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Presenter: Nurnasihah Azizan 1111350 Nor Aishah Yacob 1115502

Intro. to Moral Philosophy from Islamic Perspective

He (pbuh) said: The best of you are those who have the most excellent morals. The moral values of Islam are instrumental towards creating a healthy and a sustainable society.


To guide action and to solve contemporary moral problem To develop an ethical system which is relevant to our contemporary situation To construct a system of morality that is directly deduced from al-Quran to systematize the teaching of the Quran and morality

To be the main objective of Islam- the Quran said: we sent you not but as a mercy for all creatures (21:107) Since the beginning of Islam, Prophet Muhammad was mainly concerned with teaching and disciplining Muslims to have the best manners and personal characteristics. Holy Prohet (pbuh): The thing which will make the majority of the people enter Paradise is fear of Allah and good manners.

DEFINITIONS Moral, ethics and akhlaq

From the Latin moras, the plural of the word mos which means custom Moral meaning the teaching of good and evil generally accepted regarding actions, attitudes, obligations, manners, morals -KBBI 2008 Morale is a term used to define the boundaries of a trait, temperament, will, opinions or actions, which are worth saying right, wrong, good or bad

Good and bad teachings on morality rooted in customs of social unity or environment
It concerned with the principles of: Right and wrong behavior, Able to understand the differences between right and wrong, Teaching or illustrating right behavior, Practical lesson that a story, an event or an experience teaches.

The word ethics comes from the Greek ethos, which mean custom; morals, character; feelings, attitudes, ways of thinking Can also be defined as a philosophical study of morals i.e. good behavior, moral obligation, moral attitude ,moral responsibility, social justice and good living qualities (V. Grassian, 1981)

According to William Lillie, (1957: 1-2) ethics is a science of the conduct of human beings living in societies which, also judge this conduct to be right or wrong. Ahmad Amin ,Ilmu Akhlak (Prof. KH. Farid Maruf)(1975,pg5) defines ethics as the science that explains the meaning of good and bad to explain what should be done by some other human, stating goals that must be addressed by humans in their actions and point the way to do what must be done

Akhlaq is the plural of the word khuluq, mean behavior, temperament, tabiat (Louis Maruf, Al-Munjid, (Beirut: Daar al-Masyriq, 1975), page. 194 Akhlaq is the power of the soul that drives action easily and spontaneously without thought. Thus, akhlaq is basically the attitude inherent in a person spontaneously manifested in behavior or actions

Good and bad morals based on the source of value, namely the Quran and Sunnah. According to Imam Ghazali, noble character has four cases are discreet, keeping away from bad behavior, courage (vanquish lust) and fair. Surely I was sent to perfect good character pious. (HR: Bukhari)

Differences between Moral, Ethics & Akhlaq

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