Ela Lesson Plan

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Subject: ELA Grade: 7 Topic: Sarcasm Approximate Time Frame: 50 minutes Learning Outcomes: General Outcome 1: Students will

listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences. Specific Learning Outcomes 1.1.1 Use exploratory language to discuss and record a variety of predictions, opinions, and conclusions General Outcome 2: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, literary, and media texts. Specific Learning Outcomes 2.1.1 Explain connections between previous experiences, prior knowledge, and a variety of texts. 2.1.3 Use textual cues [such as organizational features of narrative and expository texts, bold print, italics, footnotes...] to construct and confirm meaning and interpret texts. General Outcome 4: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication. Specific Learning Outcomes 4.3.1 Edit for consistent verb tense and to eliminate unnecessary repetition of words and ideas.
*Underlined words are the main focus of each outcome

Instructional Strategies
Activate Prior Knowledge Time Frame: (10 minutes) I will ask the students, What is sarcasm? In small groups, students will discuss and record their definitions and examples. Students will then share their answers orally with the rest of the class. I will then read the definition of sarcasm to the class, according to the dictionary (The act of ostensibly saying one thing but meaning another.) Acquire The Thank-You Letter Time Frame: (15 minutes)

Students will read The Thank-You Letter (attached). I will ensure they are aware of the footnotes before they begin reading. If students have difficulty navigating the footnotes, I will provide a brief explanation of how to use them. Students will answer the questions, Is there sarcasm present in this letter? If so, how did the writer use sarcasm? What was the purpose of the footnotes in this letter? They will record their answers individually, then participate in a class discussion once everyone has finished reading.

Apply Writing a Letter Time Frame: (remainder of class time) Students will consider ugly, silly, or age-inappropriate gifts they have received in the past from friends and relatives. Students will write their own thank you letter to a family member or friend, thanking them for a gift they received. They will add footnotes, as seen in The Thank-You Letter.

Focus for Assessment: Is the student able to use exploratory language to present predictions, opinions, and conclusions in discussions, representations, and written form? (1.1.1) demonstrate increasing facility with the use of language to present thoughts and ideas clearly and coherently? (1.1.1) contribute prior knowledge on a topic? (2.1.1) effectively explain the connections so they make sense to others? (2.1.1) use textual cues and features in narrative and expository text to construct meaning (bold print, italics, footnotes)? (2.1.3) demonstrate a willingness to edit their own work? (4.3.1) Assessment Tools: Observation (formative assessment) - As students discuss sarcasm both in small groups and as a class, I will look for the following: Are students actively participating? Are students giving accurate definitions and examples? Are students articulating their thoughts clearly? Summative Assessment Students written letter will be assessed according to the following criteria (students will receive a copy of the rubric in advance):

Effective Use of Footnotes (Are they used correctly? Do they help the reader
understand the meaning of the text?)

Appropriate Style and Format

(Is the proper letter format used? Does the voice and style match the context of the letter?)

Spelling and Grammar

(Is the letter free from spelling and grammar errors?)

Multiple Intelligences Verbal/Linguistic questioning, group and class discussions, writing Interpersonal group and class discussions Intrapersonal relating topic to real life experience

Resources Stepping Up with Literacy Place (2010). Laugh out loud! Inquiry guide. Markham, ON: Scholastic Canada Ltd. Manitoba Education, Training and Youth (1996). Grade 5 to 8 English Language Arts: Manitoba curriculum framework of outcomes and grade 7 standards. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Education, Training and Youth. Manitoba Education, Training and Youth (1998). Grade 5 to 8 English Language Arts: A foundation for implementation. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Education, Training and Youth.

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