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The Cluster-Based Routing Protocol

Tim Daniel Hollerung University of Paderborn

project group Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Based on Wireless LAN winter semester 2003/2004

Routing in wireless mobile ad-hoc networks should be time ecient and resource saving. One approach to reduce trac during the routing process is, to devide the network into clusters. Until now, there have been several approaches on cluster-based routing. The goal of this work is, to give a description of the cluster-based routing protocol, to point out its advantages compared to other routing protocols for mobile ad-hoc networks and to show problems that occur when performing cluster-based routing.


1 Introduction 2 Cluster formation 3 Routing 3.1 Route discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Routing and route improvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Problems and limitations 5 Comparison of other cluster-based routing protocols 5.1 The Cluster-based approach from Krishna et al. . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Cluster (hierarchical) Routing Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Clusterhead Gateway Switch Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Conclusion 3 3 5 5 6 8 9 9 11 11 11

Cluster formation


In recent years there have been some dierent approaches on cluster-based routing. The essential works that are taken into consideration hereapart from CBRPare those of Krishna et al. [5], Chiang et al. [1] and Gerla and Tsai [2]. The cluster-based routing protocol (further on referred to as CBRP) was introduced by Jiang et al. [4] in 1999. In CBRP the nodes of a wireless network are divided into several disjoint or overlapping clusters. Each cluster elects one node as the so-called clusterhead. These special nodes are responsible for the routing process. Neighbours of clusterheads cannot be clusterheads as well. But clusterheads are able to communicate with each other by using gateway nodes. A gateway is a node that has two or more clusterheads as its neighbours or when the clusters are disjointat least one clusterhead and another gateway node. The routing process itself is performed as source routing by ooding the network with a route request message. Due to the clustered structure there will be less trac, because route requests will only be passed between clusterheads. The clustering and the routing process will be described in sections 2 and 3. Problems that occur when using CBRP and its limitations are mentioned in section 4 and section 5 will show a comparison of dierent routing protocols which use a cluster based approach as well.

Cluster formation

Gerla and Tsai [2] found out, that identier-based clustering is a better choice than connectivity-based clustering, according to node movement. When using identier-based clustering a node elects itself as the clusterhead if it has the lowest/highest ID in its neighbourhood, or a neighbour node if one has a lower ID. Connectivity-based clustering elects the node, which has the most neighbour nodes, as the clusterhead. So, whenever a clusterhead looses a neighbour node its connectivity decreases and it is most likely that another node has to be elected to act as clusterhead. While in the identier-based approach, a new clusterhead has to be chosen only when nodes with lower/heigher ID appear [2, 6]. The CBRP uses a variation of the lowest-ID algorithm specied by Gerla and Tsai [2], which is an identier-based algorithm. In order to support the cluster formation process each node uses a neighbour table, where it stores information about its neighbour nodes, such as their IDs, their role in the cluster (clusterhead or member node) and the status of the link to that node (uni-/bi-directional). The neighbour table is maintained by periodically broadcasting HELLO messages. A HELLO message contains information about one nodes state, its neighbour table and its cluster adjacency table (see section 3).

Cluster formation

The following states describe the clustering process depending on the current node state. These states are: Undecided. This means the node does not belong to any cluster: this usually occurs if a new node appears in the network. Thus, if it receives a HELLO message from a clusterhead and there is a bi-directional link between them it changes its state to be member of the cluster indicated by the clusterhead. Otherwise it looks up in its neighbour table if it has any bi-directional links. If so, it becomes itself the clusterhead of a new cluster, if not, it remains in the undecided state and tries again. Clusterhead. If a clusterhead detects that it has a bi-directional link to another clusterhead for a time period, it changes its state to member if the other clusterhead has a lower ID. Otherwise it stays the clusterhead and the other node has to change its state. This is a special case which may result in cluster re-organisation (gure 1). Member. If a member looses its clusterhead, it looks for bi-directional links to other nodes. If it detects any, it changes its state to clusterhead if it has the lowest ID, otherwise it switches to the undecided state. Each member node belongs at least to one cluster.

2 A 5 B 5

2 A 5

Figure 1. When clusterhead 5 moves into cluster 2 it gives up its role as clusterhead according to its higher ID. Nodes A and B which lost their clusterhead form new clusters.

Striking for the goal to minimize cluster re-organisation, the structure of the clusters should change as seldom as possible. That means a non-cluster head never challenges the status of an existing cluster head [4], even if it has a lower ID.



CBRP uses two datastructures to support the routing process: the cluster adjacency table (CAT) and the two-hop topology database. The CAT stores information about neighbouring clusters. This is, whether they are bi-directonally or uni-directionally linked. That means, a cluster is called bi-directionally linked, if there is a bi-directional link between two nodes of the clusters, or if there are at least two opposite uni-directional links between two nodes (gure 2) uni-directionally linked, if there is just one uni-directional link between them (gure 2).

