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Final Report

FRIT 8435-Y01

Vikki Harmon, Autumn Roberts, Carla Turner 4/23/2012

Table of Contents

Executive Summary3

Introduction ..

Focus of the Evaluation..

Brief Overview of Evaluation Plan and Procedures.

Presentation of Evaluation Results..........

Conclusions and Recommendations...

Appendices. ..
Executive Summary What is Credit Recovery and how does it impact Jonesboro High School? Credit Recovery is traditionally defined as a way to recover credit for a course that a student was previously unsuccessful in earning academic credit towards graduation. It differs greatly from programs that allow students to earn first time credit in that students having already satisfied seat time requirements for a course in which they were unsuccessful can focus on earning credit based on competency of the content standards for the particular course.

High School accreditation in the state of Georgia is based on credits. GA Credit Recovery courses are fully aligned with the Georgia Performance Standards. Courses include a variety of material including Flash/video presentations, review assignments, web-based learning activities and unit assessments. Tests must be proctored at the local school, but course assignments are able to be completed outside of school. All courses contain a final exam. If a student takes an EOCT course, the end-of-course-test must be taken again at the local high school. At Jonesboro High School students must earn 21 credits to graduate. If a student fails a class in the traditional setting, they are given the chance to regain those credits through the Virtual Remediation Program. Without such a program, students only option would be 8th period classes. Why is the Virtual Remediation Program a more viable option than after school alternatives? 8th period classes are online classes running Monday through Thursday, 3:15-5:15 p.m., for six weeks. This program is only offered on a needbasis and provides limited seating for those looking to recover credits. In

addition, the time spent is after school, when many students may have other responsibilities including classwork from the regular school day. Virtual Remediation allows students to work toward credit recovery during the regular school day, providing a better option for those who have out of school responsibilities, practices, or even part-time jobs. Who seeks knowledge in regard to the Virtual Remediation Program and why? The use of the Virtual Remediation Program is essential for the students of Jonesboro High School to regain lost or missing credits needed to graduate. Interested parties in the programs effectiveness include students, parents, teachers and administrators, school districts and the State of GA Education Program. All stakeholders agree that the program should be effective in educating students, allowing them to regain lost or missing credits, and graduate on time. There is also concern that the program should encourage students to return to the traditional setting with the acquired knowledge necessary for application and use.

Evaluative information gathered from this type of program, allows all those vested in education to select the best measures for credit recovery, detrimental for our youth. What are we seeking to evaluate? Is the online Virtual Remediation program at Jonesboro High School an effective tool for students to regain lost credits from the traditional classroom setting?

This evaluation was conducted to ensure students are signing up for appropriate courses at Jonesboro High School and effectively completing the requirements for credit recovery for graduation, including gaining the knowledge for classroom application in the traditional setting. Is the model for credit recovery at this institution an effective tool for students to regain credits needed for graduation?

Stakeholders on the county level, school administrators and counselors can use the evaluation results to determine whether the Virtual Remediation program is an effective tool that results in a higher graduation rate. Evaluation data will also determine if the existing

programs are effective in meeting the county goals in student achievement, both on individual and demographic levels.

Describe the focus of the evaluation Seven years ago, the Virtual Remediation Program was started at Jonesboro High School after recommendation from counselors, teachers and administrators. Critical components for the program include enrollment, completion of credits, and contribution toward graduation rate and traditional classroom success.

Critical components for the program include enrollment, completion of credits, and contribution toward graduation rate and traditional classroom success. Surveys, transcripts, pass/fail ratios, and group observations will be used to evaluate the program.

Is the online Virtual Remediation program at Jonesboro High School an effective tool for students to regain lost credits from the traditional classroom setting? How is the program allowing students to regain lost or missing credits, thus graduating on time? Do the students view the VR

programs as a viable alternative to the traditional classroom setting? These are the questions our evaluation is looking to answer.

How will we evaluate the effectiveness of the program? A focus group consisting of parents and students will be conducted prior to beginning the study. Stakeholders will be surveyed for their perception of the program. In addition, VR data and student transcripts will be reviewed to determine student success [passing of classes] in the VR class setting. What was determined? 74% of stakeholders agreed that the VR program is a good tool for credit recovery should be implemented in educating students, allowing them to regain lost or missing credits, and graduate on time. Students have been able to earn credits for previously failed courses

What conclusions and recommendations does the evaluation have to offer?

Jonesboro High School and Clayton County Public Schools need to maintain better records of classes taken, grade level of failing students, and student enrollment in Virtual School.

Introduction to the Report The purpose of the evaluation is to determine whether the Virtual Remediation is an effective in helping students pass failing classes in comparison to the traditional learning environment. The Virtual Remediation Program at Jonesboro High School is alternative way for students to gain credits via computerized curriculum. These classes are available during the day, for all subjects, and offer a second chance for students to regain lost or missing credits, thus allowing them to graduate on time.

