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National Engineering Services Pakistan (Pvt) limited ( NESPAK) is Pakistans premier consultancy organization. Its international

status is well established and it enjoys the reputation of being one of the top engineering in



Asia and Africa and is ranked amongst the worlds top 200 consulting firms. There has never been a dearth of competent engineers in Pakistan but, unfortunately, over the years major development projects in Pakistan were handed out to foreign consultant at the cost of self confidence of Pakistani engineers and other professionals. Belatedly, when the Indus Basin project were nearing completion, the highest authority in Pakistan realized that the Pakistani engineers must be given practical exposure and responsibility in this gigantic national development programme. It was realized that any delay in taking initiative in this respect will be disastrous for the future of the engineering profession in Pakistan. It was under these considerations that NESPAK was created in 1973 as a Private Limited Company by the Government of Pakistan. The objective of its 3

creation was to create a pool of talented engineers, attain self-reliance in engineering consultancy and replace foreign consultants. The company has achieved these objectives to a large extent. NESPAK is registered with a number of international funding agencies such as IBRD, ADB, IDB, etc. Todate NESPAK has undertaken 2228 projects out of which

1953 are domestic and 275 are overseas projects located in Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Benin, Cameroon, Chad, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Nepal, Nigeria, Oman, Republic of Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan,

Tanzania and United Arab Emirates. The cumulative cost of the projects undertaken by the NESPAK is US$104.5 billion. The company has earned Rs.9778 million from its domestic operations up to December 2002. The companys success lies in the hard work of its highly skilled employees and commitment to quality in every fact of its operation. It was this commitment that led it to become the first engineering consultancy organization in Pakistan to obtain ISO 9001 QMS certificate in 1998.

History of NESPAK
NESPAK is a product of the national renaissance of the early 1970s in Pakistan. The idea was to attain self-reliance in engineering consultancy at national level and to reduce dependence on foreign consulting firms by developing an indigenous talent pool, which culminated in creation of a private limited company in 1973, aptly named as the "National Engineering Services Pakistan (Pvt) Limited". A small group of experts in various engineering disciplines were handpicked from the existing Government and private organizations to run NESPAK. National Engineering Services Pakistan (Pvt) Limited (NESPAK) is Pakistans premier consultancy organization. Its international stature is well established and it enjoys the reputation of being one of the top engineering consultancy organizations in Asia and Africa and is ranked amongst the worlds top 200 consulting firms. NESPAK was established in 1973 as a private limited company by the Government of Pakistan. The objective of its creation was to create a pool of talented engineers, attain self-reliance in engineering consultancy and replace foreign consultants. The company has achieved these objectives to a large extent.


The Company is managed by a Board of Directors comprising a Chairman, a Managing Director and 7 other Directors. The day to-day functions of the company are looked after by the Managing Director assisted by Vice presidents/Division Heads. Various divisions headed by









management and specially groups. The project management divisions are responsible for management of projects and the specialty divisions are centered of excellence for various disciplines.

NESPAK offers a board spectrum of expert consultancy services ranging from conception to completion and operation of development projects. The scope of these services covers prefeasibility studies, surveying and mapping, investigations, design, tender and contract documentation, construction/installation supervision,

Quality Policy
We at NESPAK are committed to provide consultancy services, to the utmost satisfaction of our clients, with the highest level of professionalism and dedication. It is achieved through continuous improvement in level of expertise and commitment of our staff, and provision of necessary resources.

The effectiveness of our Quality Management System is continually improved through collective participation of our staff and Management Reviews.

NESPAK has on its rolls some of the best professionals in various fields of engineering. It has also been able to attract a large number of Pakistani experts from abroad. NESPAK is thus able to offer the services of highly qualified and experienced professionals. At present, NESPAK has staff strength of 1791 employees including 1197 highly qualified engineers, architects, planner, geologists, economists and other professionals.

GOALS :Mission Statement :To create a pool of talented engineers, attain self-reliance in engineering consultancy and replace foreign consultants.

Our Believe :The believe of NESPAK is the consistent attainment of quality in all facets of our operations so as to provide consultancy services with professionalism and to the satisfaction of our clients.

Our Values : Excellence in all we do. Ethical and moral conduct at all times and in all our relationships. Innovations in all areas of our Designs as a mean of attaining and sustaining leadership.

