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Ashley Stockton Jonathan Bowen Stephanie Walls Jenna Warriner

Population Growth
By: Ashley Stockton

Normal Map of the World

A Distorted Version Based on Population Distribution

Negative Effects on the Environment

Water Scarcity

Cropland Scarcity
Fish Scarcity Forest Scarcity Global Warming Species Extinction

Water Scarcity

Cropland Scarcity

Fish Scarcity

Forest Scarcity

Global Warming

Species Extinction


Incentives Economic Development

Air Quality and Pollution

By: Jonathan Bowen

1.the introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment

The Major Types of Air Pollution:

Gaseous Pollutants Greenhouse Effect

Acid Rain

Damage to the Ozone Layer

Particulate Matter

Climatic Effects

Gaseous Pollutants
Carbon dioxide,
Carbon monoxide, Hydrocarbons,

Nitrogen oxides,
Sulfur oxides Ozone
Burning Fossil Fuels

Greenhouse Effect

Acid Rain

Damage to the Ozone Layer

Particulate Matter

Climatic Effects

The Air Quality Index

Water Quality and Pollution

By Stephanie Walls

Where do cities get their water?

Organic Water Pollutants

Inorganic water pollutants

How can you prevent pollution and save water?

Take showers, not baths; dont let the water run when
you are not using it.

Purchase water saving toilets (or water displacement)

and sink faucets.

Fix leaks!! Dont pour toxic materials down the drain.

Dont pour old medicine down the drain.

Solid Waste Pollution

Whats in your garbage?

Most common: paper products
Junk mail, glossy magazines, computer print outs About 1% of solid waste is toxic Average American produces 4.6 lbs of trash per day Other products: wood, glass, rubber, metals, plastic, food scrapes, yard trimmings

Since 1960s billions of tons of trash have been buried
in disposal sites.

Sometimes protective liners are used Thin layers of dirt are spread over layers of waste Relatively stable; no decompositions occurs. Much contain hazardous chemicals; sometimes leaks
to aquifers and groundwater

Biodegradable products
Ability of some materials to break down naturally, safely,
and quickly disappear back into the environment.

How long does it take to Biodegrade?

Item Banana peel Paper Rope Time required to Biodegrade 2-10 days 2-5 months

Orange peel
Wool sock Cigarette butt Plastic-coated milk carton Aluminum can Plastic six-pack holder ring Glass bottle Plastic bottle 1 million years 1-5 years 1-12 years 5 years 80-100 years

Puts unwanted objects back to good use

Reduces amount of solid waste in landfills

How can you reduce your solid waste?

Buy products with least amount of packaging.

Buy recycled or recyclable products.

Use glass jars or plastic containers to store food Recycle!! Dont throw electronics, batteries, fluorescent lights

Start a compost pile.

Chemical Pollution & Hazardous Waste

By: Jenna Warriner





# 1 Source of Mercury is. Coal-fired power plants

Other Chemical Pollutants



The Different Sources of Radiation

Of most concern to health are gamma rays---powerful enough to penetrate objects and break molecular bonds---produced by radioactive sources such as nuclear weapons, nuclear energy plants, and radon gas. Nuclear power, when it was first developed as an alternative to oil and coal, was promoted as clean, efficient, inexpensive and safe!

Take Steps to Avoid Radiation

Get X-rayed only when absolutely necessary!
Record date and location of X-rays Follow Surgeon Gen.s recommendation for radon

Be informed about nearby radioactive sites



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