Credit Recovery is traditionally defined as a way to recover credit for a course that a student was previously unsuccessful in earning academic

credit towards graduation. It differs greatly from programs that allow students to earn first time credit in that students having already satisfied seat time requirements for a course in which they were unsuccessful can focus on earning credit based on competency of the content standards for the particular course.

High School accreditation in the state of Georgia is based on credits. GA Credit Recovery courses are fully aligned with the Georgia Performance Standards. Courses include a variety of material including Flash/video presentations, review assignments, web-based learning activities and unit assessments. Tests must be proctored at the local school, but course assignments are able to be completed outside of school. All courses contain a final exam. If a student takes an EOCT course, the end-of-course-test must be taken again at the local high school.

At Jonesboro High School students must earn 21 credits to graduate. If a student fails a class in the traditional setting, they are given the chance to regain those credits through the Virtual Remediation Program.

Without such a program, students only option would be 8th period classes.

8th period classes are online classes running Monday through Thursday, 3:15-5:15 p.m., for six weeks. Two teachers, one General Education and one Special Education teacher remain in the lab with the students. Teachers reset student tests and quizzes, explain directions as needed, and provide minimal technology support. Students are only required to take tests and quizzes in the computer lab. Assignments may be completed at home or at any other computer. This program is only offered on a need-basis and provides limited seating for those looking to recover credits. In addition, the time spent is after school, when many students may have other responsibilities including classwork from the regular school day. Virtual Remediation allows students to work toward credit recovery during the regular school day, providing a better option for those who have out of school responsibilities, practices, or even part-time jobs.

The use of the Virtual Remediation Program is essential for the students of Jonesboro High School to regain lost or missing credits needed to graduate. Interested parties in the programs effectiveness include students, parents, teachers and administrators, school districts and the State of GA Education Program.

The purpose of the Credit Recovery initiative, as presented by the Georgia DOE through the Georgia Virtual School, is to provide online course access to Georgia students for the purpose of earning credit for a course that a student has not been academically successful. The coursework provided by the Georgia Virtual School will reach out to students in need of Credit Recovery and engage them in challenging; highly motivational classes that will help them get back on track.

Local districts and schools will benefit by increasing the number of students who meet federal mandates dictated by No Child Left

Behind. This initiative will, additionally, alleviate the local school

districts' burden of funding Credit Recovery programs and provide equity and access to all of Georgias students.

Teachers and administrators who oversee graduation rates, district quotas, and other requirements in regard to testing, need an effective program allowing students to gain the knowledge and application process required for classroom success. Credit Recovery programs, in general, have a primary focus of helping students stay in school and graduate on time.

The parents of students, who engage in this type of credit recovery method, desire a program of integrity and success and will encourage their children during the process. Students who see the Virtual Remediation Program as a viable option will become motivated to complete the requirements and regain control of their graduation status.

All stakeholders agree that the program should be effective in educating students, allowing them to regain lost or missing credits, and graduate

on time. There is also concern that the program should encourage students to return to the traditional setting with the acquired knowledge necessary for application and use.

Again, the use of the Virtual Remediation Program is essential for the students of Jonesboro High School to regain lost or missing credits needed to graduate. Evaluative information gathered from this type of program, allows all those vested in education to select the best measures for credit recovery, detrimental for our youth.

This evaluation was conducted to ensure students are signing up for appropriate courses at Jonesboro High School and effectively completing the requirements for credit recovery for graduation, including gaining the knowledge for classroom application in the traditional setting. Is the model for credit recovery at this institution an effective tool for students to regain credits needed for graduation?

Due to the nature of its information, real-time data was collected and used for the evaluative study. Surveys were completed by those currently enrolled in the program. Student transcripts, database results, and group interviews were used to determine effectiveness of the program.

Stakeholders on the county level, school administrators and counselors can use the evaluation results to determine whether the Virtual Remediation program is an effective tool that results in a higher graduation rate. Evaluation data will also determine if the existing programs are effective in meeting the county goals in student achievement both on individual and demographic levels.

Limitations to our study include no way in determining the intrinsic motivation of our students. Also During the evaluation process, the state of Georgia has received a No Child Left Behind waiver allowing for our state government to abandon the federally approved criteria and develop their own criteria for measurements. This evaluation could prove either to be out dated, or provide pre-mature data collection needed for future requirements.

Focus of the Evaluation Seven years ago, the Virtual Remediation Program was started at Jonesboro High School after recommendation from counselors, teachers and administrators. Three classrooms were designated for use, allowing approximately 90 students to enroll with the program per semester. One instructional teacher is assigned to each classroom, and one special

education teacher floats between classrooms to aid all students within the program.