Operative Goals : To increase profit by 15%. To retain companys leading stature in the future by

capturing 75% Market share. To hire top quality engineers and allied professionals. To capture 80% share of

Geographical Information System (GIS) market. To increase IT specialists by 50

c) NESPAK, having expertise in almost all engineering disciplines, specializes in the field of power and mechanical; water and agriculture; architecture and planning; highways, bridges, airports and seaports; environmental for industry; and public health engineering; and air-

engineering conditioning;

heating, technology

ventilation and



information system(GIS).

Major Functions

NESPAK offers a broad spectrum of expert consultancy services ranging from conception to completion and operation of development projects. The scope of these services covers reversibility and feasibility studies, surveying and mapping, investigations, design, tender and contract documentation, construction/installation supervision, contract management and post-construction services. 1. Energy Sector In the Energy Sector, NESPAK offers engineering services in the following fields: Planning and System Studies. Hydropower


Thermal Power. Transmission. Substations. Distribution and Rural Electrification.


Water Resource Development and Dam Engineering Sector

NESPAK made its debut in Water Resources Development Sector with the design and construction supervision of the Left Bank Irrigation Tunnel of Tarbela Dam Project in 1973 and since then, it has provided services for over 375 water resources projects within the country and overseas. By virtue of more than 30 years of valuable experience in water resources development, NESPAK is now capable of offering services in all fields related to water sector. 3. Communication Sector In this Sector, NESPAK employs nearly 300 highly qualified transportation & highway specialists, engineers, surveyors and technicians. These capabilities and experiences are unrivaled by any other consultant in the country. The engineering services in this Sector are offered for the following fields: Motorways Highways Urban Roads Rural Roads Grade Separated Interchanges Bridges & Flyovers 4. Architecture and Planning Sector NESPAK established a specialty group with a handful of architects in 1973, for offering services in the Architecture & Planning (A&P) Sector. The group has to date emerged as a single most reliable and reputed consultancy service in the country.


5. Public Health Engineering Sector In this Sector, NESPAK offers engineering services for the projects relating to: Water Supply Sewerage Drainage Solid Waste Management Plumbing

6. Industrial Sector In the Public Health Engineering Sector, NESPAK professionals are well versed with modern design technologies and have the capability to transform such technologies according to the socio-economic conditions of the country/area for which problems are to be addressed. 7. Oil, Gas Petrochemical Sector In the Oil, Gas & Petrochemical Sector, NESPAK has formed a team of highly qualified and experienced professionals. In this Sector, the Company has provided consultancy services on more than 30 projects in Pakistan and overseas. 8. Environmental Sector NESPAK is committed to the preservation of the environment and has been sensitive to the environmental parameters in planning and implementation of its development projects. It has a team of highly qualified and well experienced professionals for offering services in this Sector. These specialists are well versed in the latest techniques of environmental protection and applicable international standards. 9. Information Technology & GIS Sector In the Information Technology and GIS Sector, the Company provides a broad range of services. With staff strength of 35 and an ambitious expansion plan, NESPAK expects to register a strong growth in this Sector. So far, 49 projects have been undertaken by


NESPAK in this Sector (36 in IT and 14 in GIS), in addition to providing specialized services on many projects in other sectors.

NESPAK has on its rolls some of the best professionals in various fields of engineering. It has also been able to attract a large number of Pakistani experts from abroad. NESPAK is thus able to offer the services of highly qualified and experienced professionals. At present, NESPAK has staff strength of 2457 employees including 1996 highly qualified engineers, architects, planners, geologists, economists and other professionals. In terms of permanent staff and value of work, NESPAK remains by far the largest engineering consultancy organization in Pakistan. During the year, the average staff strength was 2,440 employees including 1,956 professionals and 840 on temporary project-based employment. To date, the projects acquired are 2,464 in Pakistan and 413 abroad with a cumulative contracted fee of Rs. 25.4 billion and Rs. 7.6 billion, respectively.


Role of Human Resource Management
NESPAK set out to make its mark in the field of engineering consultancy with only a handful of people in 1973, but had to expand very rapidly to meet the enormous work load it was able to generate for itself. Today, it has on its rolls staff strength of 2,351 employees including 1,842 highly qualified engineers, architects, planners, geologists, economists and other professionals.

Organizational Structure of HRM

Vice President HR

HR Coordinator

HR Manager

Assistant Manger HR

Assistant Manager Compensation Services

Assistant Manger Employees Relations Services


The break-up of staff is as follows:

Recruitment and Placement Job Analysis

The process for determining the duties and skills requirement of job and the kind of person who should be hired fir it. The analysis produce information on job requirements; this information is then used for developing job description and job specification. In NESPAK the HR division is established from last few years thats why initially proper job analysis was not conducted. Now a days HR division is working to develop job descriptions and job specifications in all the divisions. Before the establishment of HR division the heads of all the divisions like VPs set job descriptions and job specifications according to the nature of job and company policy. Nowadays the HR experts are working to establish job analysis in the following process.

