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Three new Categories of unemployed:

1. Long-tenured workers
Workers having paid IE for the past 7 of 10 years and over the last 5 years have received 35 or fewer weeks of EI regular/fishing benefits.

1. Job search Making it mandatory to keep a job search journal, knock on employers doors three to five times a week and accept jobs that are within one hours travel or 100 km from their home. 2. Calculating benefit rates Replacing the best 14/52 weeks with the best 14 to 22/52 weeks according to regional unemployment rates. 3. Employment Insurance benefits while working being able to earn 40% of the benefit amount or 50% of the employment income before having benefits reduced. 4. Return of the black hole Eliminating the pilot project of five additional weeks of benefits in regions with high unemployment. 5. Less service, more Internet Cutting jobs in the department and contracting the unemployed via the Internet. 6. Eliminate Board of Referees Replacing Boards of Referees, which had worker representatives, with the Social Security Tribunal, made up of experts paid between $91,800 and $107,900 annually.

Other Changes

Week 1 to 18: 90% of hourly wage (job in usual occupation) More than 18 weeks: 80% of hourly wage (similar job)

2. Frequent Claimants
The changes show an evident lack of understanding of the reality of workers and our economy, especially the rural economy.
Workers having three claims or more of regular/fishing benefits and receive over 60 weeks of regular/fishing benefits in the last 5 years

Week 1 to 6: 80% of hourly wage (Similar job) More than 7 weeks: 70% of hourly wage (Any job)

3. Occasional claimants
New Brunswick Common Front for Social Justice Telephone (506) 855-8977 e-mail:
Workers who are not long-tenured workers or frequent claimants

Why? The Federal government:
1. 2. 3.


Is not putting any monies in the Employment Insurance Program; Has not consulted labour nor the business Community; Has not sonsulted Canadian workers nor communities.

Week 1 to 6: 90% of hourly wage (job in usual occupation) Week 7-17: 80% of hourly wage (Similar job) After 18 weeks: 70% of hourly wage (any job)

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