Interested in Becoming A Sports Council Representative (Rep) ?

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Interested in becoming a Sports Council Representative (Rep)?

We are looking for 10 exceptional individuals who are enthusiastic about sport participation and leadership. What is a Sports Council Rep? Sports Council main responsibilities include: Attending Meetings with PE staff / Students Once a term at Lunchtime. Acting as the student voice Relaying important messages / updates to and from tutor groups Helping organise rewards / presentation evenings Having an input on the Termly E-Newsletter May Attend some Clubs/Fixtures; providing some match reports / taking pictures A Role Model to other students 100% PE attendance Be or become a member of an extra-curricular club Representing the Academy in a team or individual fixture PE Kit must be appropriate and smart in all lessons / clubs

Helping other students become involved in co-curricular sports/activities

If you are interested in becoming a sports representative please fill out the attached application form and return to a member of PE staff by 01/03/13

Sports Council Representative Application Form




1) Tell us a little about yourself (Likes/Dislikes/Hobbies/Goals etc.)..

2) What do you think makes a good Sports Council Rep?

3) What will you bring to the role?

4) What would be your main agenda if elected?

5) How can you get more students involved in sports in the Academy?

Thank you for filling out an Application Form! Please Return this to the PE office by: 01/03/13

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