1. Job Description
A list of a jobs duties, responsibilities, reporting conditions, and supervisory 0responsibilities-one product of a job analysis is being prepared by the HR experts.

2. Job Specification
A list of a jobs human requirements that is the requisite education, skills, personality, and so onanother product of a job analysis.



For the purpose of gathering the information following approaches is followed according to nature. 1. Questionnaire 2. Interviews 3. Observation 4. Pro Log Diary

Mostly information is collected from the related personnel and past record is practiced.

Planning and Recruiting

NESPAK identified its Human Resource needs through employment planning; it begins the process of recruiting potential candidates for actual or anticipated vacancies. In all the divisions of NESPAK recruitment of employees is done on project need bases by the Vice President of concern division with the approval of managing director. On project need bases recruitment of daily wages employees is done by the head of concern division.

Sources of Recruitment
NESPAK uses two types of resources: 1. Internal sources This method of recruiting personnel has a lot of benefits: Head of all the divisions hire the persons on project need bases by promoting daily wages employees into contract employees and then promote contract employees after a certain time period under the policy of NESPAK to permanent employees. 2. External sources


As mentioned above, in all the divisions NESPAK hire the best candidates on project need bases. NESPAK is only used the way of advertising for hiring the candidates by using the external sources. The advertisement might be given through the newspaper as well as on NESPAK website.

Testing and Selection Process

NESPAK has two types of staff as professional staff and non-professional staff. Which is also called technical and non-technical staff. Test tool is only used for the induction of non-technical staff while hiring technical staff no test is conducted. While hiring nontechnical staff NESPAK uses following types of tests: 1. Initial Test (Intelligent test, aptitude test) etc. 2. Academic Test (Relates to job) 3. Personality Test (Psychological test) 4. Test based on work samples. 5. Typical simulated test based test 6. Medical Test (After selecting the candidates)

After the recruitment and testing process so as to screening the candidates knock out sort of interview is started. NESPAK is conducted only two types of interviews. 1. Walk-in Interviews On different types of project need bases the immediate head conduct walk-in interviews by giving advertisement in newspaper as well as on company website. Mostly daily wages employees are inducted in this type of interviews. According to HR manager, the management of the company faces many problems in this type of


interviews because every candidate is come during office time for interview and the work of interviewer might be disturbed. 2. Panel Interviews A panel of four persons conducts the interviews in all the divisions of NESPAK. In the panel of 4 persons, 2 persons are included from the concern division which needs the person for a specific job and other 2 persons are included form other division OR may be included from the board of directors. While selecting the candidates by the panel all required areas are filled by the panel members like: 1. The Name, Fathers name, Contact Address & Telephone No. is pre-filled for the interviewer. 2. Part for the Educational Qualifications is pre-filled for the interviewer. A to E column weightage is based on the spread of 80%, 70%, 60%, 50% and 40% respectively in the table. 3. Part for the experience is filled as per following logic. I. Relevant experience: This part is to filled in by the interviewer. The assessment has to be made if the work experience is specific and relevant to the nature of the job he/she would be expected to perform. Every effort has to be made to determine firstly as to what was the nature of involvement of the candidate and secondly if the experience can be supported with references in terms of projects, people and responsibility level. The minimum advertised experience is to be adhered to. II. Technical Knowledge: The part is to filled in by the interviewer. The ability to prove theoretical and application knowledge should be investigated. The questions posed should be fair and with the understanding that the candidate is always under pressure during an interview. 4. Part under others are filled in by the interviewer as per the following logic: I. Terms used is viewed as per the following definitions: a) b) Personality: Maturity: Character, disposition & nature. Mentally fully developed as a professional.


c) d) e) f) Drive: Ambition: g) h) i) Capability: Aptitude:

Self Expression: Initiative:

Ability to present required ideas The traits indicating enterprise,

logically and effectively based on technical knowledge. inventiveness, ability, ingenuity and enthusiasm. Level of motivation and persistence. Ability to achieve higher goals. Attitude: Spirit, approach and sensibility towards the profession. Ability, skill, inclination and competence. Potential, propensity, talent and proficiency.

