Phase Lead Web

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Heikki Koivo



Phase-lead compensator, which corresponds to PD controller, is appropriate, when speed is required, because it will speed up the original response. Typical applications are in servos. Transfer function of phase-lead compensators is given by
WLead (s) = 1 + a2 s , a2 > 1 1 + s

(4- 1)

Gain at high frequencies

W Lead ( ) dB = ( a 2 ) dB .


and at low frequencies WLead (0) = 1 = 0 dB. Upper cut-off frequency

u = 1 a2

(4- 3)

(4- 4)

and lower cut-off frequency

l = 1 .

(4- 5)

Maximum phase shift max of phase-lead compensator

a 1 max = sin 1 ( 2 ) a2 + 1

(4- 6)

occurs at frequency
m = 1 . a2

(4- 7)

The value of gain at that frequency is

W ( m ) = a2 = (a2 ) dB

(4- 8)

This information is used as design cornerstone!

A typical Bode diagram of a phase-lead controller is given in Figure 4.1.

Heikki Koivo


Bode Diagrams
From: U(1) 15

Phase (deg); Magnitude (dB)

10 5 0 50 40 To: Y(1) 30 20 10 0 -2 10 10



Frequency (rad/sec)

Fig.4. 1. Bode diagram of a typical phase-led compensator: W ( s) = Checking the calculations:

1 + 5s . 1+ s

a 1 51 Computing max = sin 1 ( 2 ) = sin 1 ( ) = 4180 at . a2 + 1 5+1 1 1 m = = = 0.45 rad / s holds with the values read from Figure 4.1. a2 5

The name of phase-lead controller follows from the property that the phase of the output of WLead(s) is leading ahead the phase of the input signal. As can be seen from Figure 4.1 the gain increases at higher frequencies. The gain at higher frequencies is a 2. Since a 2 > 1, this means that W Lead ( ) = (a 2 ) dB is positive, which is clear from Figure 4.1. Let us study more

carefully how much phase margin can be added for various values of a 2 .

Parameters a2, 1/2*(a2)dB and max

Compute a table showing maximum phase max of the phase-lead compensator as a function of a 2 and also as a function of (a2)dB. Here are the MATLAB commands required a2=1:.25:10; %Here a2 is computed at intervals of 0.25 half a2db=0.5*20*log10(a2); phimax=asin((a2-1)./(a2+1)); %Note dot after the term(a2-1). Table 4.1. Dependencies of different parameters in phase lead circuit.

Heikki Koivo


a2 (a2 ) (dB) phimax () 1.00 0 0 2.00 3.01 19.47 3.00 4.77 30.00 4.00 6.02 36.86 5.00 6.98 41.81 6.00 7.78 45.58 7.00 8.45 48.59 8.00 9.03 51.05 9.00 9.54 53.13 10.00 10.00 54.90 Figures 4.2 and 4.3 display graphically the same dependencies.


0.6 phimax 0.4 0.2 0 1

5 a2


Fig.4. 2. The maximum phase max in phase lead circuit as a function of a2. The change in gain at the same frequency is (a2) dB.

Heikki Koivo



0.6 phimax 0.4 0.2 0 0 2 4 (a2) (dB) 6 8 10

Fig.4. 3. The maximum phase max in phase lead circuit as a function of (a2)dB. Phase-lead compensator behaves like a PD controller at small frequencies. Let us draw a PD controller, which roughly corresponds to the phase-lead compensator in Figure 4.1:
W PD ( s) = 1 + 5 s

(4- 9)

or in MATLAB form WPD=tf([5 1],[1]); The result is displayed in Figure 4.4.

Heikki Koivo


Bode diagram of PD control

From: U(1) 15

Phase (deg); Magnitude (dB)

10 5 0 80 60 To: Y(1) 40 20 0 -2 10
-1 0



Frequency (rad/sec)

Fig.4. 4. Bode diagram of PD controller WPD ( s) = 1 + 5s . For > 4 rad/s the PI controller behaves like the phase-lead compensator of Figure 4.1.

Steps in design of phase-lead compensator

STEP 1. Choose gain K to satisfy steady-state requirements. STEP 2. Draw Bode-diagram of KG(s). STEP 3. Determine the new crossover frequency , i.e.., the frequency at which the uncompensated

o system has phase (-180 +PM), where PM = desired phase margin by choosing a few values of a 2 starting with a 2 =2 and going up to 10-20. Construct a table showing how much this 1 choice will add to phase margin and also to magnitude. In this way a 2 and m = can a2 be determined. This procedure also reveals if one phase lead circuit is enough. Remember also that the bigger a 2 is, the more susceptible it is for noise.

