Emergency Procedures

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Emergency Procedures Earthquake 1. When the shaking begins duck, cover, and hold. 2.

When the shaking stops proceed to emergency assembly area (EAA). Make sure you leave the door to your room unlocked. 3. Take roll. Be ready to assist buddy teacher. 4. Have student runner turn in complete roll card to Lead Teacher who will report to Incident Command Post. 5. Supervise students. 6. Wait for further instructions. Fire Procedures 1. Pull nearest alarm or notify office. 2. Evacuate to emergency assembly areas and take emergency backpacks. 3. Take roll. Be ready to assist buddy teacher. 4. Have student runner turn in complete roll card to Lead Teacher who will report to Incident Command Post. 5. Supervise students. 6. Wait for further instructions. Lock-Down Procedures 1. An announcement will be made from the school office. 2. Teachers close and lock exterior doors. If you see students, pull them in. 3. Custodial and administrative staff will lock school gates and conduct a sweep. 4. If during lunch or snack, students are to be escorted to their class prior to the break or lunch. 5. Teachers will take roll and report additional students who were pulled in. 6. The office will call for attendance. 7. Check GroupWise for updates on the situation. 8. Use classroom phone for incoming calls only. 9. Keep students and staff away from doors and windows. 10. Wait for additional instructions from the office. Intruder on Campus 1. Listen for instructions or rescuers. 2. Account for all people and injuries in your room. 3. Report information to the ICP. 4. Stay in place until rescued. 5. Leave personal belongings behind.

If the intruder is a shooter: 1. Staff and students go to nearest room, out of the sight of the shooter. 2. Lock doors. 3. Stay away from windows. 4. Hide in far corners or under desks. 5. Keep still. 6. Stay silent and listen. Outside: 1. Drop to the ground and out of the line of fire. 2. go to the nearest cover, keep still 3. At first opportunity, get out of open area. Smog Alerts 1. Schools will be notified by a staff member from the district office in the event of a predicted or actual smog alert. 2. School site administrators may call the Air Quality Management directly for smog alert updates at (800)242-4666. Dispersal or Evacuation of School Site Dispersal of students should be considered only when occupation of the school site becomes unsafe for pupils and staff. Since pupils are safer on the school premises under the supervision of school staff in almost all emergency occurances, every alternative to partial or total dispersal should be considered. If, after a consultation with secondary school director, dispersal is deemed absolutely necessary, it should be carried out according to the carefully developed plans as outlined below. 1. Secure approval to leave site for superintendent. 2. Notify switchboard. 3. Switch bells to manual control. 4. Notify sheriffs of your plans. 5. Implement dispersal plan which may be one or a combination of the following; (a) Movement of pupils to another part of the facicility (b) Transporting pupils to another school or facility (c) Dispersing pupils to their homes. 6. Instruct staff to supervise pupils who are not released and to release the pupils who pupils only to parents or other authorized adults using procedures outlined in site level emergency organizational plan. 7. Post signs at site to inform parents of dispersal location.

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