32CH Lesson 26 - What To Do With Your Inner Fool

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the proverbs study group

Chapter 26 - What To Do With Your Inner Fool Hallerin Hilton Hill

Last week...
Before you can lead, tear down the idols, clear the rubbish and return to worship.

This weeks main point(s).

Learn from but stay away from fools, especially if the fool is you. Fool: a person who acts unwisely. Solomon has a problem with fools. He doesnt like them. He has good reason. Fools dont add anything, they just take. So Proverbs is super-aggressive when it comes to fool management. The rst order of business is purging yourself of foolishness. Proverbs is excellent at helping you eliminate the foolishness in your life and character. The second order of business is managing the fools in your life. Here are the recommendations from this chapter. The big bottom line is: KEEP YOUR DISTANCE Verse 1: Dont honor them Verse 4: Dont humor them Verse 5: Dont answer them Verse 6: Dont trust them to represent you or your interests Arrogance leads many to believe that they can change a fool. That somehow if you talk to them or argue with them or give them props that it will undo their foolishness. Wrong. The only thing it will do is undo you. Heres a twist. What if youre the fool? What should you do about that? You have use the same instructions on yourself. You have to keep a distance from that part of yourself. Learning From Your Mistakes Verse 11 Someone who keep making the same mistakes is like a dog snifng its own vomit.

When you make a mistake learn from it and move on. What was the lesson you learned or should have learned from your biggest mistake? Are you snifng around a mistake? Grow. Help others grow. Be Encouraged. Wisdom House Publishing
(c) 2012 Hallerin Hilton Hill

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