From The Requirements of The Customer (Stakeholders) To Educational Program

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From the requirements of the customer (stakeholders) to educational program

(Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities)


Basic contexts of educational program

Context science

Educational program

Context professional activities

ustomer (stakeholders) groups:

Students Employers

Social institutions, including state

Role of the competence model of the graduate

Requirements of the customer (stakeholders)

Competence model
of the graduate

Educational program

Classification of competencies:

Philosophical Regulatory Instrumental (worldview)

General cultural (universal)
Philosophical universal competence Philosophical professional competence Regulatory universal competence Regulatory professional competence Instrumental universal competence Instrumental professional competence


Classification of universal competencies

Philosophical competence
Natural-scientific competence Anthropological competence Cultural and historical competence

Regulatory competence
Legal competence Ethical competence

Instrumental competence
Methodological competence ommunicative competence Valeological competence Andrological competence Organizational and managerial competence Information technology competence

Social science expertise

Competence and the context of the educational program

Context science

Philosophical competence

Regulatory and Instrumental competence

Context professional activities


Stages of building competency models of the graduate

Preparatory stage
Creating a pool of sources and experts Creation of a working group

Construction of a matrix agreement

The list of competencies The list of professional functions and objectives Agreement

Creation of a bank of control learning tasks

Creation of regulatory competence profile


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