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SAP Ramp-Up

Helen Ding Ramp up Program Manager, Asia Pacific Product & Services Introduction SAP

SAP Ramp-Up
A Cornerstone in SAPs transition to a Market Driven Solution Provider / Trusted Innovator
What is SAP Ramp-Up?
SAPs standardized Market introduction process As a program it is open to a limited number of customers and ensures a smoother implementation by providing additional support All SAP solutions pass SAP Ramp-Up prior to getting into mass shipment Global and Field owned process Usually has a 6 months duration Provides only software for Go-live Provides only software which was already tested AND validated

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Quality in Ramp-Up = Quality for Productive Use


Similar to betaprograms of other software vendors


SAP internal thorough test in the similar environment as customers


Productive Quality Pilot Project Special program only for limited customers Period to build market credential (reference) Solution Validation Developer Test Development Close Release to every customer

Ramp-Up Program Start


Unrestricted Shipment
Ramp-up <SAP Solution> Key Performance Indicators
Key Perfor mance Indicator Values Provided by KPI's - Target and Actual Exit Cr iteria KPI Ow ner Total

Total Number of act ive Cust . delivered Ram p-up EM EA Ce ntra l EMEA Ne ws North Ame ri ca Fe edba ck / Re l ea se by La tin Ame ri ca M arket Asi a Ja pa n Num ber of reference cust omers Ram p-up Call rat e per cust omer/ week Support Total Number of Custom ers Live Ram p-up EM EA Ce ntra l EMEA Ne ws Controlle d Ra mp-Up of North Ame ri ca # of Custome rs La tin Ame ri ca Asi a Ja pa n Num ber of new installations Trained SAP Consultants (A pplication / Ram p-up K T Qua l ifyi ng of Basis) Supporting S AP Units Trained Partner Consultants (A ppl. / Ram p-up K T Basis) Backlog in Man Days % of new errors / t otal of incoming messages SFG Delivery %age of live project s Best P ractices available Cust omer Training available % M sg. Resolved by S upport/Total Msg. tbd. Support tbd. no no Support

Ram p-up owners

5 5 8 0 2 0 10 <5

Field Operations S upport Ram p-up owners

2 1 2 0 0 0 all 80 20

tbd. GB U


<= 30%
tbd no curre ntl y not pla nne d

Com pletion of Solution

S upport

> 40%

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SAP Ramp-Up Proven Success in Thousands of Projects

Go to >marketing>references to get more details on these projects

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How Can Partners Get Involved in Ramp-Up?


Implementation at partner for own productive use (Partner as Customer)

Follow same process as with all customer shipments: Please contact Regional Ramp-Up Owner

Implementation at customer done by partner

Follow process for customer shipments: Please contact Regional Ramp-Up Owner

Implementation at partner for training and testing purposes

Follow process for Restricted Partner Shipment: Please contact Partner Management

Link for SAP Partners:

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How Can Partners Get Involved in Ramp-Up?


Implementation at partner for own productive use (Partner as Customer)

Follow same process as with all customer shipments: Please contact Regional Ramp-Up Owner

Implementation at customer done by partner

Follow process for customer shipments: Please contact Regional Ramp-Up Owner

Implementation at partner for training and testing purposes

Follow process for Restricted Partner Shipment: Please contact Partner Management

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When and How to Apply for Ramp-Up

You decide to participate in Ramp-Up Please Inform your Account Executive (AE) AE and Consultant work with you to complete Scoping Document Decision by Steering committee Acceptance Letter to customer Solution Shipment Implementation and Customer Feedback

If the solutions enhancements deliver immediate business benefit to You If the solution scope fully covers the scenarios that you are expecting to use at the end of the project Your industry or region is part of the target corridor definition If you have an active project that will start and if possible also end within the Ramp-Up timeline If you agree to be referenceable and participate in SAPs marketing program

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What Are the Key Features of SAP Ramp-Up?