Figure 2. Clusters A, B and A, C are bi-directionally linked, clusters C, D are unidirectionally linked.

The two-hop topology database is build from the information received by HELLO messages. It contains all nodes that are at most two hops away. The routing process works in two steps. First, it discovers a route from a source node S to a destination node D, afterwards it routes the packets.


Route discovery

Route discovery is done by using source routing. In the CBRP only clusterheads are ooded with route request package (RREQ). Gateway nodes receive the RREQs as well, but without broadcasting them. They forward them to the next clusterhead. This strategy reduces the network trac. Initially, node S broadcasts a RREQ with unique ID containing the destinations address, the neighbouring clusterhead(s)including the gateway nodes 5


to reach themand the cluster address list which consists of the addresses of the clusterheads forming the route. When a node N receives a RREQ it does the following: IF N is member IF D is in the neighbour table send RREQ to D ELSE IF N is gateway to clusterhead C forward RREQ to C ELSE discard RREQ ENDIF ELSE IF N is clusterhead IF RREQ already seen discard RREQ ELSE record ID in cluster address list of RREQ IF D is neighbour OR D is two hops away send RREQ to D ELSE FOR EACH neighbouring clusterhead C DO IF NOT C in address list of RREQ record C in cluster address list of RREQ ENDIF ENDFOR ENDIF broadcast RREQ ENDIF ENDIF If the RREQ reaches the destination node D it contains the loose source route [S, C1 , C2 , . . . , Ck , D] (gure 3). D sends a route reply message (RREP) back to S using the reversed loose source route [D, Ck , . . . , C1 , S]. Everytime a clusterhead receives this RREP it computes a strict source route, which then consists only of nodes that form the shortest path within each cluster (gure 3).


Routing and route improvement

Due to node movement, (dis-)appearance of nodes or failures, the CBRP includes two mechanisms to improve a route: The rst is Local Repair and the second is Route Shortening. Local Repair If a connection between two node failes, the CBRP is able to repair the route. Therefore one of the following nodes of the route has to be in the two-hop topology database of the node, that discovered the broken link (gure 4). If the node is unable to repair the route, the route has to be recalculated.



Figure 3. The loose source route (non-dashed arrows) and the strict source route (dashed arrows) from S to D.


Figure 4. The broken route between N and D (gray arrow) was repaired by using the clusterhead.

Problems and limitations

Route Shortening Sometimes a node may discover a connection between itself and another succeeding node of the route, that is not its direct successor or a connection between two following nodes, respectively. This can be done by examening the information stored in the two-hop topology database. If so, it shortens the route by excluding the redundant node(s) from the route (gure 5).


Figure 5. Node N discovered a new connection between itself and D (dashed line) and shortened the route.

In both cases, Local Repair and Route Shortening, the destination node is infomed about the changes by receiving a gratuitous route reply packet from the node, that performed the changes.

Problems and limitations

Like most of the other routing protocols, CBRP has some limitations and problems which are disadvantages compared to other protocols. If networks and clusters become too big, the overhead per packet increases due to source routing. Every node of the route has to be stored in the routed packet. So the packet size raises proportional to the pathlength of the route. According to this, the transmission time increases as well. Also, if the cluster size grows the size of HELLO messages and stored data structures increases. According to this rise of overhead and the at two level hierarchy the CBRP is scaleble to an extend. Another problem of the CBRP is its support of uni-directional links. When using a network with 802.11 link layer technology these links cannot be supported, because the 802.11 protocol knows only bi-directional links. This could be solved by dening a new protocol that allows uni-directional links. From the view of the 802.11 protocol this would mean to permit that one node may forward Acknowledgement Packets. So a node would be able to send its acknowledgement back to the sender by using multiple hops. Address resolving by using the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)1 is also a problem. The ARP is a protocol to map netwotk IP addresses to Medium

Comparison of other cluster-based routing protocols

Access Control (MAC) addresses. To resolve such a mapping ARP request messages (who is IPD tell IPS ) are broadcasted throughout the network. If the destination receives such a request, it replies with an ARP response message (IPD is MACD ). If two nodes are uni-directionally linked one of them cannot resolve the others MAC address by using the conventinal ARP. In this case a solution would be a modication of the protocol. So, if the uni-directional link is an intra-cluster linked, the clusterhead could inform the upstream node of the MAC address of the downstream node. In case of an inter-cluster link, the address could be resolved during the process of adjacent cluster discovery (gure 6).