II. Under Sports/ Hobbies if he is a team player, hard working and persistent, by virtue of any trophies won, an achievement oriented professional; by virtue of hobbies, careful, methodical, and investigative and the ability to maintain interest. 5. Parts under D, E and F and/or G in the table are self-explanatory. 6. Remarks are to be firm. For construction supervision and for design specific areas strength and weakness in the space provided may be mentioned. 7. All questions under H (1 to 4) are to be asked from the candidate and filled in by the interviewer based on the information supplied by the candidate. 8. The recommendation under J is based on inputs from the Selection Committee. 9. All members are required to fill in under K all the blanks and sign as pre the headings of the columns in ink. 10. The interview sheet must be finalized before the interview of the next candidate starts.

Training and Development

Training is an organizational concern, a shared responsibility and a competitive and advantage. It is an investment in the Invisibles which aims at achieving business and organizational excellence through employee development. NESPAK believes in all said above and has its own unique employee training philosophy.

Training need analysis is done in the month of September to November on the basis of performance appraisals (performance analysis for the current employees) and for the new 19

employees, NESPAKs Leadership Framework along with job descriptive and specifications (task analysis) are considered so as to tailor effective training programs. The training programs are designed in the month of January and are completed in terms o instructional design and have been testified to be valid. The training program is implemented after the validation and is revised and evaluated time to time throughout the year. Evaluation method used to asses the effectiveness of training is pre-post evaluation method as the employees are given forms to fill in at the start of the training and afterwards, after 3 months of the training so that the difference can be analyzed by the HR department.



Environmental Domain :Environmental Domain of NESPAK is decried into Task

Environment, General Environment, and International Control.

Task Environment :Task environment of NESPAK consist of following sectors. (i) Human Resources Sector :NESPAK has on its rolls some of the best professionals in various fields of engineering; it has also been able to attract a large number of Pakistani experts from abroad. (ii) Market Sector :NESPAK offers a broad spectrum of expert consultancy services to its clients. These services range from conception to completion and operation of development projects. (iii) Industry Sector :NESPAK has to compete with the best in the world both technically as well as financially. NESPAK faces competition with many Pakistani and foreign consulting companies. The main Pakistani

competitors of NESPAK are ACE & PES.


General Environment :General Environment of NESPAK consists of following sectors. (i) Government Sector :NESPAK was established as a Private Limited Company with a capital of only Rs.0.5 million and all the shares held by the Government of Pakistan. Therefore federal laws and regulation, taxes political process has an impact on its policies. (ii) Economic Conditions :The economic recession Prevailing in Pakistan for the last few years has effected the consultancy profession adversely. This has resulted in fewer development projects in the country. Realizing the situation, NESPAK mode hectic efforts to acquire projects not only in Pakistan but also in foreign countries. (iii) Technology Sector :Keeping in view the phenomenal growth of IT sector

domestically and large allocation of Government funds in two successive years, NESPAK has taken strategic decision to expand further in this important sector. NESPAKs expertise in the field of Geographical Information System (GIS) is best in the country. NESPAK also has a intranet and Management Information System (MIS) for managerial decision making.


(iv) Financial Recourse Sector :NESPAK is registered with a number of international funding agencies such as International Bank for reconstruction and development (IBRD), Asian Development Bank (ADB), Islamic Development Bank (IDB) etc. The cumulative cost of the projects under taken by NESPAK is US$ 104.5 Billion.

International Context :NESPAKs international stature is well-established and it enjoys the reputation of being one of the top engineering consultancy organization in Asia and Africa and is ranked amongst the worlds top 200 consultancy firms. NESPAK has under taken 275 overseas projects located in Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Benin, Cameroon, Chad, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Nepal, Nigeria, Oman, Republic of Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania and United Arab Emirates.


Environmental Uncertainty :NAESPAK has complex, stable Environment that represents lowmoderate uncertainty. The Frame work for the Environment Uncertainty is given below.

STABLE Environmental Change

Simple + Stable = Low Uncertainty.

Complex + Stable = Low-Moderate Uncertainty. NESPAK

Simple + Unstable = High-Moderate Uncertainty.

Complex + Unstable = High Uncertainty.

UNSTABLE SIMPLE COMPLEX Environmental Complexity


ADAPTING TO ENVIRONMENTAL UNCERTAINTY :Because NESPAK has complex, Stable Environment, therefore NESPAK falls in Low-Moderate Uncertainty Environment. Following frame work well explains the NESPAKS response to environmental uncertainty.