Critical components for the program include enrollment, completion of credits, and contribution toward graduation rate and traditional classroom success. Surveys, transcripts, pass/fail ratios, and group observations will be used to evaluate the program.

Is the online Virtual Remediation program at Jonesboro High School an effective tool for students to regain lost credits from the traditional classroom setting? How is the program allowing students to regain lost or missing credits, thus graduating on time? Do the students view the VR programs as a viable alternative to the traditional classroom setting?

What numbers of students are choosing the traditional classroom setting over Virtual Recovery in an attempt to regain credits? What are the results from those students who enroll- how many are passing? Failing? These questions will be answered after collecting data from those who are, or once were, enrolled in the program. Counselors within the

program will also give information, in addition to, data collected from the Virtual Recovery Database itself.

Brief Overview of Evaluation Plans and Procedures

To adequately assess Jonesboro High School Virtual Credit Recovery program student information was collected from counselors and GA Virtual Program database. Since this was the first time the Virtual Credit Program at Jonesboro High School has been assessed the outcome of the evaluation was based solely on information collected during the evaluation process. There were many challenges in collecting precise data due to a total online program re-vamp of the GA Virtual that took place in 2009-2010. This re-vamp resulted in a better operating program but a lot of data did not transfer over into the new system; therefore there is no cross reference for information provided from counselors prior to 2010. Additionally the information provided by the virtual facilitators for record keeping changed from year to year so there is no consistency for information provided even from the counselors.

Financial constraints were also a factor in getting in contact with previous participating students. Qualitative data was collected through survey monkey and focus group interaction. The survey participants included facilitators, staff, students and parents. Initially we thought we would not need parents input because we were evaluating the success of the program but latter in the evaluation we realized some parental input was necessary to encourage and support student enrollment. Quantitative data was provided by counselors to include transcripts and pass/fail report in addition to the GA Virtual Recovery database. Jonesboro High School student data was reviewed to document student transcripts, student rosters and VR Database information. (Appendices A) (Appendices B)

Presentation of Evaluation Results

During the VRs time at Jonesboro High School, approximately 800 credits have been earned by its participants and an estimated 900 students have graduated on time due to participation in the program.

In three semesters [school year and summer], an average of 150 students enroll in the Virtual Remediation Program. Of the 150 students, approximately 74% of the students pass the virtual classes and earn full credit. Of the 150 students, averages of 14 seniors enroll. Of the 14 seniors, an average 95% pass the virtual classes and earn full credit to graduate on time.

Jonesboro High School Virtual School Credit Recovery Data Student Participation Completion Rate Year 2010 2011 2012 (1st Sem) Totals Enrolled 132 95 55 282 Passed 110 70 41 221

An examination of school records and VR Database showed that 78% passed classes completed in the VR Program over two school years

and one semester.

Jonesboro High School Virtual School Credit Recovery Data Senior Participants Recover Credits and Graduate Year 2010 2011 2012 (1st Sem) Totals Enrolled 35 42 38 115 Passed 26 31 34 91

An examination of senior transcripts and VR database showed that 79% of seniors enrolled in VR classes passed and graduated in four years.

(Semester = 14 weeks)

Stakeholder Perception (Include information about Focus Group interviews)

Conclusions and Recommendations

Upon conclusion of the evaluation of Jonesboro High School VR Credit Recovery program, interviewing Stakeholders and data analysis this evaluation study concludes:

Program Positives

Stakeholders believe the JHS GA VR Program is a good tool for credit recovery Students have been successfully completing classes leading to graduation in a four year time frame. GA VR program is considered a user friendly program and effective learning tool

Program Negatives

In-Accurate record keeping from school counselors for the following information: o Number of times student has failed class in traditional setting and virtual if applicable o Students previous grade of class enrolled o Previous classes students have taken in VR setting o Number of students receiving state subsidies for enrollment costs. o Teacher assistance needed


Appoint a counselor to coordinate and collect data Assign a lead facilitator to monitor lab, student and assist with record keeping. Identify early on students who will benefit from the Virtual Setting versus the traditional learning setting (i.e. Department of Exceptional Students, or behavior students) Provide students with certified teachers in the area the student is taking course.


Do you feel Jonesboro's High School GA Virtual Recovery Program is a good tool for credit recovery?
35 30 25 20 Yes 15 10 5 0 Teachers Parents Students Facilitators Counselors No

A pre-study survey that provided Stakeholders perception of JHS GA Virtual Credit Recovery Program.:

Axis Title

74% of Stakeholders agree the Virtual Program is a worthy program.


Do you feel the GA Virtual Credit Recovery program is user friendly and effective learning tool?




Students Teachers


0 Yes No

A pre-study survey that provided Teachers and Students perception of JHS GA Virtual Credit Recovery Program Software:

72% of teachers and students agree that the JHS GA Virtual Program is deemed as an effective learning tool and user friendly program.


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