STEP 4. The new crossover frequency c = m =

1 . This determines . a2

Heikki Koivo


This completes the design of the phase-lead compensator. STEP 5. Check the design by simulating step response. Draw also the open-loop Bode diagram of the compensated system for comparison purposes. STEP 6. If requirements are met, stop. Otherwise go back to STEP 1.

Open-loop transfer function of a unity feedback system of Fig.4.5 is given by
G (s ) = 1 . s(1 + 0.2 s)

(3- 1)

R(s) + WLEAD (s) -

G( s ) = 1 s(1 + 0.2 s)


Fig.4. 5. The block diagram of the overall system. Here WLead (s) represents the phase-lag controller or compensator and G(s) the open-loop system transfer function. The system has unity feedback, H(s) = 1. Specifications for the system are: Accuracy for a unit ramp input < 2%, i.e. steady-state error < 0.02. Maximum percent overshoot = PO < 20%. Design a phase-lead compensator that satisfies the requirements. SOLUTION: STEP 1. (is the same as in phase lag) Compute the steady-state for unit ramp input ess
ess = lim sE (s) = lim s(
s 0

1 ) R( s) s 0 1 + G ( s)

(4- 10)

Heikki Koivo


e ss = lim [s( s 0 1+ < 0.02

1 K s(1 + 0.2s)


1 =K s2

(4- 11)

This implies that K > 1/0.02 = 50, choose K = 50. (4- 12)

Gain is now sufficient. The controller is at this point a P (proportional) controller. STEP 2. (As in phase lag) From Fig.2.5 percent overshoot PO <20% corresponds to > 48 phase margin, PM. This holds for second order systems and therefore we will make the dominant pole assumption. Draw the Bode dia gram of the transfer function KG(s) = 50 / s(1 + 0.2s) as before. It is redrawn in Fig.4.6. kg=zpk([],[0 -5],250) Zero/pole/gain: 250 ------s (s+5)
Bode Diagrams
From: U(1) 60 40 20

Phase (deg); Magnitude (dB)

0 -20 -40 -80 -100 To: Y(1) -120 -140 -160 -180
0 1 2




Frequency (rad/sec)

Fig.4.6. Fig.3.4 redrawn. The Bode diagram of the open-loop transfer function KG(s). The steady-state requirement is now satisfied. Plotting is done with bode(kg) command.

Heikki Koivo


REMARK: If you want grids on Bode diagram as shown, activate in e.g. magnitude in Bode diagram figure. Then choose Tools from menu and under this Axis properties. Finally, choose Grid On for both X and Y.

STEP 3 Recall that maximum phase shift max occurs at m =

a 1 max = sin 1 ( 2 ) and a2 + 1

1 and that a2

W ( m ) = a 2 = ( 2 )dB a or phase-lead circuit adds ( 2 )dB in dB:s at the same time as max is added to the original a phase margin. Construct the following table using Bode diagram by going through values of a2 between 2-10. num=[50];den=[0.2 1 0]; kg=tf(num,den); w=logspace(-1,2);[mag phase] =bode(kg,w); a2=1:0.2:10.8; halfa2db=0.5*20*log10(a2); phimax=asin((a2-1)./(a2+1)); phi=180.+phase; magdb = 20*log10(mag); phim=phi'+phimaxdeg; [a2' halfa2db' magdb phi phimaxdeg' phim' w'] Table 4.2. Effect of phase-lead circuit on phase margin of KG(s)

Heikki Koivo


The first three columns, a 2 , (a2)dB, and phimax(), come from the phase-lead compensator. The third, fourth and fifth, magdb, w, phi (current phase margin, if gain would become zero), are the original magnitude and phase. The final column, phim= phimax + phi , gives the phase margin of the compensated system. a2 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 (a2 )dB phimax() magdb 3.0103 19.4712 -3.0 4.7712 30.0000 -4.5 6.0206 36.8699 -6.1 6.9897 41.8103 -6.9 7.7815 45.5847 -7.7 8.4510 48.5904 -8.5 9.0309 51.0576 -9.0 9.5424 53.1301 -9.7 10.0000 54.9032 -10.1 w 18.4 20.2 22.2 23.3 24.4 25.6 26.3 27.9 28.1 phi() 15.2 13.9 12.7 12.1 11.6 11.1 10.7 10.4 10.1 phim() 34.65 43.9 49.6 53.9 57.2 59.7 61.8 63.5 65.0

How is the above table constructed? Start with the phase-lead compensator. Consider the third row. Give a value for a2, a 2 = 4 , which in dB:s is ( a2 ) dB = (4 )dB = 12 dB . Half of that is ( 2 ) dB = 6 dB , which is the value in the second column. a On the third column we see the additional phase max = 37 (= 36.8699 0) of the phase-lead compensator when a 2 = 4. Next determine the frequency at which the gain has approximately the value ( 2 )dB = 6dB , because the effect of phase-lead will add this much to the gain. The a corresponding frequency is = 22.2 rad / s and the gain -6.1 dB. These are seen in columns five and four respectively. It is further seen that the original phase margin at this frequency is phi = m = 12.7 o . This is displayed in the sixth column. Adding this to phimax = max of the third column gives the new phase margin phim = 'm = m + max = 12.7 0 + 369 0 = 49.6 0 , which is shown in the last . column. The phase margin is now enough. STEP 4 Since m =
1 4

1 = 22.2 rad/s and a 2 = 4 , we can solve : a2

= 22.4 or = 0.022.

Transfer function of the designed phase-lead network W(s) is

Heikki Koivo


numw=[0.088 1]; denw=[0.022 1]; w=tf(numw,denw); The open loop, compensated transfer function W(s)G(s) is calculated by wg=w*g; Plotting the Bode diagram of W(s)G(s) bode(wg) The result is given in Figure 4.7.
Bode Diagrams
From: U(1) 100 50

Phase (deg); Magnitude (dB)

0 -50 -100 -80 -100 To: Y(1) -120 -140 -160 -180 10
0 1 2



Frequency (rad/sec)

Fig.4. 7. The Bode diagram of the open-loop, phase-lead compensated transfer function W(s)G(s). Let us compare the Bode diagrams of the uncompensated and compensated systems by drawing them in the same figure, Figures 4.8. bode(kg,wg)

Heikki Koivo


Bode Diagrams
From: U(1) 100 50

Phase (deg); Magnitude (dB)

0 -50 -100 -80 -100 To: Y(1) -120 -140 -160 -180 10
0 1 2



Frequency (rad/sec)

Fig.4. 8. Bode diagrams of open-loop uncompensated and compensated magnitudes (above) and phases (below). Observe how the phase-lead compensator adds gain and at higher frequencies and phase in the middle frequencies. The closed-loop uncompensated (K=50) transfer function is calculated by: gcl=feedback(kg,1) Zero/pole/gain: 250 ---------------(s^2 + 5s + 250) The unit step response is obtained by t=linspace(0,3); y1=step(gcl,t) The closed-loop transfer function of the compensated system is computed similarly: gcl1=feedback(wg,1) Zero/pole/gain: 1000 (s+11.36) -------------------------------(s+17.44) (s^2 + 33.01s + 651.4) The step responses are plotted in the same figure, Fig.4.10: step(gcl,gcl1)

Heikki Koivo


Step Response
From: U(1) 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2


To: Y(1)

1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

Time (sec.)

Fig. 4.9. The step responses of the closed-loop systems, P-compensated (K=50) and the phase-lead compensated (--). The overshoot for the compensated system is slightly more than is required. This is due to the dominant pole approximation. Note how the phase-lead compensation makes the response faster. The system also becomes more susceptible to noise. The overshoot is 23% or almost what was required. Note the fast response that the phaselead compensated system produces. Recall that the phase-lag compensation slows the response compared with the original one.

Test the dominant pole assumption by computing the closed-loop roots. First transfer from zpk mode to tf-mode. tf(gcl1) Transfer function: 1000 s + 1.136e004 -----------------------------------s^3 + 50.45 s^2 + 1227 s + 1.136e004 Roots of the denominator are roots([1 50.45 1227 11360]) ans = -16.5034 +19.4652i -16.5034 -19.4652i -17.4432

Heikki Koivo


There are two complex poles, but the third pole clearly has a strong effect on the response. Checking also the zeros: roots([1000 11360]) ans = -11.3600 The zero is not very close to the pole p = -17.4439 but seems to cancel most of its effect, but not quite enough. This is probably the reason why the PO requirement was not satisfied right away. Let us finally draw the Bode diagram of the phase-lead compensator. numw=[0.088 1]; denw=[0.022 1]; w=tf(numw,denw); bode(w)
Bode Diagrams
From: U(1) 15


Phase (deg); Magnitude (dB)

0 40 30 To: Y(1) 20 10 0 0 10



Frequency (rad/sec)

Fig. 4.10. Bode diagram of phase lead compensator.

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