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Trisha Renee DP.

Taroy AR1122

The movie was presented by Saligans group. Personality is the main topic. But what are personalities? Personality is an individual difference in characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving. The study of personality focuses on two large areas: One understands individual differences in particular personality characteristics, such as sociability or irritability. The other understands how the different parts of a person come together as a whole. The last time's movie was all about personalities. Regards to the movie, it was really one of the best or may I say the best movie I could watch filmed by fellow students. They achieved to show how one's personality affects other's life. The movie was surely made in a very detailed and disciplined way. For them to produce such an amazing short film. At first, I thought the storyline was scary and I was right. There's kind of creepiness I felt inside my body while watching the movie. They show, not all but almost of the kind of personality. The anger, happy, kind, rebelious , mad, and etc. I was in pity for the main character, for he had to lose all his loved ones. Causing him in getting brain damage and become mad/crazy. The movie taught us on how to be brave on everyday's journey because we all know life is never fair in terms on how you will accept everything that may happen on proceeding days. You just have to move on and try to forget things in a better way. But for Mavs (one of the character in the movie) He needs not only the guidance of his left family, but also a psychologist, good faith and he, himself, is the most important tool to keep him awake in reality. Being in a situation full of tragedy, ones life needs to grow according to the phenomenal area we are belonging. In case theres someone trying hard to cope up in his/her environment of maturing there is indeed a problem. Everyone needs a guidance and it will begin in good parenting.

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