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Designing the physical enviroment of the classroom

Principles of classroom management

Reduce congestion in high traffic areas Distraction can often occur in high traffic areas that include group work areas, students desks, teacgers shelves. Computer stations. Separate these areas from each pthers and make sure they are easily accessible. Make sure that you can easily see all students

Arrangement style

Auditorium style All students sit facing the teacher that inhibits face to face student contacts and the teachers is free to move anywhere in the room. This style used when the teacher is making a presentation to the entire class. Face to face style

Able to see all students and make sure there is a clear line off sight between your desk,instructional locations, and all student work areas. Make often-used teaching materials and student supplies easliy accesible Minimizes preparation and clean up time as well as slowdowns and breaks in activity low Make sure that students can easily observe whole-class presentations Establish where you and your students will be located when whole class presentations take place. Students should not have to move thirs chairs or strech their necks

Students sit facing eacgh others. Offset style Small numbers of students(usually three of four)sit at tables but not sit diectly across from one another. Can be effectivly for cooperative learning activities.

Seminar style Larger numbers of students(10 or more) sit in circular. Square, or Ushaped arrangements. It is effetive when you want students to talk with each other or converse with you Cluster style Small numers of students(four to eight)work in small.closely bunched groups. It is effective for collaborative learning activities

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