2 C

C 4 3 5

Figure 6. For node 3, the MAC address of 5 could be resolved by its clusterhead. For node 2, the address of 1 could be resolved during the discovery of adjacent clusters.


Comparison of other cluster-based routing protocols

The Cluster-based approach from Krishna et al.

Krishna et al. proposed a cluster-based approach in which clusters are formed by separating the network into overlapping cliques which contain at least two nodes (gure 7). Each node maintains a list of its neighbors, a list of clusters [. . . ] in the network, and a list of boundary nodes [. . . ] in the network [5], where boundary nodes are nodes that are members of more than one clique (simlar to the gateway nodes of the CBRP). They created routing tables at each node, using the network topology information provided by the list of clusters and the list of boundary nodes. By applying a shortest path algorithm (e.g. Dijkstra), each node was able to determine a path with fewest hops to each of its neighbouring clusters. Further more they stated, that using clusters in the way they proposed, one can apply any (fast) routing protocol from at networks to determine routes. When comparing their routing protocol to others (table 1) they found out that clustering is a good method for routing, because the complexity (overhead) depends on the number of boundary nodes and not on the number of nodes or links in the network. So, in most cases, the boundary nodes would be less than 50 % of the entire nodes.

Comparison of other cluster-based routing protocols

Figure 7. Krishna et al. proposed clusters that are overlapping cliques. The gray nodes are boundary (gateway) nodes.

Protocol Distributed Bellman-Ford Ideal Link State Diusing Update Algorithm NP Cluster Flooding

TC O(N ) O(d) O(x) O(l) O(d) 0

CC O(N 2 ) O(E) O(Dx) O(x) O(B + D) 0


N E d D B x l

Time complexity (number of steps required for the network to reconverge after a topology change). Communication complexity (number of messages required to accomplish the reconvergence). Number of nodes in the network. Number of links in the network. Diameter of the network (length of the longest shortest path in hops between any two nodes). Maximum degree of a node. Upper bound on the number of unique boundary nodes in the network. Number of nodes aected by the topological change. Diameter of the aected network segment.

Table 1: Complexity (overhead) comparison of various routing protocols [5, p. 59].




Cluster (hierarchical) Routing Protocol

The cluster (hierarchical) routing protocol (DSCR) [1] relies on the same clusterbased approach as the CBRP. Routing in CGSR is done by using the destinationsequenced distance-vector routing protocol (DSDV). Every node stores a cluster member table and a routing table, so that it is able to nd out the next node on the way to the shortest destination clusterhead. In a 100-node network with an average distance of 12.31 hops, Chiang et al. found out, that there is a speed-up of factor 1.025 over DSDV (avarage delay (simulation clock): DSDV 36682, DSCR 35772).


Clusterhead Gateway Switch Routing

As DSCR, clusterhead gateway switch routing protocol (CGSR) [1] relies on the same cluster-based approach as the CBRP. The dierence between DSCR and CGSR is, that CGSR routes packets by just using clusterheads and gateway nodes as CBRP does. With an average delay of 32238 this is a speed-up of factor 1.138 over DSDV in the test network mentioned in section 5.2.


In this work we have seen the structure and the working of the cluster-based routing protocol. Its advantages and disadvantages, its problems and limitations were pointed out. So, as we have seen in the sections before, cluster-based approaches on routing in mobile ad-hoc networks are good methods to decrease network trac and routing overhead. According to its two-level hierarchy CBRP is preerable against routing protocols on at networks, but it is far away from the scalebility of hierarchical routing protocols. If network sizes are small (performance evaluation [3] showed that it works ne with networks of 150 nodes), CBRP can be a good routing solution.



[1] Ching-Chuan Chiang, Hsiao-Kuang Wu, Winston Liu, and Mario Gerla. Routing in clustered multihop, mobile wireless networks with fading channel. Proceedings of IEEE Singapore International Conference on Networks (SICON 97), pages 197211, April 1997. [2] Mario Gerla and Jack Tzu-Chieh Tsai. Multicluster, mobile, multimedia radio network. ACM-Baltzer Journal of Wireless Networks, 1(3):255265, 1995. [3] Mingliang Jiang. CBRP: A cluster-based routing protocol for mobile ad hoc networks. [4] Mingliang Jiang, Jinyang Li, and Y.C. Tay. Cluster based routing protocol (CBRP). draft-ietf-manet-cbrp-spec-01.txt, August 1999. Work in progress. [5] P. Krishna, N. H. Vaidya, M. Chatterjee, and D. K. Pradhan. A cluster-based approach for routing in dynamic networks. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 27:4965, 1997. [6] Martha Steenstrup. Cluster-based networks. In Charles E. Perkins, editor, Ad hoc networking, chapter 4, pages 75138. Addison-Wesley, 2001.


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