Performance Appraisals
NESPAK evaluates progress and employment achievements in the employees annually. In all the divisions performance appraisals are filled by the employees and submitted to the immediate head of the divisions. While appraising candidates following criteria is adapted according to the company policy: PhD M.S.c B.S.c in 1st division Experience per year 10 points 6 points 60 points 4 points

B.S.c in 2nd division 56 points This performance appraisal criterion is a specimen for the engineers and for the other professionals similar altered criteria is followed. On the basis of this criteria APR (Annual Performance Reports) are submitted to the management by the employees.

Compensation & Benefits

A. Salary
Non-Technical Staff Technical Staff There are different scales for different groups like as: Grade 1 to 7 Grade 7 to 12 B.


Promotion is being made on the basis of


Performance Previous Record Experience and Education


Medical Care

Medical care is provided to permanent employees and also up to some extent for family. Fix medical allowances are Rs. 500.00 per month for 8B officers.



Transportation facility is provided to permanent employees. Fix conveyance allowances are 85 litters of Super Petrol per month for 8B officers.


Vacation Criteria Technical Staff Non-Technical Staff

20 days Annual 22 days Annual 12 days Annual 12 days Annual 22 days Annual 6 days Annual

Earned Leave Sick Leave Casual Leave

F. Bonus
To all the employees of NESPAK except daily wages employees bonuses are declared semi-annually.

Environmental Factors: There are three major environmental factors which influence the organization. Political instability External political pressure


Economic conditions of a country Organizational Factors: There are some major organizational factors which influence the organization. Employee Union Red-Tape

SWOT Analysis
Strengths: The strengths of the HR in NESPAK are: Ranked amongst the worlds top 200 consulting firms Specialized HR divisions which work freely with out any pressure. Hiring on merit. Maintain high standard in their fields Government support Quality Policy which is certified by ISO 9001-2000 Weaknesses: The weaknesses of the HR in NESPAK are: There are large no of employees in NESPAK, so it is very difficult to arrange high salary structure Involvement of government Obey the rules and regulations of the government Less number of employees in HR division


Hold of employees union grade 1 to 7 CBA (Company Bargaining Agent) and up to NEPWA (NESPAK Employees Professional Welfare Association) Opportunity: NESPAK has house of opportunities like: NESPAK is a house of opportunity NESPAK is a career. Threats: Employees turnover due to less salary package Political Instability Economic Crises Entering large number of companies in the field of consultancy like National Development Consultancy (NDC), Associate Consultancy Engineering (ACE), Mod Mecdonalds and some companies made joint venture.



I. FORMALIZATION :In NESPAK Formalization is High because policy manuals, job descriptions of various employees, rules and procedures all are in written format.

II. SPECIALIZATION :In NESPAK organizational tasks are subdivided into separate jobs. Therefore specialization in NESPAK is Extensive.

III. STANDARDIZATION :In NESPAK employees perform different types of tasks in their daily routine; therefore uniformity in work is low, so standardization is Low in NESPAK.


HIERARCHY OF AUTHORITY :In NESPAK the span of control is Narrow in the divisions, therefore Hierarchy of authority is Tall.


CENTRALIZATION :In NESPAK decision making or centralization of power is kept at the top level. The important decision like establishing goals, hiring employees, choosing contracts are made at the top level, therefore in NESPAK Centralization is High.



COMPLEXITY :In NESPAK numbers of activities are differentiated among the divisions. In NESPAK Vertical and Horizontal complexity is High, but Spatial complexity is Low .


PROFESSIONALISM :In NESPAK formal training and education of employees is very high, therefore professionalism in NESPAK is High.


PERSONNEL CONFIGURATION :In NESPAK deployment of people to various divisions are high, therefore personnel configuration is High in NESPAK.

NESPAKs capabilities in the consultancy engineering sector are well recognized at national and international level. Its experts provide a full range of services in all phases of dam engineering including feasibility studies, detailed design, tender documentation and construction supervision, but HR department was established few years ago thats why HR practices and applications are not working efficiently.


Looking ahead, NESPAK should maintain a healthy growth and provide quality services to its Clients. With persistent commitment, NESPAK must struggle to accomplish its goals and win greater success in the future. NESPAK should be privatized. Employee Union should be removed. Staff salaries should be increased. Government interference in the matters of NESPAK should be minimum. All the hiring should be on merit and through HR division. HR division should be upgraded according to international policies.


