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16th/ 17th February 2013


Police and mourners clash at Bahrain funeral of teen killed in protest
Clashes broke out yesterday at the funeral of a teenager killed in demonstrations to mark the second anniversary of Bahrain's uprising, with police ring tear gas to disperse mourners, witnesses said. The security forces blocked access to the funeral of Hussein Al Jazeeri in the Shiite village of Daih near the capital Manama, ring tear gas and stun grenades to disperse dozens of people trying to push their way through. Al Jazeeri died on Thursday after being shot in the stomach by security forces, according to Al Wefaq, Bahrain's main Shiite opposition bloc, during protests against the kingdom's Sunni rulers, in which a policeman also died. Read More democracy, as in Egypt, political movements are more prone to seek the destruction of their rivals than accept the need for compromise and accommodation. From outside the region, the universal call is for dialogue and negotiations. Syrias mostly Sunni opposition has been pushed to talk to the mostly Alawi regime of Bashar alAssad; the Islamist Egyptian and Tunisian governments face demands to strike deals with their secular opponents. But so far most gestures at detente have been feckless or insincere. Read More

Bahrain police fire tear gas at protester's funeral

Clashes broke out on Saturday at the funeral in Bahrain of a teenager killed in protests marking the second anniversary of a Shiite-led uprising, with police using tear gas against mourners, witnesses said. The security forces blocked access to Hussein al-

Jaziri's funeral in the Shiitepopulated village of Daih near the capital Manama, ring tear gas and stun grenades to disperse dozens of people trying to push their way through. Jaziri, 16, died on Thursday after being shot in the stomach by security forces, according to Al-Wefaq, the main Shiite opposition bloc, during Shiite-led protests against the kingdom's Sunni rulers in which a policeman was also killed. Read More during the confrontation on Saturday. The security forces blocked access to Hussein al-Jaziri's funeral in the village of Daih near the capital Manama, ring tear gas and stun grenades to disperse dozens of people trying to push their way through. Jaziri, 16, died on Thursday after being shot in the stomach by security forces, according to Al-Wefaq, the main opposition bloc. Al Jazeera's Omar al-Saleh reports. Watch here

Bahrains chance for compromise

Two years after the Arab revolutions began, the Middle East is more polarized than it has been in modern times but the divide is no longer between dictators and democrats. Instead, politics in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya has become a battle between secular and Islamic forces, while in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and the Persian Gulf, Sunni Muslims face off against Shiites. The common denominator across the region is zero as in zero-sum games. Even where all sides are nominally committed to

Clashes follow Bahrain protester funeral

Police have red tear gas and clashed with hundreds of stone-throwing antigovernment protesters in Bahrain, following the funeral of a teenager killed during an earlier demonstration. Witnesses said that some of the hundreds of opposition demonstrators also threw petrol bombs at police

Second day of protests rocks Bahrain

Bahrain's opposition groups, supported by Iran, called for strikes and nationwide protests on Thursday and Friday to mark the second anniversary of the popular uprising in the country.

The two years of violent demonstrations, acts of sabotage and repression have left at least 80 people dead and injured hundreds others, according to the Bahrain Human Rights Watch Society. Many activists have been arrested and are on trial for their roles in the unrest. Read More

The 'unknown rebel' of Bahrain: Go on, shoot me!

A teenage boy's death sparked massive protests all across Bahrain. One enraged protestors took upon him to raise the voice against the brutality. In a video footage, the man stood in the center of the street and screamed at half-dozen riot police, standing at the other end of the street.

The deant protester rattled the police force as he shouted- You criminals! You murderers! You hope to escape Gods wrath? God will avenge us! Go on, shoot me! Shoot me if you dare, I wont leave", according to news reports on Russia Today. A masked protester could be seen trying to persuade the man to return, but the rebel within him refuses to back down. Read More

to break through a checkpoint.

Police, protesters clash at funeral in Bahrain

Angry mourners and police clashed in Bahrain on Saturday during the funeral of a 16-year-old boy shot dead by security forces, APAreports. Angry protesters chanted anti-government slogans as police sealed-off roads leading to the funeral near Manama. Clashes began when mourners attempted

Several protesters were injured in the village of Daih, on the outskirt of the capital, where the teenager was shot dead Thursday by security forces chasing protesters. The violence comes after the second anniversary of a pro-reform uprising led by the Shiite majority, whose members are demanding democratic reforms from the ruling Sunni monarchy. Read More responded with tear gas and noise grenades. Shiites account for the majority of the kingdoms population, but the ruling dynasty belongs to the Sunni branch of Islam. The Shiites are demanding democratic reforms and equal rights with the Sunni minority. Read More In mid-February 2011, major ones did nonviolently. They continue virtually daily. At issue is King Sheikh Hamad bin Isa AlKhalifa's tyranny. Bahrainis want democratic change, sectarian Shia discrimination ended, equitable distribution of state wealth, political prisoners released, and state terrorism stopped. Read More

