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English II CP Mrs. Jessica Harrell jharrell@horrycountyschools.

net 843-650-5600 2nd Block Planning Tutoring: 7:45am-8:15am by appointment or 3:45pm-3:45pm on Wednesday Ability can get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.~ John Wooden
Materials needed: Writing utensils-everyday-pen, pencil, highlighters Loose leaf paper 3-ring binder 1 inch Dividers Curriculum map is available on HCS District website under ELA field Work Policy: Students are responsible for making up work within 5 days of an absence. Students should be ready to submit work or complete any assignment that was announced prior to the absence. Students are expected to make arrangements with teacher to make up any test or quiz before or after school Late work will be penalized 10% per day and not accepted after 5 days. Grading: 60%- Tests/Major Projects/Major Papers 30%- Quizzes/Short Projects 10%- Class work/Homework/Participation *Check Power School to keep up with your grades. A=93-100 B=85-92 C=77-84 D=70-76 F=0-69 Class Expectations: Be inside classroom ready to work when the bell rings. Do not disrupt the learning process. Be prepared. Respect yourself and others. Cell phones off and out of sight. Keep your head up and pay attention. Restroom pass is only for emergencies. Academic honesty is a must! NO plagiarism!!! Do not pack up or line up at the door until the teacher dismisses you. Consequences: Verbal reminder and/or conference Teacher detention Parent/Caregiver contact/conference Referral to administration

Reading: Reading 30-50 minutes daily is a great way to develop as a proficient writer and reader, and it will help you improve test scores.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please sign and return stating that you agree to the terms that are given above. ___________________________________________________________________ Parent signature Student signature Date

Selection of Reading Materials

The district provides access to a wide variety of reading materials and resources in promoting literacy for students. In selecting the materials and resources for classroom libraries and media centers, teachers and media specialist follow the general procedures that may be found on the district webpage at and media center and classroom library procedures that may be found at One of our schools primary goals is to develop lifelong learners, with literacy being a key component in this process. Reading a wide range of materials helps our students develop these literacy skills. While our schools classrooms and media centers make every effort to provide only the highest quality reading materials, we understand that parents want to help their children make a wise choice as it pertains to what their child reads. Parents who may have questions about their childs reading material may contact their school media specialist to request additional information regarding the title, including possible professional reviews of the title. The school media specialist will work collaboratively with parents to identify titles that will help develop a love of reading.

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