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The Atheneum School

Anchorage, AK

Application for Admission

Student Name________________________ Age___________ Birth Date______________ Sex____

Current School____________________________________________ Grade 2006-2007__________

Father's Name_____________________________________ Home Phone______________________

E-Mail address______________________________________ Work Phone______________________

Address___________________________________________ Cell Phone________________________


Mother's Name_____________________________________ Home Phone______________________

E-Mail address______________________________________ Work Phone_______________________

Address___________________________________________ Cell Phone________________________


Student Lives with: Name _________________________________




Are you currently in school?_____If no,why?_______________________________________________

Current/Former School: Name________________________________



Phone/Fax Number______________________________

Date Withdrawn________________________________

Student Essays
Why do you want to attend Atheneum? Please give 2-3 reasons.

Do you consider yourself to be an independent worker? Please give examples, such as projects, reports,
community service, etc.
In your own experience, what are the benefits or drawbacks of working cooperatively?

Please write a brief essay on each of the following.

- Evaluate your previous education

-Write about a book , idea or experience that has had a strong influence in your life.

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