Bahrain police disperse funeral procession with tear gas, stun grenades (VIDEO, PHOTOS)
Violent clashes broke out in Bahrain at the funeral of a teenager killed in protests marking the anniversary of the revolt of the Shiite majority against the ruling monarchy. The procession was blocked and dispersed with stun grenades and tear gas. Scufes erupted after armed security forces

blocked access to Hussein al-Jaziri's funeral in the village of Daih on Saturday. The authorities used stun grenades and tear gas to push out those who came to pay their respects. Thousands of people attended the funeral after which the crowd of protesters marched on "Pearl Square" in Manama, the center point of the 2011 uprising. Several people sustained injuries when police red tear gas to disperse them, local witnesses report. Read More Defence chiefs were accused of betraying the memory of soldiers who gave their lives for their country. MPs also questioned the ethics of honouring regimes that have dubious human rights records. Read More

Bahrain police use tear gas against protesters

Reports from Bahrain say there have been more clashes between police and Shiites near the capital Manama. The protesters attacked police with stones and petrol bombs. Police

Two Years of Bahraini State Terrorism

February 14 marked the second anniversary of Bahrain's uprising. Earlier protests erupted sporadically.

Row over renaming of Sandhurst hall after Bahrain donation

Mons Hall, named after the 1914 battle that saw thousands killed, will be renamed the King Hamad Hall after he gave 3 million towards its refurbishment.

Sandhurst 'betrays' heroes of Mons - for 3m donation from the King of Bahrain
Britains top military academy, Sandhurst, has come under re for renaming a sports hall commemorating a First World War battle after the King of Bahrain. The Mons Hall named after the 1914 battle where thousands died will have

its name changed to honour the Bahraini monarch who has given millions in funding to the Armys ofcer training college. The building will now be called King Hamad Hall and will reopen next month after being refurbished thanks to a 3million donation from the king, who is the patron of the Sandhurst Foundation but is known for brutally repressing demonstrators at home. Read More A statement Sunday on the ministry's website said the suspected terror network received training and nancial support from Iran, Iraq and Lebanon references to Iranianbacked Shiite groups such as Lebanon's Hezbollah and others. Bahrain's Western-backed Sunni monarchy has frequently accused Shiite power Iran and its allies of aiding the uprising by Bahrain's majority Shiites. Iran denies the charges. Read More

Outrage as UK military academy renames hall after Bahraini king

Britains Sandhurst military academy is renaming a hall commemorating those who died in a major World War I battle. The building will be renamed for the king of Bahrain, after the ruler donated 3 million to refurbish it. The hall will soon bear the name of King Hamad, instead of Mons, a battle

that took place in Belgium in which 1,600 UK soldiers died; the 100th anniversary of the battle will take place soon. The Bahraini ruler gave millions to Sandhurst, the Telegraph reported. The military academy, located in Surrey also received a 15million donation from the United Arab Emirates to build an accommodation block, which will be named after the UAEs founding father, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan. Read More

Bahrain: Alleged terror cell tied to Iran, allies

Bahrain's interior minister says police have arrested eight members of an alleged terrorist cell linked to Iran and other countries following widespread clashes in the Gulf nation during protests marking the second anniversary of an Arab Spring-inspired uprising.

Bahrain says arrests eight on "terrorrelated" charges

Bahrain has arrested eight nationals in a militant cell with links to Iran, Iraq and Lebanon, the interior minister of the U.S.-allied Gulf Arab state said in remarks published on Sunday. The ofcial Bahrain News Agency reported the minister, Shaikh Rashed bin Abdullah al Khalifa, as

saying the eight had received training in weapons and explosives and also obtained funding from outside Bahrain. News of the arrests came after two people were killed on Thursday on the second anniversary of an uprising to demand democratic reforms and the unrest, the most violent in recent months, continued into Saturday. The government has accused opposition groups of being linked to Shi'ite power Iran. Read More highway linking a string of Shiite-populated villages with the capital, a day after clashes on the second anniversary of the Shiite-led uprising against the kingdom's Sunni rulers left two people dead. The interior ministry said in a statement it had "arrested four terrorists possessing weapons with which they had red on security forces in Karzakan," a Shiite village southwest of Manama. Read More

Bahrain Says It Dismantled Terrorist Cell

Bahrain's Interior Ministry says it has dismantled an alleged terrorist cell following widespread clashes in the Gulf nation during protests marking the second anniversary of an Arab Spring-inspired uprisig.

The ministry said in a statement Sunday it has arrested eight members of a suspected terrorist network who have received training and nancial support from Iran, Iraq and Lebanon. Bahrain's Sunni-ruled kingdom has frequently accused Shi'ite power Iran and its allies of aiding the uprising of Bahrain's majority Shi'ites. Iran denies the charges. Read More

Four arrested after attack on Bahrain police

Four people have been arrested in Bahrain after an overnight attack on security forces that wounded four policemen, including an ofcer, in a Shiite village, the authorities said on Saturday. The unrest began on Friday when protesters blocked a

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