Computer issues:

Many companies have their information or computer services people involved in their office ergonomics programs, since they are typically the ones responsible for initial computer set up and are also the first ones to become aware of problems related to computer use. In addition to the general information regarding computer and workstation set up contained in this booklet, they may also want to use this checklist containing more technical information:

Monitor display
Does the display driver installed offer the best resolution with the type of monitor (e.g. VGA, SVGA) used? Has the refresh rate been optimized using the graphics driver software settings? (Refresh rate should at a minimum be 60 Hz and is best at 75 Hz.) Are the brightness and contrast set to avoid screen flicker? Are color combinations used in displays chosen to maximize contrast and prevent eye strain? (Black text or graphics on a white background provides the best contrast. Avoid using reds whenever possible, especially on the same screen with blues. Dark green on a white background and light green on a black background are also acceptable combinations.)


Have the appropriate drivers been installed for the pointing devices used? (Many of the newer pointing devices come with software which allows custom programming of one or more buttons to allow a single click to substitute for double-click or click-and-drag operations, thereby reducing repetitive finger movements.) Have fully functioning on-line help utilities been installed with all of the programs? Are end users fully trained on the most efficient way to use the software? Is it possible to create macros for commonly used functions in order to replace repetitive keystrokes? Could custom software be created to allow data exchange between existing applications that would eliminate redundant data entry?

Are computers interconnected to allow file sharing to eliminate the need to retype existing documents? Can the intranet be used as a way of keeping employees aware of ergonomics issues, allowing communication of ideas and tips for reducing repetitive work, and passing on useful macros (e.g. - bulletin board, ergonomics "tip of the day", etc.)?

New technology


Can scanning and optical character recognition (OCR) be used to replace data entry from hard copy? Could voice recognition be used for navigation between and within programs to reduce the use of pointing devices, or as a means of input to reduce keyboard use? For more discussion of issues related to new technology, see the section entitled "Emerging Technology in the Office."

Office Risk Assessment Tool

This tool is designed to help those working in low risk office-based environments complete their risk assessment quickly and easily. It allows you to select relevant hazards and decide how to control them.

The Management Standards provide a step-by-step process for tackling stress. They have been designed to be useful to all organisations, whatever the size or type. The Standards identify six factors that cause stress at work, help you think about whether they are present in your business, give you ideas on how to control them and produce an action plan. The six factors are:

Demands including issues such as workload, work patterns and the work environment Control how much say the person has in the way they do their work Support including the encouragement, sponsorship and resources provided by the organisation, line management and colleagues Relationships including promoting positive working to avoid conflict and dealing with unacceptable behaviour Role whether people understand their role within the organisation and whether the organisation ensures that they do not have conflicting roles Change how organisational change (large or small) is managed and communicated


Planning for health and safety Writing a health and safety policy Controlling the risks Multi-occupancy workplaces Deciding who will help you with your duties Consulting your employees Providing training and information Providing supervision First aid Emergency procedures Reporting accidents, incidents and diseases The health and safety law poster Safety signs Insurance Inspectors and the law

Points to include in emergency procedures

Consider what might happen and how the alarm will be raised. Dont forget night and shift working, weekends and times when the premises are closed, eg holidays Plan what to do, including how to call the emergency services. Help them by clearly marking your premises from the road. Consider drawing up a simple plan showing the location of hazardous items If you have 25 tonnes or more of dangerous substances, you must notify the fire and rescue service and put up warning signs Decide where to go to reach a place of safety or to get rescue equipment. You must provide suitable forms of emergency lighting You must make sure there are enough emergency exits for everyone to escape quickly, and keep emergency doors and escape routes unobstructed and clearly marked Nominate competent people to take control (a competent person is someone with the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to manage health and safety)


Decide which other key people you need, such as a nominated incident controller, someone who is able to provide technical and other site-specific information if necessary, or first-aiders Plan essential actions such as emergency plant shutdown, isolation or making processes safe. Clearly identify important items like shut-off valves and electrical isolators etc You must train everyone in emergency procedures. Dont forget the needs of people with disabilities and vulnerable workers Work should not resume after an emergency if a serious danger remains. If you have any doubts ask for assistance from the emergency services

Additional arrangements
The additional actions you take to manage health and safety should be set out in the arrangements section of your policy. They could include:

staff training using signs to highlight risks improved safety equipment, such as guards or additional personal protective equipment, including goggles, safety boots or high-visibility clothing replacing hazardous chemicals with less harmful alternatives improved lighting anti-slip flooring

As an employer, you must appoint someone competent to help you meet your health and safety duties. A competent person is someone with the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to manage health and safety. You could appoint (one or a combination of):

yourself one or more of your workers someone from outside your business



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