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TECH DEGREE EXAMINATION (First Semester) Branch: Civil Engineering Specialization : Computer Aided Structural Engineering MCESE 101 ANALYTICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING MODEL QUESTION PAPER - II Time: Three Hours All questions carry equal marks I Solve the following differential equatons a)(4D2+16D+15)y = 4e-3x/2 b)(D2-2D+1)y=xexsinx c) x2y''-3xy'+3y=0 with y(1)=0 , y'(1)=2 OR II Solve by method of variation of parameters a) x2y''+2xy'-12y = x3logx b)(D2-1)y = e-xsin(e-x) + cos(e-x) c) y''- y = 2(1-e-2x)-1/2 III Solve the following equatons
a) b) c) (y+zx)p-(x+yz)q = x2-y2 x2p2+y2q2 = z2 (D2-4DD'+4D'2)y = e2x+y a) 2(z+xp+yq) = yp2 b) 2zx-px2-2pxy+pq = 0

Maximum: 100Marks

IV Solve by Charpits method

V a) Derive D'Alembert's solution of one dimensional wave equation b) Find the integral surfaces of the equation 2y(z-3)p+(2x-z)q= y(2x-3) which pass through the ends x2+y2=2x, z=0 OR VI solve 2u/x2 + 2u/y2 =0 for 0<x<, 0<y<, given that u(0,y) = u(x,) = 0 and u(x,0)=sin2x

VII Solve numerically, 25uxx= utt given ut(x,0)=0, u(0,t)=u(5,t)=0 and u(x,0)= 20x for 0x1 5(5-x) for 1x5



at the nodal points for the following square region given the

boundary conditions as shown :0 10 20 30

20 40 60 60 60

40 50 60

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