Knit Star Pillow

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LM0240 Knit Star Pillow - Ticker Tape


4:33 PM

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Knit Star Pillow



LM0240 Knit Star Pillow - Ticker Tape


4:33 PM

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Knit Star Pillow LM0240


Rows 29-48: Rep Rows 27 and 28 4 sts. Bind off.

Designed by Michele Wilcox.

Pillow measures approximately 26" across. MODA DEA "Ticker Tape": 7 Balls No. 9273 Sunset. Knitting Needles: 9mm [US 13]. Yarn needle; poly-fill stuffing. GAUGE: 10 sts = 4"; 12 rows = 4" in St st. CHECK YOUR GAUGE. Use any size needles to obtain the gauge. DIAMOND (Make 10): Cast on 4 sts.

FINISHING: Sew 5 diamonds together in a star shape as shown for front and back. Sew front and back together, leaving opening. Stuff with poly-fill. Sew opening closed. Button: Cast on 4 sts. Row 1: Purl. Row 2: Inc in each st across 8 sts. Row 3: Purl. Row 4: * Inc in next st, K next st; rep from * across 12 sts. Rows 5, 7, 9: Purl. Rows 6, 8: Knit.

Row 1: Knit. Row 10: * K1, K2tog; rep from * across 8 sts. Row 2: Purl. Row 11: Purl. Row 3: Inc in first st, K2, inc in last st 6 sts. Row 4: Purl. Row 5: Inc in first st, K to last st, inc in last st 8 sts. Rows 6-23: Rep Rows 4 and 5 26 sts. Row 24: Purl. Row 25: Knit. Row 26: Purl. Row 27: K2tog, K to last 2 sts, K2tog 24 sts. Row 28: Purl. ABBREVIATIONS: inc = increase; K = knit; mm = millimeters; P = purl; rep = repeat; st(s) = stitch (es); tog = together; * = repeat whatever follows the * as indicated. MODA DEA "Ticker Tape", Art. R117 (1.76 ounce/67 yard ball). Row 12: * K2tog; rep from * across 4 sts. Row 13: Purl. Bind off, leaving long strand of yarn. With yarn needle, weave yarn around entire outer edge. Pull lightly to curve edge, then stuff with poly-fill and pull yarn up tightly and fasten securely. Sew to center of pillow front through to the back pulling tightly to indent pillow.

2006 COATS, P.O. Box 12229, Greenville, SC, 29612-0229

UPC: 0-77216-06073-9
Printed in USA 0706

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