Key features of the SAP Ramp-Up program include:

Direct channel into SAP Development Organization (via the SAP Ramp-Up Back Office team) An expedited solution of error messages Services according to service map Project Scoping Checks to identify potential risk at no extra charge Early Training for Key-Users and consultants Access to e-learning for 10 users at no extra charge Guaranteed Project Staffing with trained consultants Regular reporting that focuses SAP board attention on the implementation status of Ramp-Up projects

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The Value Ramp-Up Provides to the Customer

Accelerated Pay Back

Via intensive project coaching By a comprehensive Ramp-Up Knowledge Transfer Model By getting a head start on achieving business value with leading edge solutions

Reduced Risk
Because of Scoping and Coaching Higher product quality because of prior pilot phase and validation

Higher Customer Satisfaction

Being an industry first mover Influencing future solution development Using the IT department as a strategic role model for other business units Employees are empowered by cutting edge business solutions
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Customer Commitments

Assist in Project Scoping during enrollment Commitment to: Install the new software within 2-3 weeks of receipt Go live Apply support packages as soon as available Projects have direct involvement of SAP Consulting (RampUp Coach) Implementation of current default release of SAP Solution Manager Regular feedback provision Partner consultants must be trained on the new solution through Ramp-Up Knowledge Transfer Act as a reference before and after going live

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Guidelines for Partners in Customer Projects

Consultants from SAPs Service Partners are welcome in SAP Ramp-Up customer projects:
Partner project consultants must have completed RKT training and be adequately prepared for the solution release in the SAP Ramp-Up phase SAP Consulting must be involved in customer projects in most SAP RampUp programs. Usually this involvement is realized by the SAP Ramp-Up Coach who needs to be onsite at the project for at least one manday per week. Ask your account executive or partner manager at SAP to get more details for the SAP Ramp-Up program considered Customer brought into SAP Ramp-Up by the partner must meet the standard RU selection criteria, have a valid software license, sign SAPs Customer Acceptance Letter (CAL) and run the SAP Solution Manager

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Benefits of SAP Involvement in Partner Projects

Contributions to our partners
Direct access to SAP people and resources Additional upskilling through side-by-side collaboration with SAP consultants Clear escalation lines

Contributions to our customers

Implementation Assessment Feasibility check Project Coaching/Consulting Expedited support 1:1 project coaching Direct feedback channel to Development SAP Ramp-Up Back-Office

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How Can Partners Get Involved in Ramp-Up?


Implementation at partner for own productive use (Partner as Customer)

Follow same process as with all customer shipments: Please contact Regional Ramp-Up Owner

Implementation at customer done by partner

Follow process for customer shipments: Please contact Regional Ramp-Up Owner

Implementation at partner for training and testing purposes

Follow process for Restricted Partner Shipment: Please contact Partner Management

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Why Apply for a Restricted Partner Shipment?

What benefits does a partner gain from receiving a Restricted Partner Shipment?
First Mover advantage Become part of a community that has early access to tomorrows software Be the first to build consulting expertise covering SAPs new products and releases Access to special training and knowledge tools: Within SAP Ramp-Up, partners can participate in the Delta-Training of Ramp-Up Knowledge Transfer (RKT), subject to availability Partners can also gain access to the RKT Learning Map an extensive Online resource for training consultants on a new solution or release within minimum time commitment and at preferential pricing

Link for SAP Partners:

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RKT Workshops and Online Knowledge Products

RKT Workshops
Upcoming workshops are listed on the RKT entry page and on the SAP Partnerportal: RKT Workshop Materials are handed over to SAP Education after a certain period of consolidation and become OKPs: Please note that availability to partners may be limited

SAP Online Knowledge Products (OKPs)

OKPs provide role-specific Learning Maps Update of product knowledge for experienced consultants E-Books SAPTutor files Live Expert Sessions Self tests Implementation guides, tools or contact

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Partner Ramp-Up Communication

The SAP Partner Portal Provides
Information Ramp-Up News Ramp-Up Processes How Can Partners Get Involved in Ramp-Up Ramp-Up Contacts Active and Upcoming Ramp-Ups Ramp-Up Partner Guidelines Ramp-Up Knowledge Transfer (RKT) Online Services (Partner Self-Service) Ramp-Up Restricted Partner Shipment (RPS) Nomination Form RKT (Ramp-Up Knowledge Transfer) Learning Map Order Form RPS Request Status Online Ramp-Up Project Feedback

Link for SAP Partners:

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Thanks for your Attention!

Helen Ding
Ramp-Up Program Manager SAP Product & Services Introduction

SAP China
1001, Chenhui Road, Shanghai Pudong Software Park, Shanghai 201203 T +86-21-61087066 F +86-21-61087102 E

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