Lesson Plans Contain The Following 5 Components

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Lesson plan 1.

Learning objectives: To give students the opportunity to know American Jazz Museum as a place where jazz music has an important role as a cultural place to learn about not only about jazz music but how this music contribute to improve society at that period. To teach plural of nouns using material related to jazz as: videos from old times till present day; text from the website www.americanjazzmuseum.com and materials collected from a trip to Kansas City and Missouri. To make students think critically about jazz music and its history and how jazz music contributed to produce enormous number of the most influential musicians of the 1930s and 1940s, among them Lester Young, Ben Webster, Count Basie and Charlie Parker. 2. Materials and Resources: MATERIAL USED - Text ORIGINAL TEXT: AMERICAN JAZZ MUSEUM Located in the Historic 18th & Vine Jazz District in Kansas City, MO, the American Jazz Museum showcases the sights and sounds of jazz through interactive exhibits and films, the Changing Gallery exhibit space, Horace M. Peterson III Visitors Center, Blue Room jazz club and Gem Theater. Since its inception in 1997, the Museum has hosted thousands of students, scholars, musicians fans for over 200 performances, education programs, special exhibitions, community events and more each year, providing an opportunity to learn about the legends, honor their legacy, or simply enjoy the sounds of Kansas City jazz. Our mission is to celebrate and exhibit the experience of jazz as an original American art form through research, exhibition, education and performance at one of the country's greatest jazz crossroads 18th & vine.

As the only museum in the world solely focused on the preservation, exhibition and advancement of jazz, the American Jazz Museum is dedicated to public service and collaborative efforts to expand the influence, awareness and appreciation of jazz within Kansas City and to audiences worldwide.

The text and the video were taken from this page from internet at:

ADAPTATION OF THE TEXT: AMERICAN JAZZ MUSEUM American Jazz Museum is located in Kansas City, USA. The museum presents the sights and sounds of Jazz through interactive exhibits and films. There are some galleries that can be visited by visitors just like Changing gallery, Blue Room jazz club and others. The museum was founded in 1997 and has hosted thousands of students, scholars, musicians fans for over 200 performances, education programs, special exhibitions, community events and more each year giving an opportunity to learn about the legends or simply enjoy the sounds of Kansas City jazz. The museum goal is to celebrate and exhibit the experience of jazz as an original American art form through research, exhibition, education and performance at one of the countrys greatest jazz crossroads 18 & Vine. American jazz museum is the only museum in the world focused on the preservation, exhibition and advancement of jazz and is dedicated to public service and it does the effort to expand the influence and appreciation of jazz all over the world.

My goal here is to use the text to work with plural of nouns which are in bold. First, I will introduce the subject with a video about the American jazz museum in order to lead them to reflect about the importance jazz music had to spread Kansas culture and its importance to the people who lived, not only in Kansas, but for the whole country of The United states. They will see the video at http://www.youtube.com/watch. 3. Activities: After the video presentation there will be a brainstorming about what they saw on the video and I will check their ideas about the topic. I think that will be a good opportunity to introduce a new vocabulary on music, for instance: instruments, songs etc. These are the instruments used on a formal band: Trumpet, acoustic guitar, saxophone, piano, trombone, clarinet, drums, and double bass. They will also be asked to give more examples of other instruments and they will be offered some websites to search those instruments and get to know more about jazz music on the internet. Here is a list of some websites: http://musiced.about.com, http://jazz.about.com, http://www.ehow.com. Then, starts the text reading by the teacher giving to the students the opportunity to infer meaning which they will do based on some cognate nouns like: sounds, films, galleries, students, musicians, programs, events and others. This activity can be done putting the students in a circle around the classroom and asking them to repeat the word and asking them to give the meaning of the words. According to their rights and wrongs they will accumulate points to help them in their grades. Example of exercise: Students like games, so it would be a good idea to divide the students in two groups which will have to answer the teachers questions. The teacher asks the first question, for example, Whats the plural form of the word gallery? Then group A will have to answer galleries. If group A give the right answer, they will get one point, for example. If group A gives the wrong answer the opportunity to answer the question passes to the other group. This activity will take about 50 minutes and can goes on a second class.

4. Wrap up and Reflection for Students (and Teacher): The students should do a discussion among themselves in order to summarize what they learned and how they can apply what theyve learned in their lives. They can also evaluate the class and activities and give new ideas for the next lesson. Students can monitor their own progress by asking the teacher their doubts and have the opportunity to improve their ability to the related content. Of course students will have enough time to process the questions and responses. The teacher has to do a reflection on the lesson asking himself: what worked well? Did any positive unintended consequences occur, to remember for the next time the lesson is used/adapted? What should be changed in the lesson to be more effective? What to remember about specific learners' needs/goals/accommodations for future classes?

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