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Name ________________________________ Date _____________________

Class ________________ Number the Stars Webquest Jigsaw

What was your Webquest role? _______________________________


1. What was the Holocaust and who was responsible for it?

2. What was Hitler’s “Final Solution”? What is genocide?

3. Draw a swastika and explain what it stands for. Draw a Jewish star and explain what it
stands for.

Resistance Fighter

1. What is a resistance fighter?

2. Who was Knud Dyby and what did he do to help Jewish citizens in Denmark?

3. What is sabotage?

1. How did fisherman help Danish Jews during World War II?

2. Where would the fisherman bring the Jews that they rescued?

Danish Citizen

1. What privileges did Jewish citizens lose during the war?

2. Why did Jewish citizens have to go into hiding?

3. What is Judaism?

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