Indian Railway Training

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SUBMITTED BY: Jayant Soni (EC09044)



Indian Railway is a department owned and controlled by the Govt.of India,via the Ministry of Railways. Indian railway is divided into zones,which are further divided into divisions. Jaipur is the zonal headquarter of the North Western Railway zone The formal inauguration ceremony of IR was performed on 16th April 1853 with the first passenger train steamed out of Howrah station destined for Hooghly, a distance of 36 km . .

Principles of train working and need for signaling

All over the world Railway transportation is increasingly used, as this mode of transport is more energy efficient and environmentally friendly than road transportation. Trains move on steel rail tracks and wheels of the railway vehicle are also flanged Steel wheels. Hence least friction occurs at the point of contact between the track & wheels. Therefore trains carry more loads resulting in higher traffic capacity since trains move on specific tracks called rails, their path is to be fully guided and there is no arrangement of steering

Railway Signalling Signal: Signal is a medium to convey a particular

predetermined meaning in non-verbal form
Trains uses signaling to control movement of trains on tracks and divides tracks into several sections which are

protected by the signals.

Axle counter
The axle counter is used for determining, whether the tracked sections of the rails are free or are still occupied by a train. Solution is provided by counting the number of axles that has entered the monitored sector of the track and then counting the axles that has left this sector of rails. If thenumber of axles that has entered the tracked sector is the same as the number of axles that has left thesector, then the sector is free and next train is allowed to enter this sector of the track. o If the sector is occupied, next awaiting trains must be stopped otherwise there is impending danger of crash.Besides signalizing of free or occupied sector of the track, the axle counter can be used for alert devices on rail crossings or junctions


Figure 1: Example of monitored sectors of the rail track

o Structure:

o It is an electronic device consisting of :o A set of Track inductors that counts in the number of axles passing over them. (Fitted at the entrance of length of track)

o A set of Track inductors that counts out the number of axles passing over them. (Fitted at the exit of the length of track)
o An evaluator that registers counts in and counts out.

o It shows clear the line if counts in=counts out

o It shows occupied if the 2 counts are different

Advantage of axle counter

Does not require wooden sleepers.

Can cover a very long section of 15 kms. Not susceptible to flooding of tracks or poor maintenance of tracks.

Does not require insulating joints , thus , rails can be continuously welded.
Reduces track maintenance cost. Lowers wear and tear of tracks. Increases travelling comforts

Optical fibre
EVOLUTION: Simple telephone wires formed the basis of communication in the earliest era of Indian Railways.

Two stations were connected via telephone lines but the communication was subjected to the problem of limited channels.
NEW CONCEPT: Optical fiber cables were capable of carrying large number of channels. Under this system , many complex and sophisticated instruments exist. Optical fiber is delicate and requires a correct and fix approach as a mistake of 0.01% can fail the whole system.

Fiber Optic Layers

Consists of three concentric sections

plastic jacket

glass or plastic cladding

fiber core

Optical fiber communication

Optical fiber connector

Demand in indian railway

: Mainly 6*4 OFCS are used in Railways. 6*4 means that there are 6 groups , each containing 4 cables or optical fibers so that there is total of 24 optical fibers in each cable. Maintenance: To prevent the malfunctioning of fibre - a)Isopropyl solution

b)Isopropane solution
are used to remove the dust from the tip.

Microwave communication
The international telecommunications system relies on microwave and satellite links for long-distance international calls. Microwaves are electromagnetic waves whose frequencies range from 1 GHz to 1000 GHz. There are large number of bands in microwave region

Before the advent of fiber optics, these microwaves formed the heart of the long distance telephone transmission system. In its simplest form the microwave link can be one hop. A single hop is typically 30 to 60 km in relatively flat regions for frequencies in the 2 to 8 GHz bands.

Block Diagram Of Microwave Center


The microwave propagation takes place through space waves in troposphere, which is within 10km on earth level ,so attenuation is very large but due to directivity of antenna and high receiver sensitivity the system is very satisfactory. MW antenna is directive due to parabolic reflector so maximum radio power is concentrated in one direction , it is a line of sight communication. Thus low power MW signal can also travel a long distance path. Due to directive antenna the signal is not spread , so interference of other communication system is very negligible. At MW freq. there is no atmospheric or man made noise. The only noise is thermal noise .

Application Of Microwave In Indian Railways Controlling of trains. To give correct running and stopping information of the trains. It help the railway staff to communicate for this purpose. Stations on average of 40 km can communicate with each other by microwave.

Public Reservation System

Computerized passenger reservation system is the most useful facility, which enhances the image of Indian railways in public. Initially it was installed in Delhi by Criss and for western and central railways a common super computer is installed CSTN and the trains of both railways are programmed on this computer. When more than one terminal is required at a place then another 8 terminal modem Mux called CODEC is used. In PRS there is only one set of computer in which all the information regarding the main coaches, reservation fare, status are available

Public Reservation System(PRS)

Modulation :- Process of superimposing original signal on carrier signal is b/a modulation. Multiplexing :- Converting multi input signal into one output signal is known as multiplexing. MODEM :- It is the combination of modulator and demodulator. Actually multiplexer is also a device which itself also as multiplexing and demultiplexing. PCM:- Pulse code modulation. It is the process of transferring the digital data through the fiber. The analog data is first converted into digital data. (sampling, Filtering , Quantization)

Internet and Railnet

In early days the officials works in railway was done on the paper like information to department or any other instruction for the employee was given only in the written way on the paper. The networks used in railway are 1) 2) Railnet FOIS : Freight operation and information system

Indian railways have decided to setup their own Corporate Wide Information system called Railnet to provide computer connectivity between Zonal railways, production units

Composition of Railnet Inter-net is an internal network of Indian railway allowing the railway officer and staff to communicate on this digitzed network. Internet allows users to get into a global communication and global pool of knowledge advertisement and entertainment through www ( World Wide Web) in a secured manner. It is operated by railway board. The main server is attached to all station and exchanges with help of interface protocol & MUX. The railway department has taken 2 MB stream of BSNL.


I also captured the knowledge about the controlling of typical railway network proceed between many junction station. I have gained the knowledge of the microwave communication of railway , rail net internet and use and application of axle counter

Reference on/optical_fibre.html

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