

- UK firms are exempt from MiFID if: do not hold client /securities restrict business transmitting order & giving advice on transferable securities & collective investment schemes transmit orders to authorised credit institutions, investment trust Co.s, collective investment schemes & MiFID investment firms

Options Transferable securities (stocks, shares) Investments Financial futures contracts Forward IR agreements IR, currency, equity swaps Money market instruments

Unit in collective investment

5.4.3 Insurance

2 objectives: 1) Widest range of insurance products to EU citizens, while ensuring high standard of legal & financial protection 2) Enable authorised Co. to act throughout EU Life Assurance

1979 Life Directive incl. life assurance, annuities, personal injury, incapacity to work, PHI 2nd Life Directive of 1990 incl. rules to provide life assurance services 3rd Life Directive of 1992 (Life Framework Directive) this EU directive incorporated into Insurance Co.s (3rd Insurance Directive) Regulation 1994

2002 Life Directive - Arrangements for regulation & supervision depends on why the policy is taken out: 1) If taken out on applicants own initiative countries regulation where insurance Co. is 2) If taken out as rules of state regulated & supervised by that state

- To obtain authorisation

Limit business activities to insurance only Submit scheme of operation Run by technically qualified people Possess minimum guarantee fund Notify identities of shareholders & amounts

- Financial supervision of insurer by its home state incl. valuation of assets, liabilities, verification & solvency - May need local legislation in the state where insurance is sold, in relation to marketing & contract - Premium tax applied are those of state the insurance is sold - in the UK, premium tax to general insurance not life assurance - Need harmonised EU laws, incl. Choice, valuation, diversification & location of assets to support Co.s liabilities - Increased freedom of capital movement Principles to calculate assets & liabilities - Policyholder can withdraw within the cooling-off period ~ 14-30 days from the start of the contract = Statutory cancellation notice (UK) - Policyholders must be told essential characteristics of product in the Key features document (UK) General Insurance

Across EU member states

1988: 2nd Non-Life Council Directive rules for cross-frontier non-life insurance - balance between freedom & customer protection 1992: 3rd Non-Life Council Directive completed process - head-office in one state & run elsewhere - Co. can be authorised in 1+ classes e.g. general insurance accident, sickness, land vehicles etc Insurance Intermediaries

- Still want accessible & secure retail market Directive on Insurance Mediator (Jan 2003) - Before: insurance sector for wholesale rather than retail market Insurance mediation = activities of introducing, proposing or carry out work to come contracts of insurance or assisting in admin & perform of contract - Employee of insurance Co. not incl. in definition - Independent insurance intermediaries must get home authorisation (FSA in UK) - Tied agents to Co. do not need direct FSA authorisation - Need: knowledge, skill & training (Training & Competence sourcebook) (UK) good reputation = no criminal offence, not declared bankrupt should have personal indemnity insurance of at least 1mil/case & 1.5mil/yr - expensive & difficult to get

- Rules to protect clients funds (incl. clients in separate a/cs) - intermediary required amount is 4% premiums received/yr (subject to minimum 15,000)

Regulation details Name & address

Information of intermediary to client

Intermediary hold 10% voting rights /capital of insurance Co.s or vice versa

Intermediary independent /tied to insurance Co.

Internal & external complaints procedure

- To give advice on products recommended - from a high number of contracts available on market - assess customers need (fact find)

5.5 CAT (charges, access, terms) Standards

- Intended to help less knowledge investors choose suitable deal - CAT withdraw for ISAs - CAT-standard mortgage available on demand may not be suitable Limits on charges Variable IR no more than 2% Bank of England base rate & adjusted within 1 month after base rate reduced IR calculated daily Arrangement fees: - variable-rate loans: not chargeable - fixed-rate or capped-rate loans: < 150 Maximum early redemption charges on fixed-rate & capped rate loans No separate charge can be made for mortgage indemnity guarantees All other fees disclosed in cash terms before customer committed Limits on access & terms Normal lending criteria must apply Customer choose day of month to pay All advertising & paperwork must be clear & straightforward Purchase of related products cannot be made a condition of offer



5.6 Advertising Standards

- Must meet standards by British Code of Advertising under Advertising Standard Authority - covers most advertising e.g. TV, radio, posters, internet etc - set-up 1962, independent self-regulated body - Take action against individual/organisation if they contravene: Discuss offending advert with advertiser to change or withdraw Legal action via Office of Fair Trading Negative publicity Legal Decent not cause offence Honest not exploit people Truthful

- Code requires advert is:

5.7 Banking Code

- Aim: set good standards of banking practice - By British Bank Association & Building Society Association (March 1992) - Voluntary, but most banks subscribe - Debts with individual, executives & trustees (not business) - Both codes compliance reviewed by Banking Code Standards Board Deposit & savings a/c Payment systems Under Business Banking Code Under 1million Cash mini-ISAs, TESSA-only ISAs & cash-deposit Child Trust Funds Card services & cash machines

Current a/c

Products covered by code Foreign exchange transactions Loans & overdrafts, but not mortgages Secure & reliable Code commitments Publicise code & train staff Help customer e.g. send statements

Marketing clear & not misleading Deal quickly & sympathetically if things go wrong

Chosen a/c / service information given to customer

Clear, fair, reasonable, not misleading Personal details not passed on Customers not have to be contacted

Information in summary box card issued Reduce/increase/ opt out credit limits Rules


Requirements e.g. fair & clear Bank information sharing

Advertising & marketing

Card & PINs

Charges IR

Terms & conditions


Bank, branch closure procedures Assistance Sympathetic, positive Cheques Direct debits & standing orders Dormant a/cs rules Disclosure required

Changing a/cs Financial difficulties Statement Running an a/c

Information clarity ID proof New customers, products & services How? Timescales Rules on passing information to credit reference agencies Guarantors seek Refusal independent legal advice explanation Complaints Borrowing Repay ability A/c protection Business operation covered by Banking Code

Personal info confidentiality Customers permission

Customers responsibility

Cooperation - Open to interpretation, code suggests use of common sense - Independent review of code began in Nov 2006

Institutions interest not marketing

5.8 Competition Commission

= independent public body whose aim is to ensue healthy competition between UK Co.s

individual firms charge reasonable pries & supply good quality products - 1999: Replaced Monopolies Commission due to Competition Act 1998 - Investigates issues of concern - Referrals from Office of Fair Trading, regulators of utility Co.s & other public service organisations Areas of concern: Mergers where it will result in 1 Co. having >25% market share Markets where danger of restricted competition in specific market Regulations where major regulated industries may not be operating fairly

- Has sweeping powers to stop a situation causing damaging impact on competition e.g. prevent mergers taking place


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