Dreamgirls - The Movie - Question-Worksheet

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1. When the girls were finally given their own act, Curtis chose to
make Deena the lead singer. Who had been the group's original
lead singer, before they started singing back-up for Early?
2. The Dreamettes were finally separated from James Early and were
promoted on their own. What new name did Curtis give them?
3. What was the name of Curtis Taylor Jr's record label?
4. Who was Effie in love with?
5. Which one of the Dreamettes had an affair with James Early?
6. When we first met Curtis Taylor Jr., he was hanging around the
talent show, trying to get a toehold into the music business. What
paying job did he have at that time?

7. Which girl's brother wrote their songs?
8. Why did James 'Thunder' Early have such a hard time keeping his
back-up singers?
9. When we first met the Dreamettes, they were late for their
scheduled position in the talent show. Why were they late?
What song do the Dreams unknowningly steal from Effie?
What does Effie White name her daughter?
What group name did the Dreams originally go by?

Curtis was anxious to make Deena a movie star. What role did
he really want her to play?
Why was Effie removed from (and bought out of) the
Did the Dreamettes win the talent show?

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