Avishek Neupane Resume

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Avishek Neupane

avishek@brandeis.edu | (401) AVI-SHEK Mail Box 1780 | Brandeis University | Waltham, MA 02453

Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Bachelor of Arts, GPA: 3.54 Major: Business, Computer Science, Minor: Economics Relevant Courses: Advanced Programming Techniques, Data Structures, Scientific Computing Expected May 2014

Department of Computer Science, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Teachers Assistant for Advanced Programming Techniques Jan 2013 Current

Explained class materials such as Object Oriented Programming, Polymorism, Data Encapsulation, Interfaces, API's and abstract classes to students during office hours Reviewed and graded students assignments focusing Sep 2012 Dec 2012

TripAdvisor LLC, Newton, MA Software Engineering Intern

Communicated with the marketing team in order to fulfill their engineering needs such as: creating widgets, tools and scripts Created customer specific TripAdvisor widgets to be embedded in partners website Programmed in XML, HTML, CSS and JavaScript to create and test the widgets Jun 2012 - Aug 2012

Web Services and Social Networks Boot Camp, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA

Designed, developed and deployed the web app volunteerhours.org using Ruby on Rails in a startup like environment Implemented several features of the web app volunteerhours.org using Phone Gap in Android platform Created a business plan, elevator pitch, user testing and analytics model for volunteerhours.org May 2011 - Aug 2011

Library and Technological Services (LTS), Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Help Desk Technician

Supported the Brandeis Community, in-person, over the phone and via email, on any technology issues Diagnosed computer problems and performed software repairs

Lionbridge Global Sourcing Solutions, Dublin, Ireland Jul 2008 - Mar 2011 Online Internet Assessor Evaluated results of a web search, for appropriateness to search query input in order to increase the effectiveness of Google Search Analyzed website content to verify for spam and copyright violations ACTIVITIES Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Brandeis Investment Club, Co-president Charles River Public Internet Center, Volunteer SKILLS and INTEREST Technology: Java, Ruby, Rails, HTML, Eclipse, Blender, JavaScript, Jquery, SQL Interests: Music, guitar, travelling, volunteering, strategy video games Sep 2011 Dec 2011 Sep 2011

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