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PMS System at Wipro

quality, quantity, cost and time regular reviews strategic value delivery employee objectives to the business goals. strategic Performance Management through MBO to achieve quantitative, qualitative and process targets online Reward and Recognition Evaluate and track Hi-Performance and achievers

to achieve quantitative, qualitative and process targets online Reward and Recognition Evaluate and track Hi-Performance and achievers

integrated end-to-end Performance Management Solution

Essay Appraisal Method Straight Ranking Method Paired Comparison Critical Incidents Methods Field Review Checklist Method Graphic Rating Scale

Assessment Centre Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales Human Resource Accounting Method 360 Degree Performance Appraisal MANAGEMENT BY OBJECTIVES The concept of Management by objective was

Adv. Of PMS @ Wipro

It helps in reduced Performance Management cycle time without compromising : HR values Work Planning Conference, Work Plan establishment, Development plans and Objective setting Interim Review, Overall evaluation, Detecting Performance deficiencies, Tracking, Documentation